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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - 5th graders cought in a "Lewd" act | |
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#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4666 days
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Posted on 04-04-07 06:20 PM Link | Quote
I dont know what this world is coming too.

Source: CNN

Originally posted by CNN
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AP)

-- Five fifth-grade students face criminal charges after authorities said four of them had sex in front of other students in an unsupervised classroom and kept a classmate posted as a lookout for teachers.

The students were arrested Tuesday at the Spearsville school in rural north Louisiana, authorities said. Two 11-year-old girls, a 12-year-old boy and a 13-year old boy were charged with obscenity, a felony. An 11-year-old boy, the alleged lookout, was charged with being an accessory.

"After 44 years of doing this work, nothing shocks me anymore," said Union Parish Sheriff Bob Buckley. "But this comes pretty close."

Authorities said the incident happened March 27 at the school, which houses students from kindergarten through 12th grade. A high school teacher normally watches the fifth-grade class at the time, but went to an assembly for older students and the class was inadvertently left unattended, Buckley said

If I was the father of one of those children, I would beat his/her ass untill s/he couldent sit right for months on end.

(Last edited by Nagis on 04-04-07 09:21 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 04-05-07 12:04 AM Link | Quote

I couldn't even think of having sex in front of other students right now, let alone at such a young age. Could the guy even get it up? For serious.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

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Posted on 04-05-07 12:11 AM Link | Quote
Ok, that is really disturbing. Kids, unfortunatly in cases like this, can be sexually mature at those ages, especially since girls reach sexual maturity sooner than boys. Still though, that is so wrong!....ok I've typed out and deleted several senteces trying to convay how wrong this is and I just can't really think of anything else to say.


Since: 04-07-06

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Posted on 04-05-07 03:19 AM Link | Quote
I didn't think one could charge kids that young o.0;
they don't need to be charged, they need to be put in councelling or something.
what could they have had going through their heads when they decided that this was a good idea? sexually mature at twelve just means you get some new physical traits, theres a whole lot of mental growth that doesn't usually set in for another 2-6-sometimes30 years! At eleven I was scared shitless of everything, making eye contact with an xy chromasome'd individual made me too tweaked out to even string a sentence together! Let alone arrange a classroom orgy complete with a lookout and AUDIENCE

what the fuck goes on at home?
what the fuck goes on at school?
what the fuck have these kids seen that fascilitated/encouraged that?

kindergarten to grade twelve under the same roof might have something to do with that.
I vote we blame television!
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 04-05-07 08:00 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by z33r0

what could they have had going through their heads when they decided that this was a good idea?
what the fuck goes on at home?
what the fuck have these kids seen that fascilitated/encouraged that?

I've trimmed down your quote to what I feel are the three relevant sentences. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad post by any stretch, it's just that I have strong suspicions these are the most relevant questions to ask - although to me, they hint at their own answers when put together like this.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 04-05-07 08:43 PM Link | Quote
Whats funny is that they were arrested and are going to be sent to a Juvenile camp.

"Because they were acting like adults, they will be treated like adults." Is that I said.


Since: 07-24-06

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Posted on 04-05-07 11:18 PM Link | Quote
This seems like a violation of rights to me, actually. Seriously, this should not be a fucking crime.

(Last edited by Logos on 04-06-07 02:18 AM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

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Posted on 04-05-07 11:20 PM Link | Quote
I'm pretty much with Logos on this one. I don't think they should be arrested at all! I think they should be sent to counseling, they should be put in detention and talked to,

But arrested?!

Seriously, there's people that get away completly free from punching someone in the face, just sent out of school, but some kids had sex and they're being sent to Juvie?! That's so harsh!

Red Paragoomba

Since: 02-15-07
From: Boston

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Posted on 04-05-07 11:31 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Cairoi
I'm pretty much with Logos on this one. I don't think they should be arrested at all! I think they should be sent to counseling, they should be put in detention and talked to,

But arrested?!

Seriously, there's people that get away completly free from punching someone in the face, just sent out of school, but some kids had sex and they're being sent to Juvie?! That's so harsh!

iawtc. there's no indication that one child forced the other into it, so where is the crime? really. everyone would be a victim of everyone else it's retarded.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 04-10-07 04:35 AM Link | Quote
Because it is illegal to have sex in public, regardless of what age you are. However, that quote about being treated like adults is hilarious because they are being sent to a juvy camp. That means they are going on trial as juveniles, not adults.... This will lead to an investigation of why this happened, some sentencing to counciling, and probably end up with some parents in deep shit for something they did to encourage this behavior.


Since: 03-04-07

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Posted on 04-10-07 01:30 PM Link | Quote
This doesn't surprise me in the least bit. The only difference is they did it out in the open, instead of at home, in the bathroom, in a theater, etc.

The only shocking thing about this story is that the teacher couldn't find anyone to watch the class in their absense. Kind of proof that our public school need more funding, eh?


