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03-14-25 08:17 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by WhiteRose
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User Post

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-18-05 10:22 PM, in short story... tell mewhat you think Link
MORE! Don't you dare leave us hanging like this we want to know what happenes to who! I swear I'll bite you if you don't continue you this!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-19-05 10:40 PM, in Tomorrow is the end of the World! Link
I keep forgetting how many events happen on 4/20. It's sad really.

*looks at picture of the new pope...shutters* Creepy *sccurries off to hide under a rock*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-21-05 10:37 PM, in Behind the Mask Link
*Artemis continues to wander through her hall, deciding to put off going to her chambers till later. Avron, you hear foots steps just up ahead*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-21-05 10:42 PM, in Brotherhood Take 2 Link
*Paige nods and then looks at the gem. Then looks at the paper and then looks at the row of vases and smiles* Lets do this a little easier shall we *She gathers a small bolt of psych energy and lets it fly down of the rows of vases in attempt to shatter the entre row*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-21-05 10:44 PM, in Guardians of the Underdark- Take two Link
*Apperently her mind was still befuffled by teh dragon she didn't realize what thjey were speaking off and just shakes her head, trying to gether herself, sending a silent pray to her goddess to guide her through all this*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-21-05 10:55 PM, in What do you live for? Link
My imagination. I love to write and even though I don't always have a pen and pencil in hand, my mind is forever working. I'll be hanging out with my friends and I'll watch them and my mind begins to tweek and twist things around, giving me ideas for all sorts of things. It's what makes life livable for me I guess.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-21-05 11:10 PM, in Bitchology Link
I've read this before and this is to be taken not in a litereal sense men. Now I'm not saying that all men do this, because they don't, but oten the average guy will call us a bitch when we do as what Elara posted. That is who this is directed at. And if a guy is the same way, then he can be a bitch to. If you take that definition of bitch, then yes either a man or a woman can be so.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-21-05 11:15 PM, in Your Porn Name! Link
Originally posted by Rage

One where it backfired though: I asked my friend, Victor, what his porn name would be. After giving him the specifics of how to get it, he came back with Stupid 134th.

....ROFL, alright, so this doesn't always work, but it usuall does. You can't get a great name every time.


Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-25-05 08:47 PM, in Snowing!!! In April!!! Link
Snow in April? That us uncommon. Though I envy you. Pretty much all traces of snow (which is all in the mountains, many many miles away from where I live) are gone and the days are begining to grow hot. Though the last few days have been a little on the cool side.

I want to see snow!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-25-05 08:50 PM, in ...Where do I sighn up!?!?!? Link
Wow, that is impressive and so cool. I wish they would have had something like that at my school. All the stuff I wouldn't have to have had to put up with. Your lucky your school has this. Best of luck on it.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-25-05 09:07 PM, in Quotes Link, I have so many, but I'll put down my fav of the fav.

1. Ah yes, divorce, from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals thought his wallet. -Robin Williams

2. Caution! I break for Elves, Faries, Gnomes, Leprechauns, Unicorns, Dragons & other invisible creatures that only I can see. -Bumper stick on the back of my car

3. Chaor, Panic & work here is done. -Random Bumper Sticker

4. Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. -Random Bumper Sticker

5. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it. -Random Bumper Sticker

6. I believe in dragons, good men and other fantasy creatures. -Random Bumper Sticker

7. Mind are like parachutes...they only function when opened. -Random Bumper Sticker

8. Sex is like air, it's not important unless your not getting any. -Random Bumper Sticker

9. Vegetarian: Primitive word for lousy hunter. -Random Bumper Sticker

10. Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut. -Random Bumper Sticker

Yes, most are from bumper stickers, but I just can't help but smile whenever I see them.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-25-05 09:13 PM, in Tons o' nudies! (Beware 18+!!!, Only allowed in this thread!) Link
*see's title, walks in and looks at odd picture* LOL, very nice joke, thought slightly disapointing I'll*just walks out*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-25-05 09:44 PM, in Sung Hi Xeo - Xeogred goes Super Sayejkjijn 47 [Actual proof that Xeo is crazy] Link
My dear goddess, look at all of you, for shame, for shame on you. *shakes her head as she saves all pictures, links and names of interest mentioned here* Tut tut tut

*runs off and drools over pictures, especially Sung Hu Lee*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-26-05 01:04 PM, in Guardians of the Underdark- Take two Link
*she keeps looking around nervously* "Am I the only one who feels a bit...uneasy. Things seem a little too quiet, even for my taste. What I wouldn't do for some sort of noise right now."

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-26-05 01:10 PM, in Your Porn Name! Link
ROFL, ok, I just read this thread to some people I'm hanging out with and I love the names they have.

1. Dimond Damon

2. Handsome Rocket

3. Rex Mojave

ROFL, These just worked a little too well.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-27-05 09:23 PM, in My laptop has been stolen! Link
My laptop has been misplaces at my college, Long Beach City College (liberal arts campus). My mother is going to make my life a living hell when she finds out. I'm mainly posting this so that those people who do go to my college know about it. Please keep an eye out for it. It's a blue Toshiba ins a black and blue case. Inside the case there are some blank cd's, one cd marked Banquet Music, a red notebook titles Serpent Phrophecies (my only hard copy of my stuff written with updates and notes for changes), the cord to connect and a hand hole puncher. Please, if anyone finds anything about it, pm or im me!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-27-05 09:25 PM, in Live Journal Link
I have one. Don't up date too often and if I do it's usualy to complain or get something off my chest, but if anyone is interested it's Ivy_Sindel.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-27-05 09:31 PM, in Here comes the bride... Link
I already knew about this, but I wish them big condrads once more. Hope all goes well for them and I had better be a brides maid or I will severly upset tee hee.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-27-05 09:54 PM, in WhiteRose's Art Link
*is shocked people finally responded* Thanks. Actually, I'll see if I can't get someone to take a picture of them colored at the banquet. I'll post them up if I can. The flame onme came out pretty good as well, but I like the scroll one better.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5268 days
Posted on 04-27-05 10:02 PM, in Your Porn Name! Link
Originally posted by Clockworkz
Sebastian Woodfield...
Wow. Words cannot describe what's going on in my head right now.
I need time to cool offf after that one...

Wow, talk about a porn name. That worked a little too well.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by WhiteRose

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