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12-27-24 01:39 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by The Accidental Protege
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User Post
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-22-07 05:33 PM, in I am not a happy man. Link
I had Oblivion, Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires. Fable, and Samurai Warriors.
And there's nothing on the XBOX 360 that even remotely interests me.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-23-07 12:44 AM, in I am not a happy man. Link
Sajin, I beat Oblvion. Three times. It no longer entertains me D:
And yeah; I don't feel like jumping through hoops with eBay, personally...
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-23-07 02:36 AM, in The Silver Surfer's got NARDS! Link
Jesus, talk about balls of steel.
I wonder if this'll get edited out in the final product, otherwise, they'll be pulling that disney shit with all that suggestive stuff in their video covers. Like in Little Mermaid, or Aladdin.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-24-07 08:05 PM, in Hottest girl ever? Link
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-25-07 12:27 AM, in Tick Tock Clockworkz! Link
Ha ha ha! Thanks, guys. Xeo, this actually IS a big deal for me, for now I can feed my nicotine addiction legally. The tobacco age in NJ is 19.
Pretty stupid, huh.
Anywho, thanks a lot, all!
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-25-07 01:49 AM, in Tick Tock Clockworkz! Link
Actually, there's a bar near me called Ashes, where only smokers are permitted, and you can smoke in there (obviously). The last smoking-only bar, I believe.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-25-07 05:27 PM, in Tick Tock Clockworkz! Link
Actually, no , they won't. There's a sign on their door that says "If you don't plan on smoking, don't bother entering" or something along those lines.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-25-07 05:44 PM, in Hottest girl ever? Link
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-25-07 08:55 PM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
omg wtf
I took a picture of myself using a cameraphone and emailing it to myself
Aren't I clever.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 01-25-07 11:59 PM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-26-07 03:04 AM, in Your battlecry Link
"I am about to drop the hammer and dispense some indiscriminate justice!"
Ok, so I stole it from Starcraft. Doesn't mean it's not sweet.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-26-07 03:10 AM, in It's 2000 Link
I made it! 2000 Posts. First, a birthday, second, a posting milestone.
I've never made 2000 posts in a single forum.
Thanks all, for making XGF a worthwhile place to spend my time.

We love you! G'night!
*rocks on*
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-28-07 04:21 AM, in Stranded Link
Name: Kiler Michaels

Age 24

Nationality: American (German/Swiss)

Appearnace: 6' even. Thin, but muscular, with a long face. Has a long blonde ponytail and green eyes. Always wears a white, tight sleeveless shirt, tight black tactical pants, black plain sneakers, black gloves that almost reach his elbows, and a chain on his pants that is made of small skulls.

Hometown, State: Winston, Vermont

Occupation Pre-Crash: Hitman

Back story: Kiler was hired by an important CEO to find and kill the man who is attempting to blackmail his employer by releasing scandelous information about the country. The target was in Hawaii, and everything was going smoothly until this happened.

Virtues: He's friendly when not out on the hunt, and a good leader at times. He's a smart, rational thinker.

Vices: Can get angry pretty fast if someone pushes him the wrong way.

Secrets: None worth noting

Possessions: a large, saber like curved knife with spikes over the exterior handgrip for a gauntlet like protection. Kept in a locked strongbox on the plain, and a suitcase with extra clothes. The latter was lost in teh ocean, so it doesn't really matter. Also has 3 packs of cigarettes, a lighter, and a cell phone, which he kept in a small bag overhead his seat, and were recovered.

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 01-28-07 11:18 PM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-28-07 04:50 AM, in Hottest girl ever? Link
Wtf. Srsly.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-30-07 12:26 AM, in *Stretches* Link
Evo! I didn't change my name, Remember me? I missed you, girl.
Good to have you back!
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-30-07 12:38 AM, in Stranded Link
The lights were out. Nothing stirred within the destroyed vessel. Kiler picked his head up, and felt blood. There was a small gash on his forehead, but he couldn't concern himself with personal injuries right now.

Scrambling out from the crushed area, he went to reach upwards, and dragged out his small bag containing his things and clambered out of the wreckage. He could see people. Injured people, dying people. Nothing new to him. It was more of the circumstances that he was thrown into that would piss him off the most.

Sighing, he stood upon the sandy beach, glancing around at first the carnage, then the wilderness. He didn't even know where he was. With another big sigh, he reached into his bag, and pulled out his cell phone. It was dying, and he could only make one text message, and so he started. One bar of service, but that should be enough. Apparently, what was left of the plane's radio frquency amplified the service just enough.

He ticked out a message:
"Complications. plane crashed. unkown whereabouts-"
It was dead. The specialty phone given to him by the organization he worked for cut out, and it was next to impossible for anyone else's run-of-the-mill cell phone to reach anyone. This is a catastrophie, he thought to himself. Shoving the phone back in his bag, he pulled out a pack of Marlboro 100s and a lighter, and inhaled his cigarette as he walked over to the wreckage, and noticed a girl, injured a bit.

