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12-04-24 03:35 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Cairoi
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User Post
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-15-06 03:00 PM, in WMT Wild Card: Kyo vs. Cairoi Link
Cairoi walked gingerly onto the field, his long brown hair flowing in the twilight wind. He stepped onto the stone square while stretching his muscles, yawning as he did so. He saw his spear resting on the ground nearby and reached for it. He smiled as he lifted it's wooden pole. He had fond memories of training with the spear. He spun it lazily with his right hand over his head horizantally, getting his feel for the weapon. He then stopped the spear vertically to his right and brought the butt down. He cracked his neck and stood firm, watching for his opponent. This was the twilight, the climax. His chance in this tournament would be solidified with a win here. He smiled as the wind blew once more. Let the final wind blow. As he stood there in his black trenchcoat, he seemed unreal, concrete but alive, a dark side to a darkening world.

P.S. look at custom rank. He looks like so.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-16-06 04:32 PM, in The Black Horse Pub: Destinies Intertwined Link
Cairoi listened to Sparda intently, gathering in what he was saying. He stopped in shock when Sparda mentioned Leonis. He remembered the battle, he had seen Leonis. The man was almost obscurely hidden, but he had seen him. He could not forget the face of the man he had once seen naught but inches away.

"Sparda, I saw him. He was in the crowds. We should go...Now."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-17-06 02:57 PM, in Rise Again Link
This is a battle that I am initiating because I have tooled some new moves to Cairoi. I want to test them in a battle.

If you accept, please post scenario. I don't have enough time to make one at this second. Also Cairoi's profile is here.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-17-06 07:14 PM, in The Black Horse Pub: Destinies Intertwined Link
"Right. Sparda Hellsing, from this point on, I serve you."

Cairoi drew his scimitar with his right hand. He had lied boldface to them all. His left arm was horribly scarred, but it did not matter. Until it healed, he would only need his right arm, and his Terramorphus.

"Cairoi Alester, the last Terraknight, am now your vassal."

He looked grim in the shadowy darkness the night enveloped over him. He was. Grim was the only way to look at this situation.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-18-06 09:33 AM, in What's with the small text boxes here..? (Layout Observations...) Link
Boo freaking hoo. If this person thinks that this is the place that bad layouts gather, than why not take matters into your own hands and make us all new layouts instead of whining? Look, I don't see how you can get so annoyed at these layouts. I could honsetly care less about how my post looks, just the post itself. You're putting way too much importance on this.

And sides, Like it was said most of us don't know how to make layouts, so unless someone of your "skill" can help us, deal with it.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-18-06 09:38 AM, in Girl and Guy confessions! Link
X_x Guy Confessions x_X

[x]I have watched porn
[ ] I have played/cheated on a girl
[ ] Ive slept naked
[x]I play video games
[x ] I wear boxers to bed
[ ] Ive thrown rocks @ a girls window
[ ] Ive drank because I felt like it
[x ] I still beat my buddies up
[ x] Of course they never beat me up
[ ] I drive a truck
[ x] My friends and I make fun of each other
[ ] I drive some type of car
[ ]I have more than one job
[ x]I think about girls/my girl ALOT
[ ] Ive skinny dipped
[x ] Girls are complicated, to the tenth degree
[x ] Ive forgotten to return a phone call to a girl...or a few
[x ] Not all guys are the same Im one of the different ones
[x ] Id do anything for my girl (if i had one)
[ ]I tend to be shy around girls
[ ] I act like an ass on purpose (somtimes)
[x ] Ive been flashed before
[ ]Ive seen the Rocky Horror picture show
[ ] I play hard to get
[x ] I aspire to one day become like the guys in Old School
[ ] Im not in love
[x ] Ive honked at a girl going down the road
[ ] Ive hit on a girl in public
[x ]Ive gotten wood in class
[ ] Ive asked a hot girl for her number that I just met
[ ] Ive acted like a man slut
[ x] Angelina Jolie is hot
[ ] Pamela Anderson is hotter
[x ] Sports over-rule everything else
[x ] I like rock music
[ ] I like rap music (theres one or two rap artists i like)
[ ] Ive been suspended
[x ] Ive gotten detention
[x ] Cheerleaders are hot
[ ] I have a tattoo (not yet)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-18-06 09:57 AM, in The Black Horse Pub: Destinies Intertwined Link
Cairoi put his hand on Kira's shoulder, slightily pushing her in front of him. He whispered quickly to her, unhearable to everyone else. She was the only elf here.

