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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-09-07 09:25 PM, in Surveys/quizzes/memes about yourself Link
Do you have any pets?
- 3 dogs, don't really care for them.

What color shirt are you wearing?
- Blue.

Name three things that are physically close to you:
1. Computer
2. Bed
3. TV

What is the last book you read?
- Not sure.

Are you or were you a good student?
- Despite my terrible attendance, I'm usually Honor Roll level.

What's your favorite sport?
- Dunno.

Do you enjoy sleeping late?
- Yes.

What's the weather like right now?
- Dark, cold.

Who tells the best jokes?
- Dane Cook.

What was the last thing you dreamed about?
- Not sure ...

Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
- Yes, and yes, though I was just a passenger.

Do you believe in karma?
- Somewhat.

Do you believe in luck?
- Not like its some entity, but yes.

Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?
- Scrambled

Do you collect anything? If so, what?
- Videogames mainly, 240+ right now.

Are you proud of yourself?
- In some ways yes.

Are you reliable?
- Yes.

Have you ever given money to a bum?
- Never been asked too.

What's your favorite food?
- Chicken Alfredo.

Have you ever had a secret admirer?
- Dunno.

Do you like the smell of gasoline?
- Absolutely no.

Do like to draw?
- Used to when I was younger, then I grew up and realized I sucked at it.

What's your favorite invention?
- Videogames.

Is your room messy?
- Somewhat.

What do you like better: oranges or apples?
- Apples

Do you give in easily?
- Depends, not really.

Are you a good guesser?
- Nope.

Can you read otheor people's expressions?
- Yes.

Are you a bully?
- Nah.

Do you have a job?
- Yes.

What time did you wake up this morning?
- 6am or something.

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
- Donuts.

When was the last time you showered?
- About an hour ago.

What do you plan on doing tomorrow?
- Chiropractic checkup. =[

What's your favorite day of the week and why?
- Thursday. I always have nothing going on thesedays. Very relaxing.

Do you have any nicknames?
- Xeo.

Have you ever been scuba diving?
- No.

What's your least favorite color?
- Brown. Its poopy.

Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who?
- No.

Would you ever go skydiving?
- Yes.

What toothpaste do you use?
- Crest.

Do you enjoy challenges?
- Yeah, though I get eager to overcome them.

What's the worst injury you have had?
- Was attacked by a rot riler about 10 years ago?

What's the last movie you saw?

What do you want to know about the future?
- Where will I be.

What does your last text message say?
- "lol"

Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to?
- Not sure.

What's your favorite school subject?
- Anything that's not Science. Math is alright because its so easy.

What's your least favorite school subject?
- Science.

Would you rather have money or love?
- Love.

What is your dream vacation?
- Europe, somewhere.

What is your favorite animal?
- Cats

Do you miss anyone right now?
- No

What's the last sporting event you watched?
- No idea.

Do you need to do laundry?
- Nope

Do you listen to the radio?
- Never

Where were you when 9/11 happened?
- School.

What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
- Walk away pissed.

Have you ever caught a butterfly?
- Maybe.

What color are your bed sheets?
- Black, white, grey.

What's your ringtone?
- Random default stuff.

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
- My Manager

Do you have any obsessions right now?
- Metal maybe.

Do you like things that glow in the dark?
- I guess

What's your favorite fruity scent?

Do you watch cartoons?
- Yeah

Have you ever sat on a roof?
- Yeah

Have you ever been to a different country?
- Been all over the nation, but now.

Name three things in the world you dislike:
1. Being a hopeless romantic
2. People full of themselves
3. Stupid stuff

Name three people in the world you dislike:
1. Ignorant
2. Arragont
3. Annoying

Has a rumor even been spread about you?
- Nope

Do you like sushi?
- Not sure

Do you believe in magic?
- Not really

Do you hold grudges?
- Somewhat but over time I probably forget.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-09-07 09:27 PM, in Lingo Link

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-09-07 09:49 PM, in Mafia part 2(Oh noes, a sequel!) Link
I'm interested.

Count me in.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-09-07 10:06 PM, in Professor who criticized Bush added to terrorist watch list Link
Full Article.

In short Bush is quite possibly the worst President we've ever had and now the American ideal has been completely betrayed here.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-09-07 11:31 PM, in Professor who criticized Bush added to terrorist watch list Link
That's not really the point though or about him as a person, its the atrocious fact that Freedom of Speech was completely thrown out the window here.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 03:00 AM, in Has newer games lost their touch? Link
Honestly, my friends and I were talking about this recently, but I think the major case here is its just been a slow time for good releases. There just hasn't been a lot of AAA games released recently, besides say God of War 2 (I'm still playing the first though, pretty far though).

