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02-05-25 11:50 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jobes
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User Post

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-23-05 05:27 PM, in Halo RP revived. Link
OOC: Wow I think everyone else gave up.

IC: Jobes turning away from the phone. He jumps on the nearest Warthog gun and unlouds the whole damn thing on the nearest wave. Jobes pulls out a rocket launcher that was placed on the top of the warthog and fires two rockets at the approaching phantom. "Incoming phantoms and I know what stupid ass makes a one way teleporter."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-23-05 06:07 PM, in 5 year old handcuffed?! Link
I agree with avatar that she was crazy and all that. But using handcuffs maybe not but using those plastic things ( can't think of the name at the moment) they use on detainees and prisoners of war would of worked. She might of calmed down for a moment but after that you never know she might of flipped out again after that. I can see why the police wanted to do that.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-23-05 06:10 PM, in 911 call because burger king wouldnt make the right burger Link
Ok here follows a 911 call because Burger King wouldn't make her the right burger she wanted. She wanted to cops to come and make Burger King make her the burger she wanted

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-24-05 09:48 AM, in The Answer Quiz Link
14) What your cable box is plugged into?

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-24-05 10:09 AM, in Hey I learned something cool!! Link
Ok I have an idea for the first one but Here is my list of what I think they are
1. Search your Soul
2. Miracles
3. Justified

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-24-05 10:12 AM, in Your Porn Name! Link
My Porn Name Is God Mercer. Would Be a ever odd porn name.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-24-05 04:22 PM, in I challenge Xeios Link
Jobes his sword, Soul, in his right hand watches the beam of soul energy come flying at him. He starts to laugh and absorbs the soul energy into his sword. "Thank you Xeios." Jobes is now 100 yards away from Xeios but Jobes does a head on dash straight towards Xeios. He reaches him in a matter of 2 seconds. Since Xeios unleashed the energy Jobes needs to power up Soul; Jobes slashes at Xeios' middle section 6 times. Soul's attack now has the power of 10 atomic bombs.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-25-05 02:56 PM, in I challenge Xeios Link
By the time Xeios would of jumped over Jobes. The soul energy from the sword went into Jobes body and released from every pour in Jobes body in every direction. Contact with the Soul energy would would absorb your soul energy and make you too weak to continue to fit and by 15 posts later you will be too weak and die

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-27-05 02:04 PM, in Halo RP revived. Link
" Yo chief wake me up when we are ready to role." Jobes walks over to the tent where there is a single cot. Lays on his back with his pistol in hand. " If any of you bastards try to do something I will pop a cap in your ass."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 04-30-05 08:22 PM, in Halo RP revived. Link
" Black Eye I heard that." Jobes waking up from his nap. He walks over to where Black Eye is standing. " Do you understand why we have ranks, soldier. Next time I hear a thing like that out of your mouth it is 15 lashes." Jobes turning his comm so only Chief can hear. "Do you think that was harsh or not harst enough." Jobes turns his comm back to everyone

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-01-05 10:24 AM, in I challenge Xeios Link
Jobes lets sword come in but moves to the left at the right moment that only Xeios' sword leaves a scratch on Jobes hip. By while Xeios was close enough Jobes pulls out his pistol and fires an almost point blank shot at Xeios' head.

(Last edited by Jobes on 05-01-05 01:24 PM)

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-03-05 02:20 PM, in I challenge Xeios Link
Jobes drawing in close; Jobes blocks Soulsteel with Soul and in the same motion he puts his pistol back in its holster. He gabs straight towards the mid-section of Xeios.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-07-05 08:56 AM, in Halo RP revived. Link
Jobes walks over to where chief is and helps him out with carring the crate into the bunker." What do we got in this crate chief? We should get some C4 down here and set it up so they can't get in."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-10-05 03:20 PM, in Halo RP revived. Link
Jobes walks over to the box labeled......JOBES....... He opens up the box and rifle modifications are laying on top of his new upgraded Battle Armor. Jobes starts to modify his armor....just then three explosions happen....."Hurry Men! Lets get this armor on fast. They are coming again. Black Eye, what is going on out there." Jobes finishes his upgrade and starts to put the rifle modifications on his rifle the barrel is 3 inches longer and the scope is modified for better accuracy. Jobes runs out of the bunker with his new modified equipment, searching for any covenant scum.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-11-05 05:00 PM, in Halo RP revived. Link
OOC: Glad to see the team is returning one by one

Jobes watching Cryus attack the hunter. Soon as Cryus is out of the way Jobes fires three shots into the hunters head. "Ahh the upgrades work. Now lets kick some ass." Jobes turns on the comm to Command. " Command we need another scorpion." This is Command it is on its way. A tank appears coming through the teleporter.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-15-05 06:00 PM, in XGf College Years Link
Sean spot where Chris was on the phone. He is on his cellphone with his cousin. I know. Ok just don't do anything stupid. And tell him I have a bat. "Hey guys. Wass Up? Hey Chris how is your Computer Amination going? Mine took me like forever to make. So who you talking to?" Sean turns to the Other Chris "Wass up dude?"

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-17-05 04:04 PM, in XGf College Years Link
" Yo Chris. Wass Up? I almost forgot about the Computer Amination and finished it late last night. Do you need a lift?" Sean hops into his 1986 Buick Grand National, with its all black finish. He turns on the radio and puts in his Mix Cd. He rolls down the passenger window. "So you coming man?"

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-17-05 04:15 PM, in Spirit War: A Very in-depth RPG. Join Now! Link
Designation: Holy
Gender: Male
Rank: General under Gaia
Army size: 68,000, Flame archers, flame mages, Heavy Infantry, siege weapons, Lava golems and Cavalry.
Bio: A flaming example of a fine General, Combusticus' explosive personality reflects his battlefield tactics.
Weapon of choice: Flaming Longsword
Element of choice: Fire

Combusticus trains his army for the up coming war. They are in Fort Godious. Arrows start flying and impaling the dummies that are 100 yards away. Calvary charges are happening the the South Part of the Fort. The sound of the Armor can be heard echoing the halls. Combusticus walks over to the new recruits. "This is for you new people. Everyone fights; Noone quits. If you don't do your job, I will kill you myself! Do you get me? {all} We get you sir."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-23-05 03:48 PM, in XGf College Years Link
OOC: Sorry about the long delay in answering....Had alittle computer trouble....

IC: Picks up the girls with Chris and heads to Del Taco. Parks right out front the it and hops out of the car and helps them get out. Walks over to were they are standing. " Crap be right back I forgot my wallet in the car." Sean runs back to his car and searching for his wallet. He finds it under the drivers seat and helds back over to Chris and people. " So when is everyone getting here."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 05-23-05 03:58 PM, in Spirit War: A Very in-depth RPG. Join Now! Link
Combusticus gets news of the battle that is happening and advances to the position of Ceddik. Archers fire towards the Unholy Archers.... I want 4 squads of 200 Calvary each. First Battalion after the first volley charge. Heavy Infantry charge after the second. Fire Golems move in after the third volley. Archers aim for Archers and the Horses leave the men for the chargers. Fire. A Cloud of black with a red glow blanket the sky. Calvary charges. Another Cloud forms. Infantry charge. Third Volley. Fire Golems charge.

(Last edited by Jobes on 05-27-05 06:09 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jobes

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