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Xeogaming Forums - Classic Gaming - Megaman X series | |
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Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5379 days
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Posted on 04-09-05 02:13 PM Link | Quote
You all know the famous blue guy that has a knack of causing or being part of a war. He was always a dorky looking blue midget with a pee shooter laser cannon for a arm and always died when he landed on spikes. Well, that was old Megaman, he moved on to become Megaman X, or just X. As X, you sport a cooler looking armor, which has a much cooler look then the drab blue armor reminiscent of the old games. besides just the new armor, there are completley new characters other then Wily and the like. all of this is fine, but what are names without gameplay? X has a whole new set of abilites at his disposale. Things such as the new dash function allow you to get across large holes easily; the ability to adhere and slide down surfaces, allowing you to jump up the wall with ease; new mega blast attacks, and special robot tanks and upgrades that will give you a edge (like 4 mech style robots, each one having a different ability and attack. The upgrades allow for air dashing and air boosting, which allows you to preform a double jump type of manuver.). The gameplay is the main draw, as it is more tactical then previous games. Enemies will exploit your new abilities, such as energy launches that can fire energy blasts the move up walls, and artillery cannons that can easily stop you in mid air. apart from all this, the enemy selection is all new. There are new and updated enemies, but they all still have the same gay names as the rest of the other megamans. okay, enough of my rambling, what do u all think about this series? i personally find it alot better then the others (beside maybe Megaman 7...)
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 04-09-05 04:26 PM Link | Quote
"pee shooter" XD

It's "pea" shooter.

I've always sucked at the Megaman games, and at the Megaman X games. I still enjoy them, especially the X series. But I suck at them.

Since: 08-14-04

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Posted on 04-09-05 06:15 PM Link | Quote
Tamarin, you sucked at the Megaman games??? O_o

What about Megaman Legend? There should be no way you should suck at that (except when it come to those bosses. They're somewhat hard!) I have to say, Legend seem pretty decent and better than any other Megaman game I ever play. Well, you don't see Wily but you can see some decent 3D stuff and the storyline isn't somewhat bad.

But some other Megaman (they call Megaman Rockman in Japan.) game were too hard, it isn't easy for me to beat any game at all. Except Megaman for GBA.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 04-09-05 06:36 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Beowulf Cor Leonis
Tamarin, you sucked at the Megaman games??? O_o

What about Megaman Legend?
Never played it. The only ones I've played were...

Megaman 1-8 (I think; all the Megaman games on the Anniversary Collection, I know that much), and Megaman X 1-3.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

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Posted on 04-10-05 05:23 PM Link | Quote
When X first came around, there were complaints about it being "too hard" many of the's not THTA hard. Sigmas second form on 1 can be pretty tricky, but other than that? Psssh.

X is my favorite of the series, however. The X and Classic series of course. The X games were great. It kinda went downhill a bit with X5, but I'll still play X5 (and beat it) every now and then. It IS an X game afterall.

In my opinion, out of the sidescrolling megaman games, the Zero series is probably the hardest. And that can be a breeze once you get used to it all.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 04-11-05 01:57 PM Link | Quote
You should play X4. it weas for the Ps1, and you were able to choose Zero as the main character.

The onlything hard about that game are the bosses, lol

If you want a freaking HARD ass time, then play X6. That game is relentless, and the enemies/levels adapt to your playing skill x-x.
Black Lord


Since: 12-12-04

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Posted on 04-11-05 04:15 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by The Politician
When X first came around, there were complaints about it being "too hard" many of the's not THTA hard. Sigmas second form on 1 can be pretty tricky, but other than that? Psssh.

X is my favorite of the series, however. The X and Classic series of course. The X games were great. It kinda went downhill a bit with X5, but I'll still play X5 (and beat it) every now and then. It IS an X game afterall.

In my opinion, out of the sidescrolling megaman games, the Zero series is probably the hardest. And that can be a breeze once you get used to it all.

Megaman games are easy if your good at recognizing patterns... if your pattern recognizing skills suck, you will get owned by Megaman.


Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 04-11-05 04:16 PM Link | Quote
I liked the X series, at least the first game i that series. The game was extremely cool simply because of the upgrades. Like the dash boots, the helmet that broke rocks that were above your head, the body armor which reduced damage, and the blaster gun which allowed you to recharge all of the powerups. As you can tell I beat the game several times on the SNES, and I loved it each time...
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

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Posted on 04-15-05 04:32 PM Link | Quote
i also love Megaman 8, it was just awsome. It has the most special weapons to ever grace a SNES megaman game. i like the Adapt Armor in 8, it gave you a short hover ability, as well as long jump. it also decreased dmg a little bit and homed in on enemies. back to the X series, the only hard bosses were those in maybe 2. their paterns were awsome, and it was hard to anticipate exactly where they where moving. Also, the X games bosses were hard to beat when you first start out, cause you dont have the special weapon that does maximum dmg to them. anyway, if they remade the X series in 3d for the PS2, GC, and X-Box, that would be freakin awsome..
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 04-19-05 12:41 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Desroth
i also love Megaman 8, it was just awsome. It has the most special weapons to ever grace a SNES megaman game. i like the Adapt Armor in 8, it gave you a short hover ability, as well as long jump. it also decreased dmg a little bit and homed in on enemies.

