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02-03-25 02:12 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jedi Master Desroth
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User Post
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-21-05 11:50 AM, in ATTACK OF THE 1337 SPEAK!!!! RUN!!! Link
i use a different form of 1337 that doesnt use any letters at all, making it all the more confusing.

A: 4
B: 8
C: <
D: 1)
E: 3
F: 9#
G: 6
H: #
I: !
J: ;
K: 1<
L: 1
M: |/|
N" |/
O: 0
P" 9
Q: q (it doesnt have a symbol translation)
R: 12
S: 5
T: 7
U: |_|
V: /
W: / /
X: ><
Y: ' /
Z: z (doesent have a translation)

well, okay, it does have some letters, but they are ones u aint gonna use alot...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-21-05 11:59 AM, in Whack-A-Clone: Ryjet vs Self Clones; Endless Link
Clone 1's punch is stopped, but the force packed behind it slightly damages Grey. Clone 2's attack is knocked off course, and almost hits the top of Grey's head. Grey then throws Clone 1 into clone 2. as they flump to the floor, clone 2 is impaled on clone 1's sword in a miraculous way. they both go up in smoke as 3 more teleport in.

Clone 1 and 2: Both of them run straight towards Grey, and go invisible. They both jump to the side and try attacking from oppisite directions.

Clone 3: He runs straight towards Grey preparing another Heavy Punch and goes invisible part way towards Grey. He is aiming straight for the face.

Grey: |||||||||||||l (14.5)
Clone 1: ||||| (5)
Clone 2: ||||| (5)
Clone 3: ||||| (5)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-24-05 11:51 AM, in Give and Ye Shall Recieve Link
well, if your going high speed cable to high speed cable, it is pretty good, but high to dial up takes forever in aim. they cant recieve at the rate u send it... Bittorent comes straight through your internet (or so i have heard), not through a small program. it isnt limited to a rate it can download, which can make for some awsome speeds, especially if u do it in the morning or over night. i did it in the morning, and downloaded 3 full eps of naruto in about a hour... can anyone give me keywords to search with to find anime of any kind?? that should get rid of the problem of links flying around, lol
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-26-05 01:18 PM, in Prelude Of Eternity: Desroth's Story Link
Hey all, this is the first 2 stories about Desroth, my main character, and Scian, my lesser character. This one is the story featuring Desroth.
The rain came down as if good shattered the windows of heaven. The underbrush and ferns rustled as the wind howled across the valley. As the storm raged on, the relative silence of the storm was broken by the sounds of screaming. The lone village nestled in the valley shattered, the ground warping into a darkness for which there was no escape. The screaming silenced almost as quickly as it began, only to be filled by a low laugh. A shadowy figure in the village clearing turned away from the clearing and walked away, leaving only a small emblem behind. It glimmered in the lightning above, before glowing in a dark light of demonic aura.

-A Day Later-
The low hum of the forest fills the air as life begins to wake up all over the forest once more. The peace that had resettled over the entire valley was broken by a low thumping of rotors. Three helicopters fly in low over the treeline. To be more exact, they were three custom Blackhawk millitary helicopters built and commisioned for the Dead-Six. They were top secret goverment program enlisted to protect the world from the darkness that, for milleniums, threatend to crush the Earth. As the Blackhawks circled over the clearing, it became clear to what extent the operation had been carried out. The clearing was filled with many bio suited people analyzing the clearing with ancient artifacts and modern technology. As the helicopters circle around for the final time before their decent, the side door of the main helicopter cracks open. A figure stood at the doorway, his red eyes shifting over the scene, as his jet black hair wiped wildly about in the downwash of the helicopter. As he sureveys the clearing, on thought runs through his head;
"What the hell happenend here?"

Chapter 1: The Beggining
The helicopters circled as they decended into the clearing, their downwash kicking up dust and rocks as they touched down. The man jumped off the Blackhawk, followed by a fre

