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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by X Marks the Spot
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User Post
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:11 PM, in Scans! Link
I really like the Kagome one...

Those are some nice drawings...

I wish I had a scanner.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:13 PM, in New to Xeogaming Link
*Pelts Shadowdude with sunflower seeds*

Welcome, [insert new user's name here] to Xeogaming Forums...

X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:15 PM, in New Game Trivia Link
Vamp, Fatman, Lucky Chick, and that other guy.

Yeah... I'm not possitive, but I just might be wrong about those...
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:22 PM, in X-box Live (Gamer Tags) Link
Well, mine was Gunner0999 or just Gunner... I can't remember...

I haven't had X-box Live for like 2 years now.

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 09-02-05 05:22 PM)
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 09-02-05 02:25 PM, in Kurt Cobain Link
Geeogree: I am an asshole! Ban my ass!


Yeah... Well, yeah, I think it was just suicide, nothing more.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 09-08-05 01:28 PM, in I challenge Mika... (The elipses makes it mysterious) Link
dunnoI stuff and things, Ummm... W5758e're fighting in a place, with7
I want to fight Shaddow 58758is just because I don't like Shaddow,,,

We're in the future, or the past, either one works, and I'm using the Internet... I mean, Aviary...
And Namely the 4875r87eason 258758

Translation: I dunno, you can pick a location and a time, I want to fight Shaddow, because I don't like Shaddow...

And, ummm... I'm using my character, Aviary... (I can make trees grow)

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 09-08-05 04:31 PM)
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 09-22-05 07:56 PM, in Am I crazy? Link
Originally posted by Evo
Anyone who listens to the same thing over and over is crazy. Yes. And annoying.

W00t! I'm annoying!!!

Although I think Rogue's lesbian neighbor has me beat...

You know what the funny thing is? It's that I'm still not sick of that song, even after having listened to it so much... That's why I voted crazy.
X Marks the Spot
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 09-30-05 09:36 PM, in Wikipedia...Xeogaming... Link
Yeah, well, now go look at it...

X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 09-30-05 09:59 PM, in Wikipedia...Xeogaming... Link
Look again...

Don't cross me Spartan, I know where you go to school... And Jexim knows where you live...
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 11-03-05 04:01 PM, in I have nothing better to do... Link
- Post Edited by DarkSlaya in PMA because of Lag -

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 11-03-05 07:05 PM)
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 11-03-05 04:08 PM, in OMEGA IP BAN Link
- Post edited by DarkSlaya in PMA, because of lag -

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 11-03-05 07:12 PM)
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 11-12-05 03:17 PM, in Just curious... Link

Hahaha... ehahahaha... Haha... Ha...

Anyway, I found this forum because I'm always in "Online users" so one day somebody was in Xeoland, and I'm all like "Where the hell is that?" so I clicked on it, and here I am...

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 11-12-05 06:17 PM)
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 11-12-05 03:32 PM, in You The Man Now Dog! Link
That was AWESOME!!!1

The Pokemon one was freaking awesome...

Also the Naruto and Sasuke one was hilarious.

X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 11-14-05 01:23 PM, in Hey Zabuza, it's your birthday! Shake your... OK, don't shake that... Link

Happy B day?

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 11-15-05 03:44 AM)
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 11-18-05 11:02 AM, in Would you put your brain in a robot body? Link
Well, the winning side of course...

And Cairoi, if you had thermal detonators in your arm, then your arm would explode.

Anyway, I would totally keep my brain to my own organic body... Unless... I could jump off buildings and turn invisible, ooooh, and the laserbeams that would come out of my elbows... Yeah... That would be cool.

But, other than that Humans pwn Robots!
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 11-18-05 11:13 AM, in So I got mooned today... Link

That was a good laugh, it's hard to imagine that people do things that stupid...

And, who moons a bus?? This isn't freaking Beavis and Butt-Head, it's reallife people.

Anyway, I have been lucky enough to have never experienced such trauma.

Lucky me...
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 12-02-05 04:22 PM, in Randomness Link
"If I had a quarter for every time I've run into a wall this year, I'd have like $1.25."

I have been known to say this, although I'm moving today, so I may have to change it to 1.50.

Anyway, what was that about gay little monkeys?
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 01-04-06 10:32 PM, in How you got your username Link
Well... It was kind of a joke at first...

I originally signed up just to mess with Shaddow, hence the name...

But, then I kinda started to like it here, so here I is... ^^

Not that I post much anymore... =(
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 01-11-06 10:52 PM, in Random pics... Link

But, I did.


Got Milk?


(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 01-12-06 01:53 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by X Marks the Spot

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