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02-03-25 02:07 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jedi Master Desroth
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Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 11-30-05 12:03 PM, in Soul Calibur 3 Link
Listen... Soul Edge and Soul Caliber (the dark and good swords) are fused together. This was because Siegfried shoved his SOUL CALIBER into the Soul Edge to rid the world of its power. When Zasalamel shows up to get the 2 swords, he absorbs both of them. THEN He spits out Soul Edge or Soul Caliber. Now tell me, how come SOUL EDGE come out as SOUL EDGE, but SOUL CALIBER comes out as a wussy ass sword (and not Siegfrieds Soul Edge). IT MAKES NO SENSE!!! ZOMG AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Oh, and if you did not realize, Soul Edge and Soul Caliber take on the weapon type each character uses. That is why Kilik picks up Soul Caliber and gets a rod, and also why Astraoth picks up Soul Edge and gets a giant Axe (Or Tira getting her ring). There is no true form to either sword, they take the form of whoever posses them (and the weapon type they use).

On another note, could you put up a detailed path on how to face the transformed Nightmare by any chance?
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 11-30-05 03:15 PM, in Soul Calibur 3 Link
Hmmm... I always thought whoever won the tournament got Soul Caliber , so how can anyone say they own the REAL caliber?As I remeber, Inferno in 2 has the Caliber weapon, and you have to beat him to take the weapon.

But you know the jackpot of weapon types? The souviner weapons XD, lol. They suck, but you will be sweet wielding em (until you get killed by your enemy who has a Caliber or Edge weapon, or any other weapon for that matter)

Oh, and dont play Lizardman unless your really good... His range sucks, and overall he isnt a very well thought out character..
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 12-05-05 09:34 PM, in Open Battle - The Girl Against all Human Kind Link
Amoung the chaos and destruction, a man walked unhindered. He was wrapped in a cloak, which was odd since it wasnt very cold outside. The energy rain cascaded across the park, destroying nearly everything it touched. The man however was unphased. The rain seemed to cascade off of him on some sort of a energy field.

Children screamed in agony as their flesh seemed to melt off their bodies, and men wimpered on the ground from loss of appendages. This would have to end, or this whole area would be destroyed.

The long sleeve drape of the cloak fell down to his side, as a silvery white sword blade appeared. The man looked up, the cloak falling back. His face was revealed, and his long plantinum hair cascaded down to his shoulders.

Then he heard it. Someones mind was trying to push into his own. It was amusing that one would try to do this, but he had to learn who was doing this. He let the other voice in, cutting in on something about meeting in the gardens.

He would have to do that, but first their was the matter of this sphere thing. He looked straight upwards at it, as his cloak began to waft in a breeze. It suddenly flew off, as his wings extended, and shoot him upwards. He flew straight up at the sphere, raising his sword. He drove it into the top of the dome, muttering a few inchorent words in a form of latin that had never been heard of before.

The sphere began to suck into the sword, all of its power being absorbed into the blade. When it was done, the sword was still glowing green. Desroth knew it would take a while for the sword to be able to absorb anything fully again.

Desroth wheeled in the sky, and headed towards the gardens. The sight that greeted him was that of destruction and death. Whoever this person was, she was tormented soul who needed to be put out of her misery before she destroyed life itself.

Desroth was wearing his standard garb. A white X-Law unifrom, modified so it did not have the insignia. On Desroth's right hip was a crystal, deep purple and full of energy. His eyes were silvery, and seemed to float about and see all without seeing all (around him). Desroth stood before the woman, before adressing her

"So, you caused all this death and destruction? Well, your twisted humor ends here once and for all! Prepare yourself, YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY TO DESTRUCTION! MAKE YOUR TIME! HA HA HA!"

A cricket sounds, and someone in the dieing crowd coughs

"Gee, tough crowd...Well, bring it on!"

Desroth stood, holding the sword at his side. He turned so the side his sword was on faced the woman. He was ready to defend in any direction at a moments notice.