This time of the year and summer usually seems to be pretty slow with videogames.

Due to school, wanting to just relax, work, time constraints, and other things I haven't found myself being overtaken by any videogames lately either, though I've really been getting into God of War it still hasn't pulled me in to the point of being just about the only thing I'm focusing on (rarely happens though).

Lost Planet was a great game, I was playing that a few months back ... online was awesome.

FEAR, now that's a game I'd have to recommend. Its hands down one of my top favorite FPS's I've ever played, and probably the best FPS I had played since Half-Life 2. Its just, incredibly fun and the setting is amazing. If you like FPS's at all and haven't played this one, I'd have to highly recommend it. It also really pulled me in, I remember playing for hours upon hours a few days when I was playing this a few months back.

That's all for now, I just haven't been playing a lot of games lately. I'd like to change that though, and plan too since I just got a thin PS2 and it'll actually read my games! (my old PS2 just gave up on me. I also still have a copy of Rogue Galaxy I haven't even touched). So I need to do some catching up with my PS2.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 11:26 AM, in Has newer games lost their touch? Link
On second though, Super Paper Mario for the Wii just came out and it looks FLAT out fun.

(Last edited by Odin on 04-10-07 02:26 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 11:27 AM, in Ladies and Gentlemen, GTA4 Link
Originally posted by Jedi Master Desroth
There is something to be said about Rare. They make awsome games that look great no matter what day and age it is.

Alright, I'm completely lost.

Did you mean Rockstar?

(Last edited by Odin on 04-10-07 02:27 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 11:29 AM, in Lingo Link

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 01:47 PM, in Lingo Link

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 02:22 PM, in CBMMW: Morpheus versus Ting Link
Depends on the situation I'd say.

If Ting got into the Matrix, I don't think even Neo could stop him.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 02:41 PM, in CBMMW: Morpheus versus Ting Link
Ong Bak, and some others.

From his other movie.

(Last edited by Odin on 04-10-07 05:42 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 08:38 PM, in Guys, save me Link
Well I've seen Fist of the Northstar, and the new OVA. So, violence won't scare me away!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 08:39 PM, in Lingo Link

(, random)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 08:40 PM, in Ysketball Link
That was quite disturbing.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 08:51 PM, in Chiropractic treatment! Link
So yeah, this month is going to be fun on my body and bones!

During the last two months or so I've been getting constant headaches, at least once a day, and they really just came out of nowhere. Though my mom has a lot of symptoms and hereditary issues, we kind of figured it was probably time I finally got a chiropractic checkup, especially because of my car wreck about half a year ago.

Shortening the story, the X-Ray's showed that my neck doesn't have a nice smooth straight curve like it should, and I've got mild degeneration, some nerve damange, few muscle changes, and abnormal motion. A few bones in the center of my neck are pushed in and make it kind of zig-zag like, and not straight curved like it should be. The guy also noticed that I have a easier time turning my neck to the left and have a better reach, than turning to the right. And when I'm standing straight (although maybe not apparent physically), my jaw and a few bones on the right aren't centered and straight. So, things are kind of messed up, mostly due to the whiplash I had a few months back (so, I guess sitting in the back seat I got it worse than my friends). And because of the nerves around this area, they are more than likely the trigger to my headaches.

Its not that bad though, I've just got 8 more checkup's during this month and they say I should be doing better and things should be fixed.

It was an adventure today. The guy did some treatment on me and popped so many bones I've never even popped before. It was funny when I was on my side, and he grabbed my neck/head and said "This should be it", then *pop pop pop pop pop* I swear he popped like 50 things in my neck in that one second. Then I had to go in for electro-therapy for 12 minutes, which was kind of goofy and weird. A very long 12 minutes I might add, it was pretty tingly and extremly cold.

So yeah, anyone else have stories to tell ... or anything?

Just thought I'd spark up an original topic here.

(Last edited by Odin on 04-10-07 11:52 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 09:05 PM, in Almighty Metal Thread \m/ Link
I'm not too big on them anymore.

Their albums don't seem too good overall. They always have some excellent songs here and there, but some filler too. That's me though.

Sparda: You should check out Tankard!

(Last edited by Odin on 04-11-07 12:10 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-10-07 09:14 PM, in Waste of a 4000th post Link
Oh, I'm over 6,000!!!

Oh my god!
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman

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