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Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 136 days
Last activity: 136 days
Posted on 05-02-18 06:58 PM Link | Quote
It was a badass ceremony, Rogue. Money well spent.

Xeo he said everything that he felt was in the back, so nothing under the collarbone. Honestly, go to a chiropractor, they do an X-Ray before they even touch you to see what is up. If it is something like a popped rib, they will fix it, if it is more serious, they will tell you flat out. Your doctor sounds like she is just gouging your insurance.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 124 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 05-04-18 08:17 PM Link | Quote
Yeah I'm about a month and a half into the physical therapy and sure I feel better than I did a month ago, but I can tell this is only putting a bandaid over things. I personally don't like chiropractors, I spent four years with two doctors many years ago and it never gave me long lasting relief and just drained me of hundreds of dollars. DDP Yoga helped me far more than that ever did. I saw that there's actually a decent looking stem cells place around here locally, I might look into that. Already checked with my insurance and of course they don't cover that, but oh well. I've heard a bunch about it on some podcasts and it seems fascinating.

But yeah probably going to drop this doctor, not a fan so far. It's just a pain in the ass... literally took me like a few hours to get the first appointment with her when I was looking into that one weekend. Have to cross reference reviews with doctors on the net, then check with my insurance if they're in network, and then see if they're even taking new patients and most of the good ones I tried of course weren't... or were not free until months out. WTF our medical system sucks.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 1986 days
Last activity: 1986 days
Posted on 05-11-18 09:20 AM Link | Quote
Just a month left of school, exams are literally just around the corner.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 670 days
Last activity: 479 days
Posted on 05-13-18 05:19 PM Link | Quote
Leaving for our roadtrip today. Brandon put together the itinerary, so not entirely sure wherever we'll be whenever.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 479 days
Posted on 05-26-18 09:24 AM Link | Quote
We're two-thirds of the way through the trip. Right now we're in Edison, NJ. We were visiting New York City yesterday. Heading to Boston soon.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 136 days
Last activity: 136 days
Posted on 05-30-18 05:46 PM Link | Quote
Hope you get a doctor that works for you, Xeo. Pain sucks.

Meanwhile... I hate working only night shifts. It seems like the only time that I get daytime hours is when it is the most inconvenient. The applications elsewhere continue.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 124 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 05-30-18 08:10 PM Link | Quote
Thanks, waiting to see what these physical therapy bills are going to be like and get those knocked out... then start the search again.

Turns out there's a stem cells place here and I'm all for checking it out, so I might look into that direction.

You still working retail?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 136 days
Last activity: 136 days
Posted on 06-23-18 05:52 PM Link | Quote
Unfortunately, yes. And I take back every bad thing I said about my old managers in Pennsylvania. Well... almost all of it. But this place is a nightmare.

Stem cells... that might be interesting.

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 125 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 06-24-18 03:52 PM Link | Quote
The past two weeks have been nuts.

The previous week we've been hosting a week long event for all of the Ravenwood guys and girls in that community I run. We rented a lakehouse in South Eastern Iowa, picked up some kegs, had a full bar and cooked every day and had an amazing time.

it has been nuts. Only hiccups had to do with getting back from Texas...

Why was I in Texas? My dad and his wife and my sister moved from Northern California to the DFW area. I was supposed to show up and help pack and then fly back to Iowa for my event. This didn't work out. I had to help pack and then we picked up a second truck that I ended up driving. Nail in the tire, blown trailer tire all contributed to what should have been two days of driving into three days of fucking nightmare. I was stressed, grumpy and angry that I wasn't going to be back in time for the start of an event that I planned while my buddies were flying into town.

Here is a shot from day 2. I'm sure you can tell which one is me and what my state of mind was when we stopped for gas at like 3 am.


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 124 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 07-02-18 11:04 PM Link | Quote
Sorry I haven't been on much lately guys, still not having that great of a year. Got those physical therapy bills now to pay and hopefully I can figure out some other options for my neck. Still going to consider looking into stem cells.

