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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman |
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Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days |
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I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and just thought I'd discuss this ironic stuff.
The people I hang out with at work, my fellow employee's are probably the last people I'd hang out with school. But I like these people. It doesn't matter that they're talking about nothing but getting drunk over the weekend, driving up with rap blazing with their "awesome speakers", and wearing "impressive" clothes like Polo, and so on, I think they're great people. People tease me at work, and I tease them. I'm the quieter person at work, but everyone respects me, cracks jokes with and at me, and we're all just a good group of friends. I mean yeah, during long hours I just can't stand some of the employee's, but overall these guys at Jiffy Lube have really rubbed off on me, and the few of them that I really like are almost the reason why I care to stick around that place. And they're not gamers. They all listen to rap and don't even know what Power Metal is. They talk about nothing but cars. They probably don't even know what anime is. But, we're still all cool. It's like I'm at an entirely different world when I'm hanging out with them, then with my friends. I mean I'm not trying to be judging, and maybe even hypocritical, but I just know for a fact that if I went to school with the same people I work with, the chances that we'd hang out as friends would probably be like %10. I don't know, I just think it's kind of weird and funny. Discuss ... I guess? Don't ask, I just felt like posting this I guess. Maybe someone else can relate? (Last edited by Xeo on 01-18-06 02:26 AM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days |
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I wouldn't doupt it.
You and Sajin both have been extremely active within this last month. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days |
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Originally posted by SyntaxLegend GED? Anyways, last mine was a 3.4 The bad thing is my Junior High grades were pretty pathetic, and really bring down my overall average. But since I've been in High School I've got nothing but B's and a few A's here and there. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days |
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Meh. I've just gotten lazy about closing threads over time ...
I don't know, I hardly ever see a point to close threads these days unless the thread is just complete spam or whatever. I just let them fall. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days |
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Jiffy Lube.
I've got two 50 cent raises since I started last June, and I started at $7.50, so yeah ... my pay is very nice. The job get's a little old at times. The thing about Jiffy Lube, is that there's maybe a super maximum of 12-15 employee's, so it's very hard to get a day off, or even call in sick (there's been times where I've had to work while I was sick) because there just isn't very many other employee's. I'd like to believe that I have the hardest part of the job. It's not washing the windows, checking tire pressures, and vaccuuming the insides of cars, it's greeting people and ringing them out. I'm sorry, but I really don't care what anyone can say. People are the hardest part of the job. Customers can just be so utterly rude and stupid at times, that it'll just make the rest of my day hell. It also gets insanely old filling out "Folders" for people that include: Name, Address, Number, Zip Code, Car, Model, Year, Type of Oil, Mileage, and a few other things. By the end of the day I sometimes just want to take a folder and smack a guy in the face with it. And when I work at one of the most busiest Jiffy Lube's in the nation, we'll hit about 50-80 cars on the weekends, that's 50-80 people I have to talk to. Recently though I've been working a bit in lower bay. This includes simply draining the oil, and changing the oil filter out. Maybe the easiest thing to do at our work, but sometimes painfully. Right now my entire left hand has about *counts* 6 burn marks that have been on there for a good couple of weeks (scabbing, etc). But it's sometimes fun to work down there, because you're alone, and don't have to deal with customers. Seriously, customers are my least favorite thing at work. I can deal with them, but on days like Saturday where I work open to close, 7 AM to 6 PM, it gets very old, quickly. @Spyware: ... heh, I can get about any services for free. (Transmission flush, Radiator, lights, belts, check tires, vaccuum, rotate tires, pcv valves, fuel system cleaners, oil changes, fuel filters, etc.) We're not really suppposed to ... but, ya know. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days |
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Oh my Mother of God.
Yeah, I think Gamma Ray is probably "very very very" close to being my number one favorite band (I've never had a favorite, but that could very well change here soon). I got 2 more of their albums, No World Order and Powerplant. Funny thing is, according to the reviews at Amazon, these are there "not so good albums". Which I can kind of agree with Powerplant, there aren't many songs besides the first one that are amazing, but it's cool because they sometimes sound a lot like Judas Priest. No World Order is pretty sweet, the intro is freaking amazing. I'm just an absolute killer for screaming intro's. The intro's to a lot of the songs on this album sound like the beginning of a war in one of the LoTR's or something. I'm probably going to buy Land of the Free (which from what I've read all over, is their best album), and Somewhere out in Space and maybe Skelatons in the Closet. So, here's the first song to Power Plant. I might upload the intro song from No World Order also, because it's just insanely awesome. Anywhere in the Galaxy - Screaming intro = "XeOface" (screams x3) (Last edited by Gamma Xeo on 01-20-06 12:31 AM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days |
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I do get benefits. We sometimes have competitions with other Jiffy Lube's in the region, and if we win, I sometimes get $20-$25 gas cards (Quick Trip).
Of course I usually only win if I do good selling "Specialty Oils" (synthetic), which I haven't done very well for the past two months. But do I really care? Nah. My interest in the business has died away. I'm just there to do my job, not make Jiffy Lube successful. Knowing how much the company makes, and how much the higher up's expect out of their employee's is ridiculous. (Last edited by Gamma Xeo on 01-20-06 12:38 AM) |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days
Yeah, well I can say it just really depends on the manager you have. They can really effect your work.
The manager I have now is the guy who's given me the two raises, and has put the benefits in affect. Before that, we had another manager who never gave Courtesy Tech's benefits, and hardly ever handed out raises (he gave out one to one guy for the few months I worked with him). Then again, tons of people have told me that our current manager (who's a great guy, and has been with the business for 18 years ... yeah), gets a little raise-happy. This guy's given about every employee raises since he started working with us. (Last edited by Gamma Xeo on 01-20-06 12:47 AM) (restricted) |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days
Just use common sense people, I don't want to see these kinds of threads AGAIN.
There's been too many problems in the past before with threads like this. Even times when people were so enraged, people would register just to flame back. In agreement with Elara here, it just simply makes the board look bad. But not only that, it makes you look bad. Just keep those kinds of thing to yourself, or deal with it through PM's, emails, chat, whatever. Just not publically, like here.
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days
I fought Byte yesterday, he actually seemed easier to handle than the quick guy in MMX2.
But yeah, I was talking about the PC version again.
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days
I'm still not much of a fan of the "box-y" layouts ... |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days
Originally posted by Sajin GorottoOriginally posted by Xeo Yeah, Xeogaming is quite the classic ... ...
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days
Just because the intro song is too good to No World Order:
Introduction - The song is literally called, Introduction. And an awesome one at that.
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days
Didn't get me really.
Just figured you two were ... well, goint to Vegas for some gamblin' fun!
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days
Originally posted by Sajin Gorotto 1. Well a PC version of MMX3, i.e. the bad one. 2. Byte's in MMX3. Him, Vile, and another Reploid after awhile appear randomely during levels, like sub-bosses.
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 138 days
1. Algebra 3 / Trig
2. International Law (I only picked this class because it was about the only thing available 2nd hour. I can't stand it). 3. Independent Study (Game Design) 4-5. Game Design 6. College Prep English IV So yeah, I'm in my Game Design Class for 3 hours, then I have "Careers" 7th, which just basically means nothing. I get to leave at 2 instead of 3. (restricted) | (restricted) | |
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman |