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03-11-25 03:03 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by The Accidental Protege
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User Post
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-21-05 05:25 PM, in War of the Worlds Link
He was basically asking what the hell was going on. He saw that the Tripod was smoking and smoldering and acting strangly (IE: Not destroying anything).
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-22-05 08:56 PM, in Public Service Annoucment to all Noobs! Link
Well... I sure do love the fact that you have to put in the extra effort to copy/paste the link into the address bar instead of clicking on the link.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-22-05 08:58 PM, in Your 5 favorite 64 game Link
I thought that TWINE had the best graphics of any N64 game I've ever seen. It pushed the limits. Almost PS2 quality, really. Just smooth up the models and have their mouths move when they talk, and it's worthy for the PS2.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-22-05 10:00 PM, in Pokemorph: Rocket's Wrath Link
BIG Post!
What is a Pokemorph?
To put it simply, a Pokemorph is a half human, half Pokemon hybrid, or an anthropomorphic Pokemon. If that didn't make sense, picture, if you will, a werewolf. Not the fuzzy wolf-man of old B movies, but rather, an actual werewolf of legends, with the general body of a man, but with the features of a wolf; long muzzle, sharp teeth, wolf-like face, fur, tail, claws, paws, etc. Now, rather than a wolf, picture a Pokemon. A Pikachu-morph, for example, would have the general shape of a human, though covered in yellow fur, with stripes across its back, as well as a Pikachu's facial features, including red electric cheek-sacs, as well as long Pikachu ears, a lightning-bolt shaped tail, and paw-like feet, among other features. However, unlike werewolves, Pokemorphs remain in the same body all the time, and, for the most part, aren't feral. Notably, some Pokemorphs have human-like hair, most commonly on mammalian Pokemorphs, but occasionally on reptilian 'morphs, as well. Pokemorphs are much more resilient and powerful than humans, while infinitely more versatile than the Pokemon that they once were. Team Rocket trained all Pokemorphs in various combat techniques and styles, and most Pokemorphs were trained in additional abilities, such as reconnaissance, espionage, hacking, demolitions, etc.

Where did Pokemorphs come from?
Early in the twenty-first century, Team Rocket's science division began Project Armageddon. In short, the project involved infusing human DNA into captured and stolen Pokemon, thus turning them from average Pokemon into Pokemorphs, living weapons, and the perfect agents. The process itself was a painful metamorphosis, taking well over ten days to complete. Eventually, the Pokemorphs were able to rise up against their captors, and the majority escaped. Most of the escaped Pokemorphs ultimately fled to Pokemorph Island.

All Pokemorphs can easily fit into one of three categories: First Generation, Second Generation, or Freeborn. First Generation Pokemorphs were created from existing Pokemon before the War. These Pokemorphs were kept in high-security island camps, and trained through starvation, beatings, and savage battle experience. The majority of free Pokemorphs are First Generation, having escaped during or after the War, and Team Rocket only retains possession of a small fraction of these morphs. First Gens tend to be rather dour and humorless, trying to get over the months, or more likely, years of torturous existence, and the subsequent violence and bloodshed of the War. First Gens also are generally more powerful and experienced than other morphs, given they had to adapt to survive in the Pokemorph camps.

Second Generation Pokemorphs were created by Team Rocket after the War and subsequent revision in the Pokemorphic procedure. While still trained hard and treated poorly, Sec Gens were not subjected to nearly the level of harshness that First Gens were. Sec Gens were generally treated as low-level Rocket agents upon completion of basic combat and speech training. Many Sec Gens escaped while out on duty, and separated from the rest of their team. However, most Sec Gens are still with Team Rocket. Free Sec Gens tend to be more youthful and hopeful than First Gens. While their previous lives as Pokemon had still been stolen from them, their new existence, while trying, was not the nightmarish torture of the First Gens. Second Gens are not as experienced or powerful as First Gens, but tend to be more resourceful and innovative in their thinking. Freeborn Pokemorphs were never Pokemon, actually born from two living Pokemorphs.

