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03-14-25 02:52 PM
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Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7150 days
Last activity: 7026 days
Posted on 07-02-05 07:57 PM Link
Jexim he is right i cant be his rival but a swer rat can be XD

Divine Mamkute
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 07-03-05 12:13 AM Link
Um... anywho...

Hiya! Welcome to the insane asylum that we so lovingly call home. Just read the FAQs, post lots, and have fun!

*hands you a giant rubber mallet and a watermelon*


Oh, and XMtS "..." is called an Ellipsis, and inidates the omission of words generally. So if you have it at the end of a sentence then you need to have it be "...." to indicate the ellipsis and the period for the end of the sentence. Just thought I would inform you.
X Marks the Spot
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IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 07-03-05 11:15 AM Link
Yes, that is true...

But, That would indicate the end of a sentence, and how often do people around here actually end their sentences properly...?

Also the fact that I know that wasn't his intent, it was merely a typo, Jexim does the same thing all the time.


Since: 10-07-04
From: California

Since last post: 6575 days
Last activity: 6452 days
Posted on 07-06-05 12:02 PM Link
STOP TALKING ABOUT ME!!! actually... i don't really care... and ya it probably was a typo but it's not something you really need to point out...

Hey... Can I have some of that watermelon?
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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - New Kid on the Block | Thread closed

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