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01-30-25 12:18 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Belial
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User Post


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 08-20-11 07:45 PM, in London Riots Link
Who are we to judge why his father let him be on the street? Mental illness in a family can break things up pretty bad, and who knows? Maybe Kelly Thomas took off without caring about his family at one time? We don't know their personal family business, and I personally don't believe that that should really be an issue. A father loved his son.

Either way, the brutality of police in that area kind of frightens me. The London riots began over the police shooting a man, and people feeling that the police are abusing their power. (and random teenagers running amok). It could easily happen anywhere, including Fullerton.

(Last edited by Belial on 08-20-11 07:45 PM)


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 08-20-11 09:10 PM, in What are you listening to (revived)? Link
So, my little brother has got my into some dubstep. Not entirely sure it's a good thing, but this is rather nice to listen to.

(Last edited by Belial on 08-20-11 09:13 PM)


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 08-21-11 08:50 PM, in Changing Your Name for Marriage Link
When I married, I did not want to take my husband's last name. However, for his sake, I did. Then I'm divorced and have to change everything back. NOT fun. A very time consuming process.

Reasoning? I wish I could explain it. I'm very fond of my name (Though it sounds like a stripper name when used with my nickname: Candy Hoover). My father's side of my family are just amazing people, I love them to death... It's just hard for me to accept being called by something else.

Perhaps if I marry again I'll hyphenate my name, so when I'm a veterinarian, I can still have my last name for professional reasons. My kids however, will have my husband's surname, making me want to have some common ground with them name-wise... I just hope I can find a contemporary man.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 08-28-11 05:02 PM, in Fuck you Link
Fuck the prices of tires... and having to spend $300 on two rear tires all because the size is funky and out of date. Fuck getting a flat on the way to work last night and being 40 minutes late! UGH stress.

I feel better now.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 08-31-11 07:35 PM, in Alright.... Link
Ohhh!! Happy Birthday!! Hope it's a good one!


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-02-11 07:52 PM, in How Much Have You Changed? Link
I have changed... -quite- a bit the past year. Finally stood up for myself against my husband (now divorced), I've matured a bit, tastes have changed... But I am still me!

Physically I have changed quite a bit. I've lost 30 pounds since last May, dropped three sizes and I've had a tonsillectomy! It's been an amazing year of personal growth and bettering my physique.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-02-11 08:04 PM, in Last Movie You Saw? Thoughts? Link
I just recently watched a film titled "Creation," which is about Charles Darwin and his personal struggles (dramatized), as he wrote his book, On the Origin of Species. Now, I've never quite seen a film that left me awe inspired, hopeful, sad and happy, all throughout the course of it. It was just phenomenal. Definitely one of my favorites now.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-03-11 08:03 PM, in Dear New York, Link
Gosh, I feel strange not having any weather stories. Well... It's hot. Which is usual for a desert.. No heavy rain, no tornadoes, no storms... However, usually it's hottest in July.. but it came late this year. First couple days of September... and today it was 111° out! UGH. Miserable. But other than that.. Nothing. lol


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-03-11 08:08 PM, in Let's DO this! Link
So, I know I'm not a part of this experiment (sorry, can't commit myself to something I know I won't do, lol), but... I've noticed that with more activity on the board, I am posting more.. O.o



Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-06-11 05:59 AM, in Dear New York, Link
So, as soon as I say there's nothing interesting about the weather, we have a huge thunderstorm. One of which I haven't seen the likes of in several years. The thunder shook the house, it was raining so hard I couldn't see out of my windshield, the lightening lit up the entire desert and it actually knocked out power for many people.

Yay for freak thunderstorms!


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-06-11 09:14 PM, in Happy birthday Déesse! Link
Definitely happy birthday!!

And Nel... you've been here longer than me?! by like, 18 days?! wtf... I had no idea!


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-07-11 03:03 AM, in Happy birthday Déesse! Link
I.. honestly don't remember! I feel like I've been on so many boards! haha. It's highly possible. I only vaguely remember any of it, or even how I came to be here after all these years.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-07-11 03:05 AM, in Quite Possibly the Most Beautiful Shot of Saturn Ever Link
That's absolutely stunning! I have no other words...


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-08-11 01:06 AM, in Texas is ablase Link
Yeah, I have an friend from high school who lives out that way. She was evacuated for a couple days.. luckily her house was still standing!


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-15-11 11:43 AM, in Gaslighting: are you guilty? Link
This is one of the reasons I left my husband. Except it was every time I attempted to challenge his opinion. For awhile I couldn't stand up for myself. Sad part? He had no idea what he was doing to me. It was terrible, terrible abuse. I'm glad I finally (metaphorically) grew some balls and left him. It's been the best for both of us.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-15-11 11:46 AM, in Fall is here (Screw it, NSFW. THAR BE BOOBIES!) Link
Fall is nice... when I lived in northern Idaho, it was the best. All the trees turned colors at the same time, the weather was beautiful.. just needed a hoodie!

However in the desert... there is no fall. It goes from hot to cold. It's still 100°+ out, and in the middle of October it plummets to 75°. Now, that doesn't sound chilly, right? Well, when you've dealt with 100+, usually around 115, for four months.. yeah, it's cold. You'll see me in a jacket at 75. haha


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-15-11 11:49 AM, in Dubstep! Sweeping the world with the sound of WWMMPP WMMMPPP WWMMMPPP Link
Dubstep is pretty awesome, however I'm more of a fan of Rusko and Caspa.

Also, it's not quite all rap. There are dubstep remixes for everything from reggae, classic rock to classical. I just recently heard a Moody Blues remix and I've heard Star Wars themes.

You don't need $800 in equipment.. Try Fruity Loops (FL) Studio. it's fun stuff!

(Last edited by Belial on 09-15-11 12:23 PM)


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-21-11 02:59 AM, in Facebook Rage Link
You can get rid off all the annoying changes by setting your language to "English (UK)." Sure, everything is in British English, but at least your Facebook page will be more familiar.

I got Google+ early on as well... and don't use it. It's kind of lame.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-21-11 11:57 AM, in Facebook Rage Link
Yeah, I'm really sad about the Facebook change. It's really confusing and hard to tell what's new with whom! Google+ is looking less lame every day. I am there! I am adding friends as I see them!


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 09-21-11 05:36 PM, in Facebook Rage Link
Originally posted by SirAileron
I admit, my grandfather's grave is a bit difficult to visit. I don't quite have the stamina to swim across the Atlantic Ocean and trek all the way to Germany on a regular basis.

But it would definitely worth it, not only to visit your grandfather's grave, but also to visit Germany!! <3

So, I just got on my Facebook page... and I'm not seeing the Top News thing, just recent posts. This got me excited, however i read that if you visit Facebook less often, you'll see more top stories, because you may just need to "Catch up." When you visit multiple times during the day, you don't need the top stories? I don't know. I'm not keeping my hopes up.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Belial

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