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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-03-09 04:33 PM, in Dragon Ball (Live Action) Link

My friends and I watched it yesterday, solely for the sake of hopefully seeing an "awesomely bad" movie, but seriously, this was just total shit. The Dead or Alive movie is a miracle compared to this, that should say something.

All they did was take some names and characters, and randomly throw them into an incredibly stupid story.

Luckily the movie felt really short. It was amusing for a few minutes, but then my friends and I were pretty much instantly bored with it. It's not worth seeing because it's terrible, it's so terrible that it's nothing but an utmost waste of time.


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-04-09 11:46 PM, in Turns out my younger sister is suicidal, in a special hospital for awhile... Link
So, what to do.

This development has pretty much come out of nowhere for me. This year has been tough on my sister, it's her first year of High School and she hates it. Apparently she hates a lot of things about herself and thinks that others (like her boyfriends) are too good for her because she's apparently horrible.

It turns out that she's been cutting herself over the last few months, but today was the last straw with my parents apparently, she really injured herself in one of her legs.

She was diagnosed with ricketts when she was born, had to wear leg braces in elementary school, and she'll be on a lot of medication for that for the rest of her life. She is constantly having to do checkups, things like that, and well, after all these years it's finally getting to her. I don't know how she's held on with this for so long, she can go in for procedures like it's nothing.

Physical appearance seems to be an issue and this is a major thing with her legs. She's rather short, and it bothers her a lot. This year she may potentially get a surgery done to straighten out her legs, even though after all these years you'd have to REALLY look to notice it, with all the things she's done they've drastically helped and healed her legs. She just looks normal. But to her, I guess she isn't and it's still an issue.

She has apparently tried to overdose on [legal] drugs more than a few times, so we're not sure if there's liver damage.

She's been on a few antidepressants, as I have too, but our cases seem radically different. She's been seeing some people for therapy and I guess that's not helping.

History and details aside, my sister and I, about 5-6 years apart have not had much of a relationship for the last several years. We're like apples and oranges, just incredibly different. This bothers her a lot it seems, she brings it up sometimes to her therapist according to my mom. I feel pretty guilty here, I just wish she wouldn't take it so personal because I don't mean any harm ... as my parents jokingly tell her "YOU have to talk to him and he'll talk back!" ... I've always been more of an interpersonal person when it comes to being home. This year I'm even thinking of moving out and I actually think that could help our relationship ... but I don't know.

We both know though, that I love her and she loves me as brother and sister. We've been through a handful of tough times throughout the last few years, having ot move around a few times, the loss of our very close grandfather, my depression and junk, and we're there for each other as a family. But yeah.

I've decided that I'm going up to the medical research institute (she'll be there for a week or so, now at least) sometime this week, alone, to hopefully get something across to her. Day by day passes as my mom tells me more details of her issues this year, and cutting herself to the point of injury and being put in a special hospital has done it for me. I really don't know what to do and if it will even help, but I know she respects me a lot and I have been guilty of not being much of a brother to her. I don't want to bluntly tell her if she asks, I went up there alone without our parents knowing, but I hope she learns that detail, because I love her and wish she would stop with whatever this bullshit is. I was very depressed throughout late 07' and most of 08', but never reached the point of being suicidal. I guess that could be a subject to talk about, how I felt and how she is feeling.

I hope it's not wishful thinking, but I can only hope that me doing this alone and being there for her support will knock some sense into her and whatnot.

If you can, please feel free to lend me some feedback on the issue at hand, or if you/you've known someone that's suicidal and how to get around that. I just... don't know what to do or what to say.

Edit: Will there be any special permission/shit I'll need to get to visit her? I just really hope I can get up there without going through my parents about this. I don't want to go up there as family, but as a brother that's there for her.

(Last edited by Xeu on 05-04-09 11:54 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-05-09 11:02 PM, in Turns out my younger sister is suicidal, in a special hospital for awhile... Link
That's the thing, is that she's incredibly talented with music. Growing up she's always had tons of instruments and ended up learning all of them pretty easily (helps that my dad plays the guitar a lot, still). Nowadays she's gotten so good that I walk by her room, hear here playing on the keyboard and singing, thinking I'm walking by some professional studio or something. Even recently she played some of her own original music at a coffee shop, and this week she was apparently supposed to go to some choir that only she made from her class (or something like that).

So yeah, music is definitely her passion. But she's incredibly shy about it. Though like with the coffee shop ordeal, she was nervous before it started but when it did she played music like it was nothing.

I'm not sure if this is part of her issue, having a lot of anxiety about expressing her music openly or something, but I dunno. I'm sure she understands even professionals can get scares and nervous before shows and such.

Anyways, you guys are right, the answer to this is pretty simple, I just really need to step it up and be encouraging. I'll keep you guys updated.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-05-09 11:11 PM, in S'been my yearly custom since I was 15... Link
That's some dedication Spyware, on Kat's part ... the tradition is endless!

Haha, congrats though! 21 is good stuff. Just don't go crazy...

lol, one of my friends around here turned 21 yesterday. The guy had never drank at all really. Before the get together at Old Chicago for dinner and drinks, he was so set on ... "Yeah I'll probably have like three beers, then I want to try a Goldslogger and probably some other stuff". Turns out he had a shot of rumplemintz(?) before we watched the Wolverine movie, then after that he had I think 3 shots, some mixed drink, Blue Moon, and he was utterly gone. I left the group a little early since I had to get up for work and all, but I hope he didn't have more ... there was a group of work friends there that some of us didn't know, they were pretty big on making him do more shots and such. I felt pretty bad, lol, I haven't talked to him yet but I'm pretty sure he was not feeling good and probably had a huge hangover or something. For a minute he was coughing pretty weirdly and a ton of us got up and spread out from the table thinking he was surely going to throw up. Maybe he did after I left, dunno.