Freebirths have the most variety of the classifications of Pokemorph, some born in the First Gen camps, and treated as First Gen Pokemorphs upon maturity. However, as this was the only existence those Freebirths knew, it was not as mentally destructive as it was to the First Gens themselves, none of which knew such a nightmarish existence before becoming Pokemorphs. Freebirths born to Rocket-loyal Sec Gens, or First Gens still with the Team after the war, make the most loyal Pokemorph agents, though, as of 2028, none of those Freebirths had met full maturity, and thusly were not as useful as mature morphs. Finally, there are the Freeborn children of the free Pokemorphs, perhaps with the brightest outlook on life, and never haven lived in a life of servitude. However, without the harsh training of Team Rocket, and, with their sheer youth, Freebirths born on Pokemorph Island make some of the least powerful fighters. However, the great potential of these Pokemorphs could be directed into pursuits other than fighting.

The Pokemorph Camps
Although the Pokemorph Camps have been completely demolished, they are very important in the memories of First Generation Pokemorphs and the earliest of the Freebirths. The Pokemorph Camps were constructed on a cluster of islands, the largest, central island roughly the size of a small city. Save for the difference in sizes, and the specific Pokemorphs held, there were no major differences between the seven islands. The center of each island was dominated by a large central training facility, including the barracks for human Rockets. Immediately surrounding that facility, six additional facilities were constructed, each one between the main building and a section of Pokemorph huts. The huts that housed the Pokemorphs were small, only covering 100 square feet of area, and divided into six sections. The organization of the Pokemorphs into the sections was under constant revision, and Pokemorphs were constantly moved from hut to hut, and even island to island.

Training of First Gen Pokemorphs was brutal and inhumane. The first thing all Pokemorphs were taught was how to speak properly, generally by simply whipping or beating the morph until they forced themselves to speak coherently. After that, each Pokemorph was trained differently, to suit the specializations Rocket chose for them, be it simply combat, assassination, espionage, hacking, demolitions, or whatever else, constantly under the threat of brutal punishment for failure. All Pokemorphs were given some degree of combat training, which consisted mostly of life or death battles with agents or other Pokemorphs, along with occasional beatings labeled as training for endurance. Even the least combative of First Gen Pokemorphs was forced to the level of prowess to easily defeat several combat specialist humans simultaneously. Pokemorphs were fed a foul-tasting, but hearty concoction much like gruel once per day, and sleep was restricted to five hours a night, and then only when the particular Pokemorph didn't have training that night. Most now-freed First Gen Pokemorphs are loathe to talk of the Pokemorph Camps, but few can go a day without remembering them.

Pokemorph Island
"They say Pokemorph Island is like the Promised Land for Pokemorphs. Very few 'morphs want to stay on the mainland when there's a place like that out there. From what I hear, everyone on the Island is a Pokemorph. There are no humans to try to kill or capture us. And, unlike this village, it's a real city... like the ones humans live in." Said by an escaped Sec Gen morph, this is probably a bit of an overstatement, but it remains a fairly accurate summary of what was once known as Prism Island. Pokemorph Island, far north of Indigo, is the new home for Pokemorphs. The temperate island is larger than Cinnabar, and the southeast corner is covered by the large buildings, in which Pokemorphs now live and work, the city of Pokemorphs. The remainder of the island is forested, save for the large extinct volcano just northwest of the island's center, which gave birth to Prism Island.

The beach just south of town is a beautiful beach of white sands, giving way to a rocky coast further west, home of the clean power plant, and turning to majestic cliffs northward, on the east side of the island, with the Seaview estate adorning the highest cliff, overlooking the ocean, with trails leading back down to the warm sands below. The city itself is not unlike a human settlement, with buildings of all sizes serving as homes and workplaces for the Pokemorphs. Generally, the northeast serves as the industrial section of town, notable for its harbor, and also the location of both stadium and arena. The west side of the city is the major residential area, with a few special sections to suit specific Pokemorphs' needs. Southeast is the scenic part of town, sparsely constructed, but home of both Seaview, and the boardwalk, along with the frequently visited beach. The central portion of the city houses the major commerce, only a short walk or drive from any part of town. Notably, Pokemorph Hospital sits centered on the north end of the city.

