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12-21-24 11:44 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeios
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User Post


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-08-06 04:12 PM, in Manifestation. Link
Leon lifted his hands. His Black suit coat, which fit him tightly, and his dark red longsleeve shirt. He rolled his sleeves back, and a thin line of black traced the veins in his arms. His tight black jeans were laying against his boots and flopped down, showing only the front of his boots, and letting the very hem of the pants scrape lightly on the ground as he walked. He paced back and forth, and concentrated. Fire leapt from his veins, and enveloped his hands. He pointed his left hand to the cold concrete wall, and a flame launched forth and struck it right in the center. It started a small fire on the wall, but he pulled his hand back and the flame went out.

"Name's Leon, Leon Ballain. I have some sort of control over fire."

Leon turned his head to the left, and he left the fire leave him. He looked at the group.

"So, these books contain all the information about this...Croma. Well, I think that experimentation is the best way to learn anything. So, if we need to leave here, we best do it now, Nightfall is soon. We need to see what we can do against these things. Come up with some croup strategies."

(Last edited by Xeios on 02-08-06 07:28 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-08-06 04:52 PM, in The Black Horse Pub: Destinies Intertwined Link
Xeios let out an exasperated breath, and rolled himself out from underneath the bell. He stood, and all that was left of his damage appeared to be a thin line of blood that trickled out of his mouth. He spat once and wiped his mouth.

"I think we're safe. It seemed to run off, almost like it didn't see us..."

Xeios was sure it hd seen him, he wasn't really out of sight...Unless the creature was blind, or just bad in the dark...


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-08-06 06:50 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
Xeios turned away, and looked back with a crazed smile on his face. He had felt the intentions of Sandra.

"Who, the Wolf Girl. She'll pay soon enough, actually, I have a rather ingenious way of doing so...You see, she has what you would call, a shock collar, and can easily be set down by a mere press of a button, problem is, finding the button, but after that, she's our little pet..."

Xeios was unsure of whether or not the collar had been removed, but if it had not, it would prove to his advantage.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-08-06 07:11 PM, in Manifestation. Link
Leon looked oddly at Wiley. He shook his head.

"No, no, I meant we should get out there and train some before nightfall."

He turned away, and placed his hand on the cold concrete wall, there was a slight scorch mark where the fire was, and he slid onto the floor. He wiped a small amount of sweat from his brow, he sure was nervous. He was near all those people. Especially new people, the worst kind...


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-08-06 08:00 PM, in Rise Again Link
Xeios pulled a small stone from his pocket. An alchemical sign began glowing, and the stone formed into what it truly was. Shinfu, the weapon named believe fear. The sword which many people feared. And for good measure, its razor edge and specially manufactured venial system. Wich carrys blood from the storage system on the hilt of the sword, throughout the rest of the sword allowing it to 'circulate'.

"Good idea..."

Xeios rushed forth and swung his sword with a great amount of power. It was aimed directly for Diosu and he hoped to hit it and knock it out of the way for a follow-up attack, one that consisted of a powerful kick to the knees.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-08-06 08:06 PM, in Manifestation. Link
Leon sighed, he then looked at the watch he had in his pocket. 7:25...It was too close to dark to go out. I must've lost track of time...He turned his eyes to Jack.

"Well, let's see the vehicle then..."

He stood rather quickly and walked to the door. He slid it open and proceeded out. His family would truly miss him...eventually. Too bad. Leon cared little for such things as family. He would much rather sit at a computor or go exploring an old abandoned building. This would be one hell of a ride.

"So, which way to the garage...I don't here..."

He wanted to hide the fact that he was immensely rich from these people. For some reason he did not believe he could trust them...At least not yet...


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-09-06 09:54 PM, in Manifestation. Link
Leon began to follow John. But turned back to Kaylee.

"Look, I don't know where we're going, but I do know two things, the base is probably in as equally a shit hole as all the people here are, and not to mention that, we lack the ability to get here today. I think John wants us to be prepared in case they don't have any food to spare. Besides, a detour could set us back a lot."

