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Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5314 days
Last activity: 4754 days
Posted on 08-17-05 09:34 PM Link
There is no need for further explaining. I already said I want the fight to continue regardless of what he really does. Half the stuff in my last post is mostly Shanan idea (I figure since he is trying to get stuff straight cause he is watching our fight, that his questions be answered.) All I really wanted to know is how he can carry that much heavy stuff, how his bullets dont disentigrate (I was thinking the rune for the molevule change would get destroyed by the chaos energy, and then the bullet would be destroyed. He has cleared that up by saying the rune cause the whole bullet to flux constantly, making the chaos not effect the bullet.). As far as I can tell, my questions are answered, and he has remedied the situation by saying more indepth WHY he can do such things. I usually skim for the bigger things in a post like attacks and descriptions and such. If it is just one line saying why you can do it, chances are it may not register until later. Now that that is over, let us move on. I am interested in this "situation-that-im-not-skilled-enough-to-get-out-of" thing. What would this entail, if you are willing to divulge some info on this. If your not, then bring it on, ill crush you with power I have not used since about 4 years ago.


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5583 days
Last activity: 5495 days
Posted on 08-18-05 01:30 AM Link
(I'm just going to post a whole new reply..the hell with editing. Besides..the info may be important later. See under my OOC statement for my IC reply. least you calmed down a bit and aknowledged the fact that your questions were answered. As for ending the fight...i could pull out several of my power moves. I could hit you with a combination of energy vibrations that you simply do not have the theoretical knowledge to escape. Hell..i could throw ANY of my "Quantum" techniques your way. But..since you've gone back to being civil..that isn't going to happen. Oh, and by the way..i will ALWAYS answer ANY AND EVERY question you have, to the best of my ability. If you are unsure about something else in this fight, please do not hesitate to PM me about it.

And as for your bring it on. Believe me when i say have yet to see anything as far as Night is concerned. Now...let us continue. apologies about your time distortion. You'll see.)


Night watched with honest surprise as Desroth brought up his earthen barrier. It was a pointless act. He could sense the power within the wall of stone..but it was nowhere near enough. And yet..somehow..each and every round was stopped cold.

A hidden portal. A gateway within the wall. A bend in reality. A rip in damned spacetime. He couldn't sense any of it...but it was no matter. If bullets wouldn't do the job..something else would.

He focused once more on his gauntlet. A single stone flashed...not merely pitch black, but somehow empty.

Two rounds formed within the chambers of the Rune Pistols. Despite his overwhelming strength, his arms trembled at the sudden onslaught of weight. So much so, in fact, that he did not move while Desroth rushed behind him. He could see the man even then, outlined in brilliant flashes of color while he carved his simple rune. Unfortunately for his foe, he saw with far more than his eyes. But he did not turn..did not attack.

Moving while holding two guns loaded with anti-matter rounds could be difficult.

Desroth doubled back, turned, and spoke.

"Thats all I got for now. Not much, I know, but thats all I could come up with. Lets see what you can do with those guns again, I think im catching on to your whole strategy with them. Keep firing to make sure I get hit no matter what I do just about. Then again, that could just be a generalization I have come to..."

Brave words for a man who was, in a few short moments, going to cease to exist in the physical world.

Night was going to aim. He was going to pull the triggers. He was going to kill his opponent in a single blow. But he did not. He did nothing.

Nor did Desroth.

The very air around them froze in place. The earth..the sky..all locked in the grip of a powerful magic.

The appearance of the man known as Leon was unexpected, to say the least.

For a moment, Night was unsure. Had he somehow missed the fact that killing was forbiddon here? Did those lethal rounds violate some universal law?

No. Leon had come to settle a conflict of a different nature. But as he spoke, Night did little more than focus on his straining arms..and his foe.

His plan had been a good one. Revert the matter that was known as Desroth back to its original form and be done with it. But as he stood "frozen", a new course of action became apparant. One far more amusing. As quickly as it had been summoned, the energy in his weapons streamed back into his gauntlet. Another stone sat near..milky white, an almost opal hue. Time.

It did not flash. It had no need to.

While Leon turned to address his foe, Night brought his right pistol to his lips.


The crowd, almost dangeriously upset by the sudden halt of action, grew eeriely silent.

He brought his hand down.

He listened.





The strong, almost hypnotic rythem of Desroth's heart.

He waited.

"Thanks guys, you may speak while frozen now"

He did so. A single word..threatening perhaps, but little else, of course...after all..what power could a word hold?


More than one could hope to know.

His voice was somehow echoed, as if reflected by walls that were nowhere to be found.

As the complex and exceedingly intricate waves of sound filled the arena, he waited for his foe to obey.

(OOC: start, this would be a good time to go into Night's immunities. He is uneffected by manipulation of time and reality. He is also immune to paralyzing magics/agents, poison, anything that induces sleep, and "silence" or similar magics. If you'd like specific reasons on any of these..PM me. As for the attak..

Power Word: Die.

After learning the subtle rythems and vibrations of an opponents heartbeat, the word "die" is spoken in a specific sound frequincy and wave. This sound fills the area as it expands. It is specially tuned to the opponents heartbeat, and bystanderds and thus uneffected by its terrible result.

To put it disrupts the heartbeat. The heartbeat becomes highly irradic..then goes into intense fibulation..then stops completely. Clothing and armor only serve to speed the process, as they resonate with the specific vibrations. Unfortunately..there is little to nothing "magical" behind this, so it cannot be countered like a spell. It is not visible, and can be evaded in the same way most sounds can be. cannot be. (No..covering your ears won't do it, lol. The vibration is physical. And i see nothing to indicate that Des lacks a physical heart.)

Now...before you scream GM...there is an INCREDIBLY EASY way out of this. So easy that i'm almost embarassed to use it. But...i figured i'd go easy on you after the last attack. Just be sure to read my post..and pay attention to the "vauge" details.)

(Last edited by Leviathan on 08-18-05 04:30 AM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5314 days
Last activity: 4754 days
Posted on 08-18-05 02:54 PM Link
*Desroth stood there, the sound waves traveling across the field, eminating outwards from Night. A simple word had triggered this, Desroth was quite familiar with this "spell" already, and he knew what it could do to one who was unprepared. It was true he had a heart, but he could stop it for short times and restart it with a jolt of void energy. The void would not allow his heart to stop beating, no matter if it was forced to stop. The only thing that could kill him is something that would pierce his heart, or to rip from his chest. Although ripping it from his chest would still five him 3 minutes about to lay a good ass kicking down with his remaning power. The vibrations thrummed over his body, he felt them rumble to the core of his person, and his heart began to spasm. As it did, the rune on the ground began to glow slightly, a eerie green glow. As Desroths heart began to writhe in pain and beating irreguarly, the rune glowed brighter.*

*Gasp* Heh... you..seal....yo...ur...own....FATE!!!

