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02-05-25 12:09 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jobes
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User Post

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-19-05 09:46 AM, in End of Earth Link
" Well its up to you guys. I can chill for alittle longer. I have no major plans to for tonight except just go home and sleep.' Jobes turns off the car and waits for the arrivial of the van that is going to that the prisoner back to base. Ten minutes go by and the Van finally arrives. "He is in the trunk lets get going." *Sir yes Sir* The two guards not knowing who Tom really is notices Ariya and Dack and does it in a hurried and a fashion so they don't get fired by Ariya.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-19-05 09:49 AM, in Venus: Humanity's last stand Link
Rico takes over the controls of the Gunner Seat. He notices three Yerk Fa elite coming straight towards the gunship. He opens fire upon them shooting the closes one in the head twice and hitting the other two in the legs. "Sir I will take a squad of men and flank them while. Is that ok Sir."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-19-05 09:54 AM, in Halo RP revived. Link
OOC: Ok I edited my post

" Alright men lets go stop being cowards and kill them. I don't want to see one of them living in the next ten minutes or I will have your heads." The Marines charge out of the bunkers and start firing upon the wave. They kill have of them before they have to reload. Jobes runs straight into the middle of the wave and starts hand to hand combat with them. He pulls out his knife and cuts the mid-section of an elite. He picks up the elites plasma rifle and a needler that was near by and starts fireing at the closest elite

(Last edited by Jobes on 06-19-05 12:55 PM)

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-19-05 09:58 AM, in Prison Vampire Link
Jobes puts the book down and looks down the hall towards Narina's office. He turns to Tsun "What do you think they are talking about in there? So Kara what did you get thrown in here for.? Waiting for her answer, he backs a deep breath then sighs.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-19-05 11:28 AM, in 1942: The Longest Year Link
OOC: Yea I meant 23 not 223

IC: Rico turns and heads back towards the boat where is and ducking behind steel posts and finally reaching Jack. He grabs Jack and carries him to Kevin. He sets him down. "Alright Jack get up. We are in the middle of a war here. Sir I am going back to my previous position give me cover fire." Rico gather his Thompson M1A1 Submachinegun and is ready to run on the cover fire of Kevin.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-19-05 02:06 PM, in 1942: The Longest Year Link
Rico ran back to the crater he was in. He rejoined his Squad at Shingle Embankment. "Alright men. We are going to storm them guns blazing. Noone dies while I am in command until Sergeant-Major Kevin gets here. First squad go in and move to the right. Second squad clear the door on the left. Thrid squad you are with me." Rico takes the thrid squad to the last door of the hall way. Four Germans manning a m.g. are inside. He lobs a smoke grenade into the area. As the germans come running out they are mowed down. " Alright men lets move. I want First squad going throw that door right there and taking out any Germans that are inside. Second Squad you guard that door we came in." Rico taking Thrid Squad with him. They spotted the Engineer but he is under heavy guard. "Runner, I need a Runner." * Yes sir* "Go to Sergeant-Major Kevin and tell him we need a sniper right now. Go. God Damn it Go!" *Sir yes Sir* The Runner takes off as Rico and thrid squad takes cover

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-19-05 02:40 PM, in 1942: The Longest Year Link
The Runner makes it back to Kevin. *Sir, Sergeant First Class Anderson is requesting sniper fire. He needs Jack Sir. We found the engineer but he is under heavy protection. He need a sniper to wipe them out. Sir*
As the guard approaches Rico pulls out his knife and stabs him. As the men is about to scream Rico covers his mouth so it is silenced. " Take him. Get ready for them to come then strike save your ammo."

(Last edited by Jobes on 06-19-05 05:40 PM)

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-19-05 03:09 PM, in 1942: The Longest Year Link
Rico orders his men to give Jack cover fire. " Jack when we start firing move your ass. We won't be able to surpress them for long so you move your ass to that cover. Ready. Set. GO GO GO! Rico's squad starts firing.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 10:50 AM, in XGf College Years Link
Sean pulls the car away from the curb. He takes off down the street and about 10 minutes later he arrives at Chris' house. "Alrigh, lets get this stuff unpacked." Sean taking a couple of boxes out of the trunk walks over towards the door. " Yo Chris throw me your keys."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 01:48 PM, in End of Earth Link
Tom looking at Ariya "What was that all about? Alright lets go." Tom starts the car and drives for about an half an hour. Until they reach this well hidden house in a forest. The house was all white. " Well I guess you can say I live in a White House." Tom was nevr good as making jokes. He could never get to come out right.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 01:55 PM, in Prison Vampire Link
Jobes looking at the guard with a sly smirk on his face.

"Ah young lad you can read. I have read many of his novels. Such as The Torrents of Spring, Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, just to name a few. He is an interesting fella."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 02:03 PM, in Prison Vampire Link
"I have done some great things in my life. I also have done things I am not proud of. A long life is hell and shorter one is even worse. So either way life is miserable. There is always someone out there to hurt you." Jobes taking a deep sigh. " So what is your favorite book by Hemingway."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 02:09 PM, in End of Earth Link
Jobes opens the door of the car and walks over towards the house. " Who doesn't live at HQ! I am here every now and then. Jobes unlocks the door and opens it. He walks in and throws his keys into the dish that was on the table in the hallway. Jobes opens a door that is looks like it is part of the wall. He walks down a flight of stairs into the basement of the house. " The bar is over there as you can see. Fix yourself a drink." He takes off his shoes and turns on the T.V. to see if the Phillies won or lost.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 02:12 PM, in Prison Vampire Link
" I age slowly. It is in my nature to not look as old as I am. Son I been around before your great grandparents where even thought of." Jobes walking over to the crest in his cell. He grabs a book that is completely black and had no writing on it. On the first page it read......

Back in the year of 1786, in the city of boston Jobes was a 22 year old male working for his dad, who was a black smith..........

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 02:18 PM, in Prison Vampire Link
"Young lad, How old are you? Didn't you ever read books about vampires. Most of the stuff they say isn't true or I would like you to think it isn't true, but some of that is fact." Jobes taking the book back to the crest after Benja has read the page.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 02:25 PM, in Dante's Inferno Test Link
the Fourth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Extreme
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Extreme
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Extreme
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Extreme
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very High

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 02:29 PM, in Prison Vampire Link
"Noone is innocent. Everyone has done something wrong. Go ask your boss what I am. I am me. I haven't hurt anyone that isn't guilty of something."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 02:45 PM, in Prison Vampire Link
"Why should I tell you. Maybe we are all vampires; maybe I am the only one. You will never know. If I were you I would watch my back since you hate vampires and are afraid of us. Your fear is stinking up the hallway."

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 03:53 PM, in XGf College Years Link
Sean catches the key and puts its in the hole and opens the door. "Nah dude it is at my house.
Sean takes the boxes into the extra bedroom and sets them down on the floor.

Car Joe

Since: 02-01-05
From: Bensalem

Since last post: 6084 days
Last activity: 5084 days
Posted on 06-20-05 03:55 PM, in End of Earth Link
OOC: Since I am with my higher ups I am back to being Jobes

Jobes cell rings. He notices

"Yea you can. Stop by a WaWa and get me a hoagie and bring some chips too. Ariya is over here parting too. Hold on let me ask her if she wants something." He turns to Ariya "Chris wants to know if you want something to eat from WaWa?"
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Jobes

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