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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jedi Master Desroth
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Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-05-05 08:52 AM, in Open Challenge Link
*The darkness. Inviting, warm, and the perfect place to do battle. Suddenly, a low deep voice rang out of the darkness*

Hiding alone in the dark, no one to trust. Are you meant to live this way day to day? Or are you hiding yourself from the reality that darkness is feeble by surronding yourself with it?

*A flame appears across the platform from Ryan, somehow surviving without air. It dances as if a wind were blowing threw it, as the flams slowly turned to blue. In the center of the flames, a shadowy figure could be seen, the flames obscureing features. The figure stepped forward, the flames disappating and returning to a wedding ring on his right hand. The man was maybe 6'ft, his face was human, but it held sharp features that hinted he was a demon of some kind. His hair was longer then shoulder length, pure silver as the moon is on a cloudless night in june. His eyes were normal, accepting the fact that he had slits where the black part of the eye should be. He had on a cloak that covered on side of his body, the other side revealed he had on a simple looking armor, all made of finely pressed mithril and diamond sewed over by fabric. It was all enchanted by unremovable demon magic, giving it extra properties that one could use if one knew of them. On his back was a black sheath, it held his personal sword Arzul, and under it forming a X was the Death Sol Sword, his friends personal sword.*

So. You wish to do battle? Fine, you may make the first move.

*Desroth reaches back and grabs Arzul'ls hilt, and draws it forward, the metal scrapping slightly on the sides of the sheath. He held it to his side, stepping back so the cloaked side of him, was facing Ryan. With his free hand, he reached back and undid the cloak, letting it drop to the floor.*
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-05-05 12:24 PM, in Open Challenge Link
*The attack comes right at Desroth's head as he just stands there in the path of the attack*

Come on, you expect me to stand still long enough for the energy to hit me? And its not like you would have much succes in harming me with it. Demons are alot stronger then you humans are, a migrane to us is nothing at all...

*Desroth swings his sword, a dark aura glowing on the whole blade. It slices the energy directed at his head in half, causing it to flow around his head instead of into it.*

So, what can you do next? Im waiting for a more worthy attack from you...

*He stands up straight and leans on his sword, the wedding ring on his finger flickers to life with fire. 10 small 1 inch orbs come from it and float around him. With a flick of his wrist, one of them firest behind Ryan and explodes, its flames shooting out about 45 ft, and up to 100 ft in the air.*

See, these little orbs are more then you think they are. I can control the size and height from the max of 45 ft across to 100 ft high. Care to see more?
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-06-05 07:49 AM, in Open Challenge Link
*The bolts of energy cut through the space towards Desroth, who stands their waiting for them to come. The bolts smash into Desroth, pushing him back a inch from the force, but otherwise doing very minimal damage to his actual body.*

Looks like my armor took most of the brunt of that attack. I have to say, that attack was pretty good, but you might want to add a little extra ummff to them.

*Desroth spins as he fires the rest of the fire balls at Ryan. They speed across the platform with incredible accuracy. They can also stop in midair and turn, basically homing, but only where Desroth wills them to go.*
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-06-05 05:06 PM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
Name: Scian
Age: 17
Sex: Male

Occupation: Fresh SWAT recurit, and i mean like 3rd day fresh
Clothing: Blue shirt under a SWAT kevlar vest, with black slacks,pants
Weapons: 9mm handgun in a holster on his right leg, M16 with mounted grenade launcher (1 round currently). In the trunk of his ride, he has a Jackhammer (automatic shotgun) with about 20 rounds, also there is a sword given to him as a gift from his dead father, a simple katana with his name engraved on the edge.

Background: When he turned 17, he went into the SWAT academy of New Falls City. He was there for only 3 days when his commanding officer smashed in his door and tried to rip out his jugular vain. Needless to say he took 5 in the chest and 2 in the head. He stole all of his weapons from the arms room, and then jumped into the armored SWAT car (yes, a car, not a van or truck. it is armored and has alot more protection that a normal car does, although not the same amount as a SWAT van)

Description: he is about 5'11, has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and has a pretty medium build (not to fat, no to skinny)

*He had been driving non-stop for hours. His mind was racing as he peeled down the streets. The blood shield was splattered with blood around the outsides from the zombies he had smashed into. He slid headlong around a corner and straight past a church. He looked out the window and saw a group of people*

Damn, more of those things! where the hell did they all come from?