Life as a Pokemorph
Pokemorphs are beings of amazing powers. In battle, the elemental blasts and techniques make Pokemorphs an incredible sight to see. However, most Pokemorphs don't wish to fight any more. That doesn't stop Pokemorphs from using their powers every day, though. Fire types can light candles and fireplaces with a quick breath. Water types can wash their houses or vehicles without hoses or buckets. Electric types can power small appliances without an outlet or batteries. Flying types can, well, fly. However, even without the prejudices of humans that Pokemorphs must face on the mainland, life as a Pokemorph is no cakewalk. Many Pokemorphs have tails, for instance, which can get caught in doors or stepped on. Pokemon with thicker tails might have trouble even sitting in chairs with solid backs. A Sandslash or Nidoking might have trouble even wearing a shirt, or sitting on anything but a stool with their spikes. Snake Pokemorphs don't have legs, and can easily get chilled moving across icy streets. Fire types' clothing is generally heavy and somewhat uncomfortable to avoid combusting. In short, like all things, Pokemorphic life has its high and low points. The Pokemorphs just have to learn to adapt.

Technology and Weaponry
Electronics still exist in many items, such as calculators, watches, pagers, phones, and just about anything else that could obviously benefit from added technology. As opposed to the lack of state-of-the-art technology, weaponry on Pokemorph Island is much more common than on the mainland, and, for the most part, unrestricted. After all, what justification would there be to disallow a Rattata-morph to carry a large knife for defense, when a Sandslash-morph's claws can do just as much, if not more, damage? How could there be a law banning the carrying of the swords some Pokemorphs were trained with, when Scyther-morphs have such deadly blades growing from the backs of their hands? In short, most traditional non-projectile weapons go unrestricted, as many morphs are just as lethal without them. However, firearms, such as handguns, rifles, shotguns, assault rifles, and basically anything else that fires bullets, are illegal to possess on Pokemorph island. Though it could be argued that Pokemorph powers are even more dangerous than guns, the devastating effects of guns, and the natural ability of Pokemorphs to defend themselves without a firearm, have caused the government of Pokemorph Island to ban them completely.

Perhaps more notable than firearms, however, is the ban of capture balls; Pokeballs, Great Balls, Ultra Balls, Master Balls, and any other ball designed to hold a Pokemon. Although capture balls are unable to hold Pokemorphs, they can be the single most harmful weapon to a 'morph. If a Pokemorph is hit by a Pokeball, the ball will indeed activate, reacting to the Pokemon DNA, but will be unable to successfully complete the matter to energy conversion. Visually, a bystander would see the Pokemorph turn red and semi-transparent, as the Pokemorph becomes stuck between pure matter and pure energy. Needless to say, the experience is incredibly painful and completely paralyzing.

Fortunately, however, a standard Pokeball will short out after 8.3 seconds, which destroys the Pokeball, and returns the Pokemorph to his normal state, though more than likely stunned and aching. A Great Ball would put considerable force on the Pokemorph as well, and not short out for 14.6 seconds. Not only is a Pokemorph converted between matter and energy, but the process of being absorbed begins before the ball shorts out. The process of having one's matter compressed often leaves a Pokemorph hospitalized and/or slightly disfigured. Ultra Balls take 21.8 seconds before shorting out, and exert enough force to seriously disfigure or kill a Pokemorph. A Master Ball, the most powerful and rare of the capture balls, is designed with internal mechanisms that prevent the ball from shorting. The result on a Pokemorph is, without exception, lethal, tearing the Pokemorph apart at the molecular level, and reducing them to their base elements, mostly Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon.