*As he yelled out fate, his heart seized and stopped. He would not die for another 3 minutes as long as he was still, but the rune would not care. It had taken all the pain that was caused to him and amplified it almost 50 fold. Desroth, who had slummped to the ground, managed to look up at Night. The ground around Night began to glow green. Its power was fed by the ring on his finger as well as the runes own power. A circle appeared around Night, connected in the inside by a pentagram. When that was complete, a dome about 2 inches taller then Night, and about 3 feet wider then Night formed around Night. The dome glowed bright green, but did not seem to do anything. Desroth, by this time, had gotten to his feet, his heart had been jump started by a jolt of void energy, but he still was a little out of it from not having blood circulating.*

*Huff* Heh, you thought you could stop me by stopping my heart huh? The void will not allow my heart to stop. It is a curse and a blessing, and one that you found out to late. It jump started my heart after your sound waves passed, about 6 seconds after i was on the ground. Now then, my nice little dome will show you true death.

*The dome glowed much more intensly. From the floor of the dome, thousands of beams erupted upwards, toward Night. From all sides, more beams shot out, all of them attempting to turn Night into Swiss Cheese. If that failed, and he escaped, the rune would launch about 5 more beams at Night before going silent once more. If it was all dispelled, the rune would store its remaning energy for later.*

Divine Entrapment; Dios Kyan: This spell is a variation of the Divine Entrapment spell Desroth can use. Instead of sealing the entire battlefield in a harmless inescapable dome, it seals a opponent into a ALMOST inescapable dome (if you know how to get free. The bigger version cant be escaped from). This dome is created by a simple rune, made by the user on any object, body, material, etc. When the user experiences pain, the rune lights up and can immediatley strike at the opponent. In this case, I made it so it would make a dome once I say fate, and seal the opponenet inside. Then, once the dome was made, it would fire beams of super powerful energies that can pierce about 5 ft of Mithril Dragon Scale combantaion armor, depending on the extent of damage or pain. Since you stopped my heart, the rune will take it as i have died, and will react at maximum power (although i wouldnt die until 3 minutes later). This can be escaped, you just gotta know HOW. BTW: the beams are undodgeball, so if you cant escpae or cant get free, you will possibly be killed by all the beams piercing you. The dome will disappear once the damage has been done or if you escape it.

On another note: Time has unfrozen since everything has been worked out, thats why I can move around. Next, if a person's heart stops, they dont die. They can live for another 3 minutes. All you said was the heart stops, you didnt say they had to die immediatley, so you made a big loophole for me. Next, my void will not let my heart stop. If it plain out stops due to heart attack or magic, it can restart with a jolt of automatice void energy. If it is pierced and is bleeding out, it will keep going, but I will probably die from blood lose. If it is ripped from my chest, ill still die, but it will keep pumping. isnt that veird? anyway, hope that clears up any question you may have about how i can do what I did.

OOC: The rune is not a conduit for the rings energy. It transfers some energy to it on its own, its almost as if it were a sentient being. It can act on its own will as you saw when I was on the ground, but for the most part, i have direct control of it. As for destroying the rune, you could do that, but it is part of a divine entrapment spell. Once it has been inscribed, it will not disappear until a winner has been declared, no matter if the ground has been cut out from under it, or the rune covered up. Even if you did cover it up or got rid of it, I could just as easily make more of those runes on my body, armor, ground, etc.

Oh, further explanation on the attack: If a person dies, that is like the ultimate pain you can go through (the rune counts a heart stopping, because for all intents and purposes, you cant really do anything if your not very strong. So: More pain inficted on Desroth=The more powerful the ruin gets. It can also fire bolts of energy out at my command that will try to hit you and do dmg to you. And yes, I do look forward to seeing how you can get out of the dome, or if you can somehow stop the rune. XD, and btw, I asked my magic 8 ball if i would beat you, and it said "Yes", "Without a Doubt", "Without a Doubt", "All signs point to yes", "Most Definetly". XD sucks to be you lol.

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 08-19-05 12:00 PM)


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5583 days
Last activity: 5495 days
Posted on 08-19-05 02:16 AM Link

IC post below.

If the rune is in any way amplified by recieving energy from your ring, then it is technically a "Conduit" for its power. Not really important though. As for covering I would not be so foolish. I could, however, shatter the rune completely. Since it is the basis for the rune = no way to begin the dome. But this is also unimportant. Yeah..i decided to get flashy. Read on. last point. Magic 8 balls..unreliable. Try the tarot. Much more accurate. Just....stay away from Crowley's "Thoth" deck. Trust me. It can be..tricky.)


He had commanded. Desroth obeyed.

The subtle hints of pain that played across his face told of what happened within. His heart, the very source of life, had turned against him. And in reply, no more than a foot behind Night, that strange rune burst to life with green light.

"Heh... you..seal....yo...ur...own....FATE!!!"

With those words, the demons heart grew cold..still. He fell forward, his blood slowing...slowing..and in one final, desperate act, he looked up at Night.

Just in time to see him slip his hands through his cloak.

The earth around him was suddenly filled with green light. The energy Desroth had put into motion pooled beneath his feet, gathering in thin, wavering lines to form..what else..a pentagram. The flow of power contintued, spreading upward to form a small, etheric dome around the cloaked man. When it was finished...Desroth rose.

"Heh, you thought you could stop me by stopping my heart huh? The void will not allow my heart to stop. It is a curse and a blessing, and one that you found out to late. It jump started my heart after your sound waves passed, about 6 seconds after i was on the ground. Now then, my nice little dome will show you true death."

Another mistake. He stopped to talk. He should have attacked then and there. During the speech, Night had drawn his right hand from the shadowed depths into the world once more. What rested in its palm was..unimpressive, to say the least. A semi-flat golden disk, no more that 4" across, that bore various runic markings and held a small black stone in its center.

This was secondary. What was truely important was what Desroth could not see. Beneath his cloak, set in a triangle within the breastplate of his armor, five crimson stones awakened. The shards of Chaos...the essence of the one being Night himself could not kill. The Wraithstones.

When Desroth had finished the disk activated. Eight small blades sprang forth, extending in various segmented pieces from within. Four inches of metal..and now, four inches of golden blade, each wickedly pointed and set around the disk in perfect symmetry.

The ground beneath his feet erupted with energy, countless thousands of beams that sped upward..and met a resistance they were unprepared to fight. Various runes cut deep into Night's armor were filled with an all-too-familiar red light, and the streaks of energy that burst through his cloak and collided with its surface ceased to be.

The Wraithstones were not fully activated..not by any means. And if the rune had been fed by a more intense pain, the beams would have likely broken through. But it was not to be. The pain of a stopping heart could be severe..but there were far worse pains to know.