The damn spambots are still getting through it seems.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 670 days
Last activity: 479 days
Posted on 07-05-18 10:06 AM Link | Quote
Looking great, Spartan. Hopefully all that packing/moving/driving has gotten squared away.

Xeo, sorry your health has been insane. So the ultrasound didn't turn up negative, but they haven't done any other scans? I completely hear you on our medical system being fucked up.

*Looks at ridiculously high deductible she has to pay off for basic insurance through work*


I hope whatever's wrong is fixable. Stem cells sounds promising.

Don't have much to report on my end other than that my paychecks that I'm finally collecting again are just straight-up credit card payments since that is just overflowing.

Well, it was fun driving myself into debt.

I should start looking for another job. Mine is hell, but I've still gotten too comfortable.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 124 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 07-06-18 09:26 PM Link | Quote
No other scans since I kind of gave up on that doctor. She seemed like she wanted to do everything to avoid simple X-Rays for whatever reason.

I went through three physical therapists too which was annoying. I'm not sure if that's normal or not? The first woman I saw I liked the most and she seemed to have some good ideas about my C5 area being messed up. But then she had to leave to take cake care of a child or something like that. The other woman I saw was okay but didn't seem nearly as good or thoughtful. Then they gave me this old dude I didn't like much at all and he even called in sick during one of my appointments, they called me ahead of time which was nice at least... but I've never had something like that happen before. The whole experience was kind of weird. I just gave up on them.

Great timing for my bed to have some dip in it too and it's only a few years old! My back was killing me these last few weeks/months. So that's really annoying. I tried rotating it which gave me a few good days again but the dip in the middle appeared again. Even though the box spring seems to be in good shape. For now I put a folded up thin blanket under the dipping spot and that seems to help.

And my apartment is having some carpet beetles again... this happened last year and I don't want to deal with that crap again. More spiders popping up too.

Might give this a shot:

(Last edited by Xeoman on 07-06-18 09:27 PM)

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 125 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 07-07-18 01:28 PM Link | Quote
Thanks Rogue. Sorry to hear about the debt thing, it all comes back around eventually though.


as far as the bed goes, does it live on a box spring because there are some ghetto solutions to fixing that kind of thing with plywood.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 124 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 07-07-18 05:47 PM Link | Quote
Yup, lol. I'll consider that... so far so good with this little blanket folded up under the bad spot though. Hopefully it lasts for awhile.

What pisses me off is this bed is just barely a few years old. Think I got it from Mattress Firm... I'll probably look into other options next time. Of course I can't find my damn receipt now either.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 670 days
Last activity: 479 days
Posted on 08-18-18 08:35 PM Link | Quote
Not much to report these days, other than it feels like the weeks are FUH-LYING by. I mean, I blink and it's Thursday. Quickest way to get into trouble. I'm letting myself get old without accomplishing anything.

My neck is killing me from head-banging so much last night.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 1986 days
Last activity: 1986 days
Posted on 08-24-18 05:57 AM Link | Quote
Well I got my exam results yesterday

I passed maths, English and both sciences I took

4 in maths and science, 6 in English

So that's good ^.^
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 670 days
Last activity: 479 days
Posted on 08-30-18 12:05 AM Link | Quote
It's Hawaiian Day tomorrow at work. I go all out on that shit.

Need to get the hell out of there, though. My bosses' mistresses are making the place unbearable.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 124 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 08-30-18 10:21 PM Link | Quote
Finally got another MRI for my neck. It's still just as weird as I remembered from the few I did years back haha...

Seeing the stem cells doctor later in September. Back to the waiting game.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 670 days
Last activity: 479 days
Posted on 09-08-18 12:39 PM Link | Quote
Well, hopefully everything's looking up when you get the stem cells done.

This year has gone really friggin' fast. It's goddamn September already?!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 124 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 09-17-18 10:25 PM Link | Quote
The latest spambot posted 66 times... just a huge giant list of links in each post. Wow, they're getting worse. Hope DS can patch this up eventually or something.
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