Team Rocket is a terrorist sect. Guilty of the murder of hundreds of Pokemorphs, the natives on Pokemorphs on the isle ofetntimes venture to the secluded Rocket Bases on the mainland, among other places, to free imprisoned Pokemon. In this game, you can play as either a Pokemorph, or a Rocket (some Rockets are Pokemorphs, most are human), and, thusly, can fight against the Rockets or with them. Rockets no longer are unarmed, like in the games. They use guns, weapons and torture devices to immobilize or kill their target. You can roleplay more than one character, as well. Rockets always come in partners, so if you become a Rocket, also create a Profile for your partner. Profiles are as follows:
***Pokemorph Profile***
Type: (freebirth, 1st gen., 2nd gen.)
Attacks: (as many as yyou want, only those that your species can learn naturally)
Short Bio:

***Rocket Bio***
Partner's Name:
Rank: (Jr. Recruit, Grunt, Soldier, Executive, Elite, SIC (one only, no partner))
Short Bio:

How to start: You can either be on the Island or in a Rocket Base if you decide to be a Pokemorph, and in a Rocket Base or the city on the mainland, if a Rocket. If a Pokemorph starts out in the Prison Cells, the others must try their best to rescue that Pokemorph, since he/she will be an important character. You can also roleplay minor characters who don't need a seperate profile, like a random Rocket Grunt, for example.
Name: Akuma
Species: Nidorino
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Type: Freebirth
Attacks: Horn Attack, Leer, Fury Attack, Horn Drill, Poison Sting, Double Kick
Short Bio: Kidnapped from his home in the dead of night, Akuma has spent 6 months in a Rocket Prison camp and subjected to numerous torturings. He's a bleeding heart, and hates to see anyone die, especially if he could've done something to save that person, even if it was his enemy, or a human. He has never killed, and believes that "Nobody ever has the right to take the life of another, and everyone deserves a future". He is tall, and has general Human anatomy, except for his tail and back spines. His head resembles a Nidorino's to a tee. Normally dressed in a trenchcoat, black shirt and Jeans, he now lays naked in the holding cell.

It stinks like hell in here, even after all this time. Why am I still even alive? Akuma thought to himself, as he pondered his thoughts at 4:32 in the afternoon, right after his daily meal. They shoulda killed me by now. "Get up, Number 534. It's 'training' time," came the voice of the Grunt that always takes him to his training room. He unlocked the cage and led him out in shackles. Training was never any fun. Forced to do back-braking physical excecises each day, Akuma now had to bench 540 lbs. of weight, or they'd whip him for the third time this week.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 07-23-05 01:00 AM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-23-05 08:51 PM, in Pokemorph: Rocket's Wrath Link
OOC: (Dammit; forgot the no legendaries rule... especially considering that there's only one of a kind for that species... Too late now)

IC: "Get down, vermin." The grunt never called him by his full name. Not wishing to cause a ruckus, Akuma got down on the benching table, underneath massive weights on a long bar. "LIft. 10 times. Go." Akuma gripped the bar and slowly lifted the 540 lbs off the holder and slowly began to lift it. Once... twice... The weight was too much. After the eigth bench, his arms felt like they'd give way, and he had to set it down. "I told you to lift! You weakling!" The rocket pulled out a long, black leather whip and held it close to Akuma's face. "Now, you rat, you will lift those weights, or it's 10 lashings!" Akuma sighed and closed his eyes. Getting back down, he picked up the weights again and did two more benches, his veins bulging from the skin as he struggled to pull off the last one. He did it, and the Rocket smirked. "Hmph. Told you so. Up. Running time." The next exercise was the Auto-Runner, a crude device that forced the user to run at a constant speed. If he/she went slower, a shock of electricity would jolt through the body (or a splash of water, in a ground-type's sense). Shit...

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 07-23-05 11:51 PM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-23-05 10:42 PM, in Pokemorph: Rocket's Wrath Link
OOC: RYjet, considering Jessie and James' luck so far, I doubt they are =P They're nnever told anything. The Rockets know the location of Pokemorph Island, but these two don't. XD The Rockets are reduced to low-profile nightly abductions from homes, as opposed to force in the open. I do fully intend to rescure Akuma with my next character...