It was not long before the sides of the dome joined the battle. Night flipped the edged disk into the air and caught it between his index and middle fingers, holding it by the blades alone. His movements were frighteningly fast as he brought the disk to face each of the blasts headed towards his only vulnerable area..his head.

When they struck its gleaming surface they recoiled, sent spiralling back into the dome that had brought them forth.

Night flicked his wrist and sent the disk into the stone at his feet. It sunk smoothly into the rock, only the tips of its blades remaining above. A single complete rotation around it's master and its work was finished. It retraced the downward path to rest once more between his fingers.

He looked towards Desroth. His eyes was it black? A light that was not. With a grin brimming with malice he drew out his left hand and raised his open palm towards the sky.

What followed was nothing short of incredible.

Just outside of the dome, the ground itself shattered. A jagged circle formed around the pentagram, a flat sphere of broken stone and cracked earth. Then, much like the one who had called it...

It rose.

The whole of the dome, along with the stone it grew from, took flight. It rose steadily under Night's command, propelled by kinetic force alone. Yet one small piece, one tiny circle, remained. The piece that sat beneath Night's feet. The dome passed over him, its contents harmless.

The rune, was not finished.

Down through the floating stone five beams flew. And each struck a now motionless Night squarely in the chest.

The first four had little effect. But the may have been the strongest, or it may have been a weakening in his defenses from the onslaught, but either way it blew him backwards off of his feet and onto the ground.

The dome continued rising.

Night layed still, smoke billowing gently from his tattered cloak. At least..until he lifted his right hand. He closed his fist..

The dome had been left open. The hole was small..only slightly larger around than Night himself, and barely visible at over 75 feet..but it was enough. Within the barriers center was a spark of light.

The dome collapsed. The very energy it was composed of was drawn inward, pulled by a force even it could not resist..gravity. To be more precise..the gravity of a small, but incredibly dense star. It was born, matured, and died in an instant..but it was more than enough.

It was drawn into a single point no larger than a marble, and when the star winked out of that world, it had no place to go but out. A ring of ghastly green light filled the sky, bathing the crowd below in its haunting glow..and the Dios Kyan was no more.

"Ha...ha ha..."

Laughter. Bemused...light...almost cheerful.

It seemed like a sudden shift, from bored and arrogent to amused. But his cruel tone had served its purpose. He wanted the child to toss something decent at him..and he had done so. With a mock groan he sat up, raised one knee, and looked down at his cloak. Already the delicate threads had begun regenerating, weaving themselves back into place. For a second, the source of Night's "Survival" was visible..then it was gone, once more covered by cloth.

A large, eight-pointed star of black stone that sat in the center of his armors chest. Perhaps the second greatest Junction Stone is his to the Nexus Stone, of course. That omnipotent gem hung safely beneath his cloak, just below his neck.

"Not bad, boy. Not bad at all."

He said as he sat lazily. He was vulnerable, not easily defended..but at the moment, he didn't care.

"Show me something else."


First...your dome is conflicting. You say that it gains power based on physical pain/damage..and then you say it would be at its maximum because your heart stopped. There was no real damage done..and while the heart can generate a decent amount of pain, it really isn't that intense. I know from personal experience. Not to mention the fact that the attack was launched AFTER you recovered. This is why i stated that the beams "could" have been stronger. Dying itself is not always that painful..theoretically. After all..i've never done it. was made obvious, that little disk can reflect energy. This is exactly what it did in cutting through the ground. It created a temporary sort of "feedback loop" in the bottom of the dome. Energy was reflected..thrown back..reflected..until the structure was altered enough to force it away from the area being cut. This is how i could lift the dome and leave that circle in place. The gravity collapse..that is obvious.

Now..we can keep going..or you can change something. I'll happily give you permission to edit your post and remove the conflict. could tie the rune in with your heartbeat. I will then edit mine accordingly to make the internal attack more effective. It is completely up to you. Any always, PM me. I'll be happy to further clarify anything if you are unsure about it.)

(Last edited by Leviathan on 08-19-05 09:00 PM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5314 days
Last activity: 4754 days
Posted on 08-19-05 09:58 PM Link
OOC: Seeing as how you reflected all that quite nicely, and only one beam hurt you somewhat, I see there is no problem with the way things went. I can see that you werent serverly damaged from the one beam that made it though your defenses, it was more of a knocked-the-wind-out-of-you thing then any actual damage. And BTW, my tarot skills are very great. I divined some time ago over some events that were occuring during the week I was alone. Each prediction was on the dime everytime. I have yet to divine if I will beat you here today. What is your base card? In my deck there are base cards that you choose from to represent you, or a feeling that best represents the situation. If you could tell me what represents you most, I could use it to get a prediction.

Desroth had rosen to his feet only seconds before as the dome had begun its assult. A glint, something that seemed almost harmless, and the first of the beams were no more. Their power reverberd, reflecting back either inwards or off of a strange item Desroth could not see. Night had been moving his hand around in his cloak, Desroth had a feeling he was preparing a attack to crush the dome, but yet he didnt. The domes ceiling erupted its green energy at Nights head, as from the walls more beams shot outwards. It was over in seconds. A werid object, one Desroth assumed to be the same thing that Night had used moments ago, blocked the assualt from all sides. It was spectacular just how fast it was, but Night wasnt over. The ground began to tremble and quake, as the crowd gasped. A earthquake? Perhaps not, for one was not predicted to strike here.

(Desroth thinks to himself) A gaia spell? It wouldnt work against me, I can control the earth here just as well as he can.

No, it was not to attack. Night was planning to use it to break the dome away, and try to get rid of the inscribed rune. Foolish yes, for a inscribed rune of that nature would not leave the field unless a victor was determined or the opponent knew the secrets to dispell it. No matter, it was a trivial matter, one Desroth could care less for.

Then Night suddenly rose. The whole dome rose into the air, floating on a chunk of ground not mych more then about 75 ft high. The green glow of the dome flickered, something was happening to it.

The next defense kicked in. The rune fiercly glowed, it was not so willing to allow Night to escape without a scratch. 5 beams, thats all it launched. A measly assualt, one could say, but it didnt matter. The beams homed in, weeving around the rocks that had also lifted up around Night as he lifted him and the dome up. They hit him square in the chest.

They seemed to do nothing, but the fifth one did the job. It hit Night where the defenses had been weakend from the other blasts. Night tumbled backward, his robe was burned away where the beam hit. Desroth saw yet another mysteriou object. It looked familiar, yet he couldnt place it.

Night layed there. He did not move, except a small light flickered above him. Desroth felt it, a strong disturbance in gravity above Night. The dome, it began to pull itself downward, toward the light that had disappeared.

The dome had pulled into a central point over Night. It struggled in vain before it was ripped from under Night and into the disturbance of gravity. It was amazing one could create such a large gravital disturbance, it was if Night had created a star and made it collapse in a instant above himself.

Night had managed to get to his feet, sighing as he did in a attempt to humor Desroth that his last attack had actually done something to him.

