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02-03-25 02:17 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jedi Master Desroth
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Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-24-05 04:07 PM, in Nintendo Madness Link
i noticed something about Nintendo. The next gen consoles dont stack up against their handheld poweress. In my opinion, they need to stop their crap systems, and begin to increase the power of their handhelds. They have dominated that market for so long, they should just stick to it if they are going to release systems that are crap (why cant they bring back consoles like the N64 now with a giant ass capabilities, like the N512 or something LOL). anyway, if they dont do something soon, Sony and Microsoft are going to blow Nintendo out of the water. If Microsoft releases a handheld, then Nintendo is going to die. Their new consoles blow, so they need to make great handhelds now.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-25-05 11:57 AM, in Nintendo Madness Link
whats up with this? Micro is a small SP??? what crap is that? they have the power to make 3d graphics on a GB DS, so why even stay with the same graphic capability as a SP??? i think that is a let down, they should have the 3d DS power in it, thats just me. I think ill just stick with a DS and say screw it to the Micro. now if the micro CAN play 3d games, then maybe ill get that, but its not looking to be likely
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-25-05 02:14 PM, in Someone I have not already fought please! Link
Jedi arent all pushovers you know. Just because we follow the light doesnt mean we cant touch the darkness. Infact, have a taste of the dark side of the force!

*Desroth whips his hand towards Anyndir, as electricity crackles up his hand. Its bluish color leaps around his fingers, before launching through the air. The electricity seared the air, as all of the air in the path was pushed out of the way. As the electricity neard, the shear voltage and amps could be felt, increaseing with the clossness of the lightning.*

Lets see you weasel out of this one.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-25-05 02:50 PM, in My overall thoughts on the movie. [SPOILER WARNING] Link
i had a few problems with the movie myself.

1. They kept palpatine in a nice comfy chair with his hands locked down on the chair arms. No one thought that was odd that he was all comfy and not in, oh, SAY THE BRIG?!?!?!

2. Palpatine=MAJOR EVIL SITH LORD. you think people would notice his aura or something?

3. Palpatine sends a message to all the clones. in the book, they all had mental issues and could be easily swayed. you would think that the jedi could sense this and be ready for it??? i thought they all died way to easily..

4. Palpatine cuts down 3 master jedi in under 3 seconds. How did he do it? they were the best Jedi, thats why they werent on the front line much. i dont care if he is the grandmaster of space and time, you cant kill 3 masters that fast without a good fight....

5. the whole jedi temple cant stop 1 guy and about 100 clone troopers??? the temple is full of lightsaber wielding jedi, and they all die?

6. Yoda. he held out in my view. Palpatine would have been killed if Yoda would have fought him for real.

7. Qui Gon. No one mentions him in the old 3 movies. you would think Luke would get training there first from a actual master???

aside from all that, it was a awsome movie that i enjoyed. those problems just seem to bug me, but not really hinder the film.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-27-05 11:59 AM, in Sex and how does it effect a releationship Link
yeah, it takes alot of trust and commitment for this type of thing. I told her that I wouldnt push her to do anything she didnt want to do. I also like her alot, and we both feel we can trust one another. Also, this should be closed because my mom gave me the birds and the bees talk for the 2000000 time when she heard we were going swimming... yeesh, sometimes moms can be overbearing...
and Beowulf, Rogue is right, you dont know squat about sex. I know about AIDS, and STD's and how they are passed. I know she doesnt have anything and i know i dont have anything. Sex is a natural thing, you just got to have common sense and use as much protection as possible. Also, dont commit on how effective a condom is, IT SAY IT HAS A PROTECTIVE RATE OF 98% RIGHT ON THE BOX! Also, i know about the whole baby issue. She knows the risks to, infact, she was the one who wanted to start any sexual action and wants to continue. Anyway, thnx Rogue, i will explore a bit, lol!

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 05-27-05 03:06 PM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-28-05 05:37 PM, in Worst/Favourite/Wierdest Dreams Link
My dreams are all werid, but i like to think of myself as a dream master. I have learned to control my dreams 100%. my favorite dream was one i had about a week ago

I woke up in my own room, everything was the same, but yet it was different, it was hard to tell, but i knew i was not awake. I went into the living room, and my dad was cutting the couch with a chainsaw. I ignored that like it was normal, and i went outside. I jumped in the air, and i was floating, and i flew up into the sky. Then all of a sudden, i fell, and smacked the Earth.

