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02-06-25 01:58 PM
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 06-15-08 04:46 AM, in Currently watching? Link
I hate Elfen Lied.

(Last edited by Xeoji on 06-15-08 04:46 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-15-08 04:50 AM, in Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore) Link
Originally posted by Nagis

Remember that Rail Gun Fortune uses? I got it!

The watermark is a neat touch, but if you dont believe me, request something, and I will do it.



Act 2 is about how far I got playing with a bunch of friends, though I came in a little late ... Ocelot and Naomi were looking down at a bunch of sick people back in the middle east or something, no idea, lol. Sure are a TON of cutscenes, but oh well, the game is absolutely beautiful and I loved watching all of it, I could watch someone play this game for days.

So yeah, I'm going to go back and cry in my corner since I don't own this or a PS3 right now.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 06-17-08 06:54 AM, in Ninja Gaiden II Link
TP: You beat it on Master mode? Is that like, Normal mode basically? And if so do the achievements stack? (so by finishing the game on Master Ninja mode did you get the Alcolyte achievement too?). Just curious I guess.

Shuyin: I hear the bosses get "cheaper" later on, but oh well.

TP, if Master Ninja mode is normal basically I'll probably give it a shot. I beat the original and Black on Hard before and got to chapter 12 or something on the second Tournament (godly insane, when they replaced all the enemies basically. Black Ninja's were on the first stage and they were later mainly replaced by these freaking annoying furries that constantly threw you around! I literally gave up because the part I got too was some challenge mode where I had to fight tons of enemies, but it seemed like every single one took like 30 minutes to kill. It seemed like it'd take hours to finish that room or something! But yeah, this was harder than the original/Black on Very Hard I'd say).

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 06-17-08 08:23 PM, in Firefox 3 is out! Link
It's like web browsing sex!

... or something!
(that link is totally safe. Download the browser there)

But seriously. It's awesome. Lots of great new features, pages and everything runs much smoother and faster than before, the whole new bookmark features and everything are awesome, it's just epic.

If you're using earlier versions, it overwrites them, but it'll keep all your preferences, passwords, bookmarks, quicklinks, etc. Though some Ad-On's might not work. The only one I had that still works is DownThemAll, I'm sure some will be tuned up for FF3 though.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-17-08 08:25 PM, in Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore) Link
Originally posted by Shuyin
So...I have to have my receipt mailed to me, which could take up to 30 days. Then I can send my PS3 out to get fixed....then I can play the game.

So it could be a month before I contribute to the discussion. Mehhh. =(

Yikes. This is what happened to me with my 360 died when Bioshock came out (which I was really looking forward too). I didn't get it back until like a month and a half later.

As someone whom does not have a PS3 like I've cried about in this thread, I might keep up with these videos:
Full Story videos (this guy actually has a lot I'm interested in watching, like some of the Resident Evil games).
Another playlist of the whole game I believe.

(Last edited by ! on 06-17-08 08:27 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-17-08 10:46 PM, in Firefox 3 is out! Link
lol, yeah. Well you can right click that toolbar, then to go "Customize" and select the "Use Small Icons" option to revert it back to a more normal size.

Overall, I'm loving how much faster it loads pages and everything. I'm also able to browse normally again while running some torrents. Even downloads seem faster now too and I like the notice in the bottom right corner: "3 active downloads (10 minutes remaining)", pretty cool.

I haven't really messed with any add-ons again yet, but this one sounds pretty cool. Can apparently save Youtube videos and videos from sites like it:
DownloadHelper. Supposedly works for galleries and other things too.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-18-08 04:30 AM, in Ninja Gaiden II Link
So, what's the best weapon? Assuming others here don't mind weapon spoilers ...

The Dabilahro was godlike in the first game fully upgraded I thought, sad to see it doesn't return in this one (from what I've heard). But I'm thinking the Scythe might be the replacement.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-18-08 07:21 PM, in Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore) Link
lol ... it'll depend on where you're planning on buying one probably. Walmart should be easy.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-19-08 04:32 AM, in Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore) Link
Mother of all that is holy ...

Got together with some buds again and played a lot. Do note what I've played! So don't spoil me any further if you wanna discuss, heh ...

Saw a good chunk of Act III, though I missed the Raiden stuff. I came in when Snake was in some city meeting up with Meryl, then had to follow someone to Big Mama ... mother of God, emotions went crazy throughout all the upcomming scenes and stuff from here. As badass of a villian I've always thought Liquid was, fuck him to hell ... jeezus. I saw the whole boat scene and everything, which was intense, almost hard to watch with friends around ... lol. We played a good bit of Act IV ... OH MY GOD, I wanted to cry, being a fan of the original when it was brand new ever since. My friends and I were just blown away about going back to Shadow Moses, it was insanely powerful. We beat Crying Wolf and stopped from there.

