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12-04-24 03:28 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by True Flight
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User Post
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:56 AM, in Puzzle/Puzzel Link
Okay this is the thread of the puzzel. Okay? I appreciate the Pm's and stuff I just really want simplify this, and the award's up.

award 4

Now save it and put it in your photobuckets what ever... Just don't steal it, you have to earn it. =_=
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-24-05 02:43 AM, in The Battle of Eltosian - True Flight V.S. Beowulf Link
Sorcha's left eye twitched at the comment. She heard that insult right as she recovered her hearing. "I'm not a cat..." Sorcha laughed and pressed the buttons on the bottoms of her Yushi of Two. "Yushi of One..."

"Hai!" The bell shouted and bonded into one.

"Shrink," Sorcha said.

"Hai!!" The bell shouted and shrunk to the size of her palm. She smirked as she held the bell with two fingers and rang it.

((Silent Sound off: Yushi shrinks to a small bell making high pitched noises.))
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:51 PM, in Black Rose Academy Reaping School Link
Reina walked upto Reiz and Lucifer. "Right, you can either bring your own or use an academy staff." She smiled and held a staff out to Lucifer. "You have to ask for one if you want one."

The staff was black and it had the academy seal on it. "You're a first year, so you can't use scythes, oars, or anything that you need to use for your reaping."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:54 PM, in Do you work? What do you do? Link
I work. I do all of the oddjobs at Canterbury's. If you all ever come to Warm Springs, GA, which is somehow highly unlikely, stop by that shop on a Friday or Saturday. I work from opening to close in recieving and stock. It's quite fun actually I never had so much fun opening boxes before. Plus the people working there make it so that there's never a dull moment.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:58 PM, in Haibane - Renmei Link
It was something I related to a lot. Because that's almost like my life's story as Rakka. To be honest, my whole family can relate to it.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-24-05 08:17 PM, in The Battle of Eltosian - True Flight V.S. Beowulf Link
Sorcha spun the bell and it grew back to it's large, heavy size. The bell was two times the size of Sorcha and the bell part was about as large as her. It was as the rumors have been told though no one could hold it with one hand, Sorcha could. The bell was made out of the toughest of arayinium* making it near impossible to break.

Sorcha looked at Beowulf. "Bring it..." She said smiling like the little child she was.

*arayinium is the fusing and splitting medal.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:09 AM, in Innocence Gone Link
Keira looked at the hand and blushed. Her eyes just changed though. She needed to talk to Deux, so she took her hand back. "Deux..." She said pressing a button.

Deux entered the room she was holding onto a notebook. The paper overflowwed inside and she smiled. "Yes Boss?"

"I need to know something..."


Keira looked at Xeios. "I would like to talk to Deux, in private."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:11 AM, in Signature showcase Link
Dude those are so awesome, what did you use? Photoshop? Gimp?
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:13 AM, in Trainers Link
*curious blink* Why is there no female on there? May I be liscensed to be a trainer? Because I see no girls!!
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:28 AM, in Shin-Ra issues Link
*cross vein* I'm sorry to hear that you lost your founder, but what happens happens. Look he's going to be back in time, just do not start up something big. *smirks* I hope you know who the heck you all are trying to annoy. Ofcourse I see the irony of you all in your "priding of the joys of description" and then you lose because someone writes down four sentences. *laughs* I'm sorry, I just look at the brighter side to this whole thing.

If you really want to complain about someone being banned, talk to Xeo, Kaijin, or anyone in the staff and we'll tell you why someone was banned... I think... Infact Reno's going to be gone for TWO more days. If you all had the patience you can wait that long and then you'll be able to take up people on their challenges.

On another note:

"I never godmodded, I stated how dangerous my attack was, and I pointed out the only real way out of the move, cheap teleportation. Not to mention that my attack was powered ENTIRELY by her


opening one-hit godmod. I used the power of her own attack to fuel my attack, my attack was almost flawless in execution and I stated so. If there is a way out, it is not a godmod, but there are rediculously cheap ways to dodge moves, such as teleportation."

