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03-15-25 12:49 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Moving out? | |
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Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 6000 days
Last activity: 5265 days
Posted on 07-28-06 01:23 AM Link | Quote
I now join you on the job hunt, Crystle. And let me tell you, it sucks. I'm thinking about taking a job at a fastfood place. It's easy and it's money.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 213 days
Last activity: 213 days
Posted on 07-28-06 08:15 PM Link | Quote
Well from the looks of it I won't be moving out anytime soon, so at least it's not as pressing anymore. I might be having some luck at Steinfillers, the brewing supply store that Venomouslobster goes to... we shall have to see.
Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6244 days
Last activity: 6215 days
Posted on 08-04-06 01:28 AM Link | Quote
I just saw this and couldn't help throwing my two cents in the bucket.

First, on the moving out thing. You need to be sure you are truly ready for the responsibility of being on your own. As I don't really know you, I can't say that you are or not, I am guessing probably yes. Anyway my point is that you need to know yourself. Can you accept the full responsibilies that come with supporting yourself? Yes there are more freedoms (not having parents breathing down your neck 24/7 for example) but there are also responsibilies (making sure you get the water bill on time so you can still shower the next week... ironic I would use that as an example... my mom works for the city and cuts off peoples' water when they don't pay their bills, but that is not the point) the point is that you need to balance all of your pro and cons... and the end result is what you should follow. For example, I am stubborn as hell, my friends know this. Come the 21st I would love to move out and find my own place, but i know there is no way in hell i would be able to afford it. I work a combined total of about 20 hours a week... and I will be starting at the JC come that same date. These two things throw a huge shift in the cons side of the equation. Despite how much I may want to, I can't move out and I have accepted that. I just hope I can afford to move out by next summer... my dad is getting transfered to a recruiting job in Arkansas for the Coast Guard... *shudders*... the first thing that pops into my head is a part of the Dueling Banjos. (no offense to anyone that lives in Arkansas or anyone that likes banjos... i think they sound good).

Second, on the job thing. I spent 3 months looking for a job about a year... maybe a year and a half ago. Applied at at least 40 places. Everything from Shutterbug, Walmart, and Target to Taco Bell, McDonald's, and Burger king... I got 3 call back total... those were from the Mickey D's and Burger King, and also from Baskin Robins. Went in for interviews and didn't get any of those jobs (I like to think that they thought I was over qualified, but I bet it was most likely my long hair. I am not entirely ignorant to the workings of the world.) But then applied for a job at this place called Copperworks in Petaluma, got hired on the spot. Now I work with sheet metal all day. Some of the stuff I do is fun, like just today, I designed a lamp... now I just need to acctually build the lamp. Should be interesting. My point, just keep looking and sooner or later you will find something. If you like it, stay with it, if not, refine your search... but don't quit that one 'till you have another job lined up... know a guy who has done that like three times now...
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Moving out? |

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