*He continues to speed past, swerving around the next corner and down that street. On this street, about 100 zombies were congregated on the street, the limbs of their victims layed all over the ground.*


*He swerved, sliding sideways into the crowd, their soft bodies crumpling under the force of the car. The remaining zombies began to shuffle to the car, some already pawing at the windows and doors. He accelereated and went down the alley way, the zombies moaning as they turned towards the alley. Crashing through the alley, he smashed trash cans and homeless people who were near death. At the end of the alley, he spun out trying to turn onto the street without hitting any of the cars in the street. His car ripped a plastice imports rear end clean off, stopping just shy of hitting a building. His face had been sucked dry of color, and he was panting. He looked down at his fuel gauge, it was on E. He looked around his surrondings, there were no zombies that were pose a threat for the moment, but he knew they would come. Up the street was a gas station, and it just so happened he had a gas can in the back. He could fuel up and get over to the station to refill all the way.*

I gotta get over there, but those damn undead freaks are out there... I guess i can just stay here, and sooner or later im going to have to face em, i cant fly a plane out of here...

*He jumped out and popped the back, grabbing the can. On his back, he had the M16 and on his leg, he had his 9mm pistol.*

Here goes nothing...

*He took off down the block*

Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-06-05 05:21 PM, in What are you listening to (revived)? Link
i listen to Demon Days by Gorrilaz, i espcially like Feel Good Inc. from that CD. i like the sound and all that. I also like The Killers, as well as Ramstein. I like alot of random music like Trance, Techno, Rock, Pop, etc. If it sounds good, i listen to it.
oh, btw, check my profile for the Feel Good Inc. music vid, enjoy yall!!!

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 07-06-05 08:22 PM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-06-05 05:27 PM, in Reasons why Anakin turned to the Dark Side Link
It was Mace, Anakin was a playa hater and didnt want to be part of the Jedi way if a black dude was in it.. Or maybe it was becuase he couldnt become a Jedi Master on the council, and the fect Yoda got to chill with wookies??? Or maybe Obi Wan took the last piece of bacon at the Jedi Buffet... i wonder...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-08-05 10:41 AM, in Crazy Frog/ Axel f Link

Copy and paste that into your browser.

Okay, i have absoulutley no clue where to put this, so it is going in Crazy. Unless you have been under a rock, you know there are new ringtones featuring a cute adorable chick(en) and a frog that makes dirtbike sounds. Well, they took the frog and made a CG music vid type thing with him in it. The basic premise is that he has a $50,000 bounty on his head, and he is getting chased by a bounty hunter. The music is awsome, and the frogs sounds fight into the music well. If the ringtone annoyed you, dont worry, just watch this almost 3 min movie. It is pretty catchy and im pretty sure you will listen to it alot of times becuase its like crack. People hate it or love it.. ENJOYS and post comments
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-08-05 05:17 PM, in Public Service Annoucment to all Noobs! Link

All noobs please watch this informational video on how to post! Just substitute the Valve site with ours and blamo, you no know how to post and how not to look like a dumb455...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-10-05 03:14 PM, in They said it wasnt real... Link
BWHAHAHAHAHA, all those fools who mocked me and called me stupid are now gonna pay for their comments and non-beliefs!!! A while back a show called SD gundam came to the US, and it had chibi talking gundams in it. When the toys hit, the first wave was the main characters, and the very hard to find Master Gundam and Burning Gundam. Not a single person believed me that they chibi-ed them, but i knew they were out there (i saw their pics). Now, at a local Toys-R-Us, guess what i found sitting on a shelf all alone, next to the other chibi gundams that were main charas or enemies in SD? Hyper mode Shining Burning Gundam and Hyper Mode Master Gundam!!! And for only 4 dollars in a 2 pack box. im contemplating about selling this on E-Bay, they are extremly hard to come by, no other store carries SD, or if they do, they dont have Burning and Master (they have the giant Dark gundam, but thata the only one. BWHAHAHAH!!! ph3412 me, lol jk..
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-11-05 05:05 AM, in They said it wasnt real... Link
I never really watched the anime of SD, i just wanted the chibi Burning and Master gundams because they rock ass.. Ive been to a ton of stores looking for em and they never have em, and when i ask about them, they just look at me like: WTF?. I might just have to go back and get Wing Custom as a Chibi, he looks sweet as hell. As for teh models, ill have to go back and look around once more, i think a Gundam Wing model would be awfully nice next to my Gerwalker VF-1J model from Macross.