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 12-06-05 12:34 AM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-04-06 09:39 PM, in Help! Need New DS Game! Link
I know it is a GBA game, but FF 4 FTW all the way. For DS games, Kirby and the Canvas Curse is solid gold, and if you like puzzels, get Polarium. Mario Kart is a must have, the game has been revamped (and the d-pad controls no longer suck), but if you want extreme raceing, go for Burntout Legends DS. Or you can go old school and get the Atari Set for the DS. I never did really like the Castlevania series, so I cant recomend you to get it, but I also cant tell you not to get it.


Final Fantasy 4 (GBA)
Kirby and the Canvas Curse (DS, and is really fun to play. It is like a way better version of Yoshi Touch and Go)
Polarium (DS, awsome puzzle game. Oh, also check out Meteos)
Mario Kart (DS)
Burnout Legends (DS)
Atari Collection (DS)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-17-06 09:34 PM, in The War of the Magi Link
Name: Scian (his last name is not known)
Age: 20 (about)
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Alliance: Human
Hair color: Silver
Eye Color: A sharp shade of Silver, but due to something in his past, may turn to purple.

Small background as to why his eyes change: When he was younger, he stumbled upon a young Esper (atleast young looking, he could have been a few hundered years old). Being told that they were evil, he killed the defensless Esper. As he wiped his hands clean from the blood, he noticed he couldnt remove it. It sank into his hands, giving him the power of Magic. He is profecient in both Elemental and Enchanting magics. He is in the employee of the Leader of the Emperial Army, and is at ready at a moments notice for the call to arms.

Scian seemed agitated as he moved through the corridor. He strode quickly through the hall way towards the leaders room, weaving past the mechanical droids carrying out their programming.

He rounded the corner, and saw the room he wanted. The door was slightly more ornate then the other doors, indicating it was the leaders personel chambers. He was about to rap on the door when a boy stopped him.

"Scian, DONT go barging in there! Sorcha has been out batteling and is very tired!" Yushi said with a stern voice.

Scian scowled at the boy, but then he decided that he was not one to take out his frustration on. Sorcha had gone on without him, and had come back severley weakend.

"Fine then Yushi, ill just wait for her in her room then. Now run along and get back to your lab work..." Scian said as he pushed passed the boy.

The door slide open silently, as light filtered onto the sleeping girl on the bed. Scian move silently to a seat on the far side of the room, and placed himself down. He must have waited for a hour, but he had gradually fallen asleep. His head slipped back slightly as he slept in the chair.

OOC: Ah, I glazed over that you arent in your room, but you get the picture, lol.

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 01-18-06 02:10 PM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-18-06 06:15 PM, in The War of the Magi Link
Scian snapped awake, drawing his mechanicaly driven pistol from his holster.

He pointed it at Sorcha, before realizing that he wasnt in the dream anymore. He hurridly placed the gun back into its holster, as it let off a small amount of steam.

"Ah, I didnt mean to fighten you like that. I did not expect you to be awake yet, you looked very tired out."

Scian stood, his hair wafting gently. He looked down at the girl, his eyes passing over her. He couldnt stay mad at her, but he did care for her well being.

"You went out there, didnt you? The war has begun, and the Espers are not takeing this lightly, not one bit. I have heard rumors that a particuarly well guarded Esper escaped not to long ago... I dont like this one bit, so please dont go running out there and getting yourself killed or worse off... "

Scian remebered the day he killed the young Esper, how it screamed in pain before its eyes closed in the sweet embrace of death.

How could he sit there and allow her to be killed mercerlessly by the Espers...

"I guess... All im trying to say is... Atleast tell me before you leave again. Our normal soldiers wont stand a chance against a Esper assasin or army."

With that he turned to the door, as it hissed quietly open. Desroth turned his head back to look at Sorcha from the corner of his eye, before walking out of the door.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-20-06 10:16 PM, in Impulse Tournament Link
Counts me in on this. Maybe Ill like the character I get and keep him for later, lol.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-22-06 10:10 AM, in Modern Consoles : Which console makers do you prefer? Link
Heh, 360 didnt even win in the current consoles. NFS BE is out for the 360. Take a screen from that and place it next the Burnout Revenge for PS2 screen. and you will see that the 360 is a little sharper thanks to high def. Yes folks, you get a small amount more of camera flare and maybe 1 pixel more in the background.