Name: Laura (Theta-01)
Species: Sandshrew
Age: 22
Rank: Elite
Type: N/A
Gender: Female
Partner: Fault (Sandslash; similar moves. Doesn't talk much)
Attacks: Slash, Dig, Fury Swipes, Fissure, Earthquake, Agility
Bio: Laura, or Theta-01, is the first Reverse-engineered Pokemorph (created from a Human base). Daughter of an ex-SIC Rocket(later assassinated), it was her mother's wishes that her 20 year-old daughter be signed up for the new Theta Project. Laura hated her mother, and was not perturbed upon recieving news of her death. After her painful, 2 week long transition was complete, she was forced to work for the Rockets. After her mother was killed 7 months later, though, she deemed herself freed, stole a Rocket's billy-club, knocked out her gurads, and Dug her way to freedom. And not a second too soon, either. Moments afterward, a recon team of Charizard-morphs set the building ablaze, and firebombed it. Few Rockets survived, and when Laura's body was not among the dead, a search party was sent out for her. After 5 months of freedom, Rocket officials successfully Recovered Laura, living in seclusion with another family of 'Morphs. Seeing no other alternative, Laura is now working, grudgingly, for the Rockets. She and her partner, Fault, could've become an item, if only Fault wasn't so devoted to Team Rocket. Laura is covered with smooth, yellow scales on her back and the front of her arms and the back of her legs. Everywhere else is smooth and white. She has three fingers, each on a manipulate, large white claw. Her medium length blonde hair goes down to her upper back. Here's an artists rendition (Yes, I did draw that Used a reference, though)
Pacing the dank halls of the Rocket Stronghold, Laura noticed some yelling coming from the training room. Her partner, Fault, was on break, so she decided to check out the commotion herself. As she approached the door, it flew open, as Subject 534 flew through the door and hit the wall. The Nidorino-morph's back was bleeding profusly, and Laura gasped at the sight What the hell is going on? A Rocket Grunt soon followed, holding his bloody whip. "Stupid, weak bastard! Learn how to run, you prick! Next time, it'll be a capture ball!" He left the scene soon enough, but not after giving a nod to Laura in recognition of her higher rank. Looking around, Laura could see no one else, and there were no security cams in this hall. "Are you... alright?" She motioned to him, but didn't help him up. Number 534 got up soon enough, and nodded. He walked past her, not giving her a second glance. You'll get no satisfaction from me, you fucking traitor. Number 534's thoughts on Laura were representitive of most of the Pokemorphs. He got into his cage and layed down, his back to Laura, showing his 10 nasty whip marks, as the blood dripped off his back.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 07-24-05 01:42 AM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:34 AM, in Shin-Ra issues Link
I think Kaijin stands his ground for, "We're not changing it. So tough." I'm happy with the rules. Don't like it? RP somewhere else, and quit bitching about our rules.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:39 AM, in Pokemon: Post your teams! Link
Why use shit moves like that on Dragonite? Twister and Dragonbreath don't do enough damage to be of any good. Thunder Wave, Body Slam, Thunderbolt, Safeguard. That's the only thing I can do with this broken heap. High attack! Low Specials! Learns nothing interesting! TMs are the only way to go with this poor, screwed over pokemon
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:47 AM, in Shin-Ra issues Link
You wouldn't be posting about it if you didn't want something changed. "Yes, our style is superior to yours..." ~Dark Lord.
"look at what you have done to our creation. This is almost as bad as fighting in a chat room on AOL or Yahoo..." ~Van Belmont
"We do not "flow" with your rules because they are the kind of rules we saw 7-10 years ago, when most of us were just starting out..." ~Leviathan
"Do you people want to run a fair board? The way it's looking now, you are perfectly happy handing out biased rulings and allowing ill treatment of people who have come to bring a fresh wave of Simming to your board. The staff here needs to take note of the actions of the members AND it's own..." ~Leviathan

