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Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 958 days
Posted on 07-16-05 10:10 AM Link | Quote
Inuyasha Movie 3.

This movie is freaking GREAT. If any of you EVER get the chance to see this movie, do so. Even the Inuyasha haters can't help but like this movie.

For once, this movie dosn't revolve around Naraku's ass. Instead, it's about Inuyasha's Father's Legacy. (Hencforth known as Taishou.)

Inuyasha's father is named Inu no Taishou, which in english, can roughly be translated to Dog General, or Dog's Complete Victory. He had three swords of great power.


These are the three swords that have the power to conquor the three worlds, Heaven, Hell, and Mortal (earth).

Tessaiga has the power to kill 100 enemies in a single sweep
Tensaiga has the power to revive 100 enemies in a single sweep
Sou'Unga has the power to ressurect anyone killed by it into a loyal zombie, open the portal to hell, and slaughter just about anything in it's wake.

So that's what the movie is about, Sou'Unga. It's a sword that is possesed by an evil spirit, and any whom take hold of it will become possesed, and will try to kill anything it sees. Of course, Taishou, a DaiYoukai (by the way it's used, it's apperently the most powerful of demon) is powerful enough to force the sword to bow to his will.

This movie has been Digitally enhanced, so no more oldschool drawing, the sound is awsome and fits the background nearly perfectly, the story itself is acctually unique when compaired to a normal Inuyasha plot, and theres just a crapload of badass fightscenes.
(And a bonus to the Inu fans, you acctualy learn HOW freakin powerful Taishou was. Let alone you finally get to see him.)

Check my Bio for pictures of Taishou
Kard Ayals
The Ultimate
Atk361 Int279
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Posted on 07-16-05 10:46 AM Link | Quote
I saw it a few months ago, and I was like "HOLY SHIT". I liked it, alot.

And I'm looking foward to the 4th movie, which is supposed to continue the series (by reading about it, I doubt it)
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

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Posted on 07-16-05 12:11 PM Link | Quote
I thought it was called "Swords of an Honorable Ruler"

But I have seen bits and peices of it and Cant wait for NOV when it is released on DVD
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 958 days
Posted on 07-16-05 08:27 PM Link | Quote
; Don't doubt it, Deja... I've seen the LAST series episode, and trust me, theres not much to see.

The 4th movie NEEDS to be a continuation, or else the series is left at a stand still.

Originally posted by Strange Deja Vu
I saw it a few months ago, and I was like "HOLY SHIT". I liked it, alot.

And I'm looking foward to the 4th movie, which is supposed to continue the series (by reading about it, I doubt it)

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

Since last post: 4638 days
Last activity: 1727 days
Posted on 07-16-05 09:43 PM Link | Quote
i really enjoyed the movie, i have never been a big inuyasha fan till i saw movie 3. now that i think about it i saw it with you kaijin. i loved how it was digitally enhanced and stuff. i recomend this movie to any anime lover even if they dont like inuyasha or not you will like this
Kard Ayals
The Ultimate
Atk361 Int279
Def389 Spd281
Hit254 Res275
Shining Armor
Admin Shield
Judge Hat
Admin Shoes

Posted on 07-17-05 08:11 AM Link | Quote
Kaijin: Heh, I was disapointed in how the series finished. At least the manga is still aroung (I read it. It's interesting).

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

Since last post: 4638 days
Last activity: 1727 days
Posted on 09-15-05 11:11 PM Link | Quote
I know this is a bump or what ever but I'm lazy and I dont want to post another thread....

Well Movie 4 is another bad ass installment to the inuyasha series....

Inuyasha movie 4: Fire on mystic island......

Oh yea.. it's great.. im not good with making details but just bug Kaijin over the next couple days and you should know more about it... Im currently burning him it right now... XD... Yay im the first one I know of to see it... hehe

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