It is hard to compare the current X-box and PS2. PS2 has been out the longest, while X-Box is relatively new. In terms of games, PS2 takes the cake. PS2 (in my opinion) has had much more fun games on it then X-Box does. Can you play Shadow of the Colosuss on the Box? But at the same time, can you play Halo on the PS2? Overall, PS2 wins it for me.

Again, another tie. Some say X-Box, but PS2 has had leaps and bounds in graphics. PS2 may not have been built for graphics like the X-Box was, but PS2 has surprised us with awsome graphics. I like Both in this respect.

I guess it I lean towards PS2 more then X-Box, but I like both. PS3 takes it for me, but 360 has its ups. The Revolution might be cool if they make the controller move the reticles on screen...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-25-06 09:53 PM, in Impulse Tournament Link
I hope the Weapon Masters tourney dies soon... There hasnt been any activity I have seen on it. I just want to say good luck to Elara in advance, this tourney will be very interesting to say the least!
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-26-06 04:03 PM, in Impulse Tournament Link
Thats what is happening, my be blind or something, lol. The normal battles seemed to stop, so I was wondering about that. Dint see the wild card fights though.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-26-06 04:20 PM, in total annihilation Link
I own the original game, and it is sweet. It use to bog my comp down becuase it was so demanding on my old old comp. This game actually intrdouced the fact that you need to build a more advanced factory to build better units, and also the first game to introduce a main unit commander that was your strongest unit to start. This game also introduced hard core unit speed. Just cause your a walking mech doesnt mean that you can run full tilt. This game was teh woots back in the day, and still is in my book.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-28-06 10:48 PM, in The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny Link
Hah, ill take it on RIGHT NOW! *caution, dont read spoiler till you watch!!!


Godzilla, Batman, Shaqil o neil, Arron Carter, Abreham Lincoln, Optimus Prime, Indian Jones, Jackie Chan, Care Bear, Chuck Norris, Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Monty Python and the Holy Grails Black Knight, Benito Mussolini, Blue Meanie, Cowboy Curtis, Janbi The Genie, Robocop, Terminator, Captain Krik, Darth Vader, Lo Pan, Superman, Every single power ranger, Bill S. Preston, Thedore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc. Oc, Hulk Holgan, Mr. Rogers

Random people not in song, but in the flash:
Jawa, R2D2, C3PO, Goku, Sonic, Scruff Mcgruff, Mario, Civilians, Car from Back to the Future, Santa, Snakes, and a few others.

Free cookie plz...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-29-06 09:32 PM, in The War of the Magi Link
Scian ran after Sorcha, who had a lead on him. He burst through the door, and was almost thrown back from the explosion of the blocked blast.

As he regained his composure, he saw the Esper responsible for the attack.

"The King of Espers, isnt it?"

He turned to Sorcha

"Why would he attack us openly like this? He has no back up to speak of..."

Scian ran forward, towards Saijin, as he leaped into the air. A black mass formed under Scian, as it began to take shape. A black drake (half the size of a full grown drake, but still more then enough to carry 2 people easily) appeared below Scian, lifting him into the air.

He soared up into the air on the drake, swooping around Saijin in order to tail him.

He hoped Sorcha would catch on to the pincer move he was setting up, as a ball of fire appeared in his hand.

EDIT to Saijin: Scian dislikes useing mecha to aid him, but he does have a mechanical pistol with a few shots in it. He is human, but knows magic, so I balanced it with not useing tek suits. In the rare event he does use a tek suit, he can not use magic in the suit. He would have to exit the suit in order to use his magic, and the tek armor will have its "magic" beams weakened.

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 01-30-06 09:09 AM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-30-06 08:21 PM, in The War of the Magi Link
"You think the birds will actually hit me? We built them, so they will obey US!"

Desroth waved his left hand, as the birds broke off and spiraled around Scian. He wasnt about to turn down a little help, even if it was from a mech. As he wheeled upward after Saijin, he saw he had launched a attack at Sorcha.

He was torn. Go after the one Esper that could end this war if he was killed, or save the one he was charged to protect.

"Damnit, I cant just abandon my duty... Vmo, Knayd Tnyga uv dra Cryta!"

