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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - World of Warcraft: The Flight of Deathwing | |
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True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 159 days
Last activity: 159 days
Posted on 04-27-09 10:18 AM Link | Quote
Alicia blinked now noticing his goggles. She never really thought about it, but maybe he might know something about her history. Alicia shook her head. I need to be careful... She thought. If something gets out, it's my family's head... then again..... My sister was assassinated.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1225 days
Last activity: 1225 days
Posted on 04-27-09 03:55 PM Link | Quote
The orc averted his stare from the priest in front of him.
"I'll keep that in mind, young man."

Lightning flashed beneath the massive storm clouds, and the sun was nearly set, though no one was able to to tell where the sun was to begin with. The wood of the docks were soggy and even though they looked ready to collapse at any second, it was still covered with stacks of crates filled with weapons, armor, provisions, or anything else that needed transportation. A few drops of rain fell upon Agalo's muzzle, and he looked up to the sky. In no time at all, the heavens opened up, and a torrential downpour began, the Tauren merely scowling at the bad luck, while Rokhar didn't seem affected one way or the other. Analyne pulled her hood up over her head and didn't say a word.
What's taking that paladin so long? Is he flying here himself? Rokhar thought, as he glanced about the harbor. His musings were interrupted by the gruff, heavy accent of a Dwarf.

"Miserable night fer a stroll, eh?" The trio looked about, then finally a bit down in front of them. A short, stocky figure, whose hood obscured most of his face stood in front of the group, his clothing a motley combination of dark blues, grays, and blacks, his leather boots creaking the planks beneath his feet.

"Thargas Stouthammer's the name. Don't ye worry, lads n' lasses. I've been sent from Theramore on orders o' Lady Proudmoore. Can't send ye out with nothin' but yehselves." The Dwarf looked about. Seven... There should be one more.
"Yeh be missin' someone, already? By Bronzebeards, er... beard! Just a wee bit careless. Guess a crocolisk got 'im?"

Analyne raised her head, the soft glow of her eyes illuminating the surroundings slightly more as the sun continued to set, until it was gone altogether.
"No, he still has yet to come through. I shall wait for him here, if you like."

The Dwarf seemed to motion toward her.
"Yeh sure yeh don't mind, lassie?" She simply nodded.
"Right-o. Follow me into the tavern, and I'll be gettin' yeh some supplies." Thargas set off towards the little collection of shabby looking buildings, the rain starting to pound even harder. Analyne propped herself on one of the crates cross legged as she watched everyone head off towards the tavern, noting which building it was. During the walk there, Agalo motioned towards Rokhar, silently.

"She seems unusually depressed. Perhaps it's the fact that she's partially surrounded by hu-" Rokhar cut him off.
"Just let her be. She gets like this, you know that. Give her some space." Agalo nodded. The rain punished Analyne's hood as if to reprimand her for choosing who her long-term allies were, and she brought her knees up to her chest and folded her arms across them, resting her face upon her forearms, watching the turbulent sea, lamenting the turbulent times.

(Last edited by Raoh on 04-28-09 02:16 AM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 159 days
Last activity: 159 days
Posted on 04-28-09 12:14 PM Link | Quote
Alicia sighed as she continued with the group. Her spider squeaked. Alicia looked at the spider and smiled. She pat it then continued walking. Who's murdering my family.... She thought. She put a hand on her goggles. Elric... You would know.... Pictures flew through her mind of Elric holding her while they watched the sunset and sit there all day talking about nothing then they would watch the sunrise. Then her mind flashed back to the other blood elves ripping his skin off and rounding his ears. Taunting him. Alicia's smile sloooooowly faded away.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 04-30-09 09:06 PM Link | Quote
ooc: Sorry for contributing so little recently, I've been working pretty much nonstop on finishing up a project I've been doing for the last six years. It's mostly over now, though, so all should be good. I'll post my reply in the morning.

Edit by Raoh: No worries, bro. Just wanted a heads up, that's all. Good luck with your projects, man.

(Last edited by Raoh on 04-30-09 09:37 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5133 days
Last activity: 1443 days
Posted on 05-01-09 12:33 AM Link | Quote
The tavern, a brilliant place to start an adventure.

"Well, what are we waiting for?"