My friends and I decided, holy shit, it's like Snake was the villian in the first MGS almost. While Ocelot was trying to find Big Boss. Ocelot ... one of the Patriots!?!? The Dharpa Chief was Sigant from MGS3? HOLY FUCK. All the connections to the previous games, it's just godly. I just ordered MGS2 Substance for the PS2 (already have it for the Xbox but that system is kind of worthless now and it doesn't work on the 360), I plan on going through them all again here soon. It's unbelievable how everything is perfectly coming to an end here. When most people try this with long running series of movies, other videogames, or whatnot with entirely uneeded sequels things usually go to hell, not here at all. Wow.

Seriously, what the hell!? Is Kojima a brilliant God for answering so much stuff here or was this all planned in the beginning? Even though again and again Konami wanted to make sure MGS2 was the end, then MGS3, etc ... then this and it fits flawlessly, answering everything.

I'm with Xeios' here with his above statement, the amount of detail and quality put into this game with the storytelling is absolutely insane. There's nothing out there I'd even think to compare it to right now and hell, it blows even A++ movies out of the water. I could careless how many cutscenes there are and how long they are, this game is beautiful.

I would like to believe it'd still be possible to port on the 360, though it'd need to be like 4+ discs, things when really need to be tuned down, etc ... (I still favor the 360), but regardless, there's no arguing this game finally shows off the edge the PS3 has over this generation in gaming. It's sad how mindblowing it is compared to just about any other triple A title big companies are releasing, it's mountains above everything.

Insanity. This game ... I'm speechless.

(Last edited by ! on 06-19-08 04:33 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-19-08 04:39 AM, in Rockman 9 Link
Then X through ... hmm, well X-X3 mainly.

But X4-X6 are good, story just gets worthless.

Anyways I'm pretty hyped about this. Rumors are it'll actually be developed for XBLA and PSN, which would more than likely automatically make it a classic sidescroller. Seeing what Capcom has done with other classic series recently I think this is extremely promising.

Gotta say, it is weird seeing how all of a sudden Rockman & Forte isn't the official 9 though, I thought for sure it was (even though it was weird being on the SNES rather than the PSX). Oh well, maybe we'll get to play as Megaman and Bass again anyways? And heck ... Protoman!??!

Originally posted by Vulkar
... I only never got into Mega MAn because it's old


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-19-08 04:41 AM, in Firefox 3 is out! Link
Originally posted by Nagis
Its killing this junk of my computer, but it does feel alot better than it has before, I will give it that.

The only problem is that FF3 is just taking up so much memory on my computer, but then again, I really need to update here pretty soon to a much more reliable comp. This should happen eventually.

Other than that, this is the best thing since the invention of the wheel.

Heh, well it does seem improved a lot over FF2. When I'd leave FF2 open for awhile all day or something it'd be like using up 200+ megs of memory.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-20-08 02:01 AM, in Rockman 9 Link
Heh, yeah I know what you mean. Even though XBLA has some obscure epic classics like Castlevania SoTN, Ikaruga, etc, it's still much more satisfying owning a physical copy of the game.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-22-08 04:35 AM, in New URL, spread the word! Link
Well I may as well post the essentially bad news concerning the former domain (if some of you didn't figure it out already), some other "group of sites" (they seem to just buy a bunch of domains) bought it out and so it's locked for another whole year or so. We got pretty screwed here, but at least we have this for now.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-22-08 05:35 AM, in The Incredible Hulk Link
Think I'll wait to hear more opinions before I see this one ...

No idea what to expect.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-23-08 04:04 AM, in Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore) Link
So I just finished the first game again, man it's crazy how well I remember all the "events"of the game and how it progresses, though I certainly needed a refresher on the storyline. Like I was saying above, it's crazy how well Kojima connected things here and well, when I was going through MGS again there were so many things that almost made my head explode. Again... it's just absolutely insane how everything is perfectly explained.

Going through it again and knowing stuff about MGS4, throughout the entire game it's like I had no idea who the hell to trust. And man does this game never age. Now I love the new ones and how they're a little more polished with the music and all, but the original will always have a real special place in my heart I've gotta say. I just love the atmosphere, it seems much darker, the classic sci-fi soundtrack, Liquid, etc, epic. But this whole series will definitely become a classic in my eyes a few years down the road. I think Kojima pretty much made something comparable to Star Wars in terms of fame and possiblities in the realm of videogames. He created a "world".

Anyways ... I also can't contain myself, it's getting really hard. I watched a few videos on Youtube, like R's ending and stuff. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I need money and a PS3!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-23-08 04:06 AM, in Spore Link
Haha, check out all of these.

(Goomba, Mario, Sonic, Metal Gear, Master Chief)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-23-08 05:12 AM, in Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore) Link
You were disappointed by MGS3?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-24-08 11:54 AM, in Blood+ Link
The thing that turns me off a bit is the look of the (main?) female character, she looks a little young. I know that's a silly excuse, but after just having watching all of Ghost in the Shell and everything I think I'm still in the mood for some more mature stuff...

