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12-04-24 01:50 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by MisturMoogle
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User Post


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-27-05 09:31 PM, in I'm BAAAAAAAAAACK! Link
Well its good to have you back. Post much and catch up. have fun and peace easy!


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-27-05 09:33 PM, in NTS! Link
Hey minimum wage here is only $5.15 an hour.. so yall should feel lucky that you make that much... but yea.. you all suck!! lol j/k


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-27-05 09:36 PM, in Saying thing that aren't offensive... Link
Fat - horizontally challenged, that is funny as hell. Lol that is alot though. Aren't you glad for copy and paste?


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-27-05 09:42 PM, in The Candy Shop Link
I second Elara's motion. lol It was pretty good though. It reminds you not to let material things get in between you and your friends. And that objects or possessions can turn friends against each other.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-27-05 09:48 PM, in Rank Sets - Show them off here Link
Yes they both are good, I like the sailormoon one though. Somone needs to make a dragon baal Z one lol. But yea SailorMoon!!!!


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-27-05 09:52 PM, in Diablo 2 Link
I play diablo2: lord of destruction. Thats the expansion pack. I got a lvl 83 trapper sin, and a lvl 87 barb. I can hook up 1 or 2 people. so look me up my account is DarkestHour


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 09:50 AM, in Songs you don't want anyone else in the world to know you listen to Link
Shadow you should never be embarressed by DDR songs. Some of the girliest ones can also be some of the best ones. I personally think DDR songs kick arse. Really good beats, and fast paced. Some are slow paced though. But yea.. still really cool.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 10:18 AM, in Never Do drugs Link

Never do drugs guys, or this could be you one day at some concert. So dont do drugs.. lol enjoy!!


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 11:44 AM, in Happy birthday VG! Link
Happy Happy Birthday!! Happy Happy Birthday!! Have fun and keep it safe. Let us know what ya did.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 11:45 AM, in Back after a long long time Link
Thanx Elara, I saee some of the new things that went. down, im on my way trying to catch up to you all. But yea. Its good to be back. Thanx again, and let the posts be with us. lol


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 11:47 AM, in Never Do drugs Link
Lol, it is pretty funny though. The guys behind him are liek wtf is he doing. I do that sometimes to, lol when that one song comes on you know?? Like a kick ass techno mega mix or something you just go nuts. But yea, still funny lol.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 11:52 AM, in GC Memory Card 1012 Link
Yea maybe nintendo will come out with a new one for the Revolution like a 2100 or something.. that would be crazy!! Imagine how much stuff you could save on that? thats like 2.1gig lol. That is alot of saves. I usually keep back ups of my important files on another memory card though. Have you ever thought about doing that? I does help.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 12:03 PM, in Diablo 2 Link
Its is easy to lvl up now. I can start a new char at lvl 1 on friday night. And by sunday night he will be lvl 80 +. IT is a really easy set up actually. You do tristram runs untill lvl 15, then do tomb runs till 20, cows till 24, then do ancients in normal. After that you will be lvl 25, do normal baal runs untill lvl 45. You will gain 1 or 2 lvls every run. After that go into nightmare and do ancients. you will be lvl 46, do nightmare baal runs untill lvl 65, again you will gain 1 or 2 lvls every run. Go into hell, do ancients you will be lvl 66. Do hell baal runs to untill you hit lvl 99. ((Note: from lvl 89-99 extreamly hard and alot of work)) But yea its really fun. My barb has godly gear on him. So does my trap assassin. So yea you should start playing again its fun.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 01:19 PM, in Scans! Link
I got one of those things. Its a Lexmark P3150, Printrio Photo. Printer, Scanner, faxer, all in one, and it was only $70 pretty cheap. Its a good model also. You are correct, it was fun to put it together without instructions. But I finally got it.. so its all good now.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 01:21 PM, in Saying thing that aren't offensive... Link
Well maybe if you was just a geek and wanted to be grasmatically correct. But if you trying to make fun of somone, or whatever. These are the things you just dont say. People will end up making fun of you instead.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 01:29 PM, in New Game Trivia Link
Sorry Jedi, its not 4. If you find out plz guess again.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 01:36 PM, in Do you... Link
LMAO True, Tarantula looking. That was great, lol im crying and stuff, im laughing so hard. But I don't shave all the way, I do trim though. So it doesm't get so "bushy" I guess we can say. lol


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 01:37 PM, in How many partners have you had? Link
Lmao, I;ve only been with 1 as well. And Thats all im going to be with..


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 01:47 PM, in Sex Link
What about suckle? Its not sucking, its like teasing sucking I guess... But biting is fun.. well to a certain extent. lol


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6497 days
Last activity: 6119 days
Posted on 08-28-05 02:31 PM, in New Game Trivia Link
lol it was close enough. Real answer is 7, but I'll give you the points anyway. lol

Point Board:
Tamarin - 2
Jedi - 1

Question 3:
In Final Fantasy 9 what was the best card in the Tetra Master card game. ((all around best)) Worth: 1 point

Bonus: This card could also do something else for you in the game if you bring it to the right person. What else does it do?? Worth: 2 points
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by MisturMoogle

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