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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-01-08 04:29 PM, in Currently playing? Link
I've heard IU hasn't gotten a lot of great reviews or something. Tales on the other hand is supposed to be really awesome from what I've heard.

Fable II is great, but it's really different. Definitely more of a Zelda-ish adventure/RPG game, if that means anything. I have really been enjoying it, but after awhile ... I'm not sure what happeneed but the game just started to kind of get annoying. It's really underpolished and almost feels like a last-gen game at times. The game freezes sometimes, it's laggy, texture popups, it just doesn't run very smooth and there's so many bugs it's crazy.

But definitely play it... it's just, yeah.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 11-01-08 04:31 PM, in The Happy Thread Link
Life has been fairly good lately, I imagine being 21 kind of helps that too...

Other than the fact that I'm desperately looking for a job at the moment. Hope I can get one soon, time just keeps flying.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 11-02-08 02:43 AM, in Dead Space Link
Originally posted by Serizawa Akane
...tons of ammo...

Get back to me on that when you play Impossible...

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 11-02-08 03:02 AM, in Currently watching? Link
Watching Gundam 00 and Tytania this season.

Also watching Macross 7.

Yeah... I mean, I have a lot of issues with it and the singing element is so over the top, but it's just entertaining as hell. I really like it, I'm thinking I'll like it more than Frontier. After this all I'll need to watch is Macross II and I'll be done with everything Macross!

(though, I hear Macross II is pure shit and has like nothing to do with the original creators...)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-02-08 03:08 AM, in Dead Space Link
I'd say try to get the One Gun achievement on your New Game + (unless you were suggesting you wanted to try it on Impossible? ...)

I've seen some people at GameFAQ's say it's pretty crazy to get Maxed Out on a second playthrough, but it really didn't seem that hard to get for me. I think I had everything maxed out by chapter 11. All you have to do is just keep buying Power Nodes (after the Level 6 suit though, which is totally badass!), then just keep selling ammo and items when you don't need them (I was constantly selling tons of stuff. I was always loaded with Ripper ammo which sells very well).

Or you could just do whatever you want. On my New Game+ I tried out guns I didn't really use the first time. But if you go for the One Gun achievement, could just save you from having to beat it a 4th time if you want to get 1000/1000 here.

Also on my Impossible run I had max health by Chapter 6. Even then, 2-3 hits and you're dead.

But yeah, I've mainly focused on Health (never once upgraded Air and probably won't bother) and the Plasma Cutter. A nice tip is that upgrading the Capacity refills your ammo, so keep that in mind. I'd also just go with weapons you think you'll actually use. For a long time I just had the Plasma Cutter, Line Gun, and the Ripper, just got the Contact Beam for the heck of it. I loved the Ripper, but damn it's a little harder to use in Impossible... pretty intense.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-02-08 03:39 AM, in Currently watching? Link
Old >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Modern anime.
(besides it's from the mid 90's, not old at all... lol. . First Macross is from 1982.)

I can't say. Macross 7 is probably the most unpopular Macross series after Macross II which most don't even acknowledge. Basara the main character (guy with the glasses), never, ever fights. Whenever they're under attack, he gets in his VF to go sing (which is controlled by a guitar!) Unlike all other series to Macross, the love triangle is between Mylene (pink haired chick. Daughter of two characters who get together in the original Macross) and two male characters, Basara, and Gamlin who is pretty much the main fighter of the show who actually does the killing. He's pretty badass.

I just can't say if you'd like it or not. I can see why people might dislike the series, but I've been enjoying it quite a bit. It's more drama/comedy/music than sci-fi/mecha, which I just accepted right off the bat. I almost look at it as watching some kind of rock/anime that focuses on Fire Bomber (Basara, Mylene's, band, etc) success and rise to fame, rather than a sci-fi focusing on mecha battles.

I just love the characters, the humor is really great, and I really love the animation and everything.

It's worth giving a shot. I definitely don't think you should ever pass something up because of its age though. 49 episodes is a big chunk though, it seems like most bigger franchises were ~50 episodes back in the day (like every Gundam series, etc). Honestly I'm only in the mid 20's so far after like two months, I've just been really busy and slowed down with my anime watching lately... but it's definitely one of those shows I look forward to watch, 1-2 episodes here and there every once and awhile.

(Last edited by Xeu on 11-02-08 03:43 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-02-08 06:06 AM, in Dead Space Link
Originally posted by Serizawa Akane
Originally posted by Xeu
(unless you were suggesting you wanted to try it on Impossible? ...)
I was thinking about it, since I rather like that gun. I also use it more than the others. The other guns I mostly just used for the "Kill 30 Enemies" stuff, or when I am upgrading it.

Well... you could go for it. Good luck.

