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Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

Since last post: 4782 days
Last activity: 4409 days
Posted on 09-05-07 11:39 PM Link | Quote
During the summer, I volunteered at the San Francisco Zoo in a program called "Talk on the wild side".
The experience itself was probably the best part... Going to two full day trainings, being interviewed, getting picked, then continuing from June 11th to September 3rd.
Encase you guys were wondering what exactly I did there, I will tell you. I will list them in the worst to the best.
The worst is probably just cleaning the area, not the cages... just the area. Inside the building.
Next.. I would say is probably the children's zoo. I didn't dislike it, but it got annoying. We we did there was hold chickens, brush the donkeys, feed the bull, brush the bull, lead the alpaca's on a leash during a talk, feed the lama, holding a baby chicken and yard duty (Standing around and making sure everything is going fine). All of this while talking to the public.
I think after this would come the bone carts. Also known as Biocarts.
These carts have sculls, pelts, freeze dried things such as a lion paw..etc. We would go to an area of the zoo and set up, then talk to the public about them. It's hard to explain really.
Next is insect zoo. Which as you can probably guess was centered completely around many different kinds of insects. The main thing we did was hold the insects, such as Giant African Millipedes, Hissing Cockroaches, Austrian Walking Stick..etc. We also clean their tanks and read.
Then, the last main thing is...
Penguin socializing! Now this was amazing. Holding and interacting with baby penguins to get them social! They were absolutely adorable. I will put up pictures when I get them.

So yes, there you go. Just wanted to say !

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4465 days
Last activity: 5168 days
Posted on 09-06-07 12:12 AM Link | Quote
Wow, that sounds amazing! I would love to do something like that...except the bug thing. I'm sorry, but no....*shutters* still, sounds like an awesome thing to do.


Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5103 days
Last activity: 4620 days
Posted on 09-06-07 09:50 AM Link | Quote

Penguins are awesome. Sounds kick ass, I'm with WhiteRose on the bug thing
though. *hides in a pocket dimension that is insect free*


Since: 05-10-07
From: Cali

Since last post: 6215 days
Last activity: 6125 days
Posted on 09-07-07 01:16 AM Link | Quote
First of all, let me just say, LUCKY!!!!

I really, really want to do something like that!!! I'm so glad you had a good time!!

May I ask, why you did, is it any special reason besides it rocked?
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

Since last post: 4782 days
Last activity: 4409 days
Posted on 09-07-07 02:14 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by DarkBeloved

May I ask, why you did, is it any special reason besides it rocked?

Well.. The main purpose probably being my love of animals.
Since I volunteered I have found out what my dream job is and I will continue to try and work toward my dream.

The driving was hard, but my parents are great about that type of stuff.
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