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Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5172 days
Last activity: 1482 days
Posted on 04-10-08 10:44 PM Link | Quote
A big ol' FUCK YOU to the douchebag who was behind me whilst I attempted to make a perfectly legal U-turn in my car. He screamed obsenities at me and honked his horn 80 times because I wouldn't floor a Uturn when there was an old lady crossing the street.

Also, Fuck old people, stop moving so slow, work your damn legs out, my grandpop is 70 and has a bum knee and walks faster than me, so you frail-ass grandmas need to step it up, power walk style.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 198 days
Last activity: 198 days
Posted on 04-11-08 05:04 AM Link | Quote
Fuck you, people that lie to me. You are the lowest form of shit on the planet and you deserve to die.

Fuck you random seat in the LBCC theater that squeaks really loudly so that you distract me during the show. Double fuck you, actually. I really hate that seat.

Fuck you Paramount School District for never calling me in to work.

Fuck you parents, for driving me up the damned walls!

Fuck you nephew, for hogging the computer when I want to play WoW. I could've been level 70 already.

Fuck the people that say D&D 4th edition is ripping off WoW. How can D&D rip off concepts that WoW took from earlier versions of D&D?
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4947 days
Last activity: 4570 days
Posted on 04-19-08 03:00 AM Link | Quote
I don't normally post here, but I feel like standing on a cliff and screaming this, so this'll do.

FUCK YOU, PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET. I just fucking sat through thirty six pages of complete and utter bullshit on Deviantart. Not that I normally go on DA, mind you, somebody shared this with me.

Basically, some asshole who likes to pretend he's not a guy draws the child porn hentai stuff, and he has a fanclub or something. He made himself a fan sticker, and people started arguing. Now, I really dislike the child hentai thing, and I started off on the side of the people who were insulting this person, but after, oh, I'd say five pages of this argument, I wanted to ram spears into the livers and spleens of everyone on that damned website, including them. That simple argument made me feel like humanity isn't worth saving. We're a terrible people. I hate 4chan memes, I hate how even people who say they hate 4chan say shit like "lurk moar" and "i see what u did thar". I hate people who are so devoid of their own intelligence that they will take something not even originally funny and rend every single drop of creativity and humour for it in a ritual sacrifice.

Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2578 days
Last activity: 1429 days
Posted on 04-19-08 11:55 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Basch
I hate how even people who say they hate 4chan say shit like "lurk moar" and "i see what u did thar".

Yeah, really! I mean, it's not like people post those elsewhere, where people who may not have even heard of 4chan might see them.

If you can't tell, I'm in another of those moods lately.


Oh, no reason, except for the following:

Fuck you, Lowe's. I call multiple times, leave a message in person even, and you fuckers still never call me, even though you need six people part time and an unknown number full time, at least four of which are needed for a 4a-8a shift that almost no one wants to work, yet I'm willing to.

Fuck you, people who don't list a location in Now Hiring ads in the classifieds. Summer's coming and I walk everywhere; I can't walk all the way across town for a part-time shift in 90 degree weather! Oh, making it worse, when I did call I got an answering machine, left a message, and haven't been called back yet. What the fuck is that shit?!

Fuck you, Wal-Mart, for being a bunch of assholes. I've addressed that one many times, I just want to point out that I haven't dropped it. If I get a job this week, my "fuck you" to Wal-Mart is in effect for the next four and a half months. Of course, that'll be longer if the job hunt takes longer.

Fuck you, me, back in September, for leaving Taco Bell without sufficient notice. I'd at least be able to get rehired there if I hadn't fucked that one up.

Fuck you, Sheetz, for always giving me the "we just hired people, try back in six weeks" line.

Fuck you, Shenandoah Memorial Hospital. Just a standard-issue Fuck You Renewal.

Fuck you, hard drive. Damned 40GB POS. I'd get an extra drive or two if I had some income, but... well, you know that one already.

(Last edited by Masaru Ryumi on 04-20-08 02:56 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 198 days
Last activity: 198 days
Posted on 04-30-08 05:39 PM Link | Quote
Fuck you, shitty internet connection... turtles move faster!