Julius entered the tavern, happy to be out of the rain, though not shaken by the rain itself. The warmth of a fireplace was enough for him. Heh, by the end of this Julius may have had enough of warmth, and fire. Though he reckons that a contained fire would be much more appealing than the blazing flame of a dragon's breath. He sat upon a particularly creaky wooden chair, much to his dismay.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 159 days
Last activity: 159 days
Posted on 05-01-09 11:34 AM Link | Quote
Alicia looked around the tavern. Something wasn't right, she could feel it in her bones. Alicia turned around. "Hm..." She said to herself. Alicia couldn't shake this feeling that someone was watching her. Her spider started to get into a protective mode and pushed Alicia in the tavern. "You sense it too Dutchie." She said to her.

In fact Alicia's gut feelings were right. From a far she was being watched. "Let's see how it feels to lose those close around you." a voice sounded like a whisper. The only thing that could've been was the blood dripping from the voices katana. This was Alicia's assassin. The blood dripping off was a bit fresh. There was a snap of a twig and the body to the voice was gone.

"You know, I have really close family member near by.... I was wondering if I could visit her for a minute and tell her about our reunion," Alicia said asking anyone who was interested. Though more than likely they were not.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 05-03-09 02:35 PM Link | Quote
Dveris paused before walking through the gate. Menthil Harbor. He had been there once, a long time ago. Many paladins, his friends, met there in secret to discuss joining with Arthas. They had defected, and become Death Knights...

When he refused to join, he barely escaped with his life, as their first act of defection was to try and kill him.

This was a place of betrayal for him, a place where he lost some of his closest friends. The only question he asked himself was how he never saw them turning, how he never guessed that they would switch sides.

He was forced to kill most of them, eventually, but it was still a horrible place for him.

He stepped through the portal, and saw Analyn waiting for him, alone. "Sorry," he said. "It was harder for me to come here than I hope you ever need to know."

He paused, realizing that he had forgotten he was speaking to an undead...she'd undoubtedly been through almost as many horrors as he.

"Where are we going?"

The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1225 days
Last activity: 1225 days
Posted on 05-03-09 07:22 PM Link | Quote
Analyne paused for a moment before averting her stare from the stormy waters of the harbor to the stalwart paladin before her. The soft glow of her eyes illuminated his face as she turned towards him, observing the tone of his skin, the warmth he undoubtedly felt inside him fueled by the fire of life, and she grew depressed knowing how she'd never feel that way ever again.

"Oh; they... They all went into the tavern... Over there. I'll, uh... I'll take you." She was apprehensive, and rightfully so. The last time she spoke with a human (disregarding Rhonin) was before her death. She scooted herself off the crates on the harbor and motioned for Dveris to follow her.

"There was a Dwarven scout from Theramore here who's going to give us supplies and stuff for the trip. His name was Stouthammer. Thargas Stouthammer," she explained as she lead the human through the rain, holding her hood over her face.

OOC: I'll get to the tavern scene once everyone else arrives, or when Thex decides to post, rofl
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 05-07-09 04:38 PM Link | Quote
Dveris frowned. "Stouthammer? Let's be honest here, is there a more obvious name for a dwarf?"

He walked forward, hoping that she'd smiled at his joke. He knew all too well the feelings that went through someone who died. They first spent time being depressed about their death, and then started resenting the living. A few moved past it, started to accept their condition, but most didn't.

All he knew was that kindness fought bitterness, and that the more she was shown kindness, the more likely she was to move past he anger at being undead.

"Let's go," he said, and walked towards the tavern, seeking to hide the uncomfort inside him. He was on horseback last time he came here, though he entered the same way.

He looked at the side of the road. That was where he saw Alarath...that was the last place that they had shared a joke, much like the one Dveris had shared with Analyne.

Alarath was the one who led the Death Knights to Arthas, and he was one of the very few who Dveris hadn't yet killed. It burned inside Dveris to know that this murderer was still alive. He still walked the paths of this world.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2539 days
Last activity: 1390 days
Posted on 05-08-09 03:19 PM Link | Quote
(OOC: Sorry, I just can't get into this. It probably doesn't help that I mainly joined to get you to quit bugging me about it.

So I suppose you're now short a rogue, hunter, and warlock. Just call it a portal malfunction or something.)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 05-13-09 07:24 AM Link | Quote
OOC: I find it ironic how Raoh bugs me to post, and then when I do, he doesn't post at all.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5133 days
Last activity: 1443 days
Posted on 05-20-09 12:28 PM Link | Quote
(ooc I find it ironic that I return to RPing after stopping because all RPs that are somewhat interesting fail miserably, and an RP that is somewhat interesting that I started posting in failed miserably.)
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - World of Warcraft: The Flight of Deathwing |

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