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Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1608 days
Last activity: 1425 days
Posted on 09-18-11 09:01 PM Link | Quote
Sooooo siiiiiiihihihihiiiiick.

And busy at the same time. I managed to get my hours down from a much needed 40, to 34 hours this week at work, so I could have extra time for rest. Basically instead of going right from school to work, I'm making time to run home and snag a 2 hour nap. Which is the closest to not being busy I am.

Which means I'm working 5-11 Mon, Wednes, and Friday, and 9-5 Tuesday and Thursday. Plus school. Plus the homework.

It's been worse, but I'm soooo siiiicccckkkkk...**whines** I'm literally using my little burst of energy here so I can get it out of my system, without doing something else that may need clean-up. At least I can just walk away from the computer when I'm ready and pass out on the couch. XD
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 687 days
Last activity: 496 days
Posted on 09-18-11 09:38 PM Link | Quote
Walked/hiked 8 miles yesterday, most of it in pitch-black night with flashlights in a canyon in Malibu. Didn't make it to the site before having to turn back, but we saw few deer, and I saw a meteor.

Bought new hiking boots, formal shoes, and two pairs of jeans today.

Now to break in those boots with a few hikes around SoCal before they get to walking around the rest of the world.

Should really get back to reading Stitch's manuscript.

Sorry you're sick, Katana.

(Last edited by Rogue on 09-18-11 09:38 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 687 days
Last activity: 496 days
Posted on 10-06-11 01:14 PM Link | Quote
I've been a bit inactive lately (well, inactive for me), seeing as I've actually been leaving the house.

Was barely home at all Saturday and Sunday. Went hiking/semi-rock climbing Saturday at Vasquez Rocks, where a lot of movies and TV shows have filmed (including Star Trek, Power Rangers, and so on).

Sunday, went to a museum (post about it in "History Geeks Unite" thread), and took our friend from Australia around L.A.

The rest of the time has been spent with Brandon's family that's in town getting ready for the baby shower this coming Saturday.

Well, since it's Xeo's birth month, I guess we better get to work on a mass shred session.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 687 days
Last activity: 496 days
Posted on 10-21-11 04:56 AM Link | Quote
I'm going inactive for a couple weeks, starting Monday morning.

Doing this:

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1749 days
Last activity: 1749 days
Posted on 11-17-11 11:23 PM Link | Quote
What year is it, again?

Busy is never the word. I almost forgot this place existed with how much things have changed. Moving out, while a good idea, is extremely expensive. I have no money, and a job not willing to pay me. So I've been searching around for a new job while still balancing this one, and school is just kind of there, nagging me until I curl up into the fetal position and sob like an infant.

All in all, I'm swamped. What little free time I do have goes towards writing papers and hanging out with my girlfriend. Skyrim takes up hours I should be sleeping. Hell, I should be sleeping now.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 153 days
Last activity: 153 days
Posted on 11-18-11 12:48 PM Link | Quote
Well that sucks, I wish you luck in the job search.

I am currently working two jobs. One of them is back at Iron Mountain, and is a graveyard shift, which has the fun side effect of making me want to spend all time not at work sleeping. I miss out on a lot. Of course I still work two days at Giant Eagle, so I get to see daylight... sorta. And I also get to be a zombie. Thanksgiving will be my first day off in over a month.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1608 days
Last activity: 1425 days
Posted on 11-30-11 02:01 AM Link | Quote
I've ben busy and all. Blah blah blah. But shit's been fucking CRAZY the past few days. Namely, Monday and Tuesday.

I started going nuts on Craigslist for job searches....I applied to a bunch of 'em and started hearing back and have had several interviews within the past two days alone.

The interesting ones:

Model for David's Bridal. I applied to that one as a joke. I was dared to. Well, I had my interview today (Tuesday) and already got a phone call for a second interview. What the fuck? O_o I mean, I don't have low self-esteem, but it's just not something I foresaw being even remotely possible for myself. **shrugs**

I have had interviews at three different law firms have a few more later this week. Got a call back one for a second interview, another they want to give me an offer. JUST as a file clerk. But BOTH that I heard back from are full-time, full medical, dental, and vision benefits, and the one is 10 an hour, and 75% tuition assistance if I'm going to school part-time. The other is less tuition assistance, they'll cover 25%, and half if my GPA is, my 4.0 is going to do me nicely. But they didn't talk about pay. They were saying minimum, but they want to take the time to consider paying me more than I made at GameStop, which was 10 an hour.