"Stick between me and Sparda. "

He smiled at her and then turned back to the others, raising his voice so they could all hear him.

"There's no time to waste. Get up!"

He turned back and looked at Sparda. He didn't want to say it, but he had looked up to the Five Knights for a long time. Cairoi knew if he followed Sparda, he would definately increase in strength, or die trying. Besides, they were bonded anyway: Their blood had flowed together when they were just earlier facing down a inumerable foe. If any mana was released into the blood pool, they would have been life bonded. However, he did not know if that had happened. He kept close to Kira, the only person who had shown him kindness in the group. She was an innocent, and as far as he could control, she would not be harmed.

"What an odd situation we've stumbled into, eh?"
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-18-06 10:34 AM, in An Opinionated Young Man Link
Yeah, that's what I've been called. I have opinions on everything and rightly so. Cause a wrong answer is always better then no answer at all. It's really funny when I try to share my opinions with others. I have nothing but my opinions. I mean, you can't own facts. They're everybody's.

You look at people and wonder if they comphrehend what you're saying. Do they want to change the subject?

It doesn't mean they're not good peple....It just means they just don't understand.

If let something sit without using it too often, it starts to dissapear. Memories, knowledge, metal...

All of it just rusts and turns to dust.

I've started to get scared. I might not get the best grades, but I'm often smarter than the teachers. I don't want to apply myself, that's all.

But all the annoying A+ students look at me with disdain. They say I lie about my intelligence, that I'm really just a normal kid. I'm not, and I'd love to prove them wrong. But they just keep saying my grades represent my brains.

They don't understand my shapeless brain. School is just place to estimate your smarts. They can't tell you, won't tell you. They don't know how. But instead of saying that, they try to twist the truth. And goodie goodie A+ students get the impression that they're geniuses.

I try to tell them it's not a bar graph, not a singular growth. They don't understand. They think everything's a solid number, and Interesting Quer thing indeed.

I wish someone understood. I was there were more people in this accursed town who could talk of animism and the Bay of Pigs and politics. I wish there were people who understood.

But only, there's these wallowing corpses reanimated and floating through this dark existince, trying to grab me and drag me down. I fight for my higher echelon, my ascenion from those mindless zombies, serving their immortal master known as society. I want to be free from this tar pit, I want to fly. But I don't have wings. They don't come for another 4 years.

They've already started to grab me. They're trying to pull me down. I don't know if I can hold onto my insanity for 4 more years before I'm free. I can only hope of the wings and hope that I can hold on.

It's going to be a bumpy ride into the darkness...
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-18-06 04:20 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
Jack turned the corner sharply.

"Yeah, Kiera. Don't worry about it."

Jack parked the car and killed the engine, moving to open his door. He opened the door and felt an odd sensation overwhelm him. With so much energy being granted to him, he had enough energy to surpass the Elemental Lords of legend. And thus, he had an incredible 6th sense. He smelled the aura in the air.

"Kiera, a high output of energy was here. Not mine, not Ted's."

What no one at 369 had known was that Jack had begun opening the Mortal Seals of his body. No one knew of the seals besides Urashi and Jack, who had discovered the seals. He had increased his power so many times he was able to begin unsealing them. If he unsealed them in battle, his power would be unmeasurable. Urashi had sacrificed one seal for his intricate mana displays, and that alone surpassed almost all other Wiccans ever in existence. He dared not let Kiera know of he and Urashi's hidden technique, for then he would be forced to tell her he had actually broken a seal on Urashi, which had completly destroyed 1/8 of him and his scalpel summoning power.

"Stay behind me."

Jack jumped forward and landed in front of the door 20ft away. He opened the door and couldn't detect any mana. The house was bare of the usual liveliness that was normally there. Jack began shaking and making strange hand signals, releasing some mana for this move. His hands began glowing and he touched his eyes, activiting the Hawkeye spell. He saw through the house to see two bodies in a closet, their mana nearly absent. He smiled and deactivated the spell, opening the closet.

"Ted, you're okay!"

Ted gasped and then sighed when he saw Jack. He pushed him back.

Ted: " I take it they are gone."

(Last edited by Cairoi on 01-19-06 08:05 PM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-18-06 04:52 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
Ted: "The Government got closer, Jack."