"Not bad, boy. Not bad at all."

He said as he sat lazily. He was vulnerable, not easily defended..but at the moment, he didn't care.

"Show me something else."

And show him something he would.

"So, you wish to see what more I can do? I am sure you are expecting me to learn how to harness my full power and use it to its fullest effect. It is true I have lost sight of what it means to be powerful, I use to be better then this. I use to able to take Kaijin back in the day as a equal, but now I am barely even lucky to live a few minutes in a fight with him now. Say, when all this is over, maybe I could join your ranks to bring new blood in. New thinkers bring new ideas, and new ideas bring progress."

As he said that, he began to reach down to his pocket. He fished around in it, as he found what he was looking for. He drew it out.

It was a rather plain looking object, a simple tooth pick. It looked harmless, although it was made of solid gold. What could Desroth do with such a thing, it was almost comical that he had drawn a tooth pick from his pocket.

He calmly picked his tooth with it, its golden surface glinting gently in the sun.

"Sorry if it seems a little extravagant that I use a golden tooth pick to pick my teeth, but I dont like anything less. Besides, a normal tooth pick would crack and wear in battle."

Desroth lowered the tooth pick down, wiping it on his outfit. He twirled it in his fingers gently. He spun it one last time.

He had gently thrown it in front of himself. It spun gently, glinting as it twirled. As it did, it suddenly grew larger. It grew out about 5 feet, its golden surface turning dark. Its surface was turning to a new material. Black Heart, a crystal so strong, it makes 5 ft of mithril look like a cotton ball.

Created by a power far beyond reckoning. The last true reminder to the Big Bang that began life so long ago. The weapon was a simple small Kuhkuri. Its black blade was sharper then Hanzo steel, and could never be dulled. It could cleave through millions and not even get a slightest nick or dullness.

Desroth slid his thumb gently up its blade, its coolness was in stark contrast to the heat outside. He twirled it around, getting use to its weight, for it had been years since he last used it in a fight. He looked it up and down, and he saw it. The reminder of years past.

Kaijins dried blood was on it. It had never been cleaned, and served as a reminder of the power he once held. It was his one pride and joy, the fact he use to be on par with Kaijin, but not anymore.

"Meet Skars, my other weapon of choice. I used this weapon in my fight against Kaijin a long time ago. I will honor you with seeing it being used once more, and this time, it will kill the one I fight. Dont worry, I wont end this fight that fast, I want to see more of what you can do. You interest me Night, your a being of immense power, but you use pistols and simple power word spells. Heh, this should be interesting. Win or lose, I will enjoy every moment of this, like I know you will as well."

Desroth spun Skars as he stepped back, placing his left shoulder towards Night. Skars rested in his left hand, while Arzul remained in his right. He was ready for Nights attack to come, and he knew it would be one that bards would sing a tale of for years to come.

OOC: Ah yes, I figured you as Ace of swords as your base. I just got in, and i will try to use the tarot deck alone tommorow or maybe tonight if my parents go out. I dont like when people are around me when I do it, they just seem to bother me. Its like they give off this bad vibe that I can feel, and it makes my uncomfortable.

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 08-21-05 08:33 PM)


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5583 days
Last activity: 5495 days
Posted on 08-22-05 02:25 AM Link
(IC post below! Scroll down!

OOC: I did not choose a base card. Instead, i have a "Natural base", one which i find layed down to represent me in roughly 95% of readings. The Ace of Swords. As described by Crowley, "The Root of the Powers of Air. Invoked force. Represents great power for good or evil, but invoked. Conquest. Whirling force. Activity. Strength through trouble. An affirmation of justice upholding divine authority, may become a sword of wrath, punishment and affliction." Considering my interest in Nietzsche, the last line strikes a particular chord with me. It's a fitting card, really..i'm a born "magickian", namely an air elementalist. What i could do before age took its toll (as it always does) was rather amazing. My "gifts" are still there, of course..but more difficult to tap into without the Sight of youth. precognative abilities have degraded into dreams. At least, as a rule. The "other" things..well..maybe we'll have a discussion some time.

As for the symbol..i imagine it's obvious. A Chaos Star. Yep..i happen to be a Chaotician as well. I'm slightly surprised that you're familiar with the school of Chaos Magick..unless that was all IC, of course.

It is 2:30 am, and i've worked for 12 hours straight today. I'm a little fried. If i've missed a description for something, and you're unclear on it, let me know.)


"So, you wish to see what more I can do? I am sure you are expecting me to learn how to harness my full power and use it to its fullest effect. It is true I have lost sight of what it means to be powerful, I use to be better then this. I use to able to take Kaijin back in the day as a equal, but now I am barely even lucky to live a few minutes in a fight with him now. Say, when all this is over, maybe I could join your ranks to bring new blood in. New thinkers bring new ideas, and new ideas bring progress."

For a moment, he simply looked at him. It was a strange request, really..and one that proved he still did not understand his situation.

He smiled.

"Join Shin-Ra's is possible. If anything remains of you once i have had my fill of this fight, of course."

He did not ask how Desroth knew of Shin-Ra. He did not need to. There were few beings of power alive who did not know that name..fewer still who did not know his own.

Night comtinued to stare while his "foe" brought forth a golden..toothpick, then defiled the glimmering object by picking his teeth.

"Sorry if it seems a little extravagant that I use a golden tooth pick to pick my teeth, but I dont like anything less. Besides, a normal tooth pick would crack and wear in battle."

A quick twirl and the pick left Desroth's hand, rotating with purposeful delay before him. Without warning it stretched forward, growing to almost two meters before shifting to an omnious shade of black. The weapon had only just begun taking shape, but already Night's smile had disappeared.

It took mere seconds for the change to complete. Instead of a pick, Desroth held a small curved knife of black crystal. It Night's upmost disgust..a weapon of creation. And he was not the only to react.

From its deep slumber, Auraka stirred. It felt the power..the tainted force..of the Black Heart crystal as easily as Night. And it was not pleased. Then again, how could it be..a weapon born of the creation of a universe. In a life long past, it had been the very source of destruction.

Auraka...calm yourself.

Night spoke without word, his silent voice reaching out to his companion alone.

Calm myself? You know what that is! How did a being like this..low-blood demon find a shard of that power?

It doesn't matter, Auraka. Such powers lost meaning to us long before this day. Such powers were meaningless to us at our births.

It is easy for you to say such! A being born of a greater power. But it is an AFFRONT! To what i AM.

What you were, Auraka. You are High God no more. How many eons have you known this? You gave your Pantheon...and your life...for something greater. Now STOP troubling me with the shard's presence. If it bothers you so much, destroy it. But leave the child alive. Am i clear?

Auraka did not reply. After all...Night had a point. If he had been what he once was...but he was not. The shard held no sway over could do him no harm. Still....

