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03-15-25 12:10 AM
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6783 days
Last activity: 6669 days
Posted on 03-11-05 09:19 AM Link
Xeogred wants people to stop posting quizzes...

I think maybe a good idea would be to make a quiz forum where you could post quizzes...

What do you, the members of Xeo Gaming, think?
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Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 03-11-05 10:34 AM Link
Eh. It could work, as long as posts there don't count towards your total post count. I think that's Xeogred's main problem with quiz threads - might be wrong, though.

Edit: This should be in Help/Suggestions, no?

(Last edited by Tamarin Calanis on 03-11-05 01:34 PM)
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Posted on 03-11-05 12:47 PM Link
Originally posted by Tamarin Calanis

Edit: This should be in Help/Suggestions, no?


*moves thread*

And I don't like this idea that much, just don't like quizzes I guess.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 03-11-05 01:33 PM Link
Quizzes are a really cheap way for people to earn both Thread and Post points. So naturally, some people will be against it. (Like me.)

Just like Polls, except Quizzes allow you to hide the spam posts.
X Marks the Spot
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Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6783 days
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Posted on 03-11-05 01:38 PM Link
You don't use quizzes to hide spam, you post your results then discuss your results and the results of others...

I hate it when people just post their quiz results without saying a word, or say something really stupid or off topic...

That's probably what you're thinking of, Kaijin.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-11-05 01:59 PM Link
Absolutely not.

Here's the deal ... No, I am not agains't Quiz's, but when you go to a forum, and see "What are your ...", "What is your ...", and nothing but that, it get's annoying.

Really Quiz's, every once and awhile don't bother, heck some of them give me laughs (Rogue's dice Quiz) but when that's all people are posting in a forum, it's annoying.

... At least that's what I've come to think about this issue.
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