Jack nodded and looked around, before walking over and shutting the door.

Ted: "...Jack, Kiera. You've both increased so much it's hard to believe you're the same people...And I only saw you two weeks ago Jack."

Jack didn't want to tell Ted anything. But he had to.

"Ted, We've freed the Mantis. All I have left is to kill the Lion, and train the Executioner."

Ted's eyes widened madly. So much has happened, he thought to himself. His face was one of rapidly increasing age and fear. He didn't want Jack to follow the prophecy that his wife had told.

First the Mantis, then The Lion
'Fore the Executioner's axe be sharpened
And the boy will fade away

She had said it to Jack, who came to believe it meant that he would die after Urashi and the Lion had died. But what it truly meant is that he would cause the deaths of them both before he trained Dalit and...dissapeared. No one was sure of that line anymore.

Ted: "I see. The need to give it to me then, hmm?"
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-18-06 05:29 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
"Kiera, the moment I found you, your survival was foremost on my priorities."

Ted nodded and looked at Kiera, who had no idea the things Urashi and Jack had done.

Ted: "There was a reason those two with little reinforcements could withstand the Government. Urashi was known as the Mantis, and Jack the Falcon. They were a member of an anti-government Wiccan group that the Government feared many times more than 369 and Witches Through. They were known only as the Five. Five members, and each has been haunted their entire life. Jack here as you know has faught the Government his whole life. Urashi was his uncle-"

Jack's eyes flashed and glared at Ted. Ted scratched the back of his head.

Ted: "You know Two of the Five. There were 3 others, and only one is left. the Lion. The one...who cursed the Mantis, the one who is behind the Chimera plan. That is the one that betrayed the Five. He killed the other two. He is more than likely the current strongest Wiccan alive. Dalit would be killed instantly in a fight against him. Even I, a member of the Wiccan Terra Council cannot stand against him. It seems Jack needs this athame unsealed. Urashi infused many seals of his energy in this athame. With the energy in this, Jack could more than likely be equal to the Lion."

Jack squinted his eyes and leaned against the wall. Ted had said too much...He didn't want to be remembered as the Falcon anymore. He was Jack Eldridge, founder of 369...

"Ted, the energy's not for me."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-18-06 05:45 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
"Kiera, I'm glad you feel that way. Cause that energy ain't for Dalit either. And Dalit won't be going near the Lion. That energy is for you. For when I'm not around."

Ted laughed and smiled at Jack. He had a warm look on his face.

Ted: "You've always been worried about others."

"Yes I have, Ted...Kiera, one day, Dalit will want to be stronger. He is my cousin. I will do as he asks. But, in case I don't kill the Lion, and he gets me, that athama has two energies in it: Urashi's and mine. It's not a full seal, but it'll be enough to make you more than a skilled combat Wiccan. That's why you feel comfterable around that athame. It is a part of Urashi and me. "

Jack was looking at the window to the far right, avoiding Kiera's stare.

"And Ted, I need that Wiccan armor. I have to at least wound the Lion, scare him. Make him believe the only way to beat me is to become a part of the Chimera. It will save Dalit's life."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-18-06 06:06 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
"That's alright. I'd rather sneak in than defile Duex's memory."

Jack stood straight and looked at Kiera square in the eye.

"If you don't want to take the athame energy, then allow me to permantely open one of your seals. It will hurt, but you'll be much stronger."

Ted heard Jack's words and thought to himself, trying to think of what a seal was.

Ted: "Well, I'll go and get the armor. Also, you might as well keep the athame then, Kiera."

He handed her the athame and walked away, heading towards his basement. Many treasures lie down there, guarded by incantations. No one but Ted could get to them.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-19-06 09:44 AM, in Innocence Gone Link
"No, he meant it to protect you. You can use it as yours, you don't have to. He wanted you to get stronger after his death...cause the prophecy indicates that I may die soon."

Jack hears Ted stumbling up the stairs. The door opens and dust leaps from it, carrying Ted and the armor with it. He struggled with the heavy box, dropping it with relief in front of Jack.

Ted:"You wear that?"

"Yeah, but it takes a while to put on. I'm going to wear it on our invasion in two days. But today, I have to fight the Lion. I'l be able to sneak in without any trouble..."