I woke up right then.. it was funny, my body felt like it had fallen, and my bed creeked down and i bounced up alittle. it was like i had been floating the entire time... maybe i can channel some spiritual energy to float my body when i dream. btw, i was also above my sheets, and they werent moved so they looked like i had pushed them off. weird?

also, some tips to wake up from dreams!

1. whenever there is something evil looking, scream. it will eat you and you will wake up.

2. Fall off something. Your mind will go into shock and cant compute what will happen and you will wake up

3. generally kill yourself...

Some tips to get something you want in a dream!

1. think about what you want up to the point you fall asleep. the last thought you have before sleep will usually appear in your dream.

2. if you want peaceful dreams, dont argue or fight 1 hour before sleep

3. vice versa if you want nightmares usually

just do that and your set for what you want. lolz
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-30-05 07:28 AM, in Couple bathes in own feces and blame the health dept. for it Link
obviously none of you have lived out in a house that has a well. if this was their first time doing this, then they might not have noticed becuase the water already smells like shit (sulfur in the water from the ground) and tastes like shit. Sometimes if the water hasnt been used as a while it is all dirty and crap looking. so, in essence, the couple probably wouldnt notice anything for a while. but come on, the health department didint notice a thing??? thats kinda stupid. but yeah, if you havent lived in a house with a well, you wouldnt assume anything was wrong becuase people have already told you it will smell and look like crap for a while... i know, i use to go to my uncles cabin and his water is from a well. it smells like crap, and he buys jugs of water to brush his teeth with.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 05-30-05 07:53 AM, in Terraworld Link
fans of mystic journey and final fantasy rejoice! this game satisfies anyone and all who are looking for a simple MMORPG! the graphics boarder on the final fantasy 5 level, but they are still as great as MJ. In this game, you can become one of 3 main classes, with possibilities of specializing as a sub class. A warrior who fights with his fists can become proficent like that and become a monk. a mage can become a Black Mage or White Mage, specializing in either form of magic. i forgot the other class, but it has the same possibilities. this game rewards long play, becuase it will quite a while before you can leave noob island, or even to gain money. I thourghly enjoy this game, and if your looking for something new besides MJ, look it up!

btw, if you let the computer decide your stats, you could end up a mage who has great magic and strength *like me*. i hope to see you online! my sn is Desroth, and i do believe Beowulf has started playing. i hope he will post his sn on here so you can find us
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-08-05 01:04 PM, in GunBound World Champion Link
i love the new gunbound. and i have found although u can only keep stuff for about a week, you will almost always get enough money to keep them if your good. I like to pwn noobs with Kalciadon. Kalciadon is good if you know that the missles home in on the ball that falls out of them. anyway, add me. im PlanetDeath, adds me. my avatar is something i like to call a SWAT Death Angel (head of Swat, body of Death Angel)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-15-05 06:50 AM, in New SSB for Revolution Link
yeah, me and Beowulf are sweet Marth Roy combo (me Marth, him Roy). we fight over who is stronger, but we never actually battle each other.. i personally like to fight the computer, all against me. i usually face a level 9 pikachu, a level 9 mewtwo, and one other level 9. i can usually get them down to 1 life each in a stock match before they get the best of me. that is pretty good for 3 level 9's, and 2 of the best characters in the game against me.if i used Roy, i could probably beat them without losing all of my lives. i have to get a real GC, because doing the illegal thing on my comp we cant talk about slows my comp WAY down for some reason...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-20-05 09:08 AM, in Interruption attack rules... Link
Shaddow, i think you are missing the point just a little bit. In DoA, there are 2 fighters, A and B. it will go something like this...

Fighter A punches at Fighter B
B blocks the attack WHEN IT IS ABOUT TO HIT!

that should be the general flow of battle, one attacks, then the other blocks/dodges the first attack, THEN fights back. now lets look at a example of a time interruption attack, shall we?

Fighter A fires a mega beam attack thing
Fighter B says he throws up a shield before Fighter A's attack even began, then attacks back as the other attack is still going.

this leads to fighter B having a 99.9% chance of a automatic hit because fighter A cant block the attack, he is already commited to the beam. its a legal god mod in essence. i dont think anyone can forsee the future or predict attacks before even the opponent uses them. also, on almost the same note, i have notice people seem to get hit by attacks, but ignore the listed side effects. take Beo's first title match, his opponent totally overlooked the fact that he was internally bleeding serverly and what was serverly injured. all he said was "Owww" and kept fighting 100%. thats another god mod no one calls in a fight.