Leon waited only momentarily for a response, flicked his hair with his hand, and followed John to the garage. The vehicle looked kinda busted up...But it would do, if they got some armor plating and attack slots...

"Well, we could use some of the metal lying around here, from what I've seen, the shadows still need to abide by physical laws, and cannot shift themselves through material...I could be wrong though..."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-09-06 10:01 PM, in Challenge for Leader Position of Heavyweight Division. Link
Xeios tilted his head to the side, and looked at the man behind him. His left eye focusing on that orb...He turned his eyes back to the sky. His gaze unnerving and silent. He turned on his heel and faced the man. Xeios reached his left hand outward, and made a lazy point to the man's belt.

"You sir, have something I want, hand it over. Or it is a fight you will have."

Xeios' right hand began glowing with an alchemical sign, the sign of 'snake bite' was see predominantly on his palm. The leather coat was slung open revealing his bare chest. He came to a fight without bandages...He surely would not hold back. At the side of his waist was a small pouch, and a predominant dagger...or shortsword was on his back, parallel to the ground and held on by several steel clasps.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-14-06 01:32 PM, in Manifestation. Link
Leon turned his eyes away from Kaylee. He needed to tell her the truth, the blunt and pigheaded all required the truth in the utmost and purest form. There was no reason for her to send him such a look, but, women were strange being. He turned back and saw John and the new girl conversing. To the untrained eye, it would be assumed that they had conjoined feelings for each other. That did not seem to be the case though, they seemed a little too friendly, and not passionate in any way.

Leon pinched the bridge of his nose, and flicked his long hair out of his face. He got suddenly upset with fixing his hair, so he shook his head so that it was conjoined over his brow. letting no skin show through. It was still directionally going to the left, but was not defined in any way. He looked at the two of them.

"So terribly sorry to break up this reunion. But time's getting short, we need to do this. I would rather get all this done now so I can relax later. I'm sure everyone would agree that getting the work done early and getting rest would greatly help during this journey. It's just a though, but rest could be necessary to fight the spawn of hell tommorrow."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-15-06 12:56 PM, in Challenge for Leader Position of Heavyweight Division. Link
Yea, I'm alright with the fight.

And Kaijin, maybe if you did your damn job, I would stop trying to undermine you or find loopholes. maybe if you were a good judge of character,maybe if you had ny talent at anything. Maybe if you weren't such a prick. aybe if you didn't remind me so much of my father. Maybe, maybe, maybe. As long as you remaing the same as you are, I will oppose you in every way I possibly can. I will defy you, I will find a way around your words. I will persist. Your Pigheaded stupidity will get you nowhere.Your constant self elevation and bullshit holier-than-thou attidude brings nothing to the table. You have too infrequently proven your worth. And frankly, the board would be a much better place without you goddamn rules. If you leave loopholes, people will find them. If this was for some reason brought before a judge, using your rules as evidence, this battle would have been perfectly legal. And you would have lost all of your credibility. You would be completely considered as a failure. And in my mind, that is all you are.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-15-06 01:06 PM, in Manifestation. Link
Leon noticed John's glance, but he shook it off. He followed behind, and noticed the car. God Damn that car was small. He turned to John.

"Hey...uh, John right...Well, how the hell will we all fit in this small car. Just a suggestion, but if there was some sort of bus newarby we could tear up the seats and make more room. Not to mention pad the floor. It would be a good idea, because I'm sure we all do not want to scrunch into that vehicle and not be able to move. If we would get attacked, then we are screwed. See what I'm saying?"

Leon turned his eyes away, and examined the garage for a moment, he saw a suitably large vehicle on the opposite side, but chances were it would need more than a days repairs. Preparation would be too important though, and working on it for two or three days would be better than shipping out tonight. Plus we'd be able to learn more about the res tof the people here. He felt a flow through the chroma, he just realized that nightfall occurred. He had the strange feeling something was wrong.