Honestly one of the reasons why I bought the Contact Gun was to simply have another gun with some more ammo at the time, lol. Impossible isn't that bad really, but it definitely has some difficult moments. I thought the first two levels were pretty hard since you start off with next to nothing and then noticed that it seemed to gradually get harder from 5-9 or so, I've heard from 10 and on though it gets easier. Seems like I'm finally having a fair stock of ammo now too, still at 10.

I thought the guns were something that really set this game apart from your typical 3rd person shooter. They were all really unique and pretty cool. Some I didn't care for though and some I loved.

Plasma Cutter - Amazing. Fully upgraded it's a freaking beast.
Pulse Rifle - Very weak, but ... just fun to use. Didn't use the secondary fire very much but it was pretty cool.
Ripper - Seems like people love or hate it, I personally liked it a lot. Just a very satisfying weapon and easy to keep stocked with ammo. Fairly risky to use on Impossible though, it hasn't always been a lifesaver.
Line Gun - Very nice to have I thought. Not bad at all. Pretty much never used the secondary fire though.
Force Gun - Not that great until it's upgraded. fully upgraded it's pretty damn insane. I actually hated it at first but fully upgraded it was really fun to use on my New Game + file, up close the first fire would blow limbs off and the second one was always nice against a group of enemies close together.
Contact Beam - It's alright, takes awhile to get upgraded though.
Flamethrower - I thought this one was terrible. Yeah, it gets better fully upgraded ... but it's just not worth it at all when all those Nodes could be put into something else. I noticed the secondary fire seemed to take out enemies a little quicker. But yeah, first time I messed with this, it seemed like I'd have to use an entire tank just to kill one enemy.

Funny, there has been so many moments on Impossible where I wish the game had grenades. :lol:

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-02-08 06:32 AM, in Drinkies, alcohol talk and stuff Link
So what kind of drinkers are some of you?

Just got curious about this because tonight I've started to notice something pretty odd...

I have two groups of friends I usually hang out with. Some old work friends and the usual old crowd from school. My work group is mainly into the typical social drinking, beerpong, with maybe someone doing a shot of something here and there, while the other group is all about shots, mixing stuff, making crazy things like Jello shots (had some of this tonight with Captain Morgan's, oh man ... this stuff is dangerous. Tasted like pure ... Jello?!) and they just aren't really beer drinkers.

... anyways it seems like I get more drunk with the group that just sticks to normal beer. I'm not sure if it's just me going through those cups so fast, being horrible at beerpong, or something, but whenever I go downtown to my friends that are all about the shots and whatnot, my drunkness doesn't last nearly as long. We usually keep it fairly consistent too with stuff, so it just seems odd that I seem to constantly find myself getting more drunk off beer rather than straight up alcohol.

Maybe beer can hit people differently? I have no idea.

So with that out the way, I guess we can talk beer and stuff. I had some Guiness tonight, that's ... like a whole new world compared to regular [piss] beer that I'm used too. I think I'm a middle grade kind of guy, when it comes to the piss stuff I seem to favor Coors, but something I'd actually drink with a meal or something would be Boulevard Wheat. I might warm up to thicker beer in time though. I like the taste of the thickness at first, it's almost like milk, but then it quickly hits you, lol.

My adventure hasn't even begun when it comes to straight alcohol. All I really know right now is that I pretty much love rum, any kind, any brand almost, mixed with pretty much anything. Vodka is alright. A friend of mine showed me this UV Blue stuff, oh man ... more dangerous stuff that just tastes like candy, very awesome. I'm not too big on wine. Whiskey sounds crazy but I'd like to try it and I'm interested in trying some kind of brandy someday.

Mood wise, I simply like to drink just to get drunk. Simply put I guess I'm just one that enjoys being drunk. It's calming, takes away the stress, gets me more out there and open with people, etc, it's just fun. I can get emotional and raging about stuff, but nothing violent ... this has only happened twice so far. If something really bad happens or pisses me off it can kind of ruin the night. I remember two weeks ago this older chick at my ex-bosses house said she'd kick my ass, I have no idea why... I don't think she understood I knew and was good friends with most of the respected people there for a good 2-3 years. For the rest of the night I just could not get over that.

I'm kind of like a kid when I'm drunk, but who cares? My philosophy is that I just drink to have FUN! Drama is lame.

Only been drunk once by myself at home, not long ago either since I just turned 21, just kind of figured what the hell and had some shots one night. Only lasted for like an hour though, but it was interesting to play games and stuff. , don't think I'd care to do this too often unless I have a horrible day or something.

But yeah, I just drink with friends or whatnot probably once a week.

So yeah, being 21 is nice and all.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-02-08 02:36 PM, in Currently watching? Link
lmao, yeah ... he has some insanely weird expressions.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-02-08 04:45 PM, in Dead Space Link
Haha, I thought that Necro was awesome. I can't believe how easily I defeated it the first time on Impossible.

