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12-04-24 03:42 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by True Flight
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User Post
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 03-06-13 01:50 PM, in So... 6 Strike System Started Yesterday Link
a manager... the thing is when i worked at a callcenter if anything changed in policy we were notified right then and there
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 03-06-13 06:48 PM, in Mayoral Candidate (Who Happens to be Black and Openly Gay) Beaten and Burned to Death Link
Thank you south for making us look bad again. We're not all stupid closeminded douchebags.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 03-14-13 04:39 PM, in Time For that RFID Rant Link
Here's my thoughts on the whole RFID chip thing... Why in the WORLD would people be so STUPID to put all their personal information into a small chip, implant it in themselves, and then use it? Just think all the chaos an EMP war would cause. On top of that, there are people out there that still refuse to get an ID Card. What's the result? No ID Card. The ethics seem to out weigh the actual law itself. I've read time and time again that this whole thing is just a hoax.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 03-15-13 12:55 PM, in Time For that RFID Rant Link
Yup... I've seen it at least 10 times on my wall... and the majority of my friends are from the south so they're like IT'S THE MARK OF THE BEAST DON'T DO IT.

First of all... That pic that they are moving around is just a glucose monitor that is placed in humans.

Second of all that pic could be a micro chip for a pet.

Third... the technology is far too iffy to use. It's just very VERY stupid to do something like that. I mean we have the wave technology at some gas stations and mcdonald's to pay with credit card. On top of that the US for some damn reason doesn't have an official way of identifying any one. Sure you got your social security numbers, but there are people out there that do not have one in the US today.;
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 03-18-13 11:07 PM, in Korean War Part Deux Link
why is this starting to look like a bar fight.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-02-13 05:36 PM, in April Fools Link
There was a page that had a live action American Sailor Moon article stating that Dakota Fanning was to play Usagi.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-20-13 03:39 PM, in Boston bombings Link
>.> All this and the fertilizer plant in TX was one upped.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-20-13 03:42 PM, in What physicists think the Big Bang sounded like Link
wow.... the comments are just... EPIC. XD I think we have found the brown note.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-21-13 05:36 PM, in What do you think about this? Link
.... Seriously we live in a society today where people are now becoming parents in the later 20s is the norm. Long before we were ever born people were crapping out kids around the ages of 14 anyway. I mean people were getting married at 14 too. Now we all have this need to say that it's too young to have kids. Amazing how the times have changed.

Either way I do agree a baby should be a baby for as long as a baby is a baby. Just like a teenager should be a teenager for as long as a teenager is a teenager.

However, society today commercializes off of teenage mothers as well. Making it a reality to other teenagers that having a baby can lead to your own reality show on being a teen mom and raising your kid. Which is stupid.

On top of that i'm a firm believer in if you're old enough to know the consequences of sex.. you're old enough to raise your own kid. Good luck spending four years of your life doing absolutely nothing... That's right you can't go to Ren Fest, you can't take your kid to Conventions, you can't go to concerts. It's a long break from everything you think is fun and want to share with your kid. At that age.. they don't know anything and will probably forget it anyway.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-21-13 06:31 PM, in Uta Pri Link
Yes this anime is soooo girly... but I can't get enough of Camus

This anime is just like... crazy. If it's not Camus... It's the head master... XD

Shining Saotome
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-22-13 06:12 PM, in The crazy sorority e-mail Link
It made giggle. I love it. Sororities at their best... ahem worst.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-22-13 06:14 PM, in What do you think about this? Link
yeah... and then you got the I'm Mom/Dad not your best friend thing too.

