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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Shuyin
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User Post

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-15-06 05:19 PM, in What does your avatar mean? Link
Originally posted by Jetfire
My avatar is a member from a Jrock band Gazette. I unfortunately do not remember his name.

But he's cool and sexy anyway, so it's all good.

It's Reita. Visual Kei bands rock my cock.

Speaking of avatar is from Hajime No Ippo (I believe.) I have yet to watch the show, but this avatar jumped out at me.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-16-06 04:06 PM, in That time again! Link
Mmmm I am the ever evolving gender.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-17-06 08:52 PM, in X_X EVERYBODY BEING LIKE ME Link
*Gets ready to throw this in the sim arena because it's getting stupid.*

Honestly kids. Calm the hell down.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-17-06 08:58 PM, in Hey guys Link
For some reason I don't recall you. And I was on ALL of Seto's boards.

Oh well. Welcome to our little slice of heaven. Play nice, share your toys, and keep your hands to yourself.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-18-06 06:26 PM, in It only sounds dirty.. Link
More like Pen15....El Oh El.

Yeah...sounds like a pen. But to be original i'll say a push pop.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-18-06 09:40 PM, in It only sounds dirty.. Link
What's often long, hard, and done by bored college kids?


Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-19-06 07:44 PM, in Super Smash Bros: Brawl Link
Originally posted by Seticus
Originally posted by X
I hope around they don't have pointless clone characters. Like Ganon was to Captain Falcon, Marth was to Roy, Dr. Mario was to Mario, Falco was to Fox.

If you have to know...

Name: Marth (Fire Emblem 1)
HP Growth Rate: 90%
Str Growth Rate: 50%
Skl Growth Rate: 40%
Spd Growth Rate: 50%
Def Growth Rate: 20%
Res Growth Rate: 0%
Luck Growth Rate: 70%

Name: Roy
HP Growth Rate: 80%
Str Growth Rate: 40%
Skl Growth Rate: 50%
Spd Growth Rate: 40%
Def Growth Rate: 25%
Res Growth Rate: 30%
Luck Growth Rate: 60%

Notices any different? I wagering that because of Roy's "higher cap" when promoted, (note that his Master Lord cap every stat at 25 except for luck.) Marth get speed advantage (see the 10% different?) and Roy STILL get less str then Marth (against, 10% different.) but Roy's skill make his hitting more accurate (and skill help critical (which 3x more damages).

Also, in the term of Magic/Defense, Roy ensures that he'll last longer taking more hits as Marth only advantages are dodging. Marth major's weakness is Resistance as he get ZERO! Even so, Roy's Sword of the Seal is more powerful than Marth's Falchion because Marth's doesn't get much benefit from it. See how growth rate make semi-sense in SSBM? (Plus, Roy's SoS get to inflict incredible damages on dragon and have 1~2 range. Its usefulness only has about 20 times, which LIMITS his strength.)

And have ANYONE figures out what the background in this picture mean?

Because as much as I played nearly any game, the only conclusion I can guess is Fire Emblem. (Check the flag for reason why.)

I mean, the flag got a dragon-like appearance… Nearly any game except Fire Emblem doesn’t have dragon (medieval) symbols on it.

Um........Actually if you ask ANYONE that knows any advanced level play or know the tiers will tell you that Marth is better than Roy. For several reasons. One of them being that his sweet spot makes for better damage.

To Sajin: The angel's name is Pit. He's from Kid Icarus. He seems like he'll be my first pick. (Snake will most likely be a secret character.)


Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-22-06 03:34 PM, in DJ Tiesto?!?!?!?! Link
Tiesto has some AMAZING songs. Adagio For Strings is probably my favorite.

I wish I could see him Dj live. That would be awesome.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-22-06 04:11 PM, in Citizens of Earth, I have joined! Link
Yay! You know how to spell and piece together sentences.

Congratulations. You win best n00b of the year. *Throws confetti.*

Welcome to our little slice of heaven. Play nice, share your toys, and keep your hands to yourself.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-22-06 04:14 PM, in Should Jews not be allowed to say, "Jesus Christ!"? Link
I have several atheist/agnostic friends and I've heard them all say "Oh my god" or "God dammit" at some time. Irony aside, I don't find it a problem. I do it too, so maybe i'm bias.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-22-06 04:35 PM, in You, five years ago today Link
Five years ago today:

How old were you?:

What grade year were you in?:
None. I was on summer vacation between 8th and 9th grade.

Where did you go to school?:
Iroquois Middel School, going to Dakota High School

Where did you work?:
Quick Cellular & Paging

How was your hair style?
I changed it so much at the time, I don't know. I think short and blue~turned green from chlorine.

Did you have braces?:
Just got them off.

Did you wear glasses?:

Who was your best friend(s)?:
Phil and Dk

Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?:

Where did you hang out?
Phil's house. My house. It was an ackward summer.

Who was your celebrity crush?:
I didn't have one at the time.

How many tattoos did you have?:

How many piercings did you have?
One. Left love.

What car did you drive?:

What was your favorite band/group?
Gah. I don't know. Korn and Linkin Park. I also listened to Jay-z and Eminem, but they're not a band/group.

What was your favorite movie?
Cruel Intentions. Mortal Kombat. A Goofy Movie. The Matrix.