You know you need to take your chances and try something else. In your description you describe everything BUT how to dodge it, because some people aren't so into the battle they do what their characters should do. What if you had a character say... Like one of mine, maxxed out on speed, defense, and reaction. Well I never said she was maxxed out on accuracy, so you could say she was sloppy with how she sent her attacks, infact she would have to be so close to you she would have to physically hit you if she used "magic", but I never said that she was half way decent with accuracy.... Hmmmm? But the profile would say it. That's the problem here.

In a simbattle you need both AIM or some sort of IM to talk to the person and the board up. I dunno if I battled you all I would constantly ask you all "What did you do?" or "what the hell?" or something like that. I talk to people before I post something up sometimes if I have a question, infact my battle of Mira v.s. Mika was basically sloppy to me because I never talked to Shaddow about what was going on. So I had to constantly go back and fix my problem here.

wow I posted a ton.

Edit: Congratulations for bringing variety to the pot though. *thumbs up* I don't mind the fact that you all are bringing description, you shouldn't just force your ideals onto other people though, it's just that people are stubborn and they don't want to change.

Think about that for a change instead of changing anyone.

Please say the name of the character or the person who MADE the character too.

(Last edited by True Flight on 07-25-05 10:32 AM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:34 AM, in Tournament of Ancients Link
Sign me up. I'd love to be in a tourney. That would be nice, I'm using Sorcha though.

If you can afford to put up two more spots. For the guy above me and myself.

(Last edited by True Flight on 07-25-05 10:35 AM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:42 AM, in Our Board Quilt Link
aw man, I'll get it on there on the 31 sorry. it will be up.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:48 AM, in Emo...what is it? Link
well we have two types of Emo people.

You have your emos who are emotional all the time. They actually do smile.

Then you have your demos who are emotional and depressed all the time. They NEVER smile.

Simple way of looking at it is like this.

Emo = Emotional

Demo = Depressed Emotional
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:52 AM, in All purpose -Rate My Profile Thread!- Link
yeah the TCG cards won't show up. *deleted them all* Sorry, I gotta get back to working on the newer version of the TCG anyway mine's got a table of contents.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:55 AM, in Sword fighting? Link
I've fought with sticks and such... Never swords, mom never allowed sharp objects, but pointy sticks was a deffinete okay..

I used to hate though, because my brother would turn it into a soap opera after a while.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:59 AM, in Your Religion/Beliefs Link
Until I turn 18 and move away I'm trapped with my grands going to a nondenominational church full of old people that blame my generation for bad video games.

I'm following inbetween religions, I have my own little altar so I believe in Magick and so on. You'd call me a Christian Wiccan I guess.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 10:50 AM, in New Rule about making New Rules Link
This is just something to make it so that no one has a voice on oppinions. I honestly don't believe in the 2/3rd's rule unless it's for making an Amendment. Please stop the "stupid rule" ideals as well.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 12:02 PM, in The Battle of Eltosian - True Flight V.S. Beowulf Link
Sorcha blocked the hit with her bell and tossed it behind her. "Yushi..." She said catching Beowulf's foot. "Get ready..."

"HAI!!" The bell began to grow and split. It grew two stories high and spilt into many bells.

On Sorcha's armlet a bar appeared in the black square. The bar was about an inche in length and red. Numbers along with a percent sign appeared in the bar. It began to count up. 1% 2%...... It began to cover in bright green, but it only started and Sorcha was weaponless. No matter Sorcha was best with attacks in her group of friends, and the strongest for a small kid.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 07-25-05 01:41 PM, in *Takes out her Notebook and suit* The Negotiators Link
Welcome to the Negotiators discussion thread. This is a clan of people who take no side. We see both sides of the story and we don't stick to one. The Negotiators takes both parts and breaks it down so that each opposing party gets recognizing. Sim battle or not, this clan is meant to treat everyone equally with the benefit of the doubt.

The Inspiration of this Clan:
This clan was inspired by the fact that the word tired was found eight times in the Shin-Ra Discussions. I have taken into consideration that AVALANCHE has gone too far as well.

Number 1 Rule:
In this discussion we will not use the words "sick" and "tired" we shall use the words "Ill" and "Fatigued"

That's all. Anyone is welcome to join just pm me.

True Flight

#1 Drizzt
#2 Clockworkz

(Last edited by True Flight on 08-24-05 08:54 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by True Flight

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