Aside from figures, the anime totally sucks. Why are gundams acting like humans? They are suppose to be robots PILOTED by humans, these guys just seem to have their own mind... I think the gundam that came before it (the one with Burning and Master gundam) was much better because of the fighting system they used in the gundams. SD SUCKS (but the chibi burning and master gundams dont!)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-11-05 05:10 AM, in Crazy Frog/ Axel f Link
There is another video of him revving a dirt bike up, but he is making alll the sounds and it is invisible. i think that is the ringtone part, although i have never heard the ringtone before. Oh, and small little thing, whil your watching it you will notice a blurred out part beneath the frogs stomach... My dad and i came to the conclusion that is either a tail or a penis, we edged toward penis more becuase it is blurred out... I just wish they would but up the new Axel F song with the trance/techno/electronica beat up for download..
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-11-05 05:06 PM, in Would you date someone who has VD? Link
I would still love that person, even if they had some VD that was deadly or just plain annoying. If you marry somone just to have sex whenever you want, thats not love at all. I mean, they can still do other stuff for you, and if you just cant live without it, BUY A GODDAMN DILDO OR FAKE VAGINA! Sex is not the reason for marriage or love, its just a fringe benifit of it all. Oh, and btw, if you TRULY loved that person, you would have sex with them so you could both share the burden. Some VD can be surpressed and controlled. And besides, we will all die one day, why not die expressing your love no matter what the cost?
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-11-05 05:22 PM, in The Most Annoying Enemy Link
The sniper boss in the snow field right before the second disc. I died 3 times, and when i did beat her, i accidentally reset and lost my win... I died about 10 more times after that before i won. its hard to beat her, but if your good with Nikita, you can win. But you gotta be GOD with it, or she will shot it down.. HINT: hide near the truck, not the tree you start by. Trust me, if you stay at that tree, she will kill you. The next hardest boss from a game would have to be Elite 4 from Pokemon Stadium... its your team against theirs, and they can take down even your strongest pokemon.. My lvl 100 Mewtwo which is supreme ruler of all that is awsome cant survive againt them, it takes almost all of my team to win. the next hardest guy would be the Demon King from Otogi... The bastard cheats like all hell. He ignores your attacks, and can disappear and smash your ass into the ground. Also the Mountain Orges are impossible to beat in that game. For those who play it, you gotta use a weapon that set them on fire, or smack the flame spirits into them. thats about all for now i guess..
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-14-05 10:33 AM, in The Most Annoying Enemy Link
The problem on stadium is (my mewtwo can smack down Red and Blue elite 4 in one attack) that all their pokemon are level 100 as well, so facing 6 lvl 100 pokemon that have the best attacks for their types is hard. My Mewtwo winds up getting frozen for some unknown reason, and they can usually take alot of my team down before they go down. Another hard enemy is facing 3 orgres in UNLIMITED SaGa, those bitches cheat like all hell just like the Otogi orgres!! They attack atleast 10 times in a row before you attack once, then they attack 3-4 more times before you can finish your actions on that turn. The upside is, if you beath them, you get alot of money PLUS almost every single piece of equiped stuff on all your chara instantly releases 1-2 new effects and powers.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-14-05 11:04 AM, in Magic Elementals Link
With elements, people call light good and dark bad... But what makes light good and darkness bad? Neither are inherently good or bad, so a necromancer could use light for bad and a angel could use dark for good... You cant draw the line between them, just like Holy and Evil. Holy can be used for evil, and Evil for good (like a jedi learns both sides of the force for a lack of a better example). It just depends on who uses it for what..
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-14-05 06:33 PM, in The Most Annoying Enemy Link
Yeah, my uber team from R/B would kill you in a freakin instant. All of them are level 300+, just TRY to take them, all their stats are godly, especially my Snorlax's defense and special defense. His attack and S. Attack are also high, so combine that with a Hyper Beam or Mega Punch and any opponent is toast. An old school annoying enemy is the Armor Attack game for the Vectrex, the Helicopter. It fires semi homing missles and can strafe at you... Its speed makes it annyoing, and also makes it hard to kill even though one hit kills it.. Lets see, from the first PS Yugioh game, when you face the major bad guy when he first attacks, even if your deck is god, he will keep on facing you, and each time his deck will grow in a little bit of power until eventually he will be enough to beat you on a fluke. Star Trek Armada, the super ships for the Romulans i believe were annoying. Play them on the max setting with super weapons on, and i guarentee they will use them to wipe out your mining colonys and as a last resort to defend their base or destroy yours. Hmmm, Legend of Dragoon, the prison master was annoying, as well as the one guy with the pure silver hair that had the Dragoon Buster.. Also, the Crystal Weapon (i believe that was its name) that gaurded the Dragoon Staff was hard. It blocked your Dragoons stat power and abilites, and could kill you in one hit non-dragoon...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-15-05 07:10 AM, in The Most Annoying Enemy Link
Actually, you dont even have to use the Missingno cheat to get pokemon over level 100!! Follow these steps!