What was your worst fear?

Had you smoked a cigarette yet?:

Had you gotten drunk or high yet?
Nope, I was hardcore str8X3dg3

Had you driven yet?
Kind of.

Had you been to a real party yet?
Hm....What's considered a real party?

Had your heart broken?
/Middle School Angst.

Had broken someones heart?:


How old are you?:
What grade are you in?
13th going on 14th grade, I mean sophmore in college.

Where do you go to school?
Western Michigan University (Maybe transfering to CSUN)

Where do you work?:
Daimler Chrysler

Where do you live?
Macomb, Mi

Where do you hang out?:
Coney Island. Starbucks. City Club. My house. Phil's House. Necto. Tonic.

How is your hair style?:
Just buzzed it.

Do you have braces?:

Do you wear glasses?:

Who is your best friend?:
Phil (Runner up- Kaitlin, Megan, Ramsey)

Still talk to any of your old friends?:
Yes and No. Some friends are worth forgetting.

Who is your celebrity crush?
Angelina Jolie. Masuimi Max. Li Gong.

Who is your regular-person crush?:
I don't think I have one.

How many piercings do you have?:

How many tattoos?:
None... But I will.

What kind of car do you drive?:
2006 Dodge Charger

What is your favorite singer/group?:
Mmm. Dir en Grey, L'arc en Ciel, 30 Seconds to Mars, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Garbage.
Solo artists- Hyde, Gackt, Utada, Gwen Stefani, Christina Aguliera, Alicia Keys

What is your favorite movie?
Cruel Intentions. Resident Evil. A Goofy Movie. Mortal Kombat.

What is your biggest fear?
I don't know if I have one.

Have you smoked a cigarette yet?
Yes, but very rarely. When it happens i'm already inhebriated.

Have you gotten drunk or high?:
Indeed. I drink the fire water.

Have you been to a party?:
I am the party.

Has your heart been broken?:
In a way it has. But i'm more than over it. She's a lesbian now, that makes it fun.

(Last edited by §huyin on 05-22-06 07:35 PM)

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-24-06 03:17 PM, in Battle Stadium D.O.N Link
A fan boys wet dream

Well....I basically busted my pants over this. This is a fighting game that features characters from the popular manga magazine "Shonen Jump." This includes characters from Dragonball Z, One Piece, and Naruto.

Who would win in a fight? Sasuke or Vegeta? Well now you can find out!

There was a game like this released last year in Japan called' Jump All Stars.' I didn't get it because I don't have/want a DS.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-24-06 04:34 PM, in Namco x Capcom Link
You guys are a year late.

(Last edited by §huyin on 05-24-06 07:34 PM)

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-25-06 06:06 PM, in Super Smash Bros: Brawl Link
Originally posted by Master Sajin
Theres something that Dr. Mario has that no one else does...its called the Cape...

Duh. Ell Oh, Reflect-o

Um....Regular Mario had it first.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-25-06 07:22 PM, in Should Jews not be allowed to say, "Jesus Christ!"? Link
Originally posted by Van Rhanell
I'm just going to go with "it's all MTV's fault", most people don't or can't disagree.

Mtv is limited in the swear words they allow. Ass, Hell, (only counts as a curse word if you were brought up that way) Damn, and sometimes bitch are the only ones they allow.

So I don't blame MTV. People have been swearing long before the early 80's and that's when MTV was conceived.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4006 days
Last activity: 3912 days
Posted on 05-26-06 10:25 PM, in X3 Link
I too went to the midnight showing last night. The movie reminds me faintly of Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. It's not that bad, but they do include a lot of mutants at unnecessary times without any explaination. Like you said Rogue: "Psylocke? Where?"

Scott dying at the very beginning reminds me of Johnny Cage's death in MK:A. You're just like...."Wait a minute....HE's DEAD?" I mean I figured they were going to kill of Xavier somehow, but they could have at least given cyclops a death that served him justice. THEY DIDN'T EVEN SHOW IT! (What's funny is I HATE Cyclops and this still upset me.)

And poor poor baby. They made her costume look amazing, i'll admit that. And Famke Jannssen made all her lines work, which was good. However they completely effed up her backstory. I was willing to forgive them because her history would really need more than one movie. But their explaination was very tongue in cheek. People that haven't read the comics/seen the show, probably were like 'WTF? Why is she called Phoenix?' All Xavier said was she has a split personality that named herself Phoenix. Okay that's cute and all. But she doesn't do ANYTHING that could give her that name, in the movie. If they would have said "She was kept alive in the lake...blah blah blah, resurrected like a phoenix." It would have appeased me somewhat. They sure as hell didn't give her any Phoenix'ish flames. Her telekinesis was badass, but it didn't do the name 'Phoenix' justice. I know that may sound silly, but it's true. I was hoping at the end where she's going nuts, that maybe...just maybe...the flames around her would shape into a bird....just for 1 second. But alas...she died.

There is an extra clip at the end of the credits. I missed it because I didn't think to stay after. Even though X2's Phoenix prelude made me cream my pants. (Which goes back to my rant in the spoiler. X2 had a Phoenix in the water!)

(Last edited by §huyin on 05-27-06 01:26 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Shuyin

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