Jack picked the box up with one hand and lifted it onto his shoulder. He didn't look strained, and this caused Ted to look at him angrily.

Ted: "Stop showing off...Now, Ms. Kiera,do you need anything done before you go? I can release the aura in the athame, or I can give you access to my library."

This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-19-06 10:05 AM, in WMT Wild Card: Kyo vs. Cairoi Link
Cairoi smiled and lifted the spear, looking at the boy. His hair twirled about in the wind, hiding his eyes from the boy.

"Well, I'm not really willing to hurt children, but so be it."

Cairoi looked at the boy and began his standard stance. He held the pole with his left hand closer to the spearhead and the right near the bottom. He walked closer to the boy and circled slowly, watching his movements. To start the match, he attempted one quick stab at the boy's left shoulder, with him being at a 45 degree angle from the boy's vision if he look straight forward. The stab was executed swiftly and with precision, but not enough force so that Cairoi could not react to a counter.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-19-06 03:14 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
"Alright. Let me just take this out to the car. Also, I'm going to need to contact Kevin. I'll catch up."

Jack smiled and walked out the door, leaving Ted and Kiera to themselves.

Ted:"Follow me."

Ted walks down the hallway behind him and turns at the 2rd door to the right. He opens it and it leads to a stairway leading to the attic. He walks up and puts his hands over the words "Ted Vandross" and says a quick password. The knobless door opens, revealing a literal catacomb of books.

Ted: "I have so many books I had to stick them all in the second floor. All that's up here is 6 large rooms filled with books, a guest bedroom, and a bathroom. Everything else is downstairs. Feel free to look around."

After Jack locked the trunk, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Kevin's number. He got the answering machine, and sighed loudly.

"Kevin, call me back. I'm going to need your help with a 2-man mission today. Top priority."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-19-06 03:21 PM, in Quiz: What form of self-multilization are you? (Warning: for Mature) Link
You are HITTING.
Synopsis: Hitting could pertain to hitting yourself
or hitting other (hard) objects to cause
bruises or cuts. This can lead to serious
injury, including breaking bones. After being
angered or mistreated, you probably sit and
stew in it for a while before actually injuring
Positive trait: You accept others for who they are
Negative trait: Low self-esteem
Color: Green
Emotion: Tolerance
Animal: Fox
Quote: Dont try to fix me, Im not broken.

What form of self-mutilation are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

All of this quiz is right except the low self-esteem thing. I have a high self esteem. Other than that, it's quite good.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-19-06 03:40 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
"No, that was my comrades'. You see, I am the Grand Wiccan of Water. That is the book of Denise, the Grand Wiccan of Soul. Her healing spells could, if done in a timely manner, could save one from certain death. Her healing skills were near perfect. If you want, I can teach you the language she liked to write in. But to do so, you must promise to indulge in it fullheartedly and become quite a bit stronger."

Ted said this as he walked around, compiling books that might intrest Kiera. He seemed absent as he grabbed books and began piling them on a table.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-19-06 04:04 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
Jack smiled and walked inside, heading upstairs. He walked into the room and overheard Kiera and Ted's conversation concerning Denise. She was a good woman, he thought to himself before walking in. I miss them all, all the fallen people in my life. I have to end this.

"Kiera, give me your hands. I am unsealing you if you want to learn Denise's spells. Please."

Ted saw Jack walk in and looked down as he talked to her, looking through his books. As he searched through the many books he had written, he said quickly.

"If unsealing does what Jack says, do it. You shouldn't learn these spells at your current strength."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4860 days
Last activity: 4484 days
Posted on 01-19-06 04:22 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
Jack grabbed Kiera's arms and put his index and middle fingers on each of Kiera's palms. They spread apart, releasing a strange mana that revealed two odd ritual circles.

"They've never been unsealed, so a ritual must be done and some pain may come. I'm sorry."

He put his hands together and began whispering a strange series of foriegn words. With every 5 words, Kiera felt a little more pain, and the ritual circles began glowing brighter and brighter sill.

"Final word: Cpao."

The seals were bathed in a bright blue light and the pain was about to sear through Kiera when Jack secretly absorbed the pain. While feeling the pain, he smiled at Kiera.

"There. Two seals broken. Now whenever you say the final word, it acts as a remote that gives you incredible strength, speed, mana, and stamina."

(Last edited by True Flight on 01-19-06 09:15 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Cairoi

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