"I think we are more powerful at night...I just felt a flux of power,I never noticed it before, bu then again, I've never been in the company of so much Chroma before now."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-17-06 12:28 PM, in Rise Again Link
an odd thing occurred. Xeios' foot hit the air where Cairoi's leg was, and leapt off of it. He was sent out of the way of the slash, and flipped in mid-air to land on his feet. He slid to a stop, and he stared directly at Cairoi. He set his feet into the earth and motioned for Cairoi. It was his turn to risk it all and attack. Xeios smiled slightly, and his eyes began glowing blue.

"That is another effect of the alchemical signs I have."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-19-06 09:28 PM, in Rise Again Link
Xeios nodded, and realized that Cairoi would not use this time to attack. He clasped the sword tightly in his right hand, and knelt quickly, using the momentum to slam his left fist into the ground. The ground launched upwards in a wave-like format heading towards Cairoi. This was not the only effec tof the earth launching deadly stone spikes at Cairoi from underneath. The stone spikes transformed as soon as they hit the air, into rusty metal spikes. The spikes would be enough to drastically wound Cairoi, if that was all. And Xeios stayed in this crouched position for strategic reasons. His eyes were focused, and his body was tensed in anticipation.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-19-06 09:51 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
Xeios looked from side to side, he lef the car, and realized the ingredients to his spell were not gathered. Grrr. Xeios thought of the things he wanted to do to the others. To those who did not listen to him. He walked into the government facility, and kicked down several doors leading to the head honchos in the facility.He slammed his fists on the table.

"Whose GOD DAMN idea was it to deny us our REQUESTS! We would have been able to destroy them all, surpass the extensive and superpower that the chimaera was supposed to have. We would have been able to channel all of the energy in the planet with that spell. We would have been able to summon complete destruction for all those who oppose you. And now, since you have failed to give a simple request, you have failed us, and lost all amounts of power that you could have acheived. WEmay only now hope to attain enough power to level an insignificant building or two. You FOOLISH MEN, We see no reason to continue this deal or engagement with you, and We will refuse to continue with this pathetic project. This kind of chance only comes around every hundred-thousand years, and you blew it."

Xeios huffed, lifted the table, and threw it into the nearest wall. He turned and disappeared into a shadow created when the table moved directly in the way of the chandelier light above the desk. He was sitting in his room, made specifically to forbid shadowwalking, sitting there with a single piece of paper. Ready to leave at a moments notice.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-21-06 01:25 PM, in Sombody...key word..SOMEBODY won 365 Million Dollars! Link
The person will show up...but the prize will be claimed before they do. See, the person will show up when the ropes holding the weights on their feet rot and the body floats back to the surface. .


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-21-06 01:27 PM, in Should Rogue give in to MySpace? Link
mneh, I have one, so you might as well have one. I'm pretty sure my link is...

Don't really remember though, hell I don't use it too much.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-21-06 01:29 PM, in Webcomic Link
No, this comic cannot be made, our future depends on it.

*kicks future chris out a window*

Now that that's taken care of, I have funny as hell ideas to set forth. If you want anything from me, just go ahead and ask.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-22-06 01:32 PM, in The Weapon Master Tournament Link
When's this thing continuing,I'm sure its been more than two weeks. I think, I'm not sure anymore, Time kind of blends together now...Stupid time...


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 1413 days
Posted on 02-24-06 12:23 PM, in Manifestation. Link
Leon walked over to the bus. It definitely did not have an engine upon closer inspection, but this whole thing seemed to irritate him, he looked at John, Jack as he wanted to be called. Leon looked back and forth, hoping to be able to see some other beacon of hope, but tehre was none. This place was desolate.

"It's no matter. All the more, I think I should go find Kaylee, apologise to her for being so vindictive. You kknow, try to ease the grounds. If we're going to be riding in the same car, then it would be best to have her not hate me."

Leon walked back up the stairs and wandered to the place where Kaylee and Wiley were. He leaned in the room.

"Sorry for being such a bastard earlier."
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeios

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