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02-08-25 02:38 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-15-06 07:57 PM, in AcmlmBoard v1.92.08 Link
If we do that, I'd rather put the UserCP back up and throw it in there. I get picky about there being too many links at the top.

But yeah, Edit Layout was pretty useful at times. I wonder if I could just reupload the file and see if it works with this version (wouldn't surprise me).

Anyways if you guys have any ideas for Boobs you can probably post them here, then again this thread is perfectly fine also.

(Last edited by Xeo on 01-15-06 10:58 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-15-06 08:02 PM, in Favorite energy drink. Link
Well Drizzt, I'm afraid you're about to meet The End of the World.

In other words, you totally forgot about these babies:

Other than that though I like Rockstar, and Bawls. Bawls are pretty overated though in my opinion, they're good, but not that great.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-15-06 08:07 PM, in Favorite energy drink. Link
Originally posted by Drizzt DoUrden
Yea yea, I know, I just realized that I should have put a other cattigory or something, but then I just realized that edit poll dosnt work.... so cant change anything,

Ah yeah, that's another thing we lost in the up-degrade.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-15-06 08:13 PM, in HTML tag help.. Link
You should check out

Honestly, after using a lot of CSS, I don't see myself ever wanting to go back to using "just" HTML (post layouts, pages, whatever). It might "look" a little more complicated, but once you understand CSS, it can make things way more easier, organized, and whatnot.

CSS is pretty much just like defining variables in some programming languages.

I don't know how to really explain it, but CSS is just great, and it's honestly not very hard to learn (even if you know basic HTML, you'll probably catch on quick).

So Drizzt, I'd say you should look around for some tutorials and just give it a try, you could end up loving CSS.

(Last edited by Xeo on 01-15-06 11:14 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-15-06 08:16 PM, in Favorite energy drink. Link
Well I guess you're right, it's not an official "energy drink", but it's just a super high powered caffeninated beverage.

And they sell some in boxes of cans at some stores now.

And if you guys want to ever taste perhaps the worst drink ever, try to find Caffine free cans of Green Apple. It was SO bad, I couldn't finish a can, I thought I was going to throw up. I mean I can drink a lot of caffine free versions of soda, but it was just horrible.

(I have a feeling I didn't spell caffine right, )

(Last edited by Xeo on 01-15-06 11:17 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-15-06 08:19 PM, in What would you REALLY find in Xeo's closet? Link
Right you are Ken!

And honestly, I do have some interesting things in my closet.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-16-06 09:14 AM, in Favorite energy drink. Link
Originally posted by Sailing Pirate Ryan
I would drink energy drinks if I could get a hold of some of those... I hate Red Bull, and it's the only one I can get around here besides the supermarket's home-brand shite.

Yeah, Red Bull really isn't that great if you ask me. On top of that, it's way to expensive for the small amount that you get.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-16-06 03:33 PM, in MMX Collection is not so Flawless ... Link
Yep. You heard me, coming from me as a huge MM fan (as I'm sure many of you know), I have a dissapointment with this compilation, and it lies within my favorite X game of all, MMX3.

What's the deal? The music. This MMX3 game, is not the SNES port, but the PC / Saturn port. Yes, I absolutely love the added anime CG's from the original games, but the music is where Capcom makes me want to scream. Even though you'd think, coming from a CD based game (the PC / Saturn port) the quality would be superior to the SNES, the music doesn't seem to compare at all to the original themes and sounds from the SNES version. Some themes are slower, some don't even sound like the SNES ones. The sounds themselves don't seem to fit in very well with the game.

So, as I said, MMX3 being one of my all time favorite Megaman games out there, and the very sole reason why I bought this collection (I already own X-X8, except X3), I am severely dissapointed with this.

I'm sure The Politician, or others who have this collection and have actually played the original SNES version of MMX3 can agree with me, and see what I'm argueing at.

Seriously, this just makes me mad.

But I guess it doesn't matter. I'll still play the game, and beat it, and I still love this complilation, and it's not like this collection was going to stop me from trying to find and buy a copy of the SNES version itself, but oh well. I'm just glad they didn't do this to the MMX2 port as well (it was also available for the PC).

(Last edited by Xeo on 01-16-06 06:36 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-16-06 03:44 PM, in Gamma Ray (Gods of Power Metal) Link
Finally! I got one of their albums (maybe not officially but ...).

Anyways, I've known about this band since I had an Edguy craze going on (last year), but I've never heard an entire album by them until today.

