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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 08-31-12 06:10 PM Link
Greetings, Xeogamers! I've restarted the infamous interview threads and first up to bat is our very own Xeogred.

Incidentally, if anyone else is interested there's a sign up thread open here.

I'm not going to do all the RP stuff Sagin/Nagis/Bitmap did, so don't feel the need to RP for a fake audience or anything.

Without any further ado... hey, Xeo!

So tell us about yourself. Where are you from, what do you do, what are you into, all the basics?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-01-12 07:55 PM Link

I'm from KS. Go figure. Moved to Tennessee for a year or two when my parents got married and my dad was in the military. It sucked because I was always sick there. Some mean kid also ran into me with a big wheel knocking my baby teeth out. Our neighbors were obsessed with X-Men but my parents were religious tyrants back then, so of course I could have nothing to do with it since "evolution" was involved! Crazy times.

Now I'm back in KS and have moved around far too many times. Finally ready to get out of here and be on my own, never looking back, think my buddy and I got a place picked out. Damn I cannot wait to be away from my family!

I've always liked computers and technology. I was messing with rom hacking and emulation back in like 6th grade... eventually I found out that most of those sites back then had Acmlm Boards, and well the rest is history there. Back on the rom hacking, I always dreamed of editing my own worlds in Super Metroid and Link to the Past, but after editors came out, I just didn't have the patience for it or something haha. I don't even really play rom hacks anymore or have much interest in it. Guess I'm too authentic and just prefer the actual games or something.

I loathe programming (like to think I'm more imaginative than logical), but still did a bit of it throughout high school while I tinkered with some php and stuff for the boards on the side. Web Design I enjoyed though, and always hated using Dreamweaver, I liked just doing everything manually by hand. But then my junior year hit and our school had a Game Design program, so I jumped into that. Had a blast those last two years, my homeroom/study hour or whatever was in that class for my senior year, so I was just there for three hours a day messing around heh. I ended up getting an endorsement by going the extra mile and doing a little extra work, had to do a speech in front of a few hundred people which was an accomplishment in itself, and yeah. Then we had an end of the year game day after school with our class... we had a Street Fighter II tournament and I won, got like $50 to Best Buy or something haha, my friend who was the runner up champion was so pissed the rest of the night... was pretty funny.

The worst part about this venture, is that my friends and I don't have our work anymore. I thought it was on some backed up CD/DVD's or something, but I can't find anything. Two years worth of so much work, all gone. Pretty depressing, but they live on in my memories I guess. My favorite projects were level design (I grew up drawing sidescrolling levels for like Vectorman and stuff, haha). I remember we did some castle, exterior and interior, an Unreal-map kind of thing, an F-Zero track like thing, and probably some other stuff. Character design and animations were the hardest things for me.

All that gets me thinking if maybe I'd like CAD or not, since I love bare bones design/architecture. Definitely something I might look into someday.

Afterwards or during the Game Design course, it just hit me that despite my love for videogames, I didn't want my hobby turning into a tiresome job. Most might say that's crazy thinking, but yeah. That and Game Design is damn tough, I just didn't have the patience for it. Maybe I need more instant satisfaction for a job or something, but yeah. Like I remember when we worked on our character models, it was weeks on end worth of work. Just took forever to see results. It was certainly worth it, but yeah.

To rewind a bit there, I was playing videogames back when I was 2-3... my grandpa had an NES and would always rent me a game per week (I was pretty spoiled when my mom and I lived with my grandparents for awhile heh). I always went with Megaman games. 20 years later that might explain how I got all the achievements in MM9-10 (including Mr. Perfect, not getting hit... ). My dad's friend also just gave me a copy of Blaster Master, which has stuck with me forever, still one of my absolute favorites. My late grandpa, we always used to play the TMNT games together since you could do co-op and we'd often clear the game, awesome stuff. We played some Battletoads too. Great memories. It probably wasn't until the N64 era when I started actually calling videogames "videogames", before then it was all "Nintendo games", haha. How the times change... not too big on Nintendo anymore. But Zelda and Metroid are still my two favorite franchises, so I still keep buying their consoles for them alone.

I'm going to have to do inventory on my collection all over again someday, but I'd guess at this point I probably own over 400 games, this does not include anything on Steam or digital copies. My largest collections are the SNES, PSX, and PS2. My favorite systems all around are the SNES, PSX, Genesis/NES, and it goes from there. Never been too into handheld gaming and after being in a car wreck several years back that kind of messed up my neck for good, it's just not something I could really enjoy anyways.

Actually never watched anime alone back in jr. high and high school, well I did watch Toonami and Adult Swim, but never bought anything. Just caught stuff at my friends places. Now I seem to be the only one still totally into it, haha. Got back into it on my own after high school and haven't looked back.

I grew up loving Guns n' Roses, Queensryche, etc, so I guess it was natural that someday I'd be hooked on metal. Just took me a few years since my dad prevented me from listening to any of it during my youth.

