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02-03-25 08:07 AM
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Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 07-29-05 08:02 PM Link | Quote
OMG! this game is so addicitng, yet so simple. The premise is that your a person who has been invited to your friends house for a night of talking and such. You pick your name, and boom ,you go into the game. This is where this game gets really interesting and funny. Everything is full 3-d, except the 2 characters, they look flat and handdrawn sorta. What makes this otherwise bland game fun is the fact that the couple whos house your in actually understand everything you say!! Want to tell them to fuck off? Go ahead! But they will probably get pissed at you and throw you out. The site says the general idea is that the couple is having marriage issues, and need your help to patch things up, so based on what happens, they could either get divorced or stay together. This game is so fun and quirky, the only downside is that it takes a while to start up, and you can only play through one time before you have to close the program and restart it. This means if you get tossed out, thats it, your done, so dont piss them off instantly... For those that like quirky games, this is a must have

HINT: Its fun to hit on them, if you do it right , you can seduce one or the other. The only problem is, the other one will hate you and toss you out...
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