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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Answer one, Ask one | | | |
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Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Heh... lately it has been: remove shoes, change into jammies, dick around on Facebook/Read/Watch TV/nap/play games until about 8:30 or 9pm, get dinner ready by 10pm when Kaleb gets home, eat dinner, resume activities prior to cooking while talking with Kaleb, attack sinuses with medication and saline rinse to I don't choke overnight, go to bed, cough, fight with cats for blanket, cough more, sleep.
What is your preferred method of purchasing video games? Steam, Gamestop, etc? |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Dinner at 10pm? Dang!
Amazon for sure. Had a few bad experiences with Gamestop years ago and haven't really bothered with them much since. I have Prime too so it feels like I save money in the long run. For digital and PC stuff I definitely try to stick with Steam, though I have a few things on GOG. How often do you go to the dentist? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I probably should go for a cleaning one of these days. It's been... oh... quite a few years. Seems like I only go to have my wisdom teeth checked out to see if they can be pulled yet.
What movies are worthwhile to own on Bluray? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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I tend to buy more tv shows that movies, so it is hard to say... I suppose movies with good extra features or classic favorites that have been remastered so that you can continue to enjoy them on newer televisions. I finally got a chance to watch my DVD copy of The Nightmare Before Christmas on a HD tv and it really did look different... so I will be checking to see if the bluray version was remastered or not.
What is the dumbest thing that you have heard someone say this week? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Considering my field of work, that's a bit dicey to answer, especially when I was trying to do money management yesterday with a person who has ZERO retention (Trying to add up 10 plus 10: "What's 0 plus 0?" He stares blankly. "What's nothing and nothing?" "6?" "Noo..." "7?" "Nooo... I'm holding up no fingers on this hand, no fingers on this other hand. How many fingers am I holding up?" He stares blankly. "50 cents?" Moving on, "OK, what's 1+1?" He giggles uncomfortably. "Come on, you got this. What's 1 and 1? I'm holding up one finger on this hand and another finger here. How many fingers do you see?" Proudly, "11!")
I have also been asked by a different client looking up YouTube videos how to spell AC/DC. It's adorable at first, but that shit seriously took 10 minutes to resolve. Venting. Anyway, I don't want to call these good people dumb because that's really something I reserve for people who can help it, but are just too goddamn stupid to do so (you know, people who AREN'T clients.) Dumbest thing this week? Hm.. I guess that would be this one anti-vaxxer I heard on NPR upset that vaccinations are starting to be required. She was going on about how she doesn't want her daughter's "beautiful blue eyes" to glaze over and not know her. She was crying. It was absurd. I mean, the fear is over children becoming autistic. She's not describing autism at all. What's more, I HATE that people fear this fake and panicky idea of autism so much they are willing to risk their kids getting mumps, measles, POLIO, for fuck's sake, and more than that SPREADING IT TO OTHER PEOPLE'S KIDS. I mean, anti-vaxxers, to me, seem to have an irrational fear of people with developmental disabilities and I find it disgusting. This job makes me have so much less patience for "normal people." Like, "What's your excuse, huh?" What's been your latest obsession? (Last edited by Rogue on 10-15-16 09:51 PM) |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Going through a renewed round of Harry Potter obsession again... rereading the whole series. Though, with the release of Civilization VI and the remaster of Skyrim coming up... well... that is bound to change.
But yeah... I tend to refer to stupid/dumb as people who are capable but just don't... so I am with you there. And yeah... ugh... anti-vaxxers What color is your credit/debit card? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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My credit card is silver with red edges so I can easily identify it from above when I pull it out of the coin purse in which I keep all my cards. My debit is bright red.
What items in a store do you smell? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Pretty much everything that has a scent (soap, scented candles, etc.) If I'm there to buy deodorant, that too.
That was a weird question I wrote. And I have no memory of it, either. What hobbies have you picked up over the last few years? |
Spartan Metal battleaxe Is back. Kind of. Since: 11-15-04 Since last post: 152 days Last activity: 141 days |
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Costume armor making, always been involved in the scene via the 501st but I never made my own armor it was always purchased or made for me. Now I make most of my own kit and help others make their own. It's a pretty rewarding process.
What is the most tedious part of your job? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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The waiting.
