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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-14-05 08:42 AM, in Dumb and Dumber Link
Originally posted by Makura
Dumb and Dumber..aka My father and uncle. I liked the movies the first fifty times. After your family can act out all of the movie it gets a little old.

Anyone wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?

Well if they're quoting that last statement there ... yeah, that would get annoying.

Then again ... I used to also.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-14-05 08:48 AM, in Enough! Link
Dreamweaver is so good, you really wouldn't even need to know HTML to use it. But I'm just kind of saying that ...

We used Dreamweaver for my 2nd Quarter in my Web Design class last year, it's insanely easy to use. It does the code for you, that's basically what that and Frontpage do. Sometimes, and especially with tables, it can mess up though.

Basically you just create and tweak want you want on one page, and it generates the code on another, which of course you can alter if it's messed up.

Dreamweavers also good because you can easily make Flash buttons with it, generate Templates and CSS (but CSS is really easy in the first place), and a lot more.

True: If you're having an easy time with HTML manually, Dreamweaver / Frontpage, or whatever program you may use for that, will be incredibly easy for you.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-14-05 08:52 AM, in Anime Downloads: What do you use? Link
Well from what I heard from the Screensavors yesterday (G4TV) the new Limewire 4.8 is very nice, and good against blocking viruses.

Just putting that out there ... don't take my word for it, it's not like I'm ever going to use it.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-14-05 08:54 AM, in Stupid pictures thread... Link
Deesse: I'm pretty sure that picture is fake, I think we talked about that one in a class last year.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-14-05 09:10 AM, in Somethings bugging me about my religion Link
Honestly Draken, that was out of line.

Basically all I got out of that is:
- I'm jealous of God. = False
- It's my way of being a rebal. = False
- If I don't go to church I'm going to hell. = False

I don't know who you were directing that to, but I don't recall ever saying I "don't" believe in a higher entity, I do.

My way of being a rebel? Uh, no ... I can't just not like going to church at this time in my life? Is that so wrong?

As Kaijin already said, and I believe is fully correct, you do not have to go to Church to be "Good" or anything. You can stay home, preach and pray, read the bible yourself, and be just as "good" as anyone else who could go to Church every single Sunday.

Church, the way I see it, is basically a place to (or at leat should be ... some aren't, like I said before):
- Place to seek help, advise, and assistance.
- Meet others with similar passions.
- Praise God. (Singing, etc)
- Relearn things from the Bible.

And Kaijin, at least from what I've been taught and correct, you are right that God is "not" the one you should fear, but be totally opposite with. He never condems you.

See all of this? What I'm saying? And I don't even go to Church. That's proof that you can still be faithful ...

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-14-05 12:10 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-14-05 09:13 AM, in fast food Link
As others basically said, I think I can sum it up in three worlds.

The World = Hypocritical.

I'm not saying we here discussing this, and people on the board are, but honestly, the majority of the world, and in general ... it's pretty true.

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-14-05 12:14 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-14-05 09:15 AM, in Very important! Could save your life! Link
... Kawaii?

Ah, great I'm doomed.

I ONLY speak English, I nearly failed Spanish.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-14-05 09:16 AM, in The Ultimate Riddle Challenge! Link
A ghost?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-14-05 09:18 AM, in [Action - Sync Board ... Done] Link
We're all going to be high leveled for board stats.

I just realized that, since we've all been here for quite some time, even though we have small post counts (for now) each posts gives us a lot of Exp.

I don't really care for the "Board Stats, levels" and stuff like that, but it just came to my mind.

I'm already 25.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:22 AM, in Which NES & SNES games do you own? Link
You have to be joking ... right?

A lot of those weren't even released outside of Japan, you have imports also?

I do know somebody who probably has more ... he even owns a Game and Watch, a few. It's a shame he never posts.

Well, my NES's ended up dying, and I sold them a long time ago ... I wish I didn't. But I have a few good games for the SNES, I'll list them here soon.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:26 AM, in Super Ghouls and Ghost was easy? Link
Yeah, even after I knew you needed the Goddess Bracelet, I'd still play on an easy setting. (So I almost always had to go through the game twice)

Maybe that's why it never gave me a hard time? But still, I have beaten the game "completely" a few times.

Level 3 (the Lava level) always gave me the hardest time for some reason.

My favorite weapon was the Bow and Arrow, when you had the Green and Gold armor it would shoot fireballs that would track enemies, so it was pretty easy to use. The daggers were good too since, if you've got a fast finger you can shoot them out pretty quickly.

The Genesis version was insanely hard from what I remember, I only played a few levels ... but I remember having trouble even on the first.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:27 AM, in Super Nintendo, Anyone? Link
Originally posted by The Politician
Originally posted by The Xeogred
Then again, it didn't have a battle mode that rocked.

But F-Zero X did. Although it took a while, and all you could do is bash into your enemies until they overheated and blew up...but it was still fun seeing them go Kaboom.