Night re-focused on Desroth, his almost pleasant smile returning.

""Meet Skars, my other weapon of choice. I used this weapon in my fight against Kaijin a long time ago. I will honor you with seeing it being used once more, and this time, it will kill the one I fight. Dont worry, I wont end this fight that fast, I want to see more of what you can do. You interest me Night, your a being of immense power, but you use pistols and simple power word spells. Heh, this should be interesting. Win or lose, I will enjoy every moment of this, like I know you will as well."

So his foe wanted a demonstrated of power. Night was not about to refuse.

"You would like to see what i can do, hmm? Well be it. Try not to die before this little conversation is finished. It would be..disappointing."

Night slowly rose to his feet. His right hand slipped back into his cloak, and came back empty. The disk had been returned. He did not needs weapons for what was coming.

The electric blue glow of his eyes intensified, grew twice as strong..thrice..tenfold..a hundred fold. It streamed forward in a blinding wave, uncomphrehensibly powerful in its very presence. What Desroth had failed to realise..the fact that had eluded him since the beginning of that fight..was Night's nature. In drawing Skars, he thought he had gained an advantage..a weapon born of a big bang, born of the creation of a universe, must hold a power beyond compare.

Desroth was wrong. He held a shard of the presence of both a being and an energy born of destruction. Not of a world..nor universe..nor even an existance.

The destruction of a Junction.

He summoned forth tht weapon in the presence of a being born of death. The collapse..the "Big Crunch"..of countless universes, all at once, all in the same place. A being born of nothing..and everything.

The light withdrew, though even as it did it seemed to solidify, shift to something almost tangable. Sheer power lifted Night upward, that unimaginable glow streaking the air as he rose. He brought his hands forward, in front of his chest..and they too took on the horrible light. Only this energy gathered between them in something that WAS orb.

The sphere was small, churning violently with swirls of barely contained force. Tiny, almost invisible sreams of power arched across its surface like a small sun..and there was something else, quiet, faint, but growing ever stronger..

The sound of screaming.

Without motion or command the orb was released. It flew with blinding speed towards Desroth, a sphere of power beyond reckoning. But there was even more that the eye did not see.

Night spoke a single word, low, smooth, trailing..


The wailing screams filled the arena, sharp and piercing, the sounds of a thousand souls caught in some unfathomable torment..and the orb expanded.

At first, Desroth was surrounded with blue light..then, as the glow faded, his fate became clear. It had somehow shifted, expanded, opened to allow him passage then closed once more. The outside was visible, though only barely through the maddeningly rotating crescent moons of blue energy that surround him.

Blades. On all sides..above..below..blades formed of the unknown blue energy. But they were the least of his worries.

The ground beneath him was gone. So was most of the air around him.

For each blade bore a face. Eyes that rolled with mad desperation..and mouths that were agame and sucking greedily. Living beings that had been reduced to that terrible, half-living state of formlessness..and depreived of the very air they craved so intensely for over ten millenia.

Night spoke again, another slithering whisper..


There was little air left. Those helpless beings, driven, forced, existing now for the sole purpose of breathing, found only one rich source of their necter left.

Desroth's lungs.

The sphere of blades collapsed inward, seeking a final breath.


Tormented Orb:

A pretty nasty little attack, actually. The orb became light, surrounded you, and solidified. Dimensions would be around 8'. Little to no oxygen..held in place by the vaccuum created by the souls..constant screaming..oh. And the blades. Those are going to sting. While it is not a GM (i never state that there is no way to get out or that you are struck) this attack would be insanely cheap..if it was not insanely easy to escape from. But..outrunning the orb is not an option. You can't exactly outrun light. Powering through with Skars...remember the source of that energy. By your own description, it transcends Skars power..both in actually and in source. Oh..both Sparda and Kai can confirm that Night AND this blue energy were created in a big crunch, thought neither of them are aware of the Junction aspect. I say this just so you know that i didn't pull it out of my ass.

CAPS/ITALICS! IMPORTANT! Read my post CAREFULLY if you cannot figure a way out. I've been dropping you hints on evasion in every attack post i've made..and there is one here.

(Last edited by Leviathan on 08-22-05 05:33 AM)
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5314 days
Last activity: 4754 days
Posted on 08-22-05 10:34 AM Link
Night seemed to smile as Desroth inquired about Shin-Ra, and he replied simply without any frills.

It was true Desroth knew that Night was a part of the strongest force ever to be concieved in the history of time. But yet, there was no need. He had already become part of something bigger, something more powerful then even Shin-Ra could be.

Death itself.

The kuhkuri in his left hand seemed to begin to heat in Desroth's hand. There could be only one explanation for why it would do this.

A being from the "Big Bang" was present, though Desroth did not know who could make the crystal panic.

And then, the heat was gone. Without a explanation, the crystal went cold in Desroth's hands. Something, or someone, had gotten the being under control, and he had a feeling it was Night.

"You would like to see what i can do, hmm? Well be it. Try not to die before this little conversation is finished. It would be..disappointing."

It was a strange request, for what could Night do against the power that created the universe, and set into motion the evolution of humans, demons, and billions of other peoples and creatures?

Nights eyes seemed to glow, their light intensifying as he gazed at Desroth. He did not flinch, did not move, as the power radiated outwards at Desroth.

It was not a normal power, for it moved far to fast to be anything other then light. Then he heard it.

The sound of hundereds, maybe even thousands of souls calling out for breath. A dome had formed around Desroth, the walls faintly visible to the eye. Desroth had twirled Skars around, as he looked around the dome.

A simple word; a long, low sound, almost as it was coming from the dome itself.


Then they came, the blades. Each one was a soul, or collections of souls, forming blades that would not only slice him, but rob him of the oxygen he needed to live.

Then the ground below him was no more, but he was ready for that. As it disappeared, he just floated there. The darkness below him seemed somewhat inviting, for what more toruture could another void like thing put him through?

The blades closed in, as Desroth formulated a plan. If Night was going to use the dome to kill Desroth, there was one thing for certain that could be done. Drawing upon Skars power, and of course making Arzul disappear back to where he holds his swords, his right hand began to glow green. He only tapped a small percentage of Skars full power, but it was enough to do the technique that would save him.


He brought his right hand down over the hole beneath, forming a small chunk of area with a solid piece of void energy. His palm made contact with it, as the same green pentegram formed under Desroth, instantly making a platform for him. The dome shot up around himself as the blades made contact with the dome. The dome barely shuddered, as it began to expand.

The blades were forced back into the outer domes walls, as the green dome pushed the light blue one wide open. The outer dome began to buckle under the force, as Desroth poured energy from his ring into his palm and up into the green domes walls.

The outer dome shattered, as the pentegram under Desroth shot out across the arena. The dome also follwed suit, harmlessly passing over Night, as well as harmlessly moving the crowd away. It formed a new area, only 900 ft around and 900 ft tall. They were sealed in, and only the winner would be able to leave.