We can't go out and do our activity until all of my clients for the morning have arrived. We're supposed to be gone by 9:45, but I've got clients whose parents don't drop them off 'til 10:15 and act like we're just "the help." Leaving that late means only having so much time to do the activity, driving there and then to lunch (which we need to have around 11:30) and be back to the center around noon, 12:15 at the latest. Overall, this makes the activity almost meaningless because now I'm so strained for time, and I've usually got this one client whom we can't take to the ocean or near ANY body of water or into restaurants for lunch (in fact, she's usually the one who gets dropped late.) Then at the end of the day, I can't do my notes to pass along to the next person until all my afternoon people leave. While the cab services can be dicks and not come get a client until 3:30 or later (we close at 4), often our last person to be picked up is this one guy waiting for his mom. Who's your favorite film director and why? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Peter Jackson, because he actually cares about Middle Earth and the source material, and does a pretty good job at making cinematic versions... even if I am not totally happy with his cuts.
Joss Wheadon... because... well... nerd. What is your preferred method of keeping your feet warm in winter while lounging about the house? Slippers, socks, fuzzy socks, etc... |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I don't wear socks and tend to wander barefoot whenever I'm at home. So pretty much the only method with which I can come up is to just lay in bed and throw a blanket over 'em.
This one time I was staying at a friend's place up in Northern California, though, I had to dig through my suitcase in the middle of the night and throw on my faire socks (since we'd been at the Renaissance faire that weekend) and then climb back into bed. It was below freezing and her apartment is poorly heated/insulated. That's about the only time I've slept with socks on. What do you absolutely need in your living space, but don't have? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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So many answers to this...
More storage space, shelves, ergonomic computer chairs that don't kill my back... Mostly going to go with the first one. What is your favorite way to de-stress? (Last edited by Elara on 12-08-16 08:26 PM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Music! Usually atmospheric/orchestrated stuff if I'm moody or feeling depressed and heavy metal actually relieves anxiety for me and is very calming haha.
It's the late 90's... WCW or WWF? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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When it came to wrestling I was strictly WWF, which changed to WWE, and I don't know what after that. It was all about The Rock, for me, in those last days of the '90s. I had no interest in WCW or ECW.
Frankly it amazes me that Triple H and Big Show are still going. The Undertaker, no surprise. Have you ever had to go over what to do in case there's an active shooter at your school or job site? |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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No, but I saw your post about that Rogue. I don't blame you for feeling the way you do and I think in the unfortunate case that a situation like that ever happens, all rule books are thrown out so who knows what would happen. I remember a few years back I had an afternoon class at my college, and immediately right after I left the school was put on lockdown and all over the news. One of my friends was working on campus so I paid close attention to it for the rest of the day. It was a false flag luckily, but very nerve racking and surreal how I barely slipped by and otherwise would have been stuck on campus for several hours.
Whats your living situation like? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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I live in an apartment with my boyfriend and kitties.
What was your favorite candy when you were a child? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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Pretty much anything and everything chocolate.
I really miss these cookies, though. I think they were called "Giggles." I liked them better than Oreos. Who's your favorite director? |
Elara Divine Mamkute Dark Elf Goddess Chaos Imp Penguins Fan Ms. Invisable Since: 08-15-04 From: Ferelden Since last post: 163 days Last activity: 163 days |
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Hard call there... but probably going to go with Peter Jackson just because I love the LotR and Hobbit films.
I just looked up Giggles... oh my gods, I forgot about those!! What was the scariest driving experience you ever had? |
Rogue If you're reading this... You are the Resistance Since: 08-17-04 Since last post: 697 days Last activity: 506 days |
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I guess the easy go-to would have been the time I got rear-ended last year. First time being in an accident where I was behind the wheel. The woman didn't speak English and walked around the corner to get someone who did, who just kept trying to get me to accept some money and act like I never saw them before. I'd already called the police.
It was crazy. My first instinct was to put the car in park and then run out and take a picture of her license plate, then her, and then pull the car over so other cars could pass, then call the cops. I was shaking the whole time. It ended up being a $17,000 repair and my back hurt for months. What fandoms did you get swept up in this year? |
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Answer one, Ask one | | |