For all those who found this post weird, please referr to this:
1.Time Interuption attack/block/evade: This set of attacks/blocks/evades are used BEFORE the opponent has done his move. It usually occurs after the opponents post, where the second fighter blocks way in advance before the first opponent has even made a move.

Post 1
Fighter A fires a energy beam
Post 2
Fighter B attacks BEFORE the Fighter A has made his first move of the battle.

2. Ignoring side effects of a attack that has hit you: This was one of the main reasons why Beo's first title match was halted. His oppoent ignorded the fact he was internally bleeding and was going to die in a minute or 2. also, not mentioning what a attack did to you is annoying as well, becuase people arent mind readers. Its like "Did my energy ball rip your head off, or did it barely singe you??" mention what your oppenets attack did to you in your posts...

as far as i can tell, we got 2 new god mod offenses to add to the list.

thank you and have a nice day.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-21-05 01:58 PM, in XBox 360 or PS3? Link
omg, i think the show on tech tv called "Attack of the Show" actually revealled the nividia powerhouse that is in the PS3. The PS3 version of the graphcis card currently outpreforms its computer counter part by a long shot. plus the thing is freakin huge, almost 6-7 inches long. There are a few complaints about the PS3, for one thing, the PS3 looks like a George Forman grill (one of the larger ones). My other complaint is the controller. I would be afraid to throw my controller down in frustration because it could come back and hit me. For all who havent seen the controller, its a boomerang stlye (why Sony? WHY?!?!?!).

On to the X-Box 360. It is coming out WAY earlier then the PS3 is. Although Halo 3 is being talked about, we have to suffer the games before it. From current specs on the system and specs on games, the games are not tapping even 20% of the full power. I know when a new system comes out, it takes a while for the graphics to go up, but come on. The X-Box is already pushing its self to the max, why cant the X-Box 360 have games at 50% power??? Thats just me. My other complaint is the name. It is kinda lame, but atleast it looks sweet to look at.

Nintendo Revolution... What can i say about it? Nothing really... I havent seen it nor do i know specs for it. All i can do is base how it is going to do based on the GC popularity. X-Box and PS2 blew GC out of the water, only a small population of gamers actually have one. Its not to say alot of people have one, but it is nothing compared to X-Box and PS2 owners. I just hope they dont screw up like they are screwing up with the GBM (Gameboy Micro, basically a thin and wide GBA... (Sorry, I would rather play the DS thankyou very much).

at any rate, all 3 will have their fans, but im sticking to PS3 and X-Box 360 until the Revolution reveals its true power and glory.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-21-05 04:15 PM, in Video Game Review Thread | Gain Lucre! Link
God of War (PS2)
Makers: Sony
Genre: Action/Adventure
Players: 1

The long awaited PS2 game of 2005, God of War is not a let down. Unlike other games that were hyped up *cough*HALFLIFE2*cough*, this game does not suck nuts or end after about 2.5 hours of straight gameplay. This game is sure appease both the puzzle and the i-gotta-hack-everything-that-moves-to-a-million-bloody-pieces game lovers. Now then, with out further ado, TEH REVIEW!

Storyline: 10/10 (or if you never studied a lick of ancient Greece, probably a 5-7/10)
Unless you have been under a rock for your whole life or havent studied ancient Greece, there actually was a god of war. His name was Ares, and all the Greecian militarys fought under his direction. In this game, they follow ancient lore, but with a twist that did not occur in real life. You play as a man named Kratos ("Ghost of Athens") who in a moment of extreme peril called to the god Ares to save him and his men, and he would pay any price. He was saved and became Ares eyes and ears on Earth, Ares own personel destroyer because why should a god raze a single village to the ground? Kratos followed Ares commands until a series of events lead Kratos to cast aside Ares domination and to find and kill Ares. His quest will take him from the Agean Sea, to Athens itself, through a desert, up a castle on a giants back, and back to Athens before all is said and done. Although there are only 5 chapters in this game, each one takes easilly 2-3 hours to explore throughly and to complete the tasks at hand. The storyline has many plot twists, especially towards then end when you find the one thing that will allow you to destroy Ares once and for all.