(Last edited by Desroth on 04-26-05 07:06 PM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-28-05 01:45 PM, in Where is your alignment? (KOTORs) Link
i answer however i want to, but the first time is all good. i needed to use Cure and Heal alot. although i do use 2 red lightsabers (a regular and short). at any rate, the second time im playing it, im evil to teh core. im a melee master, and ive mastered duel weilding, and mastered saber use, so im a tank.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-28-05 03:51 PM, in New Meaning for Hard ... Sidescrollers Link
i know this is going to be off topic, but if u like that type of game, and u got a GC, pick up Ikarauga. Its bottom to top scrolling, but with a new demsnison. you have 2 sides, Dark and Light, and you gotta switch between the two. Dark is immune to dark, and light immune to light. ive played this game at Toys-R-Us one day, and i gotta say its pretty good. It takes time to get use to how fast you gotta switch to kill people, but that justs makes the game more rewarding. On this topic, i played Earthworm Jim, a platform shooter. it was on the genesis and later on the N64. that game was fun, but sadly i had to give it up to make room for the N64 and my PS, followed by the PS getting unplugged and the N64 and X-Box hooked up. i gotta buy me a box so i can switch on the fly and not screw with the cords behind my tv... one last thing, the original pitfall is teh w00t and so is Excitebike.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-02-05 06:12 PM, in Prelude Of Eternity: Desroth's Story Link
Chapter 1: The Beggining
The helicopters circled as they decended into the clearing, their downwash kicking up dust and rocks as they touched down. The man jumped off the Blackhawk, followed by a contingent of blue suits dispatched to cover the perimeter. The man passed several bio suit men sweeping the area with metal detectors, as he approached the HQ of the whole operation. It was a rather simple get up, a small tent with plastic tarp making the roof and the walls. On all sides, the tarp was tied back, revealing the two men pouring over various arieal survalence, magic readouts of the local area, and the geography of the area. One of the men looked up as the mysterious man approached them.
>more coming, sorry everyone who is reading this, but i gotta go...<
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-03-05 05:01 PM, in i suppose i need a fight... Link
*The air lay still as if it were being held tight by a galatic power to large to be fully understood. The moon leared upon the land, its soft light illuminating a meadow teaming with fireflies. A man strode through the knee high grass, his cloak effortlesly gliding over the grass behind him. He stopped near the exact middle of the field, and gazed upwards into the moon. His eyes were motionless, as if he was lost in thought.*

So beautiful, it is sad it must witness such a act of violence that will take place here

*Desroth closed his eyes, as his shoulder length platnium silver hair glowed faintly in the moon light. His aura was a light white/silver mix, and it gently wafted on the air current. Desroth reached into his pocket, grasping a small emblem, not much bigger then 2 gold medals combined. He slowly moved his head down, and opened his eyes, taking in its mysteries, but at the same time answering his questions.*

This is the only way. As I am now, i have no hope of winning against any opponent...

*Desroth raised the emblem into the air, as a strange blood red aura began to glow around his closed hand. After a few moments, he grinned for absolutley no reason. He brought his arm down, and slammed the emblem into the ground. The aura exploded, as a strange pentagram encircle him. Its power sent a shockwave across the grass, flatenning it into a soft mat. The energy from the emblem shot straight up around Desroth, way into the heavens above. As the light faded, Desroths appearance had changed. No longer was he wearing the cape, he was wearing a rather light looking armor, but it coursed with a strange power which hinted all was not as it seemed. His hair was no longer long and platnium, but spiked with black and red tips. His eyes glowed with the fires of hell, as he glanced across the field. His hatred could be felt from this distance, as his enemy approached...*

1. no god mod
2. 3 day post limit
3. summon are not allowed
4. anyone may fight (even people i have already fought)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-03-05 05:24 PM, in Broadcasting New for you: Uncontrollable Idiot Link
okay dude, you laughed your ass off when we did the whole thing... it got done, and without me, you would never figure out that the thing needed to be unpaused LOL... damn tape recorder.... maybe u could post it as a sound file on a web site via the comp... it sounds freakin awsome with the effect Beo added. hope u got a A on it.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-03-05 05:37 PM, in Your Favorite Neverwinter Nights class Link
i thought i would make this thread to see what classes people like in NW. i personally like the Arcane Archer class. why you may ask? well, its a perfect combo of classes. Elf race or Half-Elf, Ranger, and the ability to cast level 1 arcane magic. This class is the best when you have your levels in those classes to the point you can summon familiars. you almost always have 2 guys to back you up. the best choice is usually a combo of Faerie Dragon and Bear (great magic attack, and strong attack/def.) on top of the familiar, the Arcane Archer can enchant arrows, so they have a stronger base attack, or add acid, fire, poisoin, etc to the arrows. This class can be and is deadly, your mastery in Longbows increases your strength with them, and you can also weapon finese in long bows so your uber strong with longbow. combined with good armor, a great longbow, and your familiars and magic, your pretty much set to take on just about anything with ease. This class is mostly overlooked unless your a Ranger or some form of mage. im pretty much betting i can pretty much kill even a Red Dragon Disciple with high enough levels in the 3 classes and a awsome Longbow.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-04-05 12:13 PM, in i suppose i need a fight... Link
*Desroth chuckled at her words, but after a few seconds, he became serious. He eyed Evo (can i use that as a shortened named?) and what she had equiped. He noticed the Fire Gem around her neck and in the broadsword. He came up with a new idea.*