Liaison for an entertainment company here in Philadelphia. I have my interview this Thursday. Was supposed to be a group interview, orientation, etc, but they called me personally, asked for me to go in for an interview (It's still important for them to see how I do at the group interview and the orientation is mandatory anyway.) but if I do well with the group interview, I'm getting a second interview with them individually. I guess that looks good? I dunno. All I know is that they work in A WIDE variety of things. Their main thing is modeling and little reality TV shows involving that (but that's their national focus) what I'M being considered for is working as a liaison for the celebrities when they film locally, handling bands, both bigger bands for our local radio stations, and local bands, and my absolute FAVORITE prospect, working with the Flyers and public venues for them... This was another job I just applied for because I thought "Hey, I have my Disney internship on my resume, so..." Well, apparently my Disney and Marvel gigs weigh heavily. I really didn't think I mattered. (Hence why I've been HELLA busy the past few years. Had a lot more going on than I had time to talk about here.)

And those are the most interesting.

The other was an interview at a photography company. I got the job, but it's like 10 hours a month. It's one of those things that I did because it means I can charge more for my commissions.

And I have an interview at a local gym. I applied for things that I wanted, but also things that seemed more realistic. And pending on what job I land, I'm still considering the idea of more than one, if I'm lucky enough to choose. But if I get that entertainment gig, well, that's full-time, and a STARTING salary of 40k a year....

I'm going to wait before I say "all my hard work is finally paying off" with confidence. But seriously...the past few years, I hit the freaking ground running. I'm so tired. But I've been working my ass off. Sleep has taken a backseat. Shit. REST has taken a backseat. Since I started college it's been "Work, then run to school, study, get some more work done(commissions and shit.), back to class, run back to work, only to run home, take care of the house, family, online classes....etc....all of this has been done through much ailments, financial difficulty, family issues, and while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.


If I'm bragging, I'm not sorry. None of this came naturally. I have worked VERY hard, sacrificed VERY much, and will continue to do so. :p

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1749 days
Last activity: 1749 days
Posted on 12-15-11 08:43 PM Link | Quote
I miss you guys.

But I'm always too busy to swing by. When I'm not working the shitty hours that my boss gives to me, I'm looking for a new job or doing homework for school. Finals just passed, thank god, but I've grown so used to not sleeping that I've developed insomnia again. Blast.

I'm barely scraping by, even though my rent is only about $270 a month. With my medicine and other things, I'm spending way too much. Too much stress.

I might have to check out craigslist like Katana did and find myself a decent paying job so I can finally afford a car and maybe lessen my load a bit. We'll see.

Oh, and I love all of you. <3
Especially Nelrith.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 141 days
Last activity: 130 days
Posted on 12-17-11 02:58 PM Link | Quote
First week of the new job destroyed me, I'm so tired I don't even want to read much. Haha... so yeah. Been busy, the weeks that follow should be swell.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 153 days
Last activity: 153 days
Posted on 12-18-11 06:38 PM Link | Quote
So my supervisor at Giant Eagle is awesome and now only has me come in one day a week so I get a day off now and then... usually it's more of a half day off since I usually get scheduled for Saturdays... so I get off Friday morning, sleep a few hours, have Friday afternoon/evening, then sleep so I can work Saturday morning or afternoon.

Been doing several days lately where I find myself up for 24+ hours at a time... ended up getting a nasty cold as a result. Not very fun to be honest.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1608 days
Last activity: 1425 days
Posted on 12-19-11 01:16 AM Link | Quote
Colds are not fun at all. Feel better!!!

And Phoenix, be VERY careful with Craigslist. I got lucky (Sort of.)

Lately I hit a lull. Apparently being on their payroll as salary doesn't kick in for like 6 months, and until then it's commission. And, I'm making more money a month off of my residual income from that energy deregulation shit than I am on this commission.

I was still putting up with the job, but basically, you're supposed to scout people. And total strangers have been following and harassing me, and one tried getting me into their'm probably going to just back out of this gig completely. Or at least just go back in 6 months, cuz I completed the training. They still have to pay me salary when I work in their offices. So in the meantime, the job hunt is on again. And been pretty busy with that, plus taking care of my gram.

And I'm on the fence about the giant ass TV here in my kitchen. I take pride in having a TV in odd places, but I've been working my ass off with trying to get this house to NOT be a dilapidated mess, and the TV looks like shit in my kitchen. But noooo. I have no say apparently.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 141 days
Last activity: 130 days
Posted on 12-26-11 11:29 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by X
First week of the new job destroyed me, I'm so tired I don't even want to read much. Haha... so yeah. Been busy, the weeks that follow should be swell.

Third week, basically the same story so far.

haha, that said I am definitely adjusting. Even woke up at 8am on Christmas day (very early for me, if you couldn't tell...) and I'm now feeling pretty alive and awake at those hours. Met some chicks at work. Lots of cool people in my department. Yeah it's basically awesome.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 687 days
Last activity: 496 days
Posted on 12-27-11 03:26 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by X
Met some chicks at work ... Yeah it's basically awesome.

