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01-30-25 12:31 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Belial
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User Post


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 02-15-06 12:09 AM, in Happy Valentines Day! Link
I had SUCH a good Valentine's Day. It's the best I ever had. as an early thing, my fiance took me out to dinner... then in the parking lot of the restaurant, he blind folded me then helped me into his car. We drove aroumd... (I felt like I was going in circles).. and he parks. He helps me out of the car, then leads me up 3 flights of stairs, into a room, and takes off my blindfold. We're in the nicest damned room in the Marriott Villas, and on the bed there was 2 boxes of chocolates, a million or so flowers, and a bottle of champagne.

Tonight I came home, gave my fiance his presents, See's candy and Call of Duty2... and he brought me mine: a print of a beautiful painting, titled "Pirouette", a figure of a girl in a bluish green gown... I've wanted it for months, and when I pulled it out of the box I nearly cried.

It was good. ^-^


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 02-15-06 10:52 PM, in Who's your hero?? Link
The only hero I have ever had was my father. I -always- looked up to him. More so than any other person. He was so intriguing, so intelligent... he was the only person I ever seemed to have intelligent conversation with, other than my grandmother, his mom. Intelligent conversation with, meaning not debating. He spoke to me as an equal, even though I was only about 13 of 14.

When he lied on a bed, dying, while I was alone with him, we held hands, and with tears in our eyes, he said "Well, Candy, it doesn't look like your hero is going to make it..."

(Last edited by Belial on 02-16-06 01:53 AM)


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 02-19-06 08:18 PM, in Your Dating Type...Where do you fit? Link
The Sonnet
Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLDf)

    Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?

    Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They're conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that's okay, because you're very choosy with your affections anyway. You'd absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.

Your exact opposite:
Genghis Khunt

Random Brutal Sex Master
    Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You're already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there's no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.

    You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.

ALWAYS AVOID The Stiletto, The Battleaxe, Genghis Khunt, Half-Cocked


Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating.
My profile name: candacehoover

(Last edited by Belial on 02-19-06 11:19 PM)


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 02-20-06 02:09 PM, in Ghosts...Spirits...The Paranormal Link
I have had many encounters with ghosts and the paranormal. Read my bio, that was when I practiced with some astral projection.

I had an encounter with the ghost of my dad. It was only a couple of months after he died. I was lying in bed when the hair started standing up on the back of neck. I felt that someone else was in the room. I lay as silently and still as I could, as the aura of my dad washed over me. I cried silently. He touched my leg with a comforting gesture. I felt the pressure of his hand on my leg. I was so scared but sorrowful at the same time.

I have had encounters with demons too. Myself and the other two witches that made up our "Three". It be cold and had been raining... everything was wet. We were at this place called the River, which is basically a place to shop. They had all sorts of outside tables and such. Me and one other of our Three were in Starbucks, when we both started sweating and getting claustrophobic. I waited for my drink and the person I was with went outside. By the time I got to the table he sat at, he didn't have a shirt on, and he had his hands flat out on the table. The table was dry and the other tables were wet. So much evil energy was around us... talk about terrifying. Then a friend of ours, who wasn't into what we are... kept seeing everything in red. Blood. I was the only one able to sit and comfort her.. and as I sat with her, the dem8on showed itself, grinning maliciously, knowing that he just messed with her mind. *shudders*


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 02-21-06 12:29 AM, in And she married this guy? Link
I have to agree with Rogue. I'm somewhat a part of that sub-culture. It's not abnormal. The guy should have mentioned his dominance before she married him, though...


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 02-21-06 10:21 PM, in Ghosts...Spirits...The Paranormal Link
Ouji boards are dangerous. Don't use them unless you are absolutely sure you know what you're doing and that you dispel all spirits before you finish. They WILL linger if you don't


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 03-03-06 09:08 PM, in I'm in heat.. Link
eh... craving blood? in other words, you're craving iron. you may have an iron deficiency. Eat a juicy burger. =P


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 03-05-06 11:31 PM, in New car Link

an abbreviation of Ford.

If you get an F-150, just get the Dodge version of it, a Dakota. My grandma has a V-6 dodge Dakota and she tows her lil fifth wheel with it. LOL.

Anyway, it doesn't sound bad for a first car. Good luck with keeping it in shape. ^-^


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 03-07-06 04:39 AM, in New car Link
Originally posted by Pockets

Another good Ford joke. My dad had a Ford F-150 that I drove a couple times
before he got rid of it. I loved that truck. It handled great, he never had ANY
problems with it at all. It had a good sized cab, fold out rear doors instead of full

It was a good truck overall and I should be able to get a used one pretty easily.