Okay then, if you want to make this a none death match, place up the Fire Emblem around your neck for the winner. It would make a great addition to my collection. But enough talk, lets get to the point.

*Desroth drew his great broadsword Arzul, and easily wielded it in one hand. It looked to be atleast a ton in wieght, but its aura made it light as a feather. He placed it in front of himself, the length of the blade pointing at Evo. As the moon struck it, the darkness around them pressed in, as a blood red aura flowed down off of it and onto the ground. Desroth spun the blade back, and held it next to his body as he ran straight towards Evo. When he got withing 5 feet, he left the ground, bringing the sword up towards Evo.*

Vorpal Blades.

*As Desroth was swinging his sword up, 3 more swords appear around Evo, and all slice in different ways at Evo.*

Vorpal Blades: As Desroth fights with his sword, he can make 3 other swords of his aura appear around the target and slash at them. Usually, this attack catchs opponents of guard who think they are only fighting off 1 sword.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-04-05 01:58 PM, in i suppose i need a fight... Link
Seeing as how that is a Fire Emblem, I would guess it is something to do with fire. But that all really doesnt matter to me...

*He simplied step out of the way of the sword aimed at his eye, and watched as the wave swept towards him.*

Now , to avoid this and see what all this really is.

*Arzul glows with its same blood red color, as Desroth stands in the waves direct path. A shot of dark black energy shoots up the blade, as Desroth holds the sword into the air. Its dark power makes the blade grow another foot, as the moon becomes enshrouded by clouds. The darkness covers the field, as Desroth closes his eyes. He brings the blade straight down into the ground. The ground shatters and erupts into the air, as the swords blood red aura shoots up from the ground. It forms a sharp edge, sharper then even Arzul's blade. As the attack sweeps across the blade, it is split in half around the blade. The invisible attack wraps behind Desroth, missing him completly.*

Okay, now that it is out of the way. I will wager my Dark Sol Sword.

*Desroth waves his hand as the sword appears in front of him. It looks almost like Arzul, except for the handle. It has a much smaller hand guard. Its power is almost as strong as Arzul.*

This sword was my freinds. He gave it to me a long time ago, and I have never seen him since... Use it for whatever you wish. Absorb its power and discard the sword, or keep it. Now then, tell me what this wave is. There is no way its just plan energy, it has to be some sort of fire.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-04-05 05:16 PM, in i suppose i need a fight... Link
*Desroths eyes burn with the fire only seen by looking into a active volcano. The sword levitated down into Desroth's left hand, as he raised it to point at Evo.*

I swear if you did kill him, I shall beat you to a inch within your immortal exsistance.

*Desroth straightend up, and brought the sword back to his side*

As for the heat, it wouldnt bother me in the slightest.

*As he said this, the grass around him began to darken, as little balls of fire appeared on the tips. Desroth smiled, as the balls of fire erupted into a inferno around him, the temperature exceding way above 10000 degrees. The inferno engulfed a area about 3 feet around, and a clear blue flame could be seen in the middle of the firey orange flames. It was where the most concentrated heat was. The inferno raged for about 5 minutes until it finnaly broke, as the flames subsided. Desroth stood there unfazed, looking straight into Evo's eyes.*

As you can see, heat and flames dont really faze me. I guess growing up in hell would do that to you. As you can see, that is why I wish to aquire a item such as your Fire Emblem or your wedding ring. The power from either of them will boost my strength to unimaginable levels. Also, you may want to know, if you havent already figured this out, I can purify and absorb fire into my body and turn it straight into extra energy for anything I need. I can almost do the same with heat, but I havent quite figured out how to convert it into energy. So far ive become immune to just about any amount of heat or flames. Now that you know this, how will you fight me. Your strongest weapon has a fire gem in it, and your Fire Emblem is fire. Im quite sure I could drain both of power by touching them, but I have never really tried. I guess there is a first time for everything, now isnt there. Ill let you make your move, I dont like to pick up a fight after someone doesnt attack.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-04-05 05:36 PM, in Dave Chappelle Link
OMG! this is the most hilarious Chapelle Show short ever. You gotta look it up, or if you hold on, ill get the link. If you look it up, look it up as "The Niggar Family clip" and you should find it.

