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Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 07-18-05 03:19 PM Link | Quote
Many of the Drizzt fans are fully aware of the horrible mistake the movie creators are doing, by not going CG, and planning on Westly being Drizzt in the role of this movie.

I have nothing against Snipes, in fact, I'm a fan of all his movies... He's just too damn big to be an elf.

Well, I proceeded to go out of my way (for random boredom) and find actors that I think would acctually fit the parts of some actors... Mind you, I only found a couple, but my search continues as I look.

Drizzt Do'Urden - Orlando Bloom - he played as Legalos in Lord of the Rings.

Breunor Battlehammer - John Rhys-Davies - played as Gimli in Lord of the Rings

Artemis Entreri - Karl urban - Plays the Assasin Killia in The Bourne Supremacy

Catti-brie Battlehammer - Milla Jovovich - Plays as Alice in RE:Apocolypse. (Note: I only put here up as a holder for now. if she looked a bit more feminane, then she'd be purfect... she's just a too... "butch" right now.)

I need help finding Celebs for this stuff. If you find a celeb you think is a perfect canidate for a part, feel free to post an image, and from what movie it's from. If you disagree with ANY of the choice I post here currently, or in the future, feel free to say so, and post a pic and where the celeb is from that would better suit the part.

(Last edited by Kaijin Surohm on 07-18-05 06:19 PM)

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

Since last post: 4638 days
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Posted on 07-18-05 03:40 PM Link | Quote
So far i agree with you 100%. Your right that they need to stop screwing around and just get it done how it should be.

Snipes is a good actor and i like his movies. But he is just TO big and bulky. Drizzt Do'urden is an elf and naturally not that big. Snipes is what 6 ft tall and Drizzt is 4-5 inches shorter than him.

I'll have to agree on Bloom playing the part on him. or even Johny Depp from Pirates of the Carribean(no pic cause im lazy)

Everyone looks fine, no one can play a dwarf like "John Rhys-Davies" !

After seeing the pic of "Karl urban" i knew that he would be a perfect Artemis!

I dont know about "Milla Jovovich" for Catti-Brie though, I dont know she just dosnt seem Catti-Brie'ish enough. Iv just read so many of the books about these characters that it seems to me that no one is just right for them. i think that they should just go CG like "FF7 Advent Children" is going to be or something.

Just wondering how many people have actually read some of the books for this series?

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

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Posted on 07-18-05 08:27 PM Link | Quote
Yet another in agreeing that Snipes is just not right for the part of Drizzt. I just can't picture it, just doesn't seem to fit. The actors you gusy mentioned seem like better choices. I really do think Orlando Bloom stands a fair chance at it, he already has experiance and has the right bild obviusly. I really do hope they think things over or they will have many unhappy fans.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 07-18-05 11:55 PM Link | Quote
I think the main reason they are wanting Snipes is because he has the dark skin... people will bitch if they use Bloom and paint his skin black or something... fucking bullshit really. I agree with you Kaijin. Of course, if you put Bloom and Davies together again people might scream "LotR rip-off"... although he would make an excellent Bruenor I must admit.

On a side note, I can't access any of the pics.

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

Since last post: 4638 days
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Posted on 07-19-05 09:46 AM Link | Quote
Yes thats why im actually wanting them to turn to a more CG approuch on this. instead of making the fans haters and making everyone think that its just a LOTR rip off. it just makes things a little bit easier in the long run i think.

Since: 08-14-04

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Posted on 07-19-05 10:07 PM Link | Quote
I have to agree with Drizzt. A computer-generated model of Drizzt would be much easier to do, because not alot of people have that look any more.

While I think Bloom may be good, I think you might call me crazy... But I don't know if this actor is alive or not.

Doug Bradley (A.K.A. Pinhead.)

I am pretty sure you know him from all of those Hellraiser movies. His voices seem to be best fit for my view of Drizzt.

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

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Posted on 07-20-05 03:39 PM Link | Quote
Im not really sure about him only because its been a while since ive seen the hellraiser movies in a long while so maybe he would be great for the job.

Anouther good reason that i just realized about why they should go CG is because its a lot cheaper to do now a days then back when FF: Spirets Within came out and now that FF7: Advent Children is comeing out maybe they'll see that a Drizzt Do'urden movie would be a good idea.

Edit:Ok, I just found a pretty good canidate for Catti-Brie

Keira Knightly

What do you guys think. She played in Pirates of the Carribean and King Arthur.

(Last edited by drizzt do'urden on 07-24-05 11:15 PM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 194 days
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Posted on 07-28-05 12:36 AM Link | Quote
Hmn... I think she could pull it off. She's talented enough at least.

But yeah, I agree with you on the advance of CG techology since Spirits Within (which I thought was excellently done CG-wise)

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

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Posted on 07-28-05 12:38 PM Link | Quote
Ok I found one more character

Dolph lundgren He played Drago in Rocky IV. He has blonde hair and im pretty sure that he had blue eye's also. So i think that he would be good as wulfgar.

I should have some more later when I can think about it a little more. Suggestion's for Regis would be nice cause I cant think of anyone to play him.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 194 days
Last activity: 194 days
Posted on 07-28-05 11:11 PM Link | Quote
For some reason, I really want to say Billy Boyd since he did such a good job as Pippin Took in Lord of the Rings, but again there is the whole "rip off" feel if we use actors from those films.

And I gotta agree about Dolph, he's perfect!

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

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Posted on 07-29-05 12:55 AM Link | Quote
Yea your right Elara we dont want them to make a LOTR ripoff but we still want them make the movie good. Im sure there is plenty of good Actor's and such that can play some of the role's but we just haven't seen them yet.

All the other fantasy movie's ive seen so far really suck other than LOTR. You cant get much better than that if you ask me.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 194 days
Last activity: 194 days
Posted on 08-01-05 02:22 AM Link | Quote
Okay, this is more venomouslobster's suggestion than mine, though I do sorta agree with him on it.

Either CG or live action, a decent idea for Drizzt could be John Cusack. He's a good actor and something in his personality and voice makes us both think that he could pull off a good Drizzt.

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

Since last post: 4638 days
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Posted on 08-01-05 02:24 AM Link | Quote
I dont think ive seen any of his movie's that I can remember but ill take your guys's word for it.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 194 days
Last activity: 194 days
Posted on 08-01-05 03:05 AM Link | Quote
Grosse Point Blank, Con Air, High Fidelity, Identity, Being John Malkovich; just to name a few. He's known for playing underdog hero types, and I think that his voice is very good for the role.

Oh, and he was in the animated Anastasia movie as well as the voice of Dimitri.

He might be a bit tall for the role, but he has good talent and that is what I think would make him good for the role.

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

Since last post: 4638 days
Last activity: 1727 days
Posted on 08-01-05 03:08 AM Link | Quote
>.< I dont remember watching any of those movie's. Lol, That suck's. I'll have to go down and rent some cause I think I was told some of those are really good.
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