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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Shuyin
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User Post

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-14-05 09:30 PM, in Video that makes you go 'OMGWTFBBQ?!?!' Link
At the end of the video......

You can feel her eyes burning through the screen and piercing your soul........Take me now.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-15-05 07:20 PM, in Video that makes you go 'OMGWTFBBQ?!?!' Link
According to the first link........she's transgendered?

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-15-05 11:24 PM, in Layout Thread Link
Kite Layout.

Sparda crafted it for me. Can you say amazing?:shock:

(Last edited by Shuyin on 08-16-05 02:24 AM)

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-16-05 03:34 PM, in Ancients Tournament : Shuyin vs Xeios Link
*Shuyin raises his sword and points it dauntingly at the paralyzed Xeios. The translucent sword begins changing in color. The dark tinge grows rather rapidly, the blackish tint polluting the sword like ink in water. Shuyin pays this no mind however and lowers his sword to his original position.

Shuyin's byakugan eye stare intently at Xeios as if trying to burn him merely with his sight. His eyes don't look at a specific part of his body, but instead they take him in his entirety. He nods to himself as if he has just answered a question in the back of his mind. Shuyin was aware how psychic abilities work. In his past he has to deal with warriors with intense psychic powers many a time. A person must use waves from their mind to project their desired action to a specific point. Stopping one's mind waves with an opposite wave can completely cancel out their psychic action. Using this principle he adjusts his very own mind waves to oppose Xeios's, which logically would cancel out his psychic powers. By this time Shuyin's intial attack should be effecting Xeios, for it has surrounded him for quite some time. Shuyin had released his Transfixing Gas when he had pointed his sword at Xeios. Xeios would not be aware of the gas, regardless of his psychic ability. The gas would completely cut off Xeios's psychic powers for one turn.*

Transfixing Gas- A poisonous gas that is created from Shuyin's very own sword(s). This gas is invisible to the naked eye and can only be seen by one who possesses an advanced eye trait. The gas is odorless, even the most highly accute canine can not even trace the scent. The gas passes through the skin or is inhaled/ingested. The effects of this gas are quite serious for once it passes into the body, it immediately takes control. The gas passes through the nervous system, so unfortunately there are no immunities. One who has taken in this gas will become completely paralyzed for one post. This does not only effect the body, but the mind as well. The victim won't even be able to muster a thought while under the effects of this gas.

(Last edited by Shuyin on 08-19-05 11:18 PM)

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-16-05 05:55 PM, in Dante = opposite of Aerith rant Link
Isn't this about how they're opposites and how they're not similiar? I don't understand the argument.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-16-05 06:59 PM, in So im doing it again Link
Originally posted by Elara
Originally posted by Benja
Well I i guess heres the order of interviews so far, PM me or sign up on this thread:

6.Shaddow Flight

Wow, way to totally fucking ignore me Benja. I was first to reply here saying I wanted in. *wanders off in a huff*

*Jumps on the bandwagon.* And I asked you online before Xeios.


Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-16-05 07:14 PM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
Xeios isn't aware that most people are awed by our prowess, Sparda.

The naivety of kids these days.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-16-05 08:16 PM, in Kurt Cobain Link

Fans always create conspiracies when an 'icon' dies. Elvis, 2pac, Cobain. As unstable as Courtney Love is, I doubt that she killed Curt.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-16-05 08:18 PM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
Originally posted by Katana
Blow the cocks off people? Um...Xei? I don't want to blow cocks...but can.

And you're a looser wtf are you talking about?! ~_^


Let's play nice now children. This is getting a little rough. Someone post a picture of their kitten or something.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-17-05 05:56 PM, in Video that makes you go 'OMGWTFBBQ?!?!' Link
Originally posted by Rogue
If you got a kick out of Goddess Bunny, you should check out Rubber Johnny:

I've heard some suggest that these two should get together.

And go there for the discussion.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-18-05 12:34 AM, in Leon, the Chosen One! Link

*Jumps out of a cake wearing nothing but a smile.* Happy you. *Mwah*

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-18-05 03:53 PM, in Boy gets owned by his mother on WoW board Link
That made me smile.

I'm glad my mom doesn't play video games....

I still think i'm going to have a nightmare about her owning me on XBL or something.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-18-05 04:01 PM, in So, My life was threatened at work today. Link
I've been in situations similiar to this. Play fighting that turns serious, not good times. (But I enjoy fighting so maybe they were good times. )

Back to your dilemma: I think it might be to late to tell your boss that he threatened you. You had your chance to tell him (I'm assuming your boss is a 'he') so bringing it up may not look good on your part. But if don't feel that the guy will get proper punishment or you don't feel comfortable working around him, then it might be best to bring it up.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-20-05 01:39 AM, in Ancients Tournament : Shuyin vs Xeios Link
(Ooc: I never said I stopped the magnetism. You just assumed that. )

*Xeios had sealed his fate. Shuyin immediately took action has he did his next two moves simultaneously. The moment that Xeios's psychic ability ws cut off, the metal should have flown straight through him, for Shuyin had not once stopped pulling with his magnetism. And contrary to Xeios's intended plan, the blood changed did not slow nor stop Shuyin's manipulation over the accessories one bit. Xeios had underestimated Shuyin's magnetism powers, for his power was so strong, that he was able to to control the metal inside of the blood. (Zinc, Copper, Iron.) Xeios surely would be finding himself in pieces.

Shuyin had no trouble with his own gas. With his sword hand he simply snapped and the gas erupted into a flame that passed over him like a tranquil breeze. Because of Shuyin's immunity to fire, it didn't scathe him at all.*

(Last edited by Shuyin on 08-22-05 01:34 AM)

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-20-05 02:20 AM, in Ancients Tournament : Shuyin vs Xeios Link
*The opaque color of the sword slowly melts away, leaving the katana a flawless translucent. Shuyin slides one foot backward and raises his sword in front of him. His arm bends infront of him, his sword pointed to the side. His empty hand is placed palm out behind him. The circular arena begins to glow as green lines begin etching themselves into the stone. A yin-yang is formed by the lines, using the entire fighting ring as its shape. Shuyin's body begins emanating the same greenish light that the Yin-Yang glows.*

Hakke Stance- Shuyin's signature fighting stance. A giant vibrant green Yin-Yang spreads beneath the fighters. Shuyin keeps his palms out, usually both facing forward. A thin invisible barrier forms around Shuyin. The simple barrier nullifies energy attacks (Such as a kamehameha or something of that nature.) and gives him a slight resistance to physical attacks.

(Last edited by Shuyin on 08-27-05 04:40 AM)

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 08-20-05 02:44 AM, in Ancients Tournament : Shuyin vs Xeios Link
I'll give you the minds eye because its not that big of a deal. But you're failing to understand that mind waves isn't something I pulled out of my ass. Sparda has used psychic powers before you even were around, so i've had expierence.

You're ignoring the effects of my attack again so I think its a perfect time to bring it up.

And on a side note: I could care less what these interruptions make me look like. This is the only fight I've been in with this much discussion. I'll tell you what's not a good look though, repeatedly ignoring the effects of your opponent's attack.

Edit: I edited mine now. I never let my other hand down, so my magnetism was still in play.

(Last edited by Shuyin on 08-22-05 02:26 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Shuyin

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