Since: 12-17-04
From: Petaluma, California

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Posted on 04-10-07 03:21 PM Link | Quote
This is extremely disturbing. I was shocked when I first read this. How can kids in fifth grade have sex in front of a bunch of there classmates. And the simple fact that there in fifth grade! It's just... disturbing. I would never think that something like this could happen and with fifth graders...

Continued Harassment.

Since: 03-07-05
From: In pieces

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Posted on 04-10-07 10:40 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Elara
Because it is illegal to have sex in public, regardless of what age you are. However, that quote about being treated like adults is hilarious because they are being sent to a juvy camp. That means they are going on trial as juveniles, not adults.... This will lead to an investigation of why this happened, some sentencing to counciling, and probably end up with some parents in deep shit for something they did to encourage this behavior.

Well, actually Crystle, that depends. I know the juvenile detention center my mother worked at for several years actually had separate wards there for such things. Majority was for the normal juvi's, but there was a section for those to be tried as adults, a section for those who had mental considerations and followups beyond the normal rehab, etc.

Then again, this was in a different state than we have here, but local places could very well be different, kinda like back home for me.

As far as the actual topic at hand goes... Well. Let's just say it's rather not right, but it does leave open doors to a lot of questions. And is another example of shortcomings of certain parts of humanity unfortunately. Though there are many far worse examples of the same thing around the world, but it's also nothing too new either I would say, not really an 'original sin' as it were. Thus you have media and polotics of a modern age coming into play as well.

Either way, this is really sad.


Since: 07-24-06

Since last post: 6214 days
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Posted on 04-11-07 03:51 AM Link | Quote
I must note that this should not be be considered important and relevant news, hence why it's on CNN.
Oh no, children are having sex. This has never happened before.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

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Posted on 04-12-07 04:56 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Logos
I must note that this should not be be considered important and relevant news, hence why it's on CNN.
Oh no, children are having sex. This has never happened before.

That's the thing though...I agree with your reasoning...that its not like it hasn't happened before, and also that it will prolly happen again, but that's what sad. THAT'S what should be addressed. This shouldn't be something considered "normal." But I don't blame just one person for things like that. Sure, the parents may have gone wrong somewhere, but you know what? It's also wrong for a parent to keep a child locked up in the basement their whole lives. That's prolly the only way I can see a parent being able to protect their children from the bad stuff. I also blame the buttholes who don't know when and how to conduct themselves according to different situations.

Like, sex isn't wrong. Children should be taught what sex is, that it isn't wrong, it just requires responsibility and good judgement, which is why I don't believe there is any set age to say "That's old enough for sex." It depends on the people.

I know, I'm kinda going off, and I'm trying not to say as much as I want to on the topic...but I think that's what needs to be addressed also. Not this specific example, but how sex is mixed into our society and how children come to learn about it.


Since: 03-04-07

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Posted on 04-15-07 01:44 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Katana
Originally posted by Logos
I must note that this should not be be considered important and relevant news, hence why it's on CNN.
Oh no, children are having sex. This has never happened before.

That's the thing though...I agree with your reasoning...that its not like it hasn't happened before, and also that it will prolly happen again, but that's what sad..

Somewhere, out there, right this second, it's happening as we spealk. Hmn, society hasn't broken down and we haven't turned into motorcycle gangs roaming the post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Sad? Sad for who? For those kids going to juvy maybe, but I'm sure they'd have been happy as fuck if they didn't get reported.

And also Logos, right on the money.

Posting Pig
Not Dead

Since: 01-12-05
From: Nowhere

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Posted on 04-16-07 02:52 AM Link | Quote
It's official.. everybody has had more sex than me..

(Last edited by Jin on 04-16-07 05:52 AM)
kyle s kenedy


Since: 01-14-06
From: petaluma california

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Posted on 04-16-07 12:24 PM Link | Quote
your forgeting that not all storys the media produces are true this could be false. i mean the best evedance they have is kids interviews which the children could have a grudge. while i have no doubt fifth grades could have sex i knew what sex was in second grade but was never compeled to do it. i have truble beliving its true.

(sorry i advance for the horrable grammar but i woke up like five minutes ago and im in school.)
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

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Posted on 04-16-07 12:33 PM Link | Quote
DIdn't I see this in a hentai manga one time?
I swear. Kids these days. It's all that 11 year old boy's fault for being a shitty lookout.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

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Posted on 04-16-07 02:31 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by nuit
Sad? Sad for who? For those kids going to juvy maybe, but I'm sure they'd have been happy as fuck if they didn't get reported.

Pretty much. Sad for the kids mostly. As I already stated, they should learn about sex, but there are lots of kids out there doing this stuff because they don't know better. They think it's right to just "do" it. So now becuase kids are doing just that, they're paying for something that they should have been educated about in the first place, but the people responsible for educating them failed. There's nothing wrong with sex. It just comes with responsibility, considering the only 100% way to not have children is abstinence, and there are other things floating around out there. Yeah, they were in 5th grade, but girls can hit puberty at that age, and some of them kids were older.

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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - 5th graders cought in a "Lewd" act |

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