Obviously, it's clear that you do want something changed. I don't know what to tell you; if you don't like it... Don't post here. You're complaining, thusly, you want something. Ok! Let''s all cater to a minority election of about 4 to 20 some odd RPers! That'll make the RP forums a LOT better! Changing the rules because other players ways of playing are "superior"! Alright, I'll get right to work, making my next post in Sim-battle, an hopefully, making it into a big name novel: "How I Gave Up My Dignity to Whiners on a Sim-Battling Board!" I took a look at the posts here, and you do not impress me yet.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 03:20 PM, in Shin-Ra issues Link

Pwned. You lose.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 03:23 PM, in The Introduction of a New Rule. Link
Thank you! Cairoi, stick it to the man. I'm backing you on this one. We can be descriptive if we want, we can be bare-bones if we want. We're to going to conform to your "superior" rules, you Sim-Nazis.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 03:32 PM, in OK! Pokemorphs! Link
Laura, my otehr character in the Pokemorph RP. Cute lil' Sandshew girl... (She's 22)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 03:44 PM, in The Introduction of a New Rule. Link
*grows small, tiny, black moustache, wears hat with the word "Sim" on it, above a Swastiga; puts on a german accent*
"Peeple uf zee 'Boartvorld': You vill now convorm zu das NEW rulez! Du vill be SEHR, SEHR deskripteev, und not make ANOZEHR post vith only EIN PARAGRAPH! Du vill luf our new seestem, or ELZE! Du musst make ein post vith at leest 5 paragraphs, or your heds vill be chopped OFFEN! Zhank you!" *extends right arm forward towards horizon*
Yeah. Great ideas, there, Reno, Leviathan, et. all.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 04:21 PM, in The Introduction of a New Rule. Link
Very well, Sparda, but as it was stated before, you do know the ramifications of what will happen to your posts if this rule is passed. They will become null and void. You won't be able to use them legally. The RPers have now been split. If you're taking a neutral party, that's fine. We'll continue our debates on AIM.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 07:53 PM, in OK! Pokemorphs! Link
Brainstorming for characters for the Pokemorph RP. You should join! It's really fun
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-24-05 08:57 PM, in OK! Pokemorphs! Link
Originally posted by Shaddow Flight
umm... right?


XD that kicks ass Clockworkz.
So what? I used a reference, since I can't draw Sandshrews. And, by extention, Sandshrew girls.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-25-05 08:40 PM, in Finest fighting game ever -- Marvel vs Capcom 2 Link
It's rare as hell. My used copy in Gamestop just a few months ago for the Xbox was $34.99. I unlocked everyone, though most of the late game unlockables, like Thanos are rather useless. Felicia, Cable, Morrigan. It's over
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-25-05 08:41 PM, in All purpose -Rate My Profile Thread!- Link
I believe my bio to be the most insightful. Read it. All of it. >=D
Comment, rate it.....
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-25-05 08:56 PM, in Pokemon: Post your teams! Link
Submission has a piss-poor hit ratio; and the odds that you'll fight a Jynx or a Piloswine (or a Sneasel, since it learns no Ice Moves worth noting, and terrible stats) are extrodinarily low, thanks to their dismal stats. I say Thunderbolt because most Ice types are part Water, as well. You could KO a Lapras in two turns with Thunderbolt, considering you survive its Ice Beam. x4 Weak.? And the constant use of Lapras? I'd rather leave this Pokemon out of the loop altogether.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 07-25-05 11:56 PM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 07-25-05 09:54 PM, in OK! Pokemorphs! Link
The Pokemorphs are persecuted and hated for their appearance; humans hate them, and Laura has to wonder, "was it better in the camps with the Rockets, or here, on the Mainland? I don't even know anymore..."

I'll probably darken it up a bit and rescan it.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 07-26-05 12:55 AM)
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