The Drakes eyes glowed fiercley, as Scian began to tremble. He felt the drake pulling power from himself, as it began to accelerate. It flew up at Saijin, before sharply diveing down. Scian continued flying at Saijin, as the drake dove down to Sorcha.

Scian brought his fist at Saijin. The fire he had in his hand blumed around his fist, and he was going to clock Saijin.

The drake on the other hand pulled ahead of the blast, and pulled up, flying close enough so that Sorcha could grab its leg and be pulled to saftey.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-30-06 09:02 PM, in World of Warcraft Link
I play, and I can say this game does take skill if you are a spell caster. Yes, anyone can stand there and click the attack icon and use a combo move, but aside from the melee classes, it takes real skill. I got a level 13 lock on deathwing, and I just did my first Warsong Gulch. That was some intense fighting, but it was worth the rewards though. Here is my profile.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-30-06 09:25 PM, in KKND (Krush Kill N Destroy) Link
Does anyone remeber this classic PC game from the golden years, back when Command And Conquer was the big dog on the RTS market, and other RTS's where comeing into being? About the same time (earlier then TA I do believe), was a game called KKND. It had several expansions, non of which recieved the credit they should have. In this game, you could play as one of 2-3 sides; humans, outlaws, and mutants (or something like that). Each race had a unique set of units, each with their strengths and weakness's. Mutants used archers, humans had machine gunners, etc. I dont remeber much of this game, since I think it was stolen along with my original genesis (one from the first day launch, fuskin packing people stealin it...). Anywho, anyone else play these excellent games?
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-30-06 09:29 PM, in NEW DS Link
WTF? What is Nintendo doing??? Do they seriously think people will be more inclined to by the slim line DS if they already didnt like the original? I own a DS, and I can say that they arent that bulky, infact, I like the bigger face when I play so I dont have my hands cupped around a small piece of plastic for hours.

So, what are they planning on doing with this thing? Are they upgradeing it with extra stuff out of the box, or is it just a slimmer DS? If there is nothing better about it but size, Nintendo is going to suck the hard one blowing all that money on production of the slim DS....
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-31-06 09:24 PM, in You Resurrected a Zombie...Congratulations! Link
I would rent him as a sex slave and make lots of money from it (necrophiliacs dont get a chance to have sex with something that is sorta "alive" but dead).

Yeah, or maybe...

Go to Wendy's and get a bowl of chili, break off his finger, and place it in the Chili, and sue for billons of dollars, whahaha.

Or I could dress him up as a clown and he could be like IT from that movie. Nothin scarier then a mindless zombie clown in the room with someone.

Or I could cut out the middle man and catapult him into a wood chipper XD
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 01-31-06 09:28 PM, in The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny Link
Chuck Norris lost because he round house kicked Vin Diesel in the face, breaking his good kicking leg. He had to use his other leg, thats why he was killed. But I think Shaq shouldve won, becuase he is Shaq and he has SHAQ FU!! He will punchizize your face, while Norris kicks you in the nuts!

But if your a true beliver, Norris didnt loose, that implies he is weak. He preformed a tactical retreat, in order to surprise attack them all from behind!!!
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 02-07-06 06:52 PM, in The War of the Magi Link
OOC: I am able to use magic due to my past dealings with a Esper. If you look, I said I can use magic, but since I can use magic, I dont use mecha or technology. Consider me partially Esper, but mostly human, despised on both sides who fear and loath Espers and Humans.

Desroth's eyes widened in terror as his attack did absoloutly nothing to Saijin, but in actuallity added him. Desroth pulled his hands back, to guard himself from the attack, but to little avail.

Saijin's fist connected, slamming Desroths hands back into his face, providing some protection. He carrened downward, smashing into a guardshack, sending the guards scrambling.

His head was spinning from the impact, and his whole body was acheing. He smelled smoke, and noticed that his clothing was on fire from the impact. He struggled to pull the water from the busted pipes to put out the flames.

He shoved the ruble off of himself, as he staggered to his feet. There was a clear difference in their strength, but Desroth couldnt give up.

"Saijin, I see you are as strong as they say... But you are going to be stopped here and know..."

Desroth pulled on the energy of nature around him, refreshing some of his aches, but he still hurt like a mother...
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jedi Master Desroth

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