I can't help but smirk right now.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 141 days
Last activity: 130 days
Posted on 12-28-11 08:07 PM Link | Quote
New ones I haven't seen before keep coming out of nowhere too. lol

There's been some interesting developments to say the least.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 687 days
Last activity: 496 days
Posted on 12-28-11 09:01 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by X
There's been some interesting developments to say the least.

Do tell, Boss Man.

As for me, I've been almost consistently caretaking for my grandmother since I got back from the Mediterranean. It's been very trying on my nerves, especially since she's been yelling to herself a lot among other things.

Sometimes I have the weekend to myself.

I keep getting pressured by various family members to get a job, but they also keep telling me to be there for Lola. Conflicted.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 141 days
Last activity: 130 days
Posted on 12-28-11 11:21 PM Link | Quote
Well nothing serious, I could probably go into more detail when I'm not dead tired like I am so often lately (looooong day!), almost asked her out last Friday but I decided to back off and scope out the situation more. Hard to gauge if she's interested or not, I don't want to mix up "nice" with "flirty" like one of my friends suggested. Long story short she was training in our department all last week so I saw her a lot, talked a lot, etc, but now she's back somewhere else in another department, but I caught her at lunch on Monday and saw her today, exchanged smiles back and forth but that's about it. I realized later last week though I was just asking her a lot of questions, but she never really went into too much detail or asked anything back. So it was hard to tell if the interest was mutual.

I would love some affection right now but at this point in life, being bored of the majority of my one circle of friends, I'm just ready to move on and meet people in general. Meeting that chick was awesome but I've really opened up in general at this new job and am talking to tons of people, and it's just awesome. Even if nothing happens with that girl specifically, I've made a new friend and that oddly feels almost more accomplishing than getting anything beyond that right now. I've gravitated away from my druggie group (and one of my best friends there has a kid coming now, phew), but my other friends I usually get together with once a week are just dudes. We play videogames or boardgames. I'll play that stuff till I die, but I'm bored and getting older. I want to hit up bars and live it up, one of my best friends is feeling the same but nobody else is making any effort to push this forward. I'm usually a follower but everyone off and on tells me I have traits to be a good leader... I was impressed earlier this year how well my birthday party went when I setup everything in advanced and whatnot, it was kind of funny. Maybe xeogaming is more proof that I need to start stepping it up more and stop "waiting" for others to do things, because I'm just getting impatient and freaking bored.

Another friend of mine once convinced me to maybe look into eHarmony, so I might consider that sometime this year (2012! lol). I'm gonna make 2012 awesome. Hopefully fix up my car with more bandaids, sell it, get a new car, move out with a friend or two and get my own place. It's time for change and I'll make it happen.

(Last edited by X on 12-28-11 11:24 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 687 days
Last activity: 496 days
Posted on 01-23-12 01:48 AM Link | Quote
I wish I were as busy as the rest of you guys. My occupation has gone from student/intern/editor/journalist/photographer to grandmother's caretaker/occasional-band-photographer.

I get paid a few hundred bucks a month to watch my grandmother full time for the second half of every month. I feed her, bathe her, medicate her, and pretty much just stay in the house ALL DAY until my parents get home.

The first half of the month she spends at my evil aunt's house. My mom and uncle are trying to figure out what good home there would be to admit her into where there would be trained caretakers for her round-the-clock, but the only decent one they've found is $5,000/month. The only money they would have been able to put towards that my EVIL aunt controls, at least controlled -- it's all gone because she managed to get my grandmother to sign it all away to her and she got the jumpstart on her inheritance by taking everything now and she's got a TERRIBLE gambling problem.

So... yeah. I'm my grandmother's keeper these days.

(Last edited by Rogue on 01-24-12 05:36 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 687 days
Last activity: 496 days
Posted on 01-25-12 12:52 AM Link | Quote
On the plus side, when I give my grandmother a bath I give her a shampoo mohawk.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4418 days
Last activity: 4032 days
Posted on 01-25-12 03:40 PM Link | Quote
Shampoo mohawks are awesome. That's really a hard job to have, I totally give you kudos for that.

I've been.... SO ridiculously busy, I can't wait for things to slow down a little bit. Funny how that works; when things are slow you want to be busy, and when you're busy, you want it to go slow.

Currently volunteering my time at Animal Samaritans' vet clinic. The rest of this week and part of next week.... then it's a week and a half until I fly out of the country! Still trying to sell my car; it's been difficult and I need the money. :-/

I do feel bad for my mom though... November my sister got married.. then we had the holidays, my step-brother just passed away unexpectedly, and now there's my sister's baby shower in a couple weeks and I'm leaving. I've been doing my best to spend time with her.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 687 days
Last activity: 496 days
Posted on 01-29-12 02:28 PM Link | Quote
I'm so proud of you, Belial, and best of luck in New Zealand.

As I said in the Fuck You thread, I'm so very sorry to hear about your step-brother. I also wish your mother nothing but the best. What a strong woman to be going through so much.

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