Fuck you County of Los Angeles! How the hell can only 2/10 Lifescan machines be working? I don't want to have to drive to Van Nuys to get my damn fingerprints taken just so I can get a job.

Fuck you mom, for continuing to treat me like I am 12

Fuck you, ex boyfriend that I dumped five years ago... move the fuck on already!!!

Fuck you jacket pockets for catching on every thing in site!

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1653 days
Last activity: 1470 days
Posted on 05-04-08 12:13 AM Link | Quote

I don't fucking get it. So, my first semester, Fall 2006, I'm a fucking part-time student, because the asshole who registered me, KNOWING I was a first time student, cuz when it's your first time registering, you can't do it on your own anyway, you have to have them do it with you...put me in a fucking economics class that required a pre-requisite.

Spring 2007 Semester. I go from getting A's in my three classes from the last semester, to a fucking 2.14 GPA. Got two B's and one A. I wasn't suprised. I started my first job, the school went on strike...everything was thrown off. What I don't understand is how I can fail my fucking Creative Writing class completely, because the dumb bitch of a professor accepted my portfolio earlier than the others because she wanted to get me some sort of scholarship with it...then forgets to submit it to the school with the rest of the class, and fucks me over by saying "Tough luck. You should have submitted me another one when the rest of the class did." Well I'm SORRY I trusted my teacher who said that I was done for the semeter now that she had everything.

FUCK you, school who DOESN'T do my financial aid right and drops me from the fucking semester last Fall of 2007. (THAT'S a long story in itself that I'd rather not curse about at the moment.) And FUCK YOU teacher, who fucks me over AGAIN with that damned Creative Writing class.

Fuck you Community College. I'm going to art school.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1264 days
Last activity: 1264 days
Posted on 05-04-08 02:50 AM Link | Quote
heres a big drunken fuck you to lowes
who spent TWO HOURS of my time to give me an interview, then never got back to me.
bunch of faggots.

Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4742 days
Last activity: 4703 days
Posted on 05-04-08 03:59 AM Link | Quote
Fuck you religious zealots, who can't take it when someone shows something wrong in your religion but you simply ignore the simple fact it can't be true. Also, quit pulling people who make a statement about their beliefs into arguments, and using shock tactics to get people to join your religion like "Oh if you don't believe in this, you go to hell."

And fuck you nonreligious zealots, who have to constantly argue against people's beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, so you should leave it to them! Except Scientologists and Jedis, they're fucked up.

(So you know, this stemmed from a debate I was pulled into on I think I'm just gonna completely stop caring about the hows and whys of life and just live.)

(Last edited by Ryan on 05-04-08 04:00 AM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5172 days
Last activity: 1482 days
Posted on 05-07-08 03:15 AM Link | Quote

My Keyboard has recently been acting up and has killed me more than a few times in the games I frequent. So, Fuck you Keyboard. Suck my cock.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3928 days
Last activity: 3824 days
Posted on 05-07-08 10:01 AM Link | Quote
Fuck you gravity for... I dunno, being lame...


I wish I could fly...

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 198 days
Last activity: 198 days
Posted on 05-15-08 04:17 AM Link | Quote
Fuck you Nevada drivers, and I though we Californians were supposed to be bad... but Vegas drivers scared the HELL out of me.

Fuck you sleep for not coming when I need you

Fuck you back for hurting all the damn time

Fuck you friend who texts me all the time when you know I am busy.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 732 days
Last activity: 541 days
Posted on 05-16-08 11:58 AM Link | Quote
I'd like to say fuck you to my stats class. Well, at least 10 of the people in it.

We had our stats final yesterday. I'm feeling really low about it right now.

Our final was supposed to be next week, when most finals are scheduled. Each final scheduling gives the class 2 to 2 and half hours to complete the final.

Whenever the class wanted to talk about when the final was going to be held, it was agreed upon that it'd be Tuesday, May 20 (when we were scheduled by the SCHOOL to take it). I marked all my calendars for it and so on.

Sometime last month, someone gets their panties in a bunch about wanting to take the final sooner and move it to May 15 instead. The class votes on it, resulting in a tie and the teacher decides oh what the hell, let's do it the 15th instead.

