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02-03-25 02:10 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jedi Master Desroth
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User Post
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-24-07 10:28 AM, in It's official; Kingdom Heart 2 was a waste of money... Link
Wait wait wait, what the hell is Roxas (or atleast someone who looks like him) doing in that frozen suit of armor? This is starting to sound like a...


And the fucking community will never been the same again...

Though seriously, isnt the keyblade war suppose to take place before KH? Why is Roxas (or a look alike) there with Mickey? And to me, the place the Heart appears looks to be Radiant Garden, though I am not sure about it. Atleast that special ending gave us more of a idea about what was happening with all those keyblades and shiznit.

Also on the note of the extended KH2, it makes no sense to be able to fight the other members, as 5 of them are killed in Chain of Memories (Larxene, Vexen, Zexion, Lexaeus, and Marluxia). I wonder if the fights will all be digital representations of those characters, becuase I seriously want to own Marluxia in full 3d when he rides that giant nobody.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-24-07 11:16 AM, in Oh my goodness 2! Link
But atleast college is done for the summer, woot woot. Mild, medium, whatever. It all tastes good
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-24-07 11:24 AM, in It's official; Kingdom Heart 2 was a waste of money... Link
Luxord you mean. I think they spent to much time at a pachinko parlor when they made him, damn gambling bastards. His name is play off of the Luxor hotel in Vegas, and his fight is a pain in the ass. Alot harder then fighting the schemer Zexion imo judging from the fight movie posted about Zexion.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-24-07 11:48 AM, in Get your wish corrupted! Link
Granted, but you get hit by a truck while you are looking around and spend the rest of your life motionless in a full body cast.

I wish I knew what to wish for this wish!

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 04-24-07 02:48 PM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-26-07 01:21 PM, in I apologize for wasting your time Link
Would that be the same notorious ErkDog that has ruined every forum (in some way) ive been on since I learned about sim battleing and RP'ing forums? He is such an ass about everything, especially when things dont go his way. If my client ran more, I would play Darkmoon and chip in for the monthly fee, but my client for whatever reason loves to bug out and crash so I stopped playing.

btw, what is the link to Twilight's server? I may go there and pick up playing on a new character, it was quite a fun game when I first started playing it back when you guys started up.

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 04-26-07 04:27 PM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-26-07 01:35 PM, in I apologize for wasting your time Link
Originally posted by Ominoto

there you go
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-26-07 04:11 PM, in Adherence to the rules. Link
I like to feel that I give people adequte warning as to what is coming before it happens.

Take mine and Seticus' fight in the tournament. I did the Elw Chain of Seals, but it required a long time for it to appear and when it did appear, I left hints on how to destroy it. I think that is a key problem to people not sticking to the rules. They make a attack that is so undescriptive, that as soon you do something to stop it, they say that you triggered a special ability of the attack that makes you get raped by several men in tight leotards.

Now I hate to say it, but Leviathan (who we all hated and loved) had it down pat. He had description, style, and he always noted some way of escape as a hint. Granted he did have several attacks that defied themselves (his guns for example, which by his definition would have obliterated themselves when he fired them). There is cheap, then there is well thought out planned attacks.

As for the tired issue, Desroth can get worn out easily once he reaches his Conflicted Spirit form. In fact, I remeber one fight I was knocked out of the conflicted form by an attack from my opponent.

Its all about how good of a sim battler you are. If you know the limits to your character, there are ways around everything if you are creative enough with what you got. Even then you got to know when there is no possible way to do anything, like if the enemy is point blank with a energy blast as you are falling. Drizzt was a good fighter who knew that too, the first title match I did against him, I fired my Mana Cannon for the third time ever in a fight (One against Luc the Wind Master, I fired one at kaijin in our match to little effect since he was increibly fast, and one more against Seticus at a previous date when he first suggested the attack).

In fact, I would like to dub this problem as: Kaijinism or Spardaism. Everyone decided to make super powerful characters, but lacked the skill to use them resulting in them preforming cheap moves and such. You can be powerful, but have the decency to know when you are going to be hit and deal with it...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 04-26-07 04:24 PM, in Soy makes you gay Link
He is a bible thumping Christian who is bastardizing his whole religion by being a nut job.

Sorry, I had to say that. Anyway, what the frak is up with all of this? Soy Beans make you gay now? Come the hell on, a baby can handle it. Heck, by the time a baby eats it, its coming out the other end! But seriously, testosterone would kick in and over ride the estrogen levels I would think...

Oh, and if it really makes you gay, then I am queer as a 2 dollar bill becuase I love having crap loads of soy sauce on everything!!! SOY FOR LIFE!
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-03-07 03:23 AM, in The battle of epic proportions! Link
This fight would be over in a few minutes. Everyone knows they would cast Slowega on the enemy, then Hastega themselves. This would lead to a W-Summon Bahamut ZERO and Knights of the Round with a mimic so it casts twice in a row for the mana of one and the fight would be over with!