I've lived and breathed Star Wars most of my life, OT of course. Still probably my favorite movies all around and it's just timeless stuff that sticks with you forever. After that, I'd probably honestly say Jurassic Park is my other favorite. I've always been fascinated by dinosaurs and stuff.

Right now I'm just a hopeless romantic guy in his 20's trying to find my part in this world. Things have been pretty crazy and not so crazy, but I can't wait for some big changes ahead. Looking for new hobbies and hopefully new careers, as I can assure anyone that mail order pharmacies is just a codename for "prison". ... not where I want to be forever, not at all.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 09-01-12 10:37 PM Link
Feeling chatty, are we? I'm sensing you like gaming.

I feel you on the not wanting to turn your passion into a job. There's the concern that when the worlds collide it would take the fun out of the former when it becomes the latter.

So this hopeless romantic footnote... tell me, how does someone as sweet as you remain single?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-01-12 11:13 PM Link
Maybe I'm too nice? I tend to blame my high school a bit there on that one. It was a brand new school at the time and offered a ton of technical programs, my three year class and the older people that went there... you can figure it was a pretty geeky demograph. Now I'd love nothing more than to end up with a cool geek as well, but I think the ratio of guys to girls there had to be like 3:1 or something, the school was pretty big but didn't have a ton of people, so it was never really crowded and there didn't seem to be a lot of opportunities to meet people. I was still more introverted back then, but opening up a bit... talked to a handful of ladies and had some female friends in some classes, but yeah nothing really happened.

Since then, I've only really had a small group of friends or two. The women that came into one group always went for the other guys, but it didn't take me long to be thankful of that since most of them that came into that circle were people I definitely wouldn't want to be in a relationship with.

I think I do get insecure and jealous easily sometimes though, maybe due to the lack of relationship history. I don't know. Also, maybe because I've had a better relationship with my mom over my dad, I find myself to be a lot more open (about personal matters) and trusting with women... which I guess could easily be a double edged sword. lol, I know if I were to lock someone in though, I'd be assertive and wouldn't be walked all over. Not at all.

Who knows really, always had tons of female friends back in my early school days before high school... then something happened I guess. Now I'm kind of just stuck and not meeting people, so it's something I have to work on and fix myself at this point. I won't ever be overbearing and desperate, but yeah a co-pilot right now would be awesome. I only really have one close friend whom I can talk about anything with, other than a handful of people and places like here online. So yeah, could use another close friend I could trust and do anything with.

Enough of that, haha.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 09-02-12 12:18 AM Link
Agreed on the double-edged sword comment. Women can be just as aggressive with hearts as men.

Moving on, what would even your worst enemy concede is your best trait?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-02-12 01:20 AM Link
I'm always fair and just...

... I think.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 09-02-12 01:40 AM Link
Being fair and just is what makes for a good board owner.

Speaking of which, what was your motivation for starting the board and what are your thoughts on it?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-02-12 01:54 AM Link

I remember it happened pretty fast. The first two AcmlmBoards I joined were Challenge Games (rom hacking) and Acmlm's itself. After that I started meeting a few others and stumbled upon a bunch of other boards. I ended up being an admin on several of them, one was with this guy and Randy... I can't even remember the name of the board though. But I just thought it'd be awesome to be the sole owner of my own board, have the power to make whatever forums I want, and all that stuff. Money was obviously always the issue though back then haha, since we were always hosted by others, had some of those free site ventures loaded with ads... etc. Glad I never have to deal with that stuff anymore. I guess that's my painfully obvious recommendation to any potential webmasters out there, make sure you actually control the backbone of things so you can guarantee it's safety and stability.

I am very proud of the board and it feels like another home in some ways. We've been through a lot. I would like to see the place be bigger, but honestly the drive in me for it isn't quite what it used to be. I know first hand some people left here because of my pushy attitude about it back in the day, so I backed off... and have just been a lot more casual about it since then. I'm not really into forums anymore like I used to be. I swear I was probably on every single AB at one point and an admin for half of them, haha. I used to pay attention to every single number on that stats here for AB's back in the day, haha. Not so much anymore, but it's fun to see the numbers rise and it feels great to finally hit the 10,000 milestone. I'm not obsessed about being staff anymore either. Here I stay on the throne, but I'm no longer staff on any other board out there (not that I'm on many others now though) and I'm pretty positive if I were offered any positions on any other place but here, I'd turn it down. Here is different, but elsewhere I simply don't want that obligation or responsibility anymore. I put in enough time of that throughout the history of AB's. lol
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 09-02-12 02:04 PM Link
Just curious, have any of your family or friends visited the board? If so, what did they think of it? Do you talk about it with them?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-02-12 03:21 PM Link
None of my family and I'd keep it that way. I used to try and get some friends to check out here and AB's back in the day, I think a few are registered here still... guess it was never their thing though. I tried, but nothing really happened.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 09-03-12 04:26 AM Link
You mention being into X-Men despite your parents being against evolution, and we've heard plenty in the past about a certain *cough cough* hentai obsession.

More than that, what's something you don't want your parents to know about you?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-03-12 01:51 PM Link
Everyone has their vice.

