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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Sexual Preferences | |
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Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 160 days
Last activity: 160 days
Posted on 03-17-05 12:27 AM Link | Quote
Well, I myself am bisexual, but I tend towards the straight side for the most part. I tend to see the issue like Rogue and Tamarin: 'They're gay? Oh I forgot... why are you bitching about them? They're human just like you."

Oh, and Van, just so you know homosexuality used to be considered an mental illness, but after extensive research they discovered that it was not and thus removed it from the list of mental illnesses, that was back before 2000, I forget what year.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 994 days
Last activity: 994 days
Posted on 03-17-05 02:07 AM Link | Quote
My view is easy. I'm gay, deal with it.

A story, from last Saturday at work:

One of my coworkers had been filing her area of the CDs when two guys in the aisle over from her starting commenting about "bashing some heads in". She expressed her interest in doing the same thing, to which they answered if she had had a rough childhood. She explained that she hadn't, but just hated stupid people. At this moment, I walked up holding a CD Box Set for a collection of 80s songs entitled "OMIGOD!". You can probably guess what I chose to exclaim as I walked up to her.

She turns to me and says, "He's one.", alluding to the fact that I'm sometimes stupid. The biggest guy then turns to me and says, "Are you gay?", to which I reply, "Yes." He stops, and says "No, don't shit with me, man, are you gay?". I look at him, "Yes, why would I lie."

So he spins off into this story about Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, at which point I just walk away because I know I'm not going to get through his thick skull, and hide in my office watching the cameras. It would defeat my purpose of being undercover to remain in the store where these
could follow me around harassing me. Since I have no company identification just yet, I can't just kick them out of the store either. So sitting in the office watching them on the cameras was just easier.

So, basically, I'm gay; I don't care that I'm gay, it's just my sexual preference. It doesn't rule my world. If I were straight, I'd still be a bitter little asshole. Now, I'm just a trendy bitter little asshole with fashion sense...sometimes.

Since: 12-09-04
From: Petaluma,CA

Since last post: 6742 days
Last activity: 6738 days
Posted on 03-17-05 04:34 PM Link | Quote
I am strait 100% and am proud to omit it
I disagree with people who think that gey marriage is right, its wrong
the thought of a man and man or women and women kissing, holding hands, I dont care, it makes me sick. Marriage is generally supposed to be between a man and a women and its not right if two men or two women marry. (I feel a huge discussion comeing on)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 137 days
Posted on 03-17-05 08:10 PM Link | Quote
Well the thing that does make me lean more towards heterosexuality, is simply reproduction, which is kind of common sense I'd say.

But yeah ...
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6730 days
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Posted on 03-17-05 08:35 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by DarkKnight
(I feel a huge discussion comeing on)

You misspelled "coming"...

Anyway, it is a fact that reproduction cannot occur between two men or two women...

But, if two people love each other, regardless of gender, they should be able to get married if they want to do so...

I think I read in a newspaper today that some judge ruled anti-gay marriage laws to be un-constitutional.

And I actually find that story kinda funny, Zabuza, people can be really dumb sometimes...

I wonder if he got up in the moring and thought, "What if I meet a gay guy today, I'll need to have a speech prepared."...

And DarkKnight, have you ever tryed thinking of the world a little less close-minedly... If that's a word...

You really need to just try and see all people as people, regardless of sexual preference.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1737 days
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Posted on 03-17-05 08:52 PM Link | Quote
I havn't really read what you guys have said, for I just the New Reply button... What I'm ganna say is for my own opinion myself, and I'm sorry if it offense anyone...

I think the anti-gay laws are bullshit. This is america's way of being Rasict, in a none racial way. First Woman. Then Blacks. Gays now.

What people are forgetting, is by having these Anti-Gay-Marrage laws in take, is that its violating freedoms of the americans. Gay or not, an American is an American.

Should all Homosexual people rise up, and rebell against a man and women getting married? No, they won't, because its natural. So why the hell should the Straight people rebel against the idea? It's entirely hypicriticall... As I said, I see this as another form of Racism, but hidden so well that half the pople don't even know it.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 694 days
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Posted on 03-18-05 08:33 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by The Xeogred
Well the thing that does make me lean more towards heterosexuality, is simply reproduction, which is kind of common sense I'd say.

But yeah ...
Funny, I lean completely toward heterosexuality because I have no sexual attraction to other women.

That and I love the cock too much.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 137 days
Posted on 03-18-05 10:33 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by The Xeogred
Well the thing that does make me lean more towards heterosexuality, is simply reproduction, which is kind of common sense I'd say.

But yeah ...
Funny, I lean completely toward heterosexuality because I have no sexual attraction to other women.

That and I love the cock too much.

Well yeah same here, I have absolutely no interest in men whatsoever ... besides, girls *make me feel all funny inside*

But ... about the last part ... yeah, I enjoy the things on the opposite sex from what you said Rogue.

And women seem mysterious, kind of exciting I guess ...

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-18-05 01:35 PM)

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4025 days
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Posted on 03-18-05 12:32 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kaijin
Should all Homosexual people rise up, and rebell against a man and women getting married? No, they won't, because its natural. So why the hell should the Straight people rebel against the idea? It's entirely hypicriticall...

Not really. Alot of heterosexuals believe homosexuality to be wrong and immoral. So its not hypocritical at all.

Originally posted by DarkKnight
I am strait 100% and am proud to omit it
I disagree with people who think that gey marriage is right, its wrong
the thought of a man and man or women and women kissing, holding hands, I dont care, it makes me sick. Marriage is generally supposed to be between a man and a women and its not right if two men or two women marry. (I feel a huge discussion comeing on)

Well I commend you on your courage to state your own opinion, despite that everyone here has been stating the opposite.

However, I disagree with you. Who exactly is it up to to tell us what is right or wrong? Just because you don't like it doesn't make it immoral. Alot of people detest pornography, but that's still perfectly legal.

Posting Pig
Not Dead

Since: 01-12-05
From: Nowhere

Since last post: 2741 days
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Posted on 03-18-05 01:44 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by DarkKnight
I am strait 100% and am proud to omit it
I disagree with people who think that gey marriage is right, its wrong
the thought of a man and man or women and women kissing, holding hands, I dont care, it makes me sick. Marriage is generally supposed to be between a man and a women and its not right if two men or two women marry. (I feel a huge discussion comeing on)

I don't know if you'll be able to hear this all the way back in the 1800's...

But this is the kind of smug superiority that christianity seems to instill into people's minds.

What makes homosexuals or bisexuals so WRONG and you so RIGHT?

I know more than a handful of people who would prefer someone to KILL the man next to them rather than kiss them...
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2540 days
Last activity: 1391 days
Posted on 03-18-05 01:59 PM Link | Quote
Considering that religion's not supposed to have any say in government, what other reasons can you think of for gay marriage to be wrong? Do not bring up any religious belief (God), religious book (Bible), or anything else religious in your argument.

And no, "it's just wrong" does not count as a legitimate reason. Now, can you really raise any objections while still following the above criteria? Well?

Just a friendly challenege.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 160 days
Last activity: 160 days
Posted on 03-18-05 02:10 PM Link | Quote
On the issue of the reproduction thing... there are too many humans in the world as it is, so how is it going to hurt if 10% of the population does not reproduce? Hell, many heterosexuals don't have kids either and no one bitches about that. It's rather funny to point that out to ignorant gay bashers that use it as an argument... they shut up fast. The ones that continue start saying things like "well what if a huge epidemic hits and most of the population dies out, then those fags will be the death of humanity!"... to which I respond "so you think that all the gay people of the world will be unaffected by this plague and all the straight people will die?" They end up working themselves into a corner and it's really funny.
Pat Meth


Since: 03-18-05
From: Keyes

Since last post: 7151 days
Last activity: 7146 days
Posted on 03-18-05 02:55 PM Link | Quote
What I love is when some whiny emo kid decides, even though he has never had any sexual feelings for guys, isn't right now, and probably never will, that he is bisexual. Bam! He's cool! He's denagerous! He's susceptible to even more emotions! It's the magic goto for the skinny emo kid who is falling out of favor with those around him and wants to be loooved again.

Me? I'm straight.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5947 days
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Posted on 03-18-05 05:18 PM Link | Quote
I agree Pat Meth. There are a LOT of people folloowing a "trend." I doubt anyone who has been honest about their sexuality is though.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 137 days
Posted on 03-18-05 06:15 PM Link | Quote
That's basically what I said before. It's hypocritical to go agains't what you really prefer when it's about being a "rebel".

But that's what the majority of this world wants. "To be cool".

I've never been with that crowd, been "myself" since good ol' 1987.

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-18-05 09:16 PM)

Since: 12-09-04
From: Petaluma,CA

Since last post: 6742 days
Last activity: 6738 days
Posted on 03-18-05 08:20 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jin
Originally posted by DarkKnight
I am strait 100% and am proud to omit it
I disagree with people who think that gey marriage is right, its wrong
the thought of a man and man or women and women kissing, holding hands, I dont care, it makes me sick. Marriage is generally supposed to be between a man and a women and its not right if two men or two women marry. (I feel a huge discussion comeing on)

I don't know if you'll be able to hear this all the way back in the 1800's...

But this is the kind of smug superiority that christianity seems to instill into people's minds.

What makes homosexuals or bisexuals so WRONG and you so RIGHT?

I know more than a handful of people who would prefer someone to KILL the man next to them rather than kiss them...
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and yes I do know of the history. I am just against it thats all and I just say that I dont quiet find it normal thats all, I just have a DIFFERENT opionion than u. I dont mean to get mad at u or vice versa but its just to me wrong.

Posting Pig
Not Dead

Since: 01-12-05
From: Nowhere

Since last post: 2741 days
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Posted on 03-18-05 10:13 PM Link | Quote
There's a difference between thinking something is wrong and/or natural and saying it's SICK and DISGUSTING and shouldn't be allowed..

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 137 days
Posted on 03-18-05 10:25 PM Link | Quote
Darkknight you are my friend so i will respect you and your opinion.
but Chill out...

Why does it really matter if a man and a man decide to get married...What inside you makes you shudder at the thought...

Are you a relgious zealot...are you trying to say the views your parents cram down your throat...And if you are a homophobe then how do you put up with our group...

3 people of our group is bi...Must kill you to hang out with us.


Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 994 days
Last activity: 994 days
Posted on 03-19-05 12:19 AM Link | Quote
I, personally, never understood the hangups in my sub-culture with labelling and identifying ourselves in heterosexual terms...

I have no desire to get married if only for tax purposes (more $$$)

I have no desire to classify myself as either a top, bottom, or both. That's entirely a hetero way of thinking. I have no desire for trying to figure out who the man or woman of a gay relationship is. Again, hetero thinking at its best.

My coworkers have gotten past the sexuality issue because there was never an issue to begin with. They had questions, I had answers. That was it. I'm just another person to them just like they're just other people to me. As soon as we as a human race learn to deviate away from defining ourselves on the basis of religion, ethnicity, creed, beliefs, sexual preference, or whathaveyou, we'll maybe begin to evolve into the utopian society we'd like to be. But, there are always the pigheaded of the world.


The world around me is populated by human beings...sometimes. I don't see Jewish faiths, Catholics, Pagans, Druids... I don't see Mexicans, Americans, Australians, Canadians... I don't see gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual... I see people. We're all made up of the same things, we all operate in similar day to day functions, and we all bleed if stabbed. I never, and still don't, understood why we're segregated into individual races when we're all one big race...human.

If only my Paradox Island world existed, but unfortunately, Earth had to be destroyed to create the world of Paradox Island...
Pat Meth


Since: 03-18-05
From: Keyes

Since last post: 7151 days
Last activity: 7146 days
Posted on 03-19-05 08:30 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Zabuza
My coworkers have gotten past the sexuality issue because there was never an issue to begin with. They had questions, I had answers.

Wow, you're like the gay Radio Shack. That was a very worldly and nice thign you said in your post, Zabuza, but next time you may want to click the preview button so you can proofread your post for corniness.
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