I got Majestic, their latest album and I have to say, this album is pure awesome Power Metal from the beginning to the end. On top of this Gamma Ray has Kai Hansen on vocals and guitars, and he does an absolutely incredible job on both.

It's hard to find "downloads" of this band, but I'm probably just going to end up buying their albums because I've heard almost TOO many good things about them, and after hearing this album I can see why.

And like always, I provide you my good people some sample songs:
My Temple - First song, and freaking awesome (love the drumming in this one).
Strange World - Track 3. From the beginning to the end this is a pretty unique song, and completely amazing.

(Last edited by Xeo on 01-16-06 06:46 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-17-06 07:07 AM, in MMX Collection is not so Flawless ... Link
Wow. Blast Hornet's theme is so bad, I just turned the game off.

The music isn't just bad, it's so bad you won't even want to play the game.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-17-06 07:09 AM, in Game Help Thread Link
Porsche Cayman S in demo
Porsche Cayman S unlock in most wanted demo. Enter cheat at start menu.
Code Effect
L1, R1, R1, R1, Right, Left, Right, Down unlocks Porsche Cayman S

Contributed By: defjamcrazy
Start Screen Unlocks
Enter at the start screen.
Code Effect
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down Unlocks an Extra Marker for use in shop.
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right Unlocks Burger King Challenge
Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down Unlocks Castrol SYNTEC Ford GT

Contributed By: Spider-X
How To Unlock The Different Heat Levels
You will start campaign mode only being able to only
achieve Heat levels 1 and 2 (City Police). By defeating certain
Blacklist Rivals, you can then achieve the higher Heat Levels.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Heat Level #3 Defeat the Blacklist #13 rival
Heat Level #4 Defeat the Blacklist #9 rival
Heat Level #5 Defeat the Blacklist #5 rival.
Heat Level #6 On the final challenge (Challenge Series mode) and on the final level of Campaign Mode. Sgt. Cross joins in the pursuit.

Contributed By: Sofa_Kingdom123
Unlockable Cars
Unlockable How to Unlock
Aston Martin DB9 Beat Blacklist Boss #7
Audi A3 3.2 Quattro Beat Blacklist Boss #15
Audi A4 3.2 FSI Quattro Beat Blacklist Boss #14
Audi TT 3.2 Quattro Beat Blacklist Boss # 15
BMW GTR (Race version) Beat Blacklist Boss #1
Cadillac CTS Beat Blacklist Boss #12
Chevrolet Cobalt SS Automatic
Corvette C6 Beat Blacklist Boss #5
Corvette C6.R Complete 100% of the game
Dodge Viper SRT 10 Beat Blacklist Boss #6
Fiat Punto Automatic
Ford GT Beat Blacklist Boss #4
Lamborguini Gallardo Beat Blacklist Boss #6
Lamborguini Murciélago Beat Blacklist Boss #4
Lexus IS300 Automatic
Lotus Elise Beat Blacklist Boss #8
Mazda RX-7 Beat Blacklist Boss #9
Mazda RX-8 Beat Blacklist Boss #12
Mercedes-Benz CLK 500 Beat Blacklist Boss #8
Mercedes-Benz SL 500 Beat Blacklist Boss #11
Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Beat Blacklist Boss #3
Mitsubishi Eclipse Beat Blacklist Boss #14
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII Beat Blacklist Boss #11
Mustang GT Beat Blacklist Boss #12
Pontiac GTO Beat Blacklist Boss #10
Porsche 911 Carrera S Beat Blacklist Boss #7
Porsche 911 Turbo S Beat Blacklist Boss #5
Porsche Carrera GT Beat Blacklist Boss #3
Porsche Cayman S Beat Blacklist Boss #10
Renault Clio V6 Beat Blacklist Boss #13
Subaru Impreza WRX STi Beat Blacklist Boss #9
Toyota Supra Beat Blacklist Boss #13
Vauxhall Monaro VXR Beat Blacklist Boss #10
Volkswagen Golf GTI Automatic

Contributed By: s2000_rsx_lover
Change Race Options
When doing race events in career mode, there is a way to change the amount of traffic, catch-up on/off, and number of laps.

