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03-11-25 03:04 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by The Accidental Protege
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User Post
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-09-05 04:53 PM, in Sexy 3D Babes (I had to, Honestly and Seriously!) Link
Forgive me, Sensei. It's just that I... I can't find a way to to beat him! Damn! *punches ground* He's too strong! Sensei, what must I do?
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-09-05 05:23 PM, in Sexy 3D Babes (I had to, Honestly and Seriously!) Link
*looks at DarkSlaya*
Wanna be da husband or da wife?
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-09-05 05:38 PM, in I fucking hate people. Link
It's like, no one gives a shit about how I feel or how their words affect me inside. IT's like I'm not not even a human to them. In school, I'm used as target practice for paper balls and spitballs, and because I'm out of shape and not incredibly handsome and a bit of a nerd, they make fun of my physical appearance (i'm not fat, don't get me wrong. I'm 150 lbs; I just lack... upper-body strength, so to speak), call me a pervert who likes anime (apparently, the only anime they've ever seen is Google anime, if you catch my drift) or a DBZ/Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh lover just becasue I like anime. This is high school, here people. Grow the fuck up. Don't tell me to brush it off, either. In high school, you're either in the in crowd and follow the flow, or you're out, your a freak and everyone hates you. Ok, I have 1, maybe 2 people who honestly stick up for me, but they're not in my classes, so they don't know about this. I'm not reporting it because if the principal drags their asses in, I'll get the crap beat out of me after school. To top it off, I'm on the... uh... urban bus that passes through the slums of my town. I'm the first one off, but I actually have to fear for my well being when I get on beacause I've been attacked on that bus too, with waterbottles and hard candy, not mention being tripped on the way out several times. I am not a racist, some of my aquaintances are black guys, I think that they're cool, but the dudes on my bus mean business. I just feel like my self confidence is going down the tubes. Now I don't have enough courage to approach the girl I like because of the self image I have. Will she hate me like all the rest? I don't know. I'm too afraid. Oh well; just one more year of this shit then I can go to Brookdale University and be away from all the fags. Fuck 'em.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 05-09-05 08:39 PM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-09-05 05:50 PM, in More Samus Link
See Ya Next Mission...
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-09-05 05:51 PM, in We are All Made of Stars Link
People they come together...
Moby, if you didn't know. Man; I am on an art rampage today.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-09-05 05:59 PM, in I need a new anime Link
R.O.D: The T.V
Dirty Pair Flash
Wolf's Rain
Samurai Champloo
Full Metal Panic!

These are all hella good animes, worthy of recognition in the history books.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-10-05 12:40 PM, in My Doujin Collection Link
I will be giving out my Hentai Doujin Collection to the first person to guess my real name. Post your guesses here. Doujin consists of:
Bondage Fairies, Super Taboo, Slut Girl, Alice in Sexland, Silky Whip, Lust, Hot Tails, Secret Plot, Spunky Knight among others. Let's-a go!
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-10-05 12:46 PM, in One Piece on FOX Saturday Morning? Link
Fear not, Anime Fans! My squad of the most talented men and women in the International Anime Preservation Corps. (I.A.P.C) is en route to 4kids industries. Armed with M67 Frag Grenades, C4, RPGs and the standard issue M4A1 Carbine, They will destroy 4kids and their empire will crumble. Long live subbed anime! Down with 4kids! Zieg! *Heil!* Zeig! *Heil!*
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-10-05 04:22 PM, in My Doujin Collection Link
Hint: Four letters
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-10-05 04:54 PM, in Mercenaries Link
Discuss. Who are you playing with?
I chose Nilson. He just looks like a bad-ass. I now play as Han Solo now that I unlocked the cheat
Have you captured Song yet?
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-10-05 06:44 PM, in My Doujin Collection Link
Perhaps these lyrics will give a clue.

Every letter has a purpose;
Verses are the the same.
Anything can be a clue, but
Not without a game.

Seach for the truth;
Everything will be clear.
Look for hints in this prose;
Letters may appear...
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-10-05 06:45 PM, in Samus hentai needed! Link
I'm making my own right now (and it's looking pretty good for my first *real* attempt at hentai), but I want some professional looking stuff, not mine on lined paper Can you help me out?
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-11-05 01:21 PM, in My Doujin Collection Link
Shit. You win the prize. PM me your email and your first doujin should come in within a day or two. Altogether, it's like 600 megs, so it'll take some time to upload fully... or I could just host them somewhere and give you the link.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-11-05 01:29 PM, in That does it; my school is insane. Link
I trust you all...
My ridiculous school district is reporting abuse in all forms... a little... TOO much...
Whee! *fart sound*
Ladies and gents... you have seen the end of the universe.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 05-11-05 04:30 PM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-11-05 05:13 PM, in Samus hentai needed! Link
Originally posted by Cyro Xero
Samus hentai, eh? Do you mind showing what you've made so far?
Well, you did ask nicely...
It's far from done. There are some proportion issues, buteventually I'll make a good version, ink it, transfer it to good paper, then color it w/ Photoshop or whatever.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 05-11-05 08:14 PM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-11-05 05:16 PM, in Sung Hi Xeo - Xeogred goes Super Sayejkjijn 47 [Actual proof that Xeo is crazy] Link
Originally posted by Spartan
Hmmmmmmmmmm....I am not going to ask...One question though Clock

On a scale of 1 to 10 how full is your computer of porn...
I have a whole mole of porn on my computer. I use 'mole' because it is the only word in chemistry I can ever use to describe the massive archive I have. In case you're wondering, a mole is 6.02x10^23 of anything.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-11-05 05:28 PM, in Metroid E-Manga Translated At Last! Link
Check it out!!!
Finally; I've been waiting for volume two for a looong time
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-11-05 05:56 PM, in More Samus Link
Sorta... I did it sideways. Check the "special forum" for more Samus surprises...
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-12-05 05:09 AM, in Samus hentai needed! Link
Sorry, I don't give my ladies the man hands, if you know what I mean. The drawing was intended to be a diagnostic for her body as reference for her scars, because I was thinking about making a Metroid Manga...
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 05-15-05 06:23 PM, in Spirit War: A Very in-depth RPG. Join Now! Link
In the year 1286, Heaven and Hell headed for a collision course over which the fate of the Spirit Plane would be decided. Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth has mobilized her forces and is preparing to defend Heaven (Paradise) against Lucifer and his Demon Army. The Spirit Plane is like another world; much like ours, but where only the souls of the dead live, much like living humans. They can die in the Spirit Plane; if that happens, their spiritual self will return to Earth and be born again. They body stays, much like Earth. The war is beginning to begin... Choose your side, and march toward victory!
Choose an officer...
(just click open if using Firefox) There are more than just listed there; If you want one that isn't listed, I'll accomadate you. I call Ceddik!

Gaia and Lucifer cannot be taken! They are the commanders and all omniciant. It would just be unfair. Since I am the creator, I choose Gaia's and Lucifers action to preent anyone from manipulating them.

Now, choose a side, choose an officer, and set your armies into motion!
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by The Accidental Protege

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