Yeah, everyone knew that, right?


Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-03-07 02:53 PM, in The battle of epic proportions! Link
Once again Seticus misses the point that we are screwing around and kidding, but in retrospect, was Bahamut ZERO in Advent Children? Nah, that was Sin Bahamut and having him only come out and use a single attack and disappearing would be a very horrible part of that movie.

And what kind of energy converter are you talking about? I mean, if you are going to say that magic needs a energy converter to use on the futuristic warriors, then there is no way magic can win against them.

But, umm, there is no point in arguing this, I already voted for the magic warriors so there is no changing my view and choice now .

And we all forgot that Wiseman would come out of no where and turn the future warriors into Magus and win...

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 05-03-07 05:54 PM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-28-07 04:18 PM, in Darth Nelrith VS Jedi Master Desroth Link
Master Desroth sat on a rocky outcrop, positioned over a large sith complex on the distant planet of Korriban. His pupils glanced nervously about themselves as Desroth watched the compound with his binoculars.

Something was odd, a disturbance in the force. At once he knew what had happened.

"Steady yourselves my padwans, the enemy knows we are here on Korriban. I feel that this recon mission has turned out for the worse..."

Desroth glanced back at the complex, the presence of the force within it seemed to beckon him in. His training told him it would be a disaster to lead his students into the heart of the sith academy against opponents who used the force with such reckless abandon.

"Return to the ship and prepare to leave at a moments notice. If you sense that I have died at the hands of the Sith here, leave for Nar Shaddaa and board a passenger vessel back to the council chambers on Courscant."

The students nodded, knowing the importance of this mission. They turned and ran back up the path to the ship. Desroth, on the other hand, lept down to the academy, approaching it with great caution.

The guards infront seemed to be gone, and the front door was wide open. He stepped inside as his eyes adjusted to the dimness of the academy. The force within the building was tainted, filled with cold malice and death. A door on the far end of the atrium opened as Desroth approached it.

He stepped inside as the door slowly closed behind him. He seemed to not notice, as his eyes were focused on the Sith Lord infront of himself.

"So, you are the head of this academy are you not? I was not told to fight unless I had to, but it seems I have no choice now."

Desroth unclipped his cloak, grabbing it with his left hand and throwing it to the side. He wore a simple white padded shirt with long sleeves, slightly baggy to allow for extra movemement. His pants where dark brown colored padded linen as well, ending just above his black flexible boots that provided stability and durabilty but did not sacrifice manuvarbility.

He had shoulder length dark brown hair that curled slightly at the tips and deep green eyes. At his hip was a dual blade lightsaber with a strange ring in the exact center of the lightsaber.

He stood in a relaxed position, his mind pushing all thoughts away so he could focus on the fight itself.

"I am ready to fight."
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-30-07 09:03 PM, in Darth Nelrith VS Jedi Master Desroth Link
"Stun Sabers would be the right path to follow, but how am I to trust this Sith? What am I to do?"

Desroth's thoughts went back to the days of his training in the Jedi Academy on Courscant. His greatest mentor was well versed in the lightsaber technique of Juyo, as he prefered to duel with honor and finish his opponents quickly if he had to.

Remebering this, Desroth became conflicted even further with his decision. But then, he came to a single conclusion.

"Allow my Padawans to leave this place unharmed, and we shall duel to the end. I believe that you are a man of integrity, but your students I do not fully trust to let me just walk back out that door if you lose, nor do I trust them to let you live in your moment of weakness. Either way, I have a strong feeling that this fight might be the last either of us may have."

Desroth held out his right arm, and used the force to pull his lightsaber off his belt and into his hand. It immediatly activated at both ends, illuminating a small area arounf himself with a soft purple glow at each end.

He held it so it extended out horizontally, and slide his left foot back leaning out towards the Sith Lord.

"Do we have a deal? If so, permit me to know your name so that this duel is honorable between us. My name is Desroth."

He waited for the answer, holding the defensive stance.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-31-07 02:24 AM, in Darth Nelrith VS Jedi Master Desroth Link
"I thought I had recognized his presence, even though he has chossen to walk the dark path."

Desroth snapped back to his surrondings, seeing that Nelrith had started his attack with a opening slash. Desroth took a step backward, grasping his saber with both hands. He thrusted the left side blade down and to the right, parrying Nelrith's saber and blocking it where it was.

Desroth then spun back around behind Nelrith, bringing his saber around with him after making sure he was clear of Nelrith's saber. As he spun he brought his saber around, slashing with the left blade at Nelrith's head.

He would end this quickly if he was able to, but he was not ready to reveal his secrets to Nelrith just yet.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-31-07 11:58 PM, in Darth Nelrith VS Jedi Master Desroth Link
Desroth's saber was forced upwards, revealing his chest.

"Fast, so this is how Master Windu fought."

