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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by X Marks the Spot
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X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-06 03:39 AM, in Link

A niftly little site, with some rather interesting software to go with it.

I just discovered this and figured I'd post it in here.

Me ~
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-06 03:32 PM, in What are you listening to (revived)? Link
Originally posted by Zabuza
At home, it's Asian Kung-Fu Generation right now. They're the band that did the season two opener (I think) for Naruto.

Yes, they did. Haruka Kanata is the name of the song. Although not what I'm currently listening to.

I am currently listening to "Southern Sun (DJ Tiesto Remix)" by Paul Oakenfold.

X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-26-06 07:08 PM, in how hot are you? Link
It's been around 100 here lately.

Although, it's usually over 120 in my room, because I've got a few computers running 24/7 and the sun beats down on this side of the house.

I have a few fans sitting around circulating air though, so that helps.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-27-06 04:04 AM, in Right, so... Link
I was wondering if it's at all possible to replace a broken data pin on a hard drive.

X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-28-06 08:05 PM, in The Red Button [Addicting] Link
Damn. There is no white button!

I even imported it into Flash and looked, but alas, no white button.

It makes me sad.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-29-06 04:34 AM, in I HAVE AIDS!!!!1 Link
If pancakes had vaginas, would you have sex with them?
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-29-06 04:36 AM, in THis is also a thread Link
lol, I was clicking that for like five minutes before I realized what it was.

Kudos, Shredder. Kudos.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-30-06 12:41 AM, in How often do you masturbate? Link
Funny, that's exactly what I was thinking, Elara.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-30-06 12:44 AM, in What type of Porn? Link
I watch real pornos for the same reason that I play hentai games.

For the hilarious dialogue and ridiculously implausable plotlines.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-30-06 01:19 PM, in Happy Birthday...Avatar! Link

Happy birthday, Avatar... How old are you now?
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-31-06 05:39 PM, in Favourite animes? Link
Originally posted by Dirk Ralthar
Negima... That is the only one that I really watch, (right now it is only in Japanese with subtitles) and I have read all of the Mangas that go along with it. I just can't believe Ken Akamatsu kills off my favorite character though... was pissed when I found out about that.

Eh, she wasn't my favorite, I liked Yue better.

And, It's been dubbed. I've seen the first two episodes with English dubs.

It's really bad. Especially Negi's voice.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-31-06 05:43 PM, in Mermaid for sale Link
A fear of mermaids... That's unusual.

I found this semi-entertaining.

It would be awesome to have a fake dead mermaid, I could like hang it on my wall or something.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 08-01-06 01:27 PM, in how hot are you? Link
Damn, it's fucking freezing in my room.

It's pretty much cooled down here now.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 08-02-06 02:48 AM, in How often do you masturbate? Link
It definately helps me fall asleep.

I've found that masturbation is like a miracle cure for everything. Whenever I'm feeling sick, I just masturbate and I feel much better afterwards.

It's awesome.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 08-02-06 02:38 PM, in Every time I see it, I'm in love Link
Those look fake to me.

You should turn off the desktop icons.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 08-02-06 05:39 PM, in Song lyrics Link
Artist: Choking Victim
Album: No Gods / No Managers
Year: 1999
Title: 500 Channels

500 channels of a day-dream stimulation
helps me to resent my life and raise my expectations.
Locked into re-runs, your memories repeating,
and all your ideals seem so self defeating.
For you and yours, the pepsi generation,
and when you're discontent, you change the T.V. station,
And when you hate your life, no qualtities redeeming,
a million brainwashed zombies will always be heard screaming...

And when there is no hope,
I'll smoke some crack, I'll shoot some dope!
When theres no enemies,
I sit and stare at my T.V.
and in my ignorance,
I'll be a slave and sycophant!

And in a perfect world devoid of all temptations,
the good leftover crizack could unite the nations.
But now the war machines are mapping our destructions
with poisons over flowing in the chemical seductions.

And when there is no hope,
I'll smoke some crack, I'll shoot some dope!
When theres no enemies,
I sit and stare at my T.V.
and in my ignorance,
I'll be a slave and sycophant!

And when there is no hope,
I'll smoke some crack, I'll shoot some dope!
When theres no enemies,
I sit and stare at my T.V.
and in my ignorance,
I'll be a slave and sycophant!

With my credit and my bank,
my mind will draw a blank.
I'll block out history,
and stare at my T.V.
For me there is no way.
500 channels waste my life away, away...
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 08-02-06 05:47 PM, in MOVING BACK TO PETALUMA Link
He hasn't lived in a motel for a long time. He's like a 30 second walk from the high school.

Anyway, yeah Spartan!!!

That is totally awesome. Kyle and I missed you.

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 08-02-06 08:47 PM)
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:18 PM, in I'm reading my yearbook comments.. Link
I never get a yearbook.

I am going to get one next year though, it is really fun to have people sign them and stuff.

Although I get more of a kick out of signing other peoples.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:21 PM, in Regarding my recent ban Link
What's wrong, Spartan?

I thought you were all militant and stuff.

Oh, maybe it's because you now know what's it feels like to be banned. It isn't a good feeling, is it?

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 08-03-06 02:21 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by X Marks the Spot

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