Was definitely awesome finally taking it down though.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 11-02-08 07:26 PM, in Currently watching? Link
Nice, I finished the original Macross not long ago myself. Probably my favorite Macross series... the music/singing focus just seemed a lot more realistic and original compared to others, though I still enjoy pretty much all the Macross shows.

Since you've seen it, you could maybe consider checking out Macross 7? Milia and Max are both in it and are probably the biggest supporting characters, Milia being the mayor of the city (and totally doesn't looke like she's in her 50's) while Max is the captain of the battle fleet. Mylene is one of their many children who is a main character, which is pretty cool I thought.

Have you seen Macross Do You Remember Love? Pretty interesting to watch in comparison to the series. It's not a compilation or anything but basically an alternate retelling of the story (did I talk about this earlier?), the movie itself is like a movie made within the Macross world ... it's interesting, gets specifically mentioned a few times in Macross 7. It's really cool though, the animation is really good for its time and it's just great. The film goes through the main story arc of the series, ending with the Zendtradi becoming good and everything. So it doesn't drag things out kind of like the series did after this stuff was done (I've heard Macross was only supposed to be 27 episodes or something but people wanted more. Though I did like how Minmay developed towards the end). But yeah, not sure what to think of the end myself. It's sad because I've heard the original voice actor for Hikaru died awhile back, so because of that the creators have never wanted to go back to Minmay, Misa, and Hikaru's story which seemed kind of left open.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-02-08 11:19 PM, in Dead Space Link
Just beat Impossible. Yeah, 10-12 were definitely not that bad, I was loaded with ammo by the finale. The last boss was pretty annoying at first.

So, I've beaten this three times and every time has been a blast, even when it comes to the story. I just keep getting more theories and ideas about things. Here's a few:
Kendra was a bitch.

I'm in the belief that it was her constantly blocking out Hammond's signals throughout the game. When you play through it again it just seems way too convenient for his signal to cut out at a lot of parts, then she'll pop up and put on an act. "Isaac, this ship was here for military purposes!...", "Oh damn, we lost Hammond's signal again Isaac."

I also just got this idea playing through it this time. Dr. Kyne was going insane and kept going on about "Amelia", probably a lover, his wife or something... now, how did Kendra get on the dropship when she killed him? I'm thinking maybe it's possible that Kyne was so crazy and delusional, he thought Kendra might have been Amelia, thus she took that to her advantage like everything else and used him. That or maybe she was hiding on the dropship for a long time. It just seems too convenient again for him to be standing there on the catwalk when you get to it only to get shot, quick enough for you to not see who was on the dropship. Just really interesting to think about.

There are a lot of theories and ideas behind Nicole, the Marker, and the Hive Mind. Nicole was obviously an illusion throughout the whole thing, but it seems kind of believable that her appearances weren't just Isaac going crazy, but was in a sense the Marker using Isaac to take it back to the planet where it wanted to be, possibly. "Make us whole again...", Nicole wanted the Marker to return, so maybe it did itself... if it can think.

The role the Hive Mind plays I'm unsure about, especially with the cliffhanger.

Originally to me I just thought it was Isaac going insane or perhaps a ghost of Nicole. But some people like to believe that she is the Hive Mind itself, or something weird like that ... the next step in Necromorph's evolution. One thing to back this up is that Necromorph's host dead bodies and when Nicole injects herself with whatever it was to kill herself, we never saw her corpse in the game. So it is questionable whether or not she was taken over by some Necromorph, it would be a weird coincidence for her to become the Hive Mind or something, but it's another interesting theory to think about.

If she's a ghost and Dead Space 2 (EA already announced it, lol) continues to follow the story of Isaac (which some say would be weird since he's just an engineer and probably is messed up for life), I think they could do crazy things with ghosts or just weird shit since Isaac is probably mentally messed up by the end of the game.

Then again the Marker in the game was a manmade one based off a real alien artifact and there are more out there, so that's probably something they'll use too for potential sequels.

Also fun note, take the first letter of every chapter title and you get this:
N-ew Arrivals
I-ntensive Care
C-ourse Correction
O-bliteration Immanent.
L-ethal Devotion
E-nvironmental Hazard
I-nto the Void
S-earch and Rescue
D-ead on Arrival
E-nd of Days
A-lternate Solutions
D-ead Space

Nicole is dead.

Lots of stuff I guess, but yeah. The story presented itself is fairly cliche', typical horror at times, but it's really nice to kind of dig into and think about here and there. I think they did a great job at telling you some things and leaving the rest up to our imagination.