"Heh, that was a pretty neat trick there, but my Divine Entrapment seemed to over power it. It was simple really, it encloses the desired space in a dome neither person can escape unless a winner is determined. Dont worry, Skars still has all its power even though I drew on some of it to make the dome. But Skars still has one more trick."

As Desroth said this, he held Skars in front of himself. It expanded once more, growing out another 7 ft. It turned into a sycthe, almost like what the Grim Reaper is always pictured holding.

The sycthe was still made of the Black Heart crystal, and was just as sharp as before. Desroth spun the sycthe like a bowstaff, the blade coming awfully close to hitting Desroth, but he didnt mind.

Hmmm, a little shorter maybe... Ah, it doesnt matter, ill change its size in battle.

Arzul appeared in his free hand, as Desroth thought of something else, why have one weapon of awsome power when he can have 2? But Desroth would take care of that later, for now, he had to focus on Night.

"Your lucky that last move makes me unable to attack at this time, or I swear I would kill you where you stand."

OOC: The Divine Entrapment could push your dome back because almost nothing can stop it from encompasing the field. Your dome can try to do that, but with the combination of all the different powers (Skars power, void, fire), and the domes own power it creates, It would force your dome away and break free by shattering your dome. As stated by my attack, Divine Entrampent makes a undestructable dome that will only disappear when a victor has been choosen. Neither opponent cant get out if before that time.

Seeing as how the dome is infact indestructible and expands at a great force (moving roughly 100,000 mph, and with a force comparable to 10,000 tons per square millimeter to all things that try to stop it) It has enough force to break just about anything that gets in its way. Now dont try to say the dome hurts you either, Its force is only applied to magic shielding, or anything that is stopping it from expanding. If it can expand freely, no harm will become of bystanders or either opponent. I hope that can clear up any misconceptions or questions.

To Levs Post:
O_o Daaaammmmmnnnnnnn!!! I wish I could have more hours to work at Jets, so I could buy stuff...

To the extension:
As I remeber, it is only 2 extensions per person for the whole tourney. It is either 2 or 3, but if it is 2, then you got no more to use after this one. Ill ask Leon. I dont want you to ask for another one and not be able to get it so you get tossed out for not posting.. Thats no way to win really, but a win is a win I suppose. Oh yeah, at my last job, I was making alot of money. I worked more then 20 hours (illegal yes, but I wanted the money). I was rolling in dough, averaging about 300+ dollars in a week, and during christmas time, the whole month of decemeber, I was averaging about 500 dollar checks every 2 weeks. It was good times, and I would have stayed if the manager wasnt such a high and mighty bitch and totally bellitle all of her employees infront of huge line of customers for every single thing you did wrong, no matter how small or how big.

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 08-26-05 06:07 PM)


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5583 days
Last activity: 5495 days
Posted on 08-25-05 02:05 AM Link
Well..i'm officially requesting a one-day extention.

I just don't have the ability to write a reply working these hours. I can barely post 3 liners i'm so damned beat.

I'll be getting friday off..and after that, my boss has scheduled me for later shifts only to keep me from getting TOO much overtime. So after friday, posting won't be a problem.

Yep..extention til friday. Reason: Full time fast-food employment. To those who have experienced it, this holds about as much weight as "I was shot".

Des..yeah, the checks are nice. I average at least $1,000 a month. Shame i don't have time to spend it.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1721 days
Last activity: 908 days
Posted on 08-25-05 07:23 AM Link
Extention granted.
And that "Got hit by a truck" feeling sucks ass, lol.

Good luck.


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5583 days
Last activity: 5495 days
Posted on 08-26-05 08:06 PM Link
{Re-Edit: Actually..Night doesn't have a "spirit". He actually has to be killed...three times before you manage to bypass all of the safeguards in place and release his "true" form, which is neither spirit nor physical.

Well...NORMALLY three times. Since this is a tourny, i've decided to cut that down. Kill this form (known as "Dark Hybrid") and you release his original PHYSICAL form. Kill that..and you release his base self. But...well..lets just say that if you DO manage to kill his TPF, you'd be dead within 5 posts. Yep..thats right..getting to that stage activates a sort of "countdown".

Never meant to start an argument, heh. is an interesting way to make a cage match. And i was just letting you know that, in many quote-unquote "Professional" circles it would be considered a GM. I don't really care..which is why i waved the judges out of it. It isn't harmful..i can work fine within the it makes no difference what it "technically" is.

As for the indestructibility..interesting. A bit limited..but interesting. I won't be destroying it, or using Auraka to cut it i said, it sounds rather fun. I say limited because..well, i've always worked on a scale much larger than a single universe...or existance, for that matter. For example..the strain of Dragon Magic i happen to be using quite simply doesn't exist in the "present" universe. I could go into its background, but thats far more than i have time to write. Its my day to watch.."something" to know what it's like to get one day to kick back and relax.

Anyway...all is well. I won't be arguing, since my purpose was never to argue. physical body would be completely destroyed by the collapse. And then..well, if you managed to survive, it would only be for two posts. heh. Oh...a 5 hour day? You lucky SOB. I usually work from 11 to 11.}

{IC post below!

OOC: A few mistakes. 1: Claiming that the dome is indestructible without saying why. 2: God-modding. I'm afraid that anything which automatically effects your opponent without a way to escape/evade is a GM.

I do NOT want a judge to make a ruling here. I'm not complaining, and i do not want anything altered. I'm just pointing out a few things so that he can remember them in future sims. This fight WILL continue without any alterations.

Des..don't take this as an insult to your abilities. It was just something that was overlooked. Used to happen to me all the time.}


Another pentagram. Another dome. Only this was...different.

The unbridaled force of his sphere was met..and then exceeded. The blades that held in sway a thousand screaming souls were pushed back...pushed away..left harmless by the green energy that poured from Desroth's ring..and from his ancient blade.

It passed over him, an energy meant to entrap yet not harm. A prison of magical making, not much larger than the arena itself.

But what could he expect. He knew what power could be found in weapons. After all...the father of destruction hung sleepily on his left hip.

The time was coming for Desroth to learn this as well. Coming..but first, a taste. The glow of Night's eyes dimmed as he descended, and when his feet were once more on solid ground it had returned to dim light.

"Heh, that was a pretty neat trick there, but my Divine Entrapment seemed to over power it. It was simple really, it encloses the desired space in a dome neither person can escape unless a winner is determined. Dont worry, Skars still has all its power even though I drew on some of it to make the dome. But Skars still has one more trick."

He watched silently while the weapon shifted, extending seemlessly into a midnight scythe. Ironic, really...bringing the symbol of death to arms against a being who could not know it. In the swirling depths of what was truely Night, death held no sway.

When his foe spoke again, Night could barely stop himself from grinning.

