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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman |
User | Post | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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Oh wow, awesome to hear. Yeah I figured they'd be a nice way to recap the whole series a bit quicker than going through the whole thing again... which wouldn't be an issue though on the other hand, heh. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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Well, here's my detailed complaints:
- Insane lack of good and interesting side characters. Other than Jensen and the pilot, there was really nobody else in the game I legitimately liked. This is crucial, because just like the other games towards the end... you have to decide "who do I side with", but I didn't really care. Not that the endings were that great anyways and you just flip a switch to see all four of them, so you can just keep reloading a final save and see them that way (in this games defense though, the endings in the other games weren't that amazing either). - Boss battles. Do I need to say anymore? Completely out of place in a Deus Ex game. A lot of people are very frustrated with this because if you build a stealth character early on, these bosses are going to be a pain in the ass to take down. You HAVE to fight them and they're godlike tanks. So stupid. - Music, while good and fitting, is basically pure ambiance. It's not that memorable unlike the first games music. - You fight zombies at the end of the game. I'll leave that up to your imagination as to WTF that could literally mean, but yeah it sucked and was very stupid. They even give you some plasma rifle at the end of the game which was pretty useless at that point. - Side missions were very random and didn't feel impactful on the main story at all. - Jensen's Bale Batman voice is a bit much at times. Everyone else sounds normal, but he sounds very strained and it's out of place. Overall, the game felt more like a spinoff of Metal Gear Solid. Now I love my MGS, but that's not Deus Ex. Jensen felt like a tool lapdog throughout the entire game, unlike the original where JC ends up taking matters into his own hands and all. I dunno, the story and scope of HR just didn't feel as big, and I wasn't really engaged with the world as I was the first game, where I was reading every book, newpaper, email, and everything I could... but here, eh. Speaking of emails, the hacking minigame was alright, but 1,000+ terminals later it got pretty old, yet it was one of the only ways to rack in exp. Fairly tedious. Still, definitely check it out. It has its moments, China looks AMAZING and like straight up Blade Runner, but yeah. I think it could have been more. I don't think the dialogue/writing compares to other games this gen like New Vegas, Mass Effect, etc. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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This thing is a little scary. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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Wow, is it the dryness or something? Jeeze... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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Cookies are fungal growth that taste grainy, because they ejaculated rainbows extravagantly on xeogaming during preparations for rectal seepage felching while standing on fifty llamas flying over scores bonus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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Originally posted by SirAileron I'm not a big fan of their style, but I know I'm in the minority there. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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My friend showed me that Warhammer demo, looked epic.
Playing Illusion of Gaia now myself. I beat Soul Blazer last week and Terranigma last year (all loosely part of the same trilogy), so far it's good stuff. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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That's what you get for not beating it yet!
Anyways I thought what I said was ambiguous enough. They aren't zombies. And side characters, I'm sure you're joking about Letitia (I couldn't find her), but I'm talking good recurring characters that actually matter. You know like Alex Jacobson, Dr. Reeves, Paul Denton, Walter Simmons, Bob Page, Tracer Tong, Gunther and Anna Navarra, Daedalus, Icarus, Helios, and and and... Let's see in HR there's the pilot... and... Pritchard I guess... (Last edited by 7 on 09-08-11 03:54 PM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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Originally posted by Katana Someone needs to pierce the heavens. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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Had cinnamon toast for the first time in years probably for breakfast. It was delicious! Why' did I stop! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days |
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I've broken a nail off completely once when I was a kid, had a door slammed on one of my fingers and it just fell off. Then more recently during my seasonal job over the summer, I was yanking a palette jack backwards and it ran over my foot... I thought I just stubbed it, but the more I walked the more it hurt. So I wobbled to the restroom and it hurt so bad I wanted to take my shoe off in public in the restroom... I did and saw my sock was all bloody. I drove home in insane pain (and it was like a 20 minute drive), then luckily my dad just got home when I did and helped me out. But I had bent the nail on my big toe backwards halfway, it hurt like hell. He suggested somehow pushing it back in so I wouldn't have to worry so much about keeping it AS clean without the nail... well I stuck my toe in a bag of ice to numb it up (which hurt like a mother), then somehow I was able to flip the damn nail back into place, it felt like a latch that slammed shut and it was the first time I've said "holy shit" in front of my dad several times. lol, just touching the nail before it flipped over was insanely painful. Then I stayed off it for the day and kept it clean the next few days and it was fine.
Phew! Burger King or McDonalds? (Last edited by 7 on 09-09-11 06:34 PM) |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days
Bounty Hunters, I like the sound of that.
I see barely any contact info on a lot of old profiles for some people though.
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days
Haha, that's pretty epic. |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days
I hope my weird sleeping schedule doesn't mess with my post count for the days, haha. |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days
Yeah I remember you talking about some fires in the past. That's super weird how it just flows with nature and other things though... what the hell. |