(Last edited by Xeu on 11-02-08 11:23 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-03-08 01:39 AM, in Fable II Link
Yeah, it pretty much made me think of GTAIV in that aspect. At first it's really cool and seems like a lot, but eventually you start seeing nothing but the same clothes, styles, etc, over and over ... and over again.

Also this is a big complaint I have, since there is no armor or anything like that in the game because the dev's wanted players to have more freedom with their physical appearances ... well, after leveling up abilities you end up looking like the hulk and well she-hulk's are kind of an eyesore. It's either that or just don't level up your abilities so you can have next to no health, deal hardly any damage, etc. Basically I just think the forced physical changes end up contradicting the freedom they tried to give us by not having armor and things like that effect stats.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-03-08 01:44 AM, in Dead Space Link
Originally posted by Serizawa Akane
I thought that's what was up after playing it the first time. Also,

That was Nicole's infected body that attacks Isaac at the end, right? So if Isaac gets owned in the face right there, and that ship makes it way either to Earth, another colony, another ship, whatever, and infects that place, then it's an easy set-up for a sequel. Surprisingly, that part startled me.

I don't know if maybe the last boss gets a few new moves in Impossible, but if he uses the same patterns that he uses in the other difficulties, then the only issue should be ammo. Since he's easy to hit and dodge.

Yeah I think I kind of took her for granted, I mean, it's not everyday in the videogame the -woman- betrays you... haha. I never had a bad vibe against Hammond though, even though he seemed a bit ruthless, or whatever.

And yeah the final boss doesn't do anything new. It might have been stronger though, for some reason I just had problems at the part where he grabs you and you're hanging there having to take out those weak spots. Maybe it goes faster or again, he's stronger, but I died a few times at that point unlike on Normal. I figured out a good way to get by this though, take out 2 of the yellow weak spots, then divide a fair amount of damage between the 3 left before you take one out. The boss seems to always grab you with 2 left, so when they're damaged it's easier to take them out when you're hanging.

Oh and it wasn't pretty watching that death scene over a few times.


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-03-08 04:54 AM, in Fable II Link
FX: Makes me think of the cover too, you definitely cannot make an evil character that looks like that (in the reflection) ...which is a shame.

Also, not a whole lot of enemy types ... at all.

I've got a lot of complaints for this game, especially how glitchy and how it chugged along all the time (probably not good playing this along with Dead Space and Far Cry 2, which kind of make this look like a last gen game in terms of framerate, etc), but it was really fun to play. Whenever I pick up the controller and play it I have a blast for awhile, but when I think about the game I feel kind of disappointed. Weird?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-03-08 05:08 AM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-04-08 12:57 AM, in Dead Space Link
1. If I can protect her with the Ripper I'm sure you can pull it off!
(I remember pretty much having no ammo for guns except for the Ripper at that part). I think it's by time, I'm not sure ... also if you hit the Necro's fast enough climbing up on the rail (towards you) you can knock them off.

2. Yeah, that guy is such a bitch. He's not hard to get away from himself, but I remember the part in that big medical exam room with all the beds or whatever being annoying.

3. They actually weren't that bad for me. I started using Stasis a lot at this point, they still seem really weak too (when you can actually hit them).

4. Yeah, that part took a few tries. Impossible is really funny though, it was definitely trial and error for me at some parts ... whenever I pulled off a hard part, I'm like "How the hell did I do that so easily?"

10-12 were pretty easy, especially 12. Even though there's tons of enemies, there are Stasis recharge things all over.

I thought the big rooms with the three story elevator in Environmental Hazard were kind of annoying (if you know what area's I'm talking about), lots of enemies in those parts. Think it's Chapter 6 or 7.

But yeah, I pretty much never used Stasis on Normal, but man it's very nice to have on Impossible.

(Last edited by Xeu on 11-04-08 12:58 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-04-08 01:00 AM, in Happy 21st, Valhalla Link
Originally posted by Spartan


As for good beer (if you saw my thread), I dig regular Boulevard Wheat.

And although I'm sure it's obvious ... bottles > cans.

It's a great birthday. Cheers!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-04-08 03:49 AM, in Dead Space Link
I started playing my Normal+ game at Chapter 12 and ... it was just way too damn easy.

Funk it, I think I'll go ahead and go for the One Gun achievement on my Impossible cleared game. I think it'll be really easy actually, just get the level 6 suit, the gun was already maxed, and so all the cash will go to medkits and Plasma Cutter ammo.

(Last edited by Xeu on 11-04-08 03:49 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 149 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 11-04-08 04:04 PM, in Fable II Link
So apparently the only way to teach your dog Backflip ... is to have Pub Games, ugh. Kind of feel like I wasted my time going for Completionist here.

Maybe I can find someone who will give me the book, it's practically all I need for the achievement. But I'm definitely not buying an XBLA game for 50 extra GS points...
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