To be honest that's probably it. They know I tried smoking weed once or twice and that wasn't a huge deal. In general I don't think there's much I've been hiding from them over the years. When I was drinking and partying when I was 19 I just always said I was "going bowling", but I think I eventually told my mom what I was really doing and it wasn't a big deal as well. They've known I can handle myself and am pretty level headed I guess.

When I was growing up though my mom was always more lenient than my dad. She let me buy some M rated games when I wanted (yes my dad was big on the ratings thing too), let me see R rated movies, that sort of thing. I'm not sure if my dad ever knew.

Nowadays it's hilarious because my dad is very liberal. The whole family isn't big on church anymore. Everybody cusses now and it's not an issue. It's to the point that I think I'm probably agnostic nowadays and I don't think my dad would care at all, not sure about my mom though. She's still a bit more conservative, but questions things a lot. We still go to church for Easter/Christmas usually and I tend to be honest with my family now and tell them I don't enjoy it and feel pretty uncomfortable. But oh well, I can handle it twice a year now.

I like to tease my sister that she had it easier growing up since they were more laid back and had less rules... though of course there's been a lot of rules for her being a girl and all, haha.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 09-04-12 11:23 AM Link
So tell me about life in Kansas. What's the furthest you've traveled and how would you compare it to your home state?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-04-12 01:54 PM Link
I've been all over the US a bit actually, thanks to my grandparents back when they could take us all on vacation. It kind of stopped happening a few years ago though.

California was probably my first trip when I was 4-ish, went to the beach and Disney Land. Had a blast though it's a bit hard to recall much from that one, other than I loved one of the scarier rides called Black Mountain or something like that.

Texas I went too once to visit my dad's parents when I was younger. Hated it, so much haha. It was scorching hot and this is when me, my mom, and my sister all got the chicken pocks. So I just stayed in the house the whole time. But this is when I was introduced to Star Wars, and watched the trilogy like 10x over on that trip alone.

Chicago I've been too several times, there's my uncle and my mom's birth parents. My uncle always gets us in the big city and it's nice to visit, but not sure if I'd ever like to live there. And I thought KS rush hour traffic was bad? Just no competition compared to Chicago... it felt like my mom's parents there lived a bit more on the outskirts or something though in a small town, which I liked there.

We traveled up to Wisconsin once to spend time with my cousins family. We hit up the Dell's and were at a lake the whole time so that was a lot of fun. It looked a little like KS in the areas we were at, lakes aside. Kind of smaller town stuff compared to Chicago.

Oklahoma I went too once for a field trip. It was alright, the bus ride was fun since it was a real bus with TV's ...

Florida I've been too twice I think. I definitely love it there. Although the ocean seems crazier than California's. Disney World is craziness, the trams and its own highway... quite an experience.

We've been to Saint Louis a few times to hit up Six Flags and whatnot. It's pretty cool out there. We actually technically lived in Missouri when we moved back from Tennessee when I was in grade school. We were only in Missouri for a year though.

I've been to Iowa a few times with some friends visiting their families. Now that place is pretty much Western KS all over again...

I'd still like to visit Colorado, and some other big cities sometime.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 09-05-12 12:14 AM Link
You should definitely come out to California again some time.

Being a video game-oriented person, what sorts of games really speak to you? Are there any characters to whom you relate and wish you could be more like?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-06-12 07:49 AM Link
I don't think so. It's not often I really see myself trying to connect with characters or figure them out honestly, in games, anime, TV shows, movies, etc. Can't think of a good way to describe it right now, but I've always been one that gets more caught up in the bigger plot, wanting to know the details, let my imagination run wild with speculation, etc. The "what" rather than the "why" usually, I think. The games that really speak to me are games that don't hold my hand and rather let me sink into its world and explore the story and world myself... like Metroid, Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Fallout New Vegas, that kind of stuff.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 09-06-12 01:21 PM Link
Didn't you go in for that Christian group that was supposed to improve your relationship with your sister? How has that work been going?

More than that, though, how's her pregnancy going, future uncle?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-06-12 10:03 PM Link
It was spiritual, not a Christian group. Definitely need to clarify there. It was a great experience and our relationship has been much better since then.

I think she's doing okay lately. Hard to tell though. It's my time to be selfish and stop worrying about my family though, I've worried too much about friends and family over the years and forgot to remember number one. So, just being honest. It's gonna be her battle. For the most part she's doing fine, but not working much at all and doesn't seem that prepared, so I have no idea what her and my family will be doing about money concerns.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 679 days
Last activity: 488 days
Posted on 09-06-12 10:43 PM Link
Last question: What are you most proud of?

(Last edited by Rogue on 09-06-12 10:44 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 134 days
Last activity: 122 days
Posted on 09-07-12 07:46 PM Link
My Game Design Endorsement! I think... it's something that comes to mind. Wish I had more to say, but just me being hard on myself, I'm sure something would come to mind if I or others thought about it more.
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Xeogaming Forums - High Scores - INTERVIEW: Asking Xeogred Anything | Thread closed

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