Gameplay: 10/10
What is a awsome game without gameplay mechanics? This game features the most intuitive set of combat and magic useage ever devised for a single game. Your best weapon for the first part of the game are your Chaos Swords, forged in the very pits of Hades, these swords are chained to your arms as a sign of you being Ares minion. These swords are the only weapon in the games that allows you to do combos that are both spectacular as well as deadly to your oppenents. These swords are maybe a foot or 2 long,and are blunt and thick with razor sharp jagged edges made for slicing and dicing just like Emirl slicing parseley for a dish. Now these may not seem all to dangerous, but when you add on the fact that the chains extend out allowing for extra long reach when attacking, and the fact the engulf in fire when you fight make them all the more deadly. The only downside to this is the fact there are only 3 weapons in the whole game (Swords of Chaos, Sword of Artemis, and the final sword you will have to get yourself). Aside from the minor detail, the fighting system is a joy. Each and every attack flows smoothly into the next or into a combo attack. Each and every hit also feel smooth and responsive, if you smash a undead with your swords, they will get knocked back or fall back across the ground. Also, there is a added bonus of a theatrical kill. These are usually triggered by pressing the O button when it is floating above a enemy. These range from simply pummeling the snot out of undead warrior, ripping wings off harpies, preforming finishing moves and big bad guys that would other wise be hard to take down in normal combat, or in a boss fight. In boss fights, this theatrical effect is taken to a new level. Sometimes it is the only way to KILL or HURT a boss alot. Also side by side with the combat, there are magic spells. Some of these are more important then others, and only one of them is a total waste of time and mana. There are only 4 spells from the gods: Hades, Zues, Poseiden, and one other i cant remeber. Artemis is also in here, she grants you the Blade of Artemis, the second most powerful sword in the game (but you can not get the same reach or do combos like the Chaos Swords). Hades is the most potent when you get it, allowing you to summon 2 spirits to fight for you and with you, and when you level it up, you get more and more. Unless you are a master at fighting, you are going to be using spells just about the same amount of time as melee fighting. The A.I. in this game is not the best, but certainly not the worst in this game. They block, dodge and counter, but mostly they come STRAIGHT towards you before trying to engage you. Some enemies have better A.I., like Satyrs and Centaurs, but you dont meet them until later in the game. This A.I. can be overlooked however, as you are trying to smash your way through a horde that is trying to rape you. Aside from fighting, there are puzzles. Some are simple as stepping on a button, others require you to put a block puzzle together, and others are just plain a pain in the freakin ass. One such example of a pain in the ass is having to climb about a 3/4 mile tall spinning tube of doom, which has blades all over it. One touch from anywhere from a blade will knock you back to the bottom and you have to start all over again. This part is SO close to the last fights with Ares it is not even funny. I just want to take my disc and chuck it out the window, but then i would be paying Blockbuster 50 dollars for the disc... Although the puzzles and the A.I. can be a little annyoing or stupid at times, you will soon overlook that when you finally get past them and continue your ultimate path of destruction and chaos.

Graphics: 9/10
This game simply looks beautiful. The in game graphics are on par with todays graphics, but the cutscenes are where it really shines. You almost have to pinch yourself to remeber that it is just a game, not real life. Kratos looks like he was a real person in these cutscenes, and his face and eyes move naturally as he talks to Athena, the goddes who watches over him. Combat is also beautiful as well, your Chaos Swords slice the air with their fiery wraith, dismembering your opponents after you beat the crap out of them. The spell effects are kinda bland, as well as the enemies. There is only 2 model types for your opponents (normal, or Hades flame) and both models are exactly the same except for the addition of fire on them for Hades flame. all the faces are the same, weapons the same, attack strategies the same. This wont occur to you when you get surronded by 2 minotaurs, 5 archers, and a bunch of undead warriors and your ass it getting handed to you royaling becuase you ran out of mana. Other then that, the enviroments are gorgeous and are lush. it so mind numbly well animated you will probably have some moments when all you do is sit there and look out across the world and say "Whoa". On one last note, level 1 Artemis Sword glows purple! Jedi Master Windu Kratos all the way!!!

Sound: 6/10
The sound, although great in cutscenes, is rather lucklaster in the campaign. Your swords make the same noise against all enemies unless they have armor on, then they make the same noise when you hit all other armored opponents. Kratos grunts and groans when he swings his swords or does random acts of stength, but once again there are only 3-4 types of grunts and groans. Enemies all have the same 2-4 sound emessions when they attack, defend, or are hit. If you heard one undead warrior, you heard em all. Not much else to say there.