V6's are pretty good on gas as far as I've noticed. V8's are the bad ones. Older
cars such as mustangs and such had V8's. I'd love to get my hands on a 67'
Ford Mustang. Not the GT or the Shelby. Just a regular mustang. Dream car
right there.

I have my dreamcar. a '73 Camaro. It's a racing car. ^-^

The older Fords seem to last forever. I think everything built before '96 or '95.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 03-21-06 08:50 PM, in Living on your own? Link
I don't live with parents either. It's not as glorious as it sounds.

Not only do you have to be creative in your cooking, but it means you mom isn't there to clean up after you.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 04-05-06 09:03 PM, in Outlook Link
I see life as something a person makes of it.

My outlook tends to be optimistic, but realistic (to me anyway).

As to your statement about the tragedy of humanity ending... I truly don't see it as tragic. Sure, it's an ending to some chapter in Mother Nature's book, but at the same time, She will give birth to an entirely different beginning. When one thing ends, another begins. It's all a chain of events. Who is there to care about the feelings of humans when there aren't any?


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 04-17-06 01:22 AM, in Happy Birthday Pockets! Link
Happy Birthday ^-^ !!! You're old. kidding!


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 04-21-06 02:14 PM, in What color should Dale/Sajin Dye his hair? Link
I say you start with an orange base... then add red streaks underneath, then dye the top purple. ^-^


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 04-26-06 12:28 AM, in [Insert Joke About Seticus] Link
Happy Birthday. From my experience, being 18 is glorious, so make the best of things. ^-^


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 04-27-06 08:52 PM, in What is your religion? Link
Originally posted by Pockets
I agree, working skyclad is a bit outside of my comfort zone too. (for those that
don't know. Skyclad = naked.) Elara, WhiteRose and Oni and I would be more
than willing to celebrate ya know? It might be a bit late to try to work something out
for Beltane but maybe if we can manage it we can go to a park or something and
celebrate plain clothes. The intent is more important than the ceremony of the
event don't you think?

In my Druid researchings I have come across that same comparison that Rogue
made. You can compare a lot of pagan beliefs to the Star Wars concept of the
Force. It's largely talking about energy and life surrounding you, inside you and
infusing the world and universe itself. The main point behind Magic, (or Magik.) is
to tap into those energies and ask, not command, but ask for their help in whatever
spell or rite it is that you want to perform.

I THINK I got that right.

What do other more experienced practicitioners think of my explanation?

I agree with your explanation. It sums it up in a paragraph (if possible... ). I wish I could join you guys for a Beltane celebration, but I don't think I could afford gas to all the way out there, lol.

I'm Wiccan. I lean towards more Nocturnal and Celtic magics. Nocturnal meaning I practice mostly at night, with nocturnal energies, i.e. the moon and stars as opposed to daylight.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 04-28-06 08:39 PM, in The Wrath of God? Link
Well, she may be a bit out there, but who are we to say she can't say what she wants?

And as for her argument... It's not -someone- (i.e. 'God'), punishing us, but ill karma, in my opinion.

(Last edited by Belial on 04-28-06 11:41 PM)


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 05-01-06 11:06 PM, in Did you know? Link
Every 8 years a pentagram is formed with the planet Venus. The olympic games were held every 4 years, halving the cycle.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 05-02-06 11:25 AM, in Gas prices Link
$3.35 or so and rising.

Milk is cheaper, maybe we should run our cars on that. =P

(Last edited by Belial on 05-02-06 02:26 PM)


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 05-04-06 09:02 PM, in Legal issues. Link
Honestly... there's nothing the police can do. You haven't had sex or anything. her dad's a conservative who thinks you're a pedophile. Ten years from now, chances are, no one will even care about the difference in age. I have a friend who's 31. His girl friend is 22, I believe. No one has any issues with that, even if the reason is that she's no legal, yet.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4434 days
Last activity: 4048 days
Posted on 05-05-06 08:48 PM, in Spanish Anthem? Link
I agree with the president. And as a side note, I don't think I've ever agreed with him on anything else.

An announcer at a local Irwindale race track decided to announce the infamous words "Gentleman, start your engines!" in Spanish. Needless to say, everyone in the crowd was pissed, as I would be.

This is a predominantly ENGLISH speaking country. Speak ENGLISH.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Belial

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