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-24-08 12:23 PM, in Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore) Link
My friends and I beat it last night. On Sold Normal also I believe, took us 20 hours or so though, little more than Nagis (well we all had different skills. Haha... parts my friends were stuck at, I finished once. ). We also got "Eagle".

So yeah, I think most developers out there, should just simply not include storylines of any sort in games anymore. Why? This just blows the competition to Space Ball Pluto or whatever, or out of the water. Unbelievable. There's still room for more games in this whole vast universe Kojima has crafted of course, but the entire Snake story has been completed, utterly flawlessly.

I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY only recommend completing this game if you've at least beaten the original Metal Gear Solid. If not, I can't even begin to describe how much you'll be missing out on. One of my friends just read up about all the previous games, but I seriously doupt the experience was as powerful to him as it were myself and my other friends who played the others. Basically, if you play this without playing the others, it'd be like watching Star Wars VI and skipping IV and V or something.

And since I beat it, gotta talk about stuff:

- Metal Gear Rex vs Metal Gear Ray ... it looked really easy and my friend owned the shit out of Ray, but holy christ that was probably one of the most badass things I've ever seen. I think the purpose of it was for you to kick Liquid's ass there ... man, all the effects and everything, the explosions, etc, fuck DBZ.

- Also the parts before this with Snake crawling for his life to implement the virus ... walking down those long corridors with flashbacks left and right, you literally felt his life flashing before your eyes, I can't believe how powerful these segments were.

- Liquid: "Fox...!!!" ... Snake: "Die." .................... Liquid: "JK lol". lmao.

- Johny ... and Meryl? Wow, WTFlmao. Also Meryl and Campbell ... I have no idea why, maybe because it was the first part of the last few cutscenes, but this scene was insanely touching, when they came together and he walked her down the ramp to Johny. They finally put their resentment to the side.

- Raiden, I can't believe he didn't die. I CAN'T BELIEVE ROSE X CAMPBELL WAS A LIE! Honestly, I don't know about you guys but I don't want anymore games with Raiden ... why? His ending was easily one of the most touching segments of the game (and this is coming from someone who didn't like him that much in MGS2). He had a family, got his lady back, and had a kid. As a child soldier that has lived and breathed nothing but war, he now has a second life and I just really think they should leave him alone. Regardless of him being a complete badass now, he now has a real chance to live.

- The final fight between Snake and Liquid (this was something my friends were stuck on and then I came in beating it on my first try, haha). This was seriously one of the most epic duels I've ever seen, probably since Darth Vader vs Luke when I was like 5 years old. I liked how Liquid didn't fall off the top of that place or anything, instead, he literally had his life beaten out of him ... this whole fight was just mindblowing, both characters were at their limit and probably could've died at any moment. It was powerful when they both stuck each other with the medicine because you knew they just wanted to keep fighting each other. It was cool fighting Liquid in his various forms as well, with the incredible themes.

- I hated Vamp, but his death was powerful and damn, I kind of came to hate Naomi but her death was amazingly powerful as well. FUCK, Otacon has it the worst ... Sniper Wolf dies, Emma dies, and now Naomi, the poor guy just can't get a break!

- Big Boss ... I was spoiled about him being in the game, so I kind of knew it was coming at the end but holy shit, by far one of the greatest moments in a game series ever, one for the history books. Him "putting an end" to Zero was touching and finally himself just left me speechless. It was also amazing hearing Snake has "some" more time, but he could certainly go at any moment. All the Big Boss' words here were powerful, I liked how everyone including him, Solidus, and Liquid, all of those who seeked control and power of sorts were the ones that failed, the one that choose to live in the moment, Solid Snake, was the one to pull through in the end. Mission Accomplished Snake.

- The Physco Mantis scene ... YES! Nostalgia.

Was there anything I didn't really like about the game? Not really, but I honestly was a little disappointed with the "Beast" bosses. They were pretty lame if you ask me, basically ripoffs of some of the previous bosses with pretty much no "character" at all. I guess some of their fights were nostalgic (mainly Crying Wolf and Mantis) but yeah ... oh well, other characters like Vamp and whatnot made up for this.

I didn't really care for Drebin either. Didn't hate him, but meh.

Game of the year? Probably in the top 10 list of videogame history is more like it.

(Last edited by ! on 06-24-08 12:30 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 06-24-08 12:28 PM, in Metal Gear Solid casual talk Link
Thought I'd start a thread for safer talk on the whole series, mainly for those who may have not completed MGS4 yet.

How about we start this thread off with Johnny Sasaki? Absolutely hilarious how the guy ends up being more of a main character in MGS4.

- He was the prison guard in MGS1 that gets his clothes taken by Meryl. Also appears later when you're captured yourself and he's got diarrhea. Can't find any videos of these scenes though. But, the man appears yet again in MGS2 twice, his grandfather in MGS3, and then he's kicking ass with poop in MGS4. Gotta love when developers enjoy tossing in some easter eggs and humor.



And the man himself in MGS4:

(Last edited by ! on 06-24-08 12:31 PM)
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