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03-14-25 08:19 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by WhiteRose
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User Post

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-06-07 09:09 PM, in Faster condoms to help with AIDS crisis in Africa Link
Originally posted by Katana
Originally posted by Xeios
From my point of view, however, I don't think it's THAT hard to put one on...

**insert comment here**

Anywho...enlighten me please...but do condoms really prevent AIDS? Grant it, this is coming from a girl who's information comes from 12 years of Catholic School, but hey...I was told that condoms really don't prevent AIDS and many other STDs because there is still a chance that fluids can get through any microscopic holes. Always made sense to me since condoms are manmade, so I never thought of them as "perfect" anyway.

Found a web page that is pretty much backed up by any health classes I've taken so far, including human sexuality.

That should cover your question Katana.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-08-07 03:14 AM, in Your indie band name Link
Lol, I love doing these things. So my Indie band name would be Tercel Pirates....I like that. Now I must go and find people to form this band.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-09-07 05:08 PM, in Mafia(game) Link
Hmmm, sounds like fun. I'm in

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-09-07 05:09 PM, in Your indie band name Link
Originally posted by Elara
I also would be in Tercel Pirates.

Hey venomouslobster, I thought your first car was the Camry... when was the Bug yours?

LOL, we have the same band name!!! Then again we had the same first car and went to the same high school

(Last edited by WhiteRose on 03-09-07 08:10 PM)

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-11-07 10:54 PM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
I just got a new hair cut, needed some change:

I like the way it looks, but everyone else seems to be in shock that I cut my hair.

Edit: Removed layout

(Last edited by WhiteRose on 03-12-07 01:54 AM)

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-13-07 09:09 PM, in Your "old" name Link
WhiteRose has always been my name. I don't change mainly cause I'm too lazy and also I like the name.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-14-07 01:52 AM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
I was going to do purples streaks, but then I realize there is a lot in my wardrobe I wouldn't be able to wear since ti would clash so badly, so I decide against it.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-14-07 01:58 AM, in Mafia(game) Link
You might want to list who is in the game, so people know who to nominate from, but for now, I do a random guess that the Mafia is Byte

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-15-07 03:08 AM, in Time to die Link
I like the little song and listened to it for an was driving my mom up the wall, so that only made it better.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-20-07 12:07 AM, in My New Job at Baskin Robbins Link
Wow, that is so pun intended. Congratulations on the new job though! Sounds like it will be a fun job!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-21-07 11:29 PM, in Which Disney Princess Are You? Link

You Are Snow White!
Image hosted by

Pure and trusting. You are a gentle soul who can get along with just about anyone. Everyone you meet instantly falls in love with you. How can they resist? You have a pure, lovable nature that's irresistable. Just don't trust everyone who comes across your path.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Was so not expecting this to be me and I'm not sure if it is or not.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-25-07 06:40 PM, in Mafia(game) Link
I vote for Katana. She got shot as White tried to defend himself

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-26-07 02:56 AM, in There are words for this one... Link
*reaches into her bag of random things and brings out a spork* I must now gauge out my eyes. That was of the most disturbing things I have ever seen and that is saying quite a bit.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-26-07 10:15 PM, in GuardianOni on the Radio Link
That's right people, my GuardianOni is on a radio station at LBCC more or less every monday Around 7:00PM. It's quite funny, so if you have a few spare minutes, feel free to give a listen. You can listen online at

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-28-07 12:30 AM, in Honest Man. Link
That's pretty funny, but admire him for doing it, though I wonder if maybe he put it off on purpose and just forgot. Eh.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-28-07 01:19 AM, in Mafia(game) Link
Me? Never....then again, it's always the quiets ones you have to watch out've been pretty quiet till now As well Evo....I'm watching you.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-28-07 01:30 AM, in Charlie. Link
......Wow....I'm quite speechless....ok now I'm not, those two were hilarious and now they will forever be stuck in my head because wherever I turn in my rooms I have unicorns . Still, they made me laugh.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-30-07 01:53 AM, in Did you know? Link
That's all really interesting. Though it would be better if at the end he put references as to where we check on on this information out. Statistics can easily be made up. Some of them I believe, but there are some that are a little far fetched to me.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-30-07 03:15 AM, in School bans homework Link
The amount of homework elementary school children get now a days has increased a lot. To get rid of it completely is a really bad idea because, as much as they hate, it usually does help them learn the material better (especially if the parents are involved) and teaches them a sense of responsibility. However, a decrease in the amount of homework wouldn't be such a bad idea. Like Jobes mentioned, kids that age should be outside playing and being active, but if they are stuck inside all day doing homework, when they are done, usually they just go and play video games. So, a limited amount of homework would be a good idea.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 03-30-07 05:46 PM, in Phil has left Sound & Fury (And other Southern faire updates) Link
Yeah, was very happy that S&F are back at Southern. Also, the 3 for 2 special will be ending soon, so if your gonna take advantage of that, you better buy your tickets soon. I won't be able to make it opening, but I will go around my usual time which is April 29th (A sunday) this year and I will be going in garb.

Anyways, Vinny Cardinale looks very familiar to me, but I don't know why.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by WhiteRose

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