First Level Shock Factor: 15/10
Why 15 out of 10? Why even have this section?? ill tell you why!!! about 30 seconds into the first level, you will crap your pants when the first boss you ever fight comes out of no where and attacks you. This may not seem scary, but its a freakin hydra, it will probably make you jump with how fast and how sudden it is when it comes. You dont even get a warning before the beast attacks, nor do you see it before it attacks. It made me jump when it happend, so unless you havent read this or any other FAQ, you will probably jump to, lol

Overall: 9/10

This game is definetly one of the best PS2 games out for action adventure fans. But I do have a warning for you, this game is not for the weak of heart or stomach, there is alot of blood, dismembering, and generally ripping people and enemies in half with your bare hands... Also, i would suggest watching somone else play the game or burrowing it for a day before you buy it. It is not for everyone, it requires a quick thought process and reaction speeds, as well as brain power to complete the varying puzzles in the game. I hope then now (based on my rambling/review) you too can make the decision to buy or rent this great game!

PS: if anyone knows how to get past the Path of Hades over the River Styx where the giant log thing with all the blades is, please tell me. I can not get past that freakin area, i keep getting knocked down and it is really starting to piss me off...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-25-05 06:12 AM, in Top 5 Favorite Animes Link
Well, for me its not so hard, i usually only watch or buy what i like. I dont like to experiment alot with other Anime unless some else has it.

1. Naruto
2. Chobits (have a ton of episodes. I think all of them..)
3. Outlaw Star
4. Love Hina
5. Full Metal Alchemist
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-25-05 09:59 AM, in Zzzz... Can anyone tell me if I got a sleeping disorder? Link
Maybe your just a person who needs to sleep alot... My dad sleeps alot when he isnt even tired, its just a natural thing for him to do.. If your mom is really that concerned, tell her to take you to the sleep study clinic on Hall road, you cant miss it. I dont think normal doctors would know to much about why you sleep alot even though their is nothing physically or mentally wrong with you.

Or, it could be your hearing problem? You strain alot to here with the hearing aides and maybe it just makes your brain wear out and makes you want to sleep? At any rate, try to go to the sleep clinic, they could find out what is wrong and get you on a good pattern to control it (unlike a doctor who will probably give you pills to take or send you to a psychaitrist...)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-26-05 10:52 AM, in Zzzz... Can anyone tell me if I got a sleeping disorder? Link
hmmm, you could be right with that one... slight variation though, maybe its because you stare at the screen so long that you get tired. for some reason, playing or working on a computer for a long time makes you very tired for absolutley no reseaon. You do alot of codeing and game playing on the computer, so that would also wear your brain out after awhile. Try drinking a little more caffiene, your body needs atleast some to keep it going, just like it needs fat, vegies, fruit, meat, etc. You drink alot of Caffiene Free Coke and Diet Coke, your body could not have enough caffiene, or maybe its the Diet/Caffiene free coke killing your brain (which is improbable)...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-26-05 05:58 PM, in Games that make you say "WTF?" Link
A game that made me go "WTF" huh? that would have to be Metal Gear Acid. Why the hell is a stealth action game turn based with a card battle system? WHY KONAMI?!?! WWWWWWHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!111! another game was "Impposible Creatures". It isnt the gameplay or the concept, but creating a fiece throwing Eagimp (Eagle and a chimp mixed together) makes you go "WTF was i thinking when i made that thing?"
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-27-05 09:51 AM, in 1337 savings at Kroger! Link
while i was cleaning my room, i found a Kroger reciept from about 2 days ago. I looked at it and was about to discard it when i say something at the top. I read it, but i couldnt believe it! it reads like this:

SC 1337 Automatic Coupon -0.69$

does anyone else have any 1337 reciepts like i do? im trying to decide if i should frame it and put it on my wall
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-28-05 11:06 AM, in Games that make you say "WTF?" Link
2 words: Naked Rayden

*screams as a 100 hour long movie of naked rayden flipping in the game plays before him*

that made me go WTF!! who wants to see that prissy ass girly man flipping around naked trying to fight will holding his groin so no one can see it... they might have redeemed it if they had blurred it out and he was running around censored. they could have put in some moments where the guards are like:

O_o is that guy naked?

another WTF game is Celebrity Deathmatch. Finally, the ultimate showdown of Carrot Top and Jerry Springer can happen! Also, the finishing moves make you go: WTF?? (especially if your Rod Jeremy, or Jerry Springer)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 06-28-05 05:38 PM, in Destroy All Humans!-One Method A Time Link
I heard some stuff about this game. What is the actual story, or is it like a sandbox type thing and your free to kill/maim/destroy anything you want? Sounds like a alien GTA to me, but hey, atleast it looks cool. Oh, one other question, is it done by the same people who made Destroy All Creatures (or something like that). It was a fighting game with monsters who were all rip-offs of old movie monsters (they had a King-Kong type ape thing, a mantis, robots) ? The title are almost the same, i just dont know if they are done by the same people..
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