True, F-Zero X was a good game, but I'm just for the classics.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:34 AM, in Which NES & SNES games do you own? Link
Yeah TP, you're correct. My friend [DxEdge] owns R&F, mint condition, box and everything ... damn him and his Swedish-Ebay alike sites.

But yeah, I don't think he can even play it, it is a PAL cartridge, butI think he may have gotten a Japanese or PAL SNES over time.

Here's my list for SNES:
Super Mario World
Super Mario All Stars
Super Mario All Stars + World
Super Mario Kart
Super Metriod
Super Street Fighter II
Mario and Tetris
Secret of Evermore
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Best Sellers
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Original
Megaman X
Megaman X2
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Final Fantasy III (VI)
Earthworm Jim 2
Super Ghouls and Ghost
Mario Paint
Killer Instinct
The Lion King (old ...)
Super Adventure Island II
The Lost Vikings


Edit: Ice Man, I'm hunting you down. Give me Secret of Mana !!! :p

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-14-05 12:35 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:38 AM, in Beat em' Up's, what happened? Link
Remember the good ol' days with games that allowed you to take a bat and smack Mack, and Joe around all over the place? (just random names)

Games like Streets of Rage, Final Fight, Battletaods, man they rocked.

But what happened? I haven't seen a good beat em' up since the SNES / Genesis days.

Seriously, even if they kept the same overhead and graphical format from old beat em' up games, I'd still dish out money for them.

Well, anyone else miss these kinds of games?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:42 AM, in Test your NES Knowledge Link
Dang, honestly that kind of surprises me Bloodreign.

But I still wouldn't say that's nowhere near a "small" collection.

But yeah, I'm pretty much the same way. I did own 2 NES's (one was for my grandparents house when I was little, they ended up giving it to me) and well they just ended up dying, probably since I played them way too much or something.

So now for NES especially, I just stick to emulation ... and same with GBA games. I have a DS, but I just think 30$ for a brand new GBA game is a little much.

I recently bought a Genesis, and places around me are selling games for cheap, so instead of emulation hopefully I can start building up my real collection.

I support emulation, especially with games like Seiken Densetsu 3 that get translated for some of us to play, but I'd much rather own the real things.

Just like Bloodreign though, if only I had the money.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:48 AM, in Collection Packages Link
Sonic Mega Collection
Megaman Anniversary Collection
Megaman X Collection (It's coming!)

What do you guys think about this new trend we're seeing? I think it's great, a lot of my friends don't care ... but none of them have been gamging as long as I have.

It's great playing through all these games, and reliving childhood memories. (Man, I used to rent a Megaman game for the NES like every week, I can't count how many times I've beaten the games on the Megaman Collection set for the GC)

Honestly, I hope they keep it up. Capcom's already working on the X Collection now, and even though I own Megaman X-X6, minus X3, I'm still going to buy it just for X3, and it's just nice to have so many great games on one disc.

I'd like to see more Collection Packages though. I mean, where's Super Mario All Stars 2?

Some people think this is a dumb move by developers, and that it just shows "They're out of ideas for innovation" honestly, I'd say that's all wrong.

But I can see how it would kind of upset hardcore collective gamers who may already own a set of games that are rare or something, and get ported to a single Collection disc.

But still, I'm a big time collector. For instance, I've had Final Fantasy Anthology for a long time, but even when I owned that I still went out and paid $40 for Final Fantasy III for the SNES. So, I wouldn't say it bothers me.

I also think it's a good idea to do this, because some games that are old are so hard to find. (Secret of Mana? Jeeze)

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-14-05 12:49 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:50 AM, in Beat em' Up's, what happened? Link
They were insanely fun with friends too, and I remember always being the best of the group, so I really never had to give up my controller.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:53 AM, in Starcraft Ghost Link
Originally posted by Genocyber
i heard that during the middle of the game getting made that a new develeper took over production and thats why its taking so long, but besides that im getting it ASAP.i mean it look totally awesome.

Yeah, and honestly I think that happened more than once.

I'm a huge Starcraft fan, but honestly I don't keep up with this games status anymore since It's been delayed so much, I just don't want to get excited ... then let down.

I still think it's going to be great though, and it's always looked good, and I'll probably defininently be buying it.

It'll be an interesting game, playing in the Starcraft world in a new perspective.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:55 AM, in Which NES & SNES games do you own? Link
Is it an NTSC version? (Secret of Mana)

Are you joking?

I do have a question though. Have you just held onto these games for so long? Or did you recently just start on a Collection quest or something?

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-14-05 12:55 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-14-05 09:58 AM, in Which NES & SNES games do you own? Link
Ah, so a lot of them are roms.
Don't worry ... I have no problem getting roms, and I've beaten SoM, I'd just love to own the real thing.

Well all the games on my list are full born hard cartridges.

And I'm never selling them.

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-14-05 12:59 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman

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