"Your lucky that last move makes me unable to attack at this time, or I swear I would kill you where you stand."

Auraka. Look at that. Showing off with that shard. Perhaps you'd like to show off yourself.

A contradiction. He had just calmed the weapon..and yet he now stirred it. But Auraka was not concerned with such things.

A single glimmer of gold and the god-born weapon rested in his left hand. A metal disk no more than 14" around..decieving, considering what lied within.

The weapon itself was ornate, covered with countless runes save for an inch before its edge. Four half-moons had been removed, one at each side, and the waved points of kris blades were just evident. At each of these openings a small black stone had been set. The center of the disk had been removed, and in its blade was a cross-shaped blade housing wrapped in the black and silver skin of some ancient reptile. This too bore a black stone in its center, much larger than the others.

"Desroth..Skars..allow me to introduce Auraka. Former High-God of existance alpha-11754864113-hyrate, father of destruction, the All-Devouring."

Auraka spoke, his voice old yet clear as it resonated from the metal, deep and regal, that of royalty..

"How dare you awaken that shard in MY presence. It is an insult! A piece of universal creation..bah!"

In truth, Auraka had no fear of the weapon. He had collapsed universes that were likely far greater than that which it was born of. But to a being of destruction..something that had once given BIRTH to was simply insulting.

Night closed his hand around the weapons cross-piece and walked slowly, deliberately, to the wall of the dome. He placed Auraka's edge against its pulsing surface and pushed.


At least, not for a moment. A single blade extended..and passed cleanly through the barrier. It slid back into place and he drew the weapon back, placing his right hand over the now-closing hole. The energy of the blades, now scattered, regathered into a small sphere and flashed through the opening, once more a part of his being.

Only a thousand souls..but there was no point in wasting them.

He turned back and moved towards Desroth, stopping perhaps 15 feet from his foe. His grip on Auraka tightened, and he curled his right arm back in a fist.

The air within the dome grew still. Even then, it knew what was gathering. Once again the glow of Night's eyes heightened, only now it bore the faintest hint of green. Not the green of Desroth's dome..dark and rich, almost nobile.

He dove into the vast abyss of himself, seeking...and finding. One of the most powerful forces in magic..

He was calling forth the Dragon.

Wisps of silver smoke gathered around his waiting arm, thickening and churning, forming into something that vaugely resembled the head of a dragon. Its mouth was agape, encompassing his fist in its etheric jaws.

The Silver Dragon.

"Dragontis irigont manchion."

The shimmering form solidied further, now beyond a doubt a dragon. Its solid silver eyes moved to gaze upon its target, its mouth widened in anticipation...

He thrust his fist outward, and the dragon followed. It burst free in the form of a dragon-headed blast, expanding the instant it left its bounds to over six feet. In its center it bore a streak of green energy..and within that, a streak of black.

It soared forward, searing a crevace in the earth below. With blinding speed it sought the man it was to kill, fed by the power of Auraka itself..a power that was perhaps one of the few that eclipsed the Blackheart itself.


First...Auraka can analyse and break down energy structures. For this reason, any spell it is used to block or comes in contact with is only really useful once. It was able to make a hole in the barrier through this ability, because i have no idea what makes it inestructible.

Second..the dragon spell. A blast of energy roughly 6' wide. Its core is composed of the "dragon" element, a kind of pure magic, along with a thread of power from Auraka. Remember this if you choose to block it. I'm not going to say that Auraka is more powerful than your crystal..but when comparing their histories, it _appears_ as though he is. By leaps and bounds.

Now, the effects of the attack. The Silver dragon (actually the "Quicksilver Dragon") is lunar-based. So it is a combination of Lunar and Dragon elements. If it strikes, it deals severe damage, as well as leaving a residue of itself in the form of binding quicksilver. If you take the hit, you're basically frozen in place by magically bound liquid metal. You'd need to remove the magical structure before even trying to shatter it and break free. The effects normally last between 10-15 posts...but this is a "toned down" version of my Dragon Flare spell, and thus the effect has a base duration of 5 posts, with a minimum of 2 before you break free. And have Auraka's energy to deal with. Even more additional damage, and you _MAY_ run the risk of damaging..or shattering..the blackheard. But it's up to you. And..FYI..the Dragon Flare was created before us english-speaking folk knew the name Hiei.

It looks flashy..but is an attack spell, not an active summon.)

(Last edited by Leviathan on 08-27-05 06:26 PM)
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1721 days
Last activity: 908 days
Posted on 08-28-05 02:13 PM Link
Due to certain situations, I must temporarily halt this fight untill Leon and I have had a moment to discuss specific issues.

Sorry of any problems this halting may occur.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1721 days
Last activity: 908 days
Posted on 08-30-05 01:38 AM Link
After consulting with Leon, we have come to conclude that Levaiathan's Silver Dragon is not a summon.

The fight shall continue once Desroth posts his reply, thus the three day limit will restart.

Other issues, thought, will be delt with when they acctually occur.

Fight may resume!
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5314 days
Last activity: 4754 days
Posted on 08-30-05 05:06 PM Link
"Desroth..Skars..allow me to introduce Auraka. Former High-God of existance alpha-11754864113-hyrate, father of destruction, the All-Devouring."

That was quite funny, the father of destruction? The All-Devouring. They meant nothing. It was true that Skars by no means had a chance in beating Aurka head on, there were still other options left open.

Then, Night had raised the ornate disc, quite a inoccent looking object, but from it a voice rang out. Desroth sighed as he listened to her (???) begin to speak.

"How dare you awaken that shard in MY presence. It is an insult! A piece of universal creation..bah!"

So Skars was making her angry. It wasnt like it mattered, she would only be usefull as long as Night held onto her and used her power. That situation would be remedied shortly, but for now, Desroth had other plans.

His long, platnium silver hair glowed in the faint green light from the dome. His eyes passed over Night, who had begun to call forward a new energy. Desroth did not waste time. His body began to glow faintly with a dark energy, as if it was pouring out from every single hole on his body. His hair, once silver and very feminie began to curl up from the energy. Its silver color faded to black, as Desroth closed his eyes.

His hair had become almost like Hiei's, jet black and spiked, but slightly different. It was so hard to tell, but it didnt matter, hair is hair. His whole body was covered in the dark energy, all of his armor, everything. It soon faded. The white cloth had turned black, and looked as if it had been worn out. Now it had a additional protection quality, that off 5 inches of mithril dragon scale combination, and 2 inches of black heart. Its protective powers were far beyond what would be needed, but it would do.

As Desroth opened his eyes, they were blood red. He was no longer the much nicer Desroth from before, he was now in his other form, the one that the void had twisted and created. His whole body had gained extra muscle, and his power had shot up. He was now ready to face what Night was going to do.