The length of our usual class time is an hour and half.

Most of us didn't complete the in-class final. Myself included.

The final's worth 30 percent of your grade, and I was at the A-/B+ range.

This teacher has said that he doesn't grade on curves and his answer to people's questions this semester has always been, "I'll be teaching two stats classes for summer school. Look me up."

I NEED this class to transfer out. And the university I'm planning on heading to will only accept a C or better in math.

A further fuck you to the girl who sat two seats ahead of me this semester. Granted she was nice and all, but this fuck you is geared toward what she said to me two weeks ago.

While I was talking to my friend, Jose, about Ren(aissance) faire, she turned around and asked me what it was like because she always wanted to go to one. I tell her and we have a nice conversation on something I'm really into.

Then she asks what I'm getting in the class. I tell her maybe a B+ or A-. She says she's getting an A because she's cheating on every quiz.

Wait... HUH?!

She'd taken the class last semester and gotten a D in it, but she kept all of her quizzes and tests from last semester. And since he doesn't change them, AND he allows us to have a 3x5 notecard for formulas and such, so she's just been writing answers on them this whole time and bullshitting the "Show your work" parts.

Initially I wasn't annoyed or anything. I almost congratulated her on finally "succeeding" her second time through the class.

I might also add, that this teacher's grading method is to write the correct answer next to the ones you got wrong, so it's QUITE easy to do what this girl did.

Anyway, after handing in my incomplete final exam, I went outside and called a suicide hotline.

I doubt I'd really have the guts to do myself in, but with all of the pressure that's been on me lately (going to court, transferring, summer plans, parents in and out of hospitals, how I'd spent a year out of my life preparing for this class, etc), I'm ashamed to say that for the first time in my life it briefly came up as a serious option on my mental bargaining table of what to do to handle this situation if I truly bombed the test.

Samantha, the counselor I talked to, was nice. She let me talk it all out, while also telling me I didn't know what my final grade is so I shouldn't be upset. Which is what Brandon also insisted when I later broke down about it again (incidentally, we had play tickets for last night that ended up going unused since Brandon wanted to drive me around town to blow off steam and just talk).

I don't have that feeling any more, and again I don't think I could ever really do it, but I was scared that my mind for some reason jumped to that possibility in that moment of pure shame.

That's life, you know. And I do want to keep trudging through it like everyone else.

It's the little things that keep you going.

Anyway, yeah fuck school and making you take it so seriously. I'm sure when I'm out of it, I'll just look back and laugh at myself for being so stressed over nothing.

(Last edited by Rogue on 05-16-08 02:16 PM)
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2578 days
Last activity: 1429 days
Posted on 05-30-08 06:31 PM Link | Quote
I cannot emphasize this one thoroughly enough, but I will do what I can without raising font sizes.




One of my not-so-bright relatives, John (one of the many...), and this dumb bitch named Amanda got an apartment together a few months back, and had a baby.

Fast-forward to this week.

Amanda got the idea in her head to kick John out and tell him that she's moving her other boyfriend in! Now, John's never been the most stable person around... the summary I got was that he threatened suicide and is currently at the hospital.

My grandmother is taking care of the baby, finally some small proof that there is some remaining good in this world (that dumb bitch would probably just let the poor kid starve to death, to say nothing of how "clean" she left their apartment), but there's a good chance that won't last long.

Also, on a less severe note, fuck you upstairs neighbors. There's gotta be at least half a dozen people up there, not exaggerating at all btw, and the bulk of them are likely not on the lease, meaning that if they get caught they get evicted. And god damn these bastards are noisy. Last night, at approximately 1:50 AM, there was a sudden burst of noise, rather like a dozen people jumping around. My cousin was sleeping here and had school tomorrow. Had she been woken up by this noise, I would've been taking a very short walk with a golf club...

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3928 days
Last activity: 3824 days
Posted on 05-30-08 06:38 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Thex



Bold, italics, and underline, a severe statement indeed.

I make a movement that this thread be stickied...