"Hey; you ok?"

(Last edited by Clockworkz on 01-30-07 03:39 AM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-30-07 01:13 AM, in Stranded Link
He watched her curiously as she struggled, then finally, as she gave in and asked for help, he nodded.

"Sure, no problem."
Clenching the cigarette in his teeth, he bent down and heaved the heavy seat off the poor girl, and let her free. Not bad lookin'. Kinda hot, actually, he thought to himself.

"Quite a jam you were in. Anything broken? Name's Kiler, by the way. Who are you?"
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 01-30-07 01:38 AM, in Stranded Link
Looking over to Vladmir, he nodded.
"Nice yto meet you, Vlad."

He then took Brady's hand and smiled.
"The pleasure's all mine. A shame that we'd all meet under such bad circumstances, though..." WIth that, he grimmaced and shook his head.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 02-01-07 01:34 AM, in Character Compendium Link
Name: Alexis (Alex) Leary

Race: Oridian

Subrace: (Note from Cairoi, Oridians don't have subraces. ")

Instinct Drive: Yes; all bandits and thieves have these installed befpre they go public with their "occupation". This particular one help her elude the law, among other circumstances.

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Weapons: Her fists and feet, as well as a large knife she keeps on her, with a serrated edge. She also has various, nonlethal grenades: Smoke bombs, flash bombs, and gas grenades which lead to chronic coughing, wheezing, and in some of her specialty grenades' cases, uncontrollable laughter. However, on occasion, she will use normal hand grenades, but not with the intent of killing anyone.

Appearance: About 5'5", with very tanned skin; almost brown, but she's still caucasian in appearence. Very fit and thin. Her voice isn't as high pitched as most women, and as a tomboy, Alexis revels in it sometimes when she hears giggling schoolgirls run past her. She has jet black, mid back length hair, which is very slightly wavy. A sleeve of black, tribal tattoos run down her left arm. She's always found in a black tank top and baggy, drab cargo pants with chains and belts on it. Her sneakers are black and grey, and pretty old and beat up. Sometimes she has black and tan gloves on her hands, often when she has to steal something. It's just her thing.

Home Planet: Orid

History: Alexis never really knew her parents. Her father divorced before she was born, and her mother died alone when Alexis was 14. Left without a future, she gave up all she had and lived her life on the streets as a thieving crook. In her off time, she gambles with the ther thieves in back alleys, or goofs off and listens to music on a digital media player she stole. Thanks to her B-Grade Instict Drive, she's able to elude the cops without much trouble, so her life is pretty easy so far.



(Last edited by Clockworkz on 02-03-07 06:58 PM)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1201 days
Last activity: 1201 days
Posted on 02-02-07 07:26 PM, in Red Eye: The Beginning Link
Sitting crosslegged in an alleyway, Alexis grinned as she rattled the two red and black dice in her hand, her large, bald opponent across from her, positioned in the same style with his hands on his knees.

"Alright, baby; come on home!" As she tossed the dice, other member of her crew closed in with winder and an expectant look upon their rugged faces. Six and five. With a laugh and a grin, the tough woman snatched the 20 dollar bill from the ground as her cohorts ooh'd and ahh'd at her luck.

"Jesus, boss. That's five wins in a row!" Clutch grumbled, upset over the parting of 100 of his dollars.
Clutch, her craps opponent seemed to shrink with despair, but didn't put up a fight with his leader.

"You should expect no less from the leader of the Leary Thieves' Crew!" she added with a bit of a smirk.

A thin, lanky member of Alexis' posse ran into the alleyway at that time with a paniced look on his face. "Boss! Boss!"

With hooded eyes and a grimmace, Alexis looked over her shoulder still seated, as everyone else turned around.

"Whaddizit, Brake?" Brake, the scouting bandit on patrol had a look of anxiety on his face as he stammered to get out his words.

"There's somethin' goin' down outside, right by the fountain! Some weird-ass dude witha big fuckin' chaingun!"
Alexis' expression changed from irritation to interest. Pocketing the money she won, she quickly got up.

"You idiots stay here. I'm gonna have a look around." With a worried look on all their faces, the Leary Thieves just nodded with a "Yes, boss."
Exiting the alleyway, she saw the action about to go down with the Terrans, and especially noted the one dressed like one would've 1000 years ago, then the man with the minigun.

"Looks like this could get interesting, guys. You all stay put, and I'll have a look around. When the action is over, we rush 'em, hit 'em hard, then move. Accel, you'll be on target incapacitation. Clutch, you're crowd control. Don't forget the smoke grenades and memory lapsing gas bombs." A "Right!" resounded amongst the thieves, and Alex moved out and into the crowd.

Next to her was a smart looking, red headed fellow who seemed to watch with equal anticipation.
"What's going on here?" she asked innocently.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by The Accidental Protege

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