For example, there is a race in "Race events" in the blacklist menu. It is a sprint type race, and the track is "Seagate & Camden". Go back to the main menu, and select quick race. Select custom race, and do a sprint on "Seagate & Camden". Set the options you want (i.e. No traffic, etc). Do the race. Go back into career mode and do that same race in the blacklist menu. Those options you selected in quick race mode will apply here. You can have no traffic, and turn off catch-up. It also means if you have a 4-lap circuit race in career mode, you can do this cheat and only have to do 1 lap.
Contributed By: Fabulaz
Skip police chase after a maximum possibility police encounter race
When you race any race that has maximum potential for police encounter, a police chase will ensue sometime during the race. After the race you will need to get away from them so that the win and money won will stay. To completely skip this sometimes tedious process after a race, wait until you see the "auto-save" icon at the top of the screen disappear. Once it has disappeared (completed auto-save), hit reset and reload your profile. The race will show complete along with the money credits in your bank account.
Contributed By: _Your_Daddy_
Easy Money when You Sell a Car
Before you sell a car, go to a One-Stop Shop and reset all the exterior body parts (body kit, wheels, spoiler, hood, etc.) to stock. You will get a trade-in credit for the old custom parts and it will not lower the car's value when you sell it in the Safe House.
Contributed By: z50r_bandit
Extra Money
If you start a new career with a memory card with Need for Speed Underground 2 file on it you get extra money when starting out.
Contributed By: vudumonkey25

That's kind of hard to read, but hopefully that helps?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-17-06 09:27 PM, in The Alcatraz (Sunset and Debate merged) Link
Well, you guys have spoken.

This won't happen.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-17-06 09:29 PM, in Game Help Thread Link
Originally posted by Sajin Gorotto
Originally posted by Xeo

That's kind of hard to read, but hopefully that helps? are my new best bud!

I diddnt know you can unlock infinite junkman parts! FREAKING SWEET!

:: Drives off in his Mazda RX7 Suped-up junkman style ::

Where did you find it? I looked everywhere for it!?

Dude, Gamefaqs.

And that's all for the PS2 version (I just kind of guessed hoping you had that one).

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-17-06 09:30 PM, in MMX Collection is not so Flawless ... Link
My god I don't see how anyone could stand this music at all.

It's like they gave the soundtrack to some 4 year old and dumbed it down to midi form for the little kid to remix.

I'll be done ranting about this though, but seriously I just can't stand it at all.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-17-06 09:41 PM, in Gamma Ray (Gods of Power Metal) Link
Well, they are Power Metal. Trust me.

But it's true that Thrash and Power Metal are pretty similar. The only difference with Power is that there's usually a lot more drumming, and more double bass drumming, and more use of keyboards and operish stuff added into the songs to make them a little more dramatic and so forth.

The thing that sucks about Power Metal is that nobody cares about them in America (80% of the bands are European, so it does't surprise me I guess). You can't find albums anywhere. Occasionally I'll see Edguy's Hellfire Club on sale at Best Buy, but that's it.

But yeah, Kai kind of surprised me in this album. He's not bad in anyway in my opinion in this album, but he does seem to be changing a bit. It doesn't surprise me though. Reading up a little bit about him, he was with another Power Metal / Heavy Metal band, called Helloween back in the early and late 80's, so yeah, he's got to be in his 40's at least.

So for a 40 year old singing like that, I'd say he's still pretty awesome.

(Last edited by Xeo on 01-18-06 12:42 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-17-06 09:47 PM, in ACS is back Link
Damage! I'm slippin, but hey I'm about to hit 3000 posts.

(A first, in Xeo history)

(Last edited by Xeo on 01-18-06 12:47 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-17-06 11:16 PM, in Worries about being forgotten Link
I've got the same thing going in right now also.

Now everyone is getting jobs. Sometimes my friends are working and I'm not, and sometimes I'll be working but they're not. It's hard to get together now, and sometimes we can't even get a hold of each other.

On top of this, with High School half way done with (Senior Year), I'm wondering what's going to happen with College, and where everyone is going, and so on. I'm not afraid to make new friends, I'd infact love to, it's just that the few friends I've made during the 3 years at High School, and the select few I've known since Junior High, I don't know how I'd get around without them.

It doesn't help that my area of education and focus for my career is in Game Design. The schools that provide this kind stuff specifically, are states away, and all over the country, and I already know a few friends who want to go out of state to some of these schools.

I don't know, was the end of High School for you guys like this? It almost seems stressful even. I've lost so many good friends in the past because of moves / moving, I just don't want it to happen again.

(Last edited by Xeo on 01-18-06 02:17 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 4 days
Last activity: 3 days
Posted on 01-17-06 11:18 PM, in ACS is back Link
Nah, I wouldn't say I'm slippin', just not fully powered like I used to be.

But jeeze, looking at the list ... Elara and I literally have 1000+ posts over the majority of the top posters.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman

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