Hope that didn't ruin drinking for him.

As they say though ... guess you gotta learn somehow, hah.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-05-09 11:12 PM, in Dragon Ball (Live Action) Link
Please don't be hyped about it, you're in for nothing.

Also be prepared for American Goku and Asian everyone else!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-05-09 11:24 PM, in Wolverine (Weapon X movie) Link
So it's officially out now...

Poop, huge amounts of poop.

Worse than X3? I dunno, both are pretty bad. Here's some random thoughts:
- Honestly did not care for the actor they got for Gambit. His character was pretty flat. Not like he was that useful/had a lot of lines or anything though ... disappointing.
- I actually think Ryan Reynolds could play an awesome Deadpool and I liked him in the first half, but are you kidding me with what they did with him later? What's worse? The lasers? The swords? The mouth!? That should've been an original character because that was just NOT Deadpool, ugh.
- The CG seemed terrible at times, especially Wolverine's claws. I'm sure anyone noticed them when he was in the bathroom looking at them in the mirror, that just looked flatout goofy. I don't remember them looking that bad at all in the previous movies, but maybe it's been awhile...
- CG Xavior, lol.
- It also bugs me that it seems like Fox doesn't care to make any real connections to this and the previous X-Men movies. Lots of issues here.

Overall the whole movie just had this "pointless" feel to it for me. The credits rolled and I just wasn't satisfied at all, it just did not feel like a complete movie, or something. I can't even explain it but it just wasn't that interesting at all. I think this goes along with not being a huge Wolverine fan and well after this movie, I've gotta say that I'm just downright tired of his character. Was he not already the biggest main character in the X-Men movies? Because he definitely seemed like it to me...

I'm tired of Fox Marvel movies. It's a shame Marvel Studios couldn't do this.

You guys see the extra scene(s) after the credits? Apparently theaters show different scenes, both are pretty terrible.


1. The one I saw, you see in the rubble where Deadpool, Wolverine, and Sabertooth all fought ... Deadpool's arm emerges from some rocks then crawls over to his head. His eyes open up and it's revealed that his mouth is "broken up" or open now and he says ... "Shhhh".

Are you kidding me?

2. Apparently you see Wolverine in a bar drinking. Someone asks, "Drinking to forget?" and he says, no kidding, "No, I'm drinking to remember". Wow!

(Last edited by Xeu on 05-05-09 11:25 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-07-09 10:42 PM, in Hello people Link
I got a PM from Rogue about double posting, is there a bug with it now or something? She's not able to double post.

Maybe that's this thread's destiny?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-07-09 10:46 PM, in Dragon Ball (Live Action) Link
I'll be anticipating your vomit thoughts on the movie then.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-07-09 10:55 PM, in Wolverine (Weapon X movie) Link
Originally posted by Rogue
EDIT: I mentioned in a previous post that the definitive on-screen Deadpool is the animated one in the Hulk vs Wolverine movie.

I really need to see that, Hulk vs Thor, and the newer Hulk movie. Not a Hulk fan per se', but I've always heard pretty good things about the newer one (also Marvel Studios) and the animated movies look pretty epic from the previews I saw recently (while watching Punisher Warzone, haha. Bad movie but awesomely bad, with hilariously over the top violence).

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-07-09 10:57 PM, in MAY DAY ANIME TRIVIA Link
Um, I'll try, even though my tastes aren't like the norm.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-07-09 10:58 PM, in Songs you're sick of hearing. Link
This is a warning for myself:


Barbie Girl

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-07-09 11:05 PM, in Turns out my younger sister is suicidal, in a special hospital for awhile... Link
Originally posted by Elara
As for the thinking that her boyfriends are too good for her... give her this message from me: They are not too good for you. In most cases, from my experiences, it was always the other way around. No matter what anyone tells you, you are a good person there is no one and nothing that is too good for you. I am sure that deep down most of those boys think that not only are you good enough for them, but that they are lucky to have you in their lives and that they are the ones that are not worthy. It took me a long time to realize that about myself, just as it takes most girls a long time. However, the sooner you realize it about yourself the better off you will be. Regret nothing and do what you love to do, and to hell with anyone that tries to bring you down.

Well said and it's probably the truth. I will try to and say something along these lines to her. They are the lucky ones to be with her.

True: Yeah, I can't help but think that if I moved out and was completely away from her (and the family), it might spark up all of our relationships. Then when I would come to visit, or we all get together, we'll actually want to be together and it'd probably just be a lot nicer to see each other. I don't know if that sounds kind of weird or selfish (I could very well be the only one in the family that thinks this), but that's kind of how I see it. Though I don't want to leave an empty void between my sister and I before (and if) I move out sometime soon, so I just need to step it up.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-07-09 11:06 PM, in BYYYYYE (Mr. Popo Rulezz) Link


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-07-09 11:10 PM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link
(Is it akward, or awkward?)

Either way, it sounds like you've tried to point out her mistakes with note(s) and whatnot, then she just flatout ignores them? Something definitely needs to be done.

If the majority says the executive dude should be the one to do it though, hopefully that happens.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-08-09 06:58 PM, in Our youngest (active) member? Link
Still one of the newer-stuck-around members too.

16 is great, cherish it!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-08-09 06:59 PM, in Wolverine (Weapon X movie) Link
Yeah I've constantly heard great things about the game ... both gameplay wise and storywise, so I think I'll definitely have to check it out, even if I'm no Wolverine buff. It looks awesome.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-08-09 07:05 PM, in Star Trek: The new movie coming out by J.J. Abrams Link
Doing the IMAX experience tonight. The hype better be worth it!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 05-08-09 07:11 PM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link
My avatar is pretty awesome.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman

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