As he finished the thought, he saw Nelrith raise his hand up. In a flash, Desroth felt the Sith Lord's force hit him square in the chest and stomach area, propelling him backwards.

As he flew back, he lowered his right foot down to the floor and used his strength to turn the backwards movement into a mid air flip. As he spun in the air, he focused his force within his saber and found the switch he neeeded. It clicked, seperating the saber into two halfs, with hilts slightly longer then a normal saber. In one fluid movement, he touched down again with his right foot,this time flipping backwards.

As he sailed over in his backflip, he threw his right saber towards Nelrith, guiding it with his force. His training in the fine art of Ataru made it possible to use his force and agility to guide himself in the flurry of mid air flips and rolls.

The thrown saber arced towards Nelrith, attempting to catch him off guard. Desroth made sure to keep a hold of it with his force in order to pull it back if he had too.*

"Very skilled indeed Nelrith..."

OOC: About my saber. Although it is a Dual Blade saber, it was built with 2 independent sabers. The ring in the center of the staff is actually a force sensitive lock that is attuned to function with Desroth's force power. It can be triggered to lock or unlock, depending if he wants to use a staff or 2 sabers.

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 06-01-07 03:01 AM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-02-07 11:38 PM, in Darth Nelrith VS Jedi Master Desroth Link
With a flick of his wrist in a upward motion, he flung his parryed saber upwards and pulled it back to himself, catching the saber by the hilt. The blade, which had deactivated in mid flight, re energized and extended out again as brought the saber down to his side.

"He is very sentimental, just like my master was... He was a great man, but he never seemed to be the same after Kershuna disappeared."

As he thought this, he deactivated the left saber. He clipped it back on his belt and brought the right saber up infront of his body, holding it in the natural straight up and and down defensive/offensive position. He charged towards Nelrith, bringing the saber down to trail at his side.

He got within a few feet before he swung his saber up and across, aiming at Nelrith's chest.

"I will strike you down for what you put my master through!"

As Desroth spoke this, he knew that the dark side of the force prevelant on Korriban were starting to cloud his judgement. Not even Kershuna could resist the temptation of the dark side of the force, would he be able to succeed where Kershuna failed?
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-03-07 10:35 AM, in Darth Nelrith VS Jedi Master Desroth Link
As Nelrith flipped over him, Desroth spun around following Nelrith. The Sith's words rang true. If he allowed his emotions and the dark side of the force to rule him, he would not win this fight.

"I thank you for your concern Nelrith, but please let us continue."

Desroth took a stance similar to a cross between Makashi and Ataru. He had never fully mastered the Makashi form, so he had crossed it with Ataru to form a elegant defense and offense, but with a heavier focus on the offensive capabilities.

He used his force power to leap upward, somersaulting in the air. His second saber detached from his belt and was pulled into his free hand. He brought himself down on top of Nelrith, his spin perfectly bringing both his sabers down together infront of himself in a downward slice motion.

Both sabers were side by side, forming a shape like a number eleven.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-03-07 07:24 PM, in Darth Nelrith VS Jedi Master Desroth Link
OOC: I actually am attacking you, sorry if I did not make it clearer, I was slightly rushed for time to post that last attack. Ill just put in this one what I aiming to do XD


Desroth finished his final somsersault, bringing himself within a about a foot of Nelrith. His sabers maintained the same positions as he fell the last few feet towards Nelrith.

If his sabers hit Nelrith, there was no doubt that the sabers would slice straight through the sith's body, killing him in one blow.

"I dont WANT to kill him yet, he still is hiding something about my master. The only thing the council told me was that he left to go into a sort of exile to find himself and no one has had contact with him that we know of."

"What do you know of my master?"
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-12-07 11:37 PM, in Happy Birthday Desroth Link
I feel sad that no one else cares ()

But I take immense joy in the fact I can go to Canada and get some sake and beer XD

Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-11-07 03:21 PM, in Observe the crack spiders in their natural habitat Link
Lol, I posted this video some time ago here. It is still hilarious that they took the video's of the actual experimentations that really did take place and then spliced in their own stuff. This video should be shown on Viral Video on G4 XD
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-10-08 01:23 AM, in Best Wireless Card Link
For the fist post in nearly forever, I really need some f'in help here.

I am moving into a dorm in a few months and I need to switch to wireless network card to use their internet. I am looking at a few N and N1 cards because from what ive heard they are the best cards for the money...

Here is the problem: Every card review on CNET is rated abysmall, which makes me very cautious as to what I want to buy... I am looking at the Belkin N1 Wireless card (F5D8001), the D-Link DWA-552, and a few others.

My mobo has several open PCI slots and a x1 PCI-E slot (Havent seen anything for x1, but w/e), and I run 32-bit Vistas. I need speed, huge range, and something that runs on Vistas (perferably N-N1). I hope you guys wont let me down
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jedi Master Desroth

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