And most of that Shakespearean time blah blah stuff was a joke anyway.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-22-13 06:15 PM, in Otters Rape Seals Link
it's time to slap some otters... because they are ruining my seal clubbing.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-24-13 12:48 AM, in Fairy Tail Link
so... I have to sit through... EVERYTHING all over again, because my hubby wanted to watch it. LOVELY. We finally got to Tenrou Island... BUT HE KEEPS GIVING ME SPOILERS LIKE EVERY TIME I TURN AROUND ABOUT THE MAGIC GAMES!!
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-24-13 01:10 PM, in Meet the woman with the world's strongest vagina Link
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-25-13 05:38 PM, in Boston bombings Link
So I was in the grocery store today. I walked along and this lady in a bright blue jacket and baseball cap came up to me and complimented my daughter. Which was cool and all. Upon looking closer, she was a participant in the Boston Marathon. She wore her baseball cap and her jacket to honor those who participated. I asked her if she had finished. Turns out that she finished about three minutes before the bombings. She said that she was with her family and all were safe. I then asked her if she was okay. She wondered what I was talking about and asked me why I was asking. I don't think she noticed, but I was wearing my Army Reserve polo shirt. I then pointed to the logo and said, "I've been to Iraq, and heard tons of bombings near by my office." The lady smiled and shook my hand. Then asked me if I ever had any issues with PTSD when I got home. I nodded and told her that I have been home for three years now still having issues with loud booms of thunder and wake up in the middle of the night to make sure that all doors and windows are locked. She started to nervously shiver and said that she was having some issues with loud noises. I consoled her and said it's alright because you're not alone on this. She even said that her children were having a hard time with this because they don't want to be separated from her. They almost lost their mother.

PTSD is no joke. It affects all ages. It's a shame that all these civilians have to go through the toughest part of recovery. I only wish the best for each runner and spectator. I wish there was a way I could help, but the only way to do so is to participate in 5ks and thus... 3 mile runs here I come.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-26-13 11:57 PM, in Boston bombings Link
The next generation already thinks we are too old and should be put aside to die on our own. O_o no shit.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-27-13 03:47 PM, in A MONTH?! I'll still take it Link
So I put in application a while back for this job with Encompass Media. This was an awesome opportunity to get into the field of Broadcast Engineering, and a college degree wasn't required. I am super excited about this. Then one day my boss from my unit found out about this job. What did he do? He puts in a freaking application and gets the job because he had more military schooling than me. I was so fucking livid. So fucking pissed. I didn't know what to do other then sulk. So I went to drill and the first thing my boss asks me is if I wanted to work over there. He even said that he mentioned my name when they were looking for people with the ability to soak in information and learn. I was like HELL YEAH!! I didn't know that he was going to help me get a job there. I was so freaking thrilled.

Well I put in my application, turned in my resume, and waited. And waited. AND WAITED. No result in waiting, so I asked what was going on. That's when my boss goes to his boss at work and says that I haven't heard anything. Then I get a message back to keep waiting.

So I waited

and waited

and waited

AND WAITED. Then I get an e-mail to send my resume to his boss's e-mail and wait.

So I waited...


THEN FINALLY GOT A REPLY BACK. After about 6 months of waiting, I have been interviewed. Now they're telling me to wait... again. Because there's the background check and the fact that the position is currently filled and they need to have HR give the budgeting for it. They asked me a ton of questions and then told me that if they had the job right then and there I would have it. So NOW I have to wait two weeks to get a call back, and then I have to wait two MORE weeks for my husband to do his two week notice at his job.

That's right... A MONTH til I start working a 50k a year job. wooooooo...

anywho I have been looking around for apartments in Norcros and Tucker near Atlanta. Looks promising. I know for a fact I can afford about 650 a month on rent and some of these apartments are exactly what I want.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-28-13 01:51 AM, in A MONTH?! I'll still take it Link
Actually the husband is going to be stay at home dad. *smirk smirk* He's like I don't understand why you're tired all the time. I work way harder... RIIIIIGHT. We will be moving to Atlanta in two months. >.> If I could have it my way I'd do it as soon as I got my first pay check.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-29-13 12:19 AM, in Corrupt-A-Wish Link
Granted... now all the zombies are gone.

I wish my kid would stop chewing my feet.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by True Flight

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