I knows better then to get between a Niggar and his pork!

your the laziest Niggar ive ever seen!

good times... youll see how funny it is once you see it... with normal description, it sounds racists, but once you see it, youll see why its not racist and is funny.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-04-05 05:41 PM, in Suicide Link
Ive never concieved that anything was worth killing myself over... But i guess if i did want to kill my self, i would do it so it looks like someone murdered me, so my enemys life is screwed over... or i would just Kurt Cobain myself infront of a elementary school out for recess... im evil... and im going to rule hell when i get there... or i will haunt you when im a ghost... BWHAHAHAHA!! PH3AR M3!
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-04-05 05:53 PM, in Space Marine, or the Duke? Link
On this subject, i would have to go with the Space Marine. He stood up to the very evil of hell and came out alive. He faced imps, trites, pinky demons, and he slaughted them. He faced Hell Knights and fragged them. He faced the large stinky Mancubus, and butched them. He killed the big boss bad ass demon in hell, and came back. What is the worst Nukem face? some cops that are pigs??? im sorry, the marine could vaproize Nukem with his BFG (Big F*****g Gun). Nukem isnt anywhere close to the space marine. WOOT WOOT! YOU GO GUY!
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-04-05 06:01 PM, in Discordinomicon!!! Link
wtf? this is the weirdest religion ever dude. when you grow up, you should become part of the Liberated Anarchist political group. So, are there any punishments in this principle? like if you break a law, do you get wipped, cut, smacked? all good religion need some sort of punishments for rule breaking. also, this seem almost like its wicken, by some of the principles stated here. its just how its all worded that make it sound like that... if this could get more of a following, it would be a great religion for hackers and goths..
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-04-05 06:29 PM, in Where is your alignment? (KOTORs) Link
games like KOTOR reward players on both sides. If you play Light side, you can use alot of Cure powers, keeping your health high. You also have alot of protection from the other things, like the force and weapons. the dark side has all the force strike. they can easily cut threw swaths of enemies quickly with mastered force lightning. the best thing ive found in KOTOR 1 is to play ALL light all the way until the unknown world. pick up some dark side powers along the way, and when you meet Bastila on the planet, tell her your the new Sith Lord. BOOM! instant crapload of dark side. you should be about neutral, so you will use both sides without using more force for each side. It might also be good to get Bastila some good dark side so when you get her back as evil, she will have a huge advantage when you face Malak...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-04-05 06:47 PM, in Where is your alignment? (KOTORs) Link
thats why u go good until you meet Bastilia on the unknown world. when you talks to her, u tell her ur the new Sith Lord. you get a huge shift towards dark, and u should be neutral if u were all good. i like playing how i play, but i usually end up being a neutral chara (i pick the one thats good, but i get payed a little for it.)... my second time like i said i was all evil. the one downside is that you gotta have alot of health kits, cause your cure and health restore powers will cost to much to use... that sucks when ur not with bastilia or any other jedi.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-05-05 03:23 AM, in i suppose i need a fight... Link
*Desroth watched the spectacle, as it drew ever closer to his position.*

Both Fire AND Water huh? Well, as i remeber, heat evaporates water, and fire can be put out with rain. Ill just have to find a way to evaporate your hurricane so it will rain on the heat and disapate it. All im cocerned about really is the ice...

*Desroth raised a clenched fist into the air, and smashed it into the ground. using his aura, he controlled the smash so it made a perfectly round hole about 4 feet deep and 4 feet across. Inside the hole, Desroth crouched down and placed his hand on the bottom of it. the same inferno shot up out of the hole, engulfing the entire hole. It raised up like a point about 50 feet over the ground. the heat being expelled was making the air temperature rise. The closer the hurricanes get, the more they will evaporate to the point they will totally disappear. Also, the heat from the tornado will be negated by the heat of Desroths flames. along with the spike of flame, underground cracks shoot towards Evo. inside them is a stream of aura heading straight for Evo.*

*inside the inferno, and cant be heard by anyone else* she wont know what hit her.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jedi Master Desroth

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