Desroth thought for a second. Skar's was powerful, but Arzul stood no chance against it. Then it hit him. He held Arzul up, looking at its blade. As he did this, the sword was covered with the same dark energy. Within, Arzul and the Dark Sol sword were fusing together into a new sword. The dark energy faded, revealing Arzol. It was a 2/3's of the master Sol Sword, which was broken into 3 weaker swords, so that its absolute power could never be held.

Desroth looked back at Night, he was about to launch his attack at Desroth. One last thing needed to be done. Skars shrank back to its compact size, as Desroth slid it behind his ear. He pulled the ring of his finger, and tossed it infront of himself. It spiraled once, then stopped. Its core grew brightly with the power of fire, and then a harsh purple glow of the void energy. The glow had completley blocked the ring from sight, but it was easy to see it was starting to shape shift.

"Break free from your ethreal chains. You are to be bound no more, return to this world and bring balance and harmony once more."

The light blinked rapidly, then expanded into a sword shape. It was about 7-8 ft long, and had 6 curved hooks in the shape of right angles. Its power was above that of Skars in more then one way. Night had launched his attacl, but it wouldnt matter at all, for this new sword was all he would need.

"Shadow of light, power beyond all powers. Power is a mere shadow to my sword, a shell that can be toyed with and crushed like a ant. Meet Elw Sword of the Seals, I am quite sure you will find it to be quite impressive."

The Quicksilver Dragon was closing in, only 20 ft away (assuming we are a fairly good distance away). It was not a problem, Desroth knew of all of secrets, and what it could really do. And thanks to Night, he would crush two birds in one stone.

He held the sword up, its blade facing the on coming attack, which was now only 7 ft away. He brought the sword to his side, and waited the last 2 seconds as it closed the gap. He spun, bringing the Elw Sword up and around. Its blade sliced straight through the dragon, as it roared out from the strike. It was drug around with the spin, the quicksilver coating the blade. He stopped spinning, the dragon had completey engulfed the sword, weighing it down greatly.

Desroth could only smile.

"Elw Sword has a great little effect that I think you will find most interesting. Elw Sword of the Seals, power of the ancients, I command thee, SEAL!"

The quicksilver seized, and began to bubble. The string of Auraka's power also began to tremble. The quicksilver began to withdraw into the sword itself, adding its power to the sword. All of the quicksilver had been pulled into the sword, which was unscathed from the attack.

The line of energy from Auraka suddenly had a small ball of light on the end that use to be attached to the quicksilver.

"Now then, by the power of the Ancients, SEAL THE POWER!!!"

The ball of light shot straight up the thread of energy, towards Auraka. If it hit, it would seal all or part of her power, and if the thread was broken, it wouldnt seal any amount of power.

OOC: Descriptions:

Arzol: Created by fusing both Dark Sol and Arzul together. It has more power then both swords combined, plus it has a second stage it can get to when certain things have been acomplished. It has no apparent abilities, but thats not to say it wont reveal new abilities in the battle.

Elw Ring of the Seals: A ring that has a light purple crystal attached to its gold band. It creates a combination of Fire AND Void energy for Desroth to use to fight with, or to refuel his own energy. He can also use these energies to heal himself to the point wounds are lightly closed and stop bleeding, preventing further complications from the wounds (besides pain).

Elw Sword of the Seals: Made of a unkown substance/material. It is much stronger then Black Heart crystal. It has 6 prongs on its blade, and is 7-8 ft long. Its blade can cut through Black Heart crystal with ease. Just as the name suggests, it had the power to seal anything and everything. In the example in my post, it took the full dragon brunt, allowing all the quicksilver to coat it. The sword can then seal all of its power (and the quicksilver) within itself, making the sword pick up a additional power (It now has the added strength of the quicksilver when it is in its most solid state. Also, becuase Quicksilver is another name for Mercury (which is HIGHLY poisinous), each strike from it will now not only cut you, but will also poision you with Mercury Poisioning, which can kill you in a matter of minutes in small amounts. Also, the sword can also seal people energy within their bodies, making them unable to lash out with their energy. It can also seal the power of other objects, but both can only be sealed if the sword strikes the opponent or object a certain way, and not even then is it certain their power can be sealed. Also, some attacks (when sealed into the sword) will provide a new ability for the sword. Only the one who had original possesion of the ring can wield the sword with all of its abilities. Other wise, it will return back to its ring form and return to the rightful owner (if it has been picked up by any other opponent). Also, it can provide a dose of fire and void energy just like the Ring can, but not as much as the ring can produce.

Also, please note this:
The sword may sound cheap and such, but since you have 3 forms before the real form, and Auraka, I need something that can stand against you. Also, the Elw swords blade cant be destroyed, that is the one known thing about the unknown material that makes the sword. Also, yes, I did have this sword thought up BEFORE this tourney started, the only difference, it was way less powerful then it is now. I hope you like it, im thinking this has bumped my power rating from 90% holding back to 30-40% holding back. There is more attacks to come with these new powers and such.

To Levs post: Take your time, I have to go to school and then go to work afterwards today and tommorow, so take your time. And yes, I know it would be exceddingly difficult to seal Aurakas power, I kinda figured that one. Its not even 100% sure it will work, and against you, its single digits that it would seal Auraka's power unless I found out just what existence she is in, preform some sort of spell or ritual to tie her here, and then seal her in this existance. But all in all, it would be very difficult for I wouldnt be able to move much for it would break my concentration. I also have to thank you. Thanks to you, im pushing the power, knowledge, and abilities of all of my attacks to the next level (or beyond the next level, to levels I could never dream of).

(Last edited by Jedi Master Desroth on 08-31-05 09:04 AM)


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5583 days
Last activity: 5495 days
Posted on 09-02-05 03:51 PM Link
First of all..i was a TAD harsh saying you wouldn't understand them. It may or may not be true..but still a bit harsh. My apologies.

Second..i need to head up to work for a bit and finish an advancement test (raise, here i come). I WILL be posting a reply tonight.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5314 days
Last activity: 4754 days
Posted on 09-02-05 09:21 PM Link
THIS FIGHT IS NOW OFFICIALLY OVER!!! I have won by a 3 day post limit break. I posted on the 30th, he posted a non action post on the 31st, meaning I have nothing to respond to. He then procced to delete that post today, and post another non-action post, in a attempt to make it look like he has more time (in my view.) Do not let this fool you Leon, I have won by 3 day post limit. Please make this official and such and close this.

To Lev: It was a trully great fight, I hope to fight you again in the future as friends, no as people trying to win a Tournament. I thank you, and I hope you happy with your first loss in many years. You made it a great one. Thank you, and hope to battle you soon once again.

Back to leon or mod who sees this. Others can confirm this if need be. Thank you.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1721 days
Last activity: 908 days
Posted on 09-02-05 10:24 PM Link
Due to Time Out: Desroth is the winner.

You both put up a good fight. If only you had more time, Leviathan.

Congratulations to the winner.
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