1. Go to the safari zone
2.Go to the zone that has the pokemon you want to catch.
3. Wander around there until the time runs out
4. Go to Cinnabar Island
5.Surf on the land/water area on the right side of the island from your fly point.
6. Use your master ball to catch the uber level pokemon, or die trying with any other ball...

I dont use that team unless my opponent KNOWS i am, and besides, you cant use them in a normal battle or their stats and lvl return the level 100 max. One of real teams is this (i have like 10-15 teams i use, depending on that opponennt. alot of my teams have atleast a Mew or Mewtwo, but they never have multiples of them, so only 1 mew and mewtwo to a team. Also, some of my teams dont even have them on it, lolz)

Mewtwo: Psychic, Swift, Recover, Blizzard (lvl 100)
Mew: Mega Punch, Metrenome, Recover, Surf (lvl 100)
Venesaur: Razor Leaf, Sword Dance, Solar Beam, Leach Seed (lvl 100)
Zapdos: Sky Attack, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Fly (i think) (lvl 100)
Gengar: Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Lick, Destiny Bond (lvl 100)
NidoKing: Fire Blast, Blizzard, Earthquake, Mega Punch
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-15-05 07:45 AM, in How would you amazing the M-amazing candy bar? Link
If i was Shaddow, I would just scream Tomo at it over and over again until it openend... or commited suicide... any way, i would probably just walk up and open it. That would amaze it so much because no one else in the comercials thinks about doing that.... bwahaha, im so clever
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-15-05 10:44 AM, in The Most Annoying Enemy Link
im on R/B, not G/S. I just checked on my game, and i have the wrong Gengar on that team, the moves on that one are for my level 66 Gengar, my level 100 Gengar has Nightshade, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, and Destiny Bond. Dont diss my Mewtwo either, I only use it for the Master Cup on Pokemon Stadium, and it owns anything thrown against it. Oh, and BTW, Machamp is nothing against my Pyschic attack. Lemme check out my Red version (this was my Blue Version). Ive had Red for much longer and gotten a better group to use then on Blue. ill post it in the pokemon team thread in Old School Games.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-17-05 10:41 AM, in Return to Castle Wolfenstein Link
I have played this game, but I think the version of it that SHOULD be posted here is the ALL ONLINE version you can download for free off the internet from their site. I dont remeber the exact title of the game, but it is all online play. They have about 10-15 maps, but the real draw is playing on servers with fan maps. anyway, ill post a link to the stand alone online Wolfenstein game for teh PC
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jedi Master Desroth

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