And to stay on topic: fuck you people in film class that need to use the equipment. What the hell? What's with wanting to finish your projects right before they're due? I've got stuff I need that equipment for [/masive amounts of irony/sarcasm/hipocracy]


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5172 days
Last activity: 1482 days
Posted on 06-06-08 01:57 AM Link | Quote
FUCK YOU FX! That was a brilliant idea.

Oh jesus.


I'm going to be working there, that sucks, at least the pay will be better than what I'm making now. (Not yet confirmed on my working there, just confirmed that I might get promoted soon and that's the only store in the area I can foresee going to.

Fuck George Jetson, that guy's a fucking prick, with his damn hovercar.

Fuck 4chan, no seriously fucking nuke that place, just blow up that small section in the seedy underbelly of the internet. We don't need it. I almost kill myself every time I hear someone say "Fail" or "epic Fail" I can't even fucking watch Attack of the Show anymore, one of the few good fucking shows on G4, because they have a segment dubbed "EPIC FAIL!"

Fuck those people. They know who they are.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4463 days
Last activity: 4077 days
Posted on 06-06-08 01:11 PM Link | Quote
Fuck you, prices of college textbooks!!!! seriously, $133 for a USED textbook from the college bookstore? Fuck That! I'll go to Amazon!

Fuck chemistry, while I'm at it, even though I haven't even started the class (it has been expensive. $93 for the class, $98 for the lecture text book, and $70 for the lab manual. I can't wait to see how expensive the anatomy textbook is going to cost!

I would say "fuck being a nurse," but I really want to be one.... and brand new graduate nurses start at $28/hour at one of the local hospitals. ^-^
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2578 days
Last activity: 1429 days
Posted on 06-06-08 03:45 PM Link | Quote
This will be an odd post:

I hereby take back most of my "fuck you" comments to Shenandoah Memorial Hospital.


Because I no longer have to pay the bill.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4063 days
Last activity: 3969 days
Posted on 06-10-08 08:19 PM Link | Quote
Fuck you weather of New York for delaying my flight home.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 732 days
Last activity: 541 days
Posted on 06-14-08 02:50 AM Link | Quote
I've reached beyond boiling point with my neighbor. Seriously, if water could burn, this figurative kettle is blackened, Cajun-style.

Noise complaints are understandable. I get it. No one wants to be woken up because the 20-something next door is laughing too loudly or her boyfriend is watching Metallica videos at odd hours.

This was solved by our moving into another room.

Problem with that is the new room is in the upstairs, with poor-circulation. And it's getting HOT these days. Obviously.

We have a fan sitting on the roof right outside our window blowing in air. The fucking sack of used douche next door is now bitching about our fan like it's making her property value sink like a stone.

Here's the deal, our town (Cerritos, Californ-i-ay) has strict codes about what color you can paint your house, how trees should look, where you can keep your trash cans, and annoyingly enough that you can't park in the street at night. There's nothing that I've heard or read regarding fans in windows.

Ever since she moved in, it's been nothing but reporting people to the city and other authorities with her. Ironically, she happened to paint her house a dark purple, which goes against the rules of earth-tone colors only for houses. Yet when the city council came a-knockin' she told them to piss off.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you with the pot.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4463 days
Last activity: 4077 days
Posted on 06-14-08 02:00 PM Link | Quote
Gods, Rogue! I could never live in a place like that! But I still have to say fuck you to my neighbors, too. The old man down the street tried to get the city people to fine us because of our older cars (At the time there was an 80s 5.0 Mustang, our friends 1965 El Camino and a 70s Camaro). Saying that our property depreciates the value of his. ...... Another neighbor tried to get us fined saying we have an auto business somehow running from our house... when really my husband was just changing the oil on his grandmother's Cadillac. The neighbors also try to bitch to the city that we work outside on our cars until 10:00pm, which is when you're supposed to be quiet. *sigh*

BUT.... there's this older Hispanic lady that lives down the street... her sister came to visit from Mexico and her truck was broken.. so my husband fixed it and they gave us some expensive tequila and a bucket of margarita mix. How awesome is that? =D

Also, a big FUCK YOU to the price of textbooks, which cost more than the class!!!!!
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Fuck you |

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