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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Sonata Arctica ... \m/ | |
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Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 38 days
Last activity: 29 days
Posted on 07-06-05 09:11 AM Link | Quote
I just recently checked this band out (got Ecliptica) and I have to say, they're definitely a good example of good Power Metal.

So, since there's a good amount of metal fans here, I thought I'd share.

First: You'll need a plugin to play .mpc files (it's how I got the album) to listen to these songs. You can get a Winamp plugin here. (Sonata Arctica is worth it )

Now for the songs: (you might have to right click and save, then open them)
Sonata Arctica - Blank File - A good example of their speed, great song too.
Sonata Arctica - Unopened - This song sounds like something straight out of Castlevania, awesome medievil style combined with metal.
Sonata Arctica - Destruction Preventer - My favorite song on this album. Starts off kind of dramatic, then quickly builds up into a nice roll of metal.

I like their style. Their solo's sound like something you'd seriously hear in Megaman, which I like, and their songs with a medievil style are awesome. They're no Dragonforce (speed / heavy wise), but I'd say they're almost like a mix between Gamma Ray and Stratovarious.

Good stuff, let's hope I get replies this time.
(never really did with my Dragonforce thread)

I'd give them like an 8.7 out of 10.

(Last edited by Xeomega on 07-06-05 12:13 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Sonata Arctica ... \m/ |

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