I just wanna point out, that was Megaman 7. MM 8 was on the PS1, where you got Rush as a Motorcycle, and you used screws to buy new things. (Same thing as in Rockman & Forte)

MM7, you collect the R.U.S.H. plates for the Adapt armor. You can also get Protoman's shield ^^;

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 04-19-05 02:47 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by The Politician
When X first came around, there were complaints about it being "too hard" many of the's not THTA hard. Sigmas second form on 1 can be pretty tricky, but other than that? Psssh.

X is my favorite of the series, however. The X and Classic series of course. The X games were great. It kinda went downhill a bit with X5, but I'll still play X5 (and beat it) every now and then. It IS an X game afterall.

In my opinion, out of the sidescrolling megaman games, the Zero series is probably the hardest. And that can be a breeze once you get used to it all.

There's that saying again ... "The X series being too hard".

Seriously, WTF?

I don't see how they're any different at all compared to the original series, heck, they're probably easier for me since you've got the ability to dash around and manuever much easier than you could in the originals.

But yeah, overall I'm a huge Megaman fan, as some of you already probably know.

I own the real, and original versions of Megaman X-X6, except ... and sadly, not X3. (Meaning I own Megaman X-X2 for the SNES, and X4-X6 for the PSX). Just nice to say that since they're making another Megaman Collection with the X series. I may or may not get it, but I probably will ... just for X3, because that games that damn good.

People complain about the X series being too "serious", it didn't bother me, in fact I welcomed it with a more serious approach to the enemies and storylines. Vile, is easily one of the best villians ever.

I also enjoyed the continous storyline factor. Sure all the games don't perfectly link, but all in all, the games do kind of make one huge storyline. (I'm sure we can exclude X6 in the storyline though ... )

My only complaint for the X series entirely is the existence of ZERO. I don't like him. He's also very un-fun and cheap to play as in X4-X6, it's no challenge to play through these games with him.

Protoman was way better.

Anyways, the X series is completely awesome.

(Last edited by The Xeomega on 04-19-05 05:48 PM)


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

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Posted on 04-19-05 04:55 PM Link | Quote
Zero should've met his end in X5. He was meant to die in X1, and I think he meets his demise in X3 (did he? forgot), but X5 just seemed like a good time to finally kill him off. Nice and deep into the series. But nope, he rebuilds himself somehow after being blown in half, then to bits by the destroyed base, and makes a miraculous comeback in X6.

I'm no fan of him, but I don't hate him. I just think he shoulda died way back when. =/

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 04-20-05 09:36 AM Link | Quote
Well now that I think about it, he's not "that" bad, but seriously ... I REALLY wish Capcom would've followed the true darker storyline to the series.

If you've played and beaten both X2 and X3, the endings both hint that, basically to end all the suffering in the world, balance must be brought, in the destruction of Zero, since he was infact Wily's last creation built to kill Megaman-X.

But yeah, not too much of a spoiler I guess, but I have heard X8 is the last in the series, and Zero is not the main boss / villian.

It would have been pretty cool if he was, dark, emotional, and good.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 04-20-05 10:41 AM Link | Quote
Zero gave his life to help X in x1.
X re-built him in X2 to help him.
He was playable in X3, as a sidekick.
X4 he prooved his power, and was givin the chance to proove it.
X5 he attempted to give his life to save the world.
X6 he lived the kamakazi, and hid away as a secret character.
X7 he was offically put perminantly into the storyline.

Im a fan of Zero. =P I like him better then X.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 04-20-05 10:49 AM Link | Quote
See, and that's why I really hate Zero.

He's "god", an S Ranked Robot, and more powerful than X. Doesn't make sense to me, X is way cooler in my opinion, and is the original Reploid hunter.


But one thing I did like that changed from the original, to the X series was the replacement with Rush and the Armor basically.

Well, now that I think about it ... Rush was awesome.

Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 04-20-05 01:25 PM Link | Quote
Thats where your wrong.
Zero is an S rank hunter, correct, but so is X.

If you play X7, the diffrences in power is outstanding. While Zero gets close with his saber, it takes a few slashes to drop enemies. X's buster demolsishes things in a single shot.

The only reason Zero is believed to be more powerful, is because of his insane speeds. He gets in close, to get away. if your going to go melee against distance fighters, you need the speed.

If Zero moved at X's speed, he'd be raped hard core.

But think if X moved Zero's speed o.o

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 35 days
Last activity: 26 days
Posted on 04-20-05 01:52 PM Link | Quote
Sounds like they balance out a bit more. In the earlier X games, they just kind of make it sound like Zero is totally powerful and way ahead of X.

But yeah, I guess I really need to play X7 and X8 to get the full storyline. So I'm done talking.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1786 days
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Posted on 04-20-05 02:04 PM Link | Quote
Lol, well I beat x7 and played a demo of x8.

In x7, X is acctually a secret character, believe it or not, because of how freaking powerful he is.

It takes roughly 30mins-2 hours do kill any bosses (no joke x-x It's like DMC2's bosses.) but X wastes them in 10 seconds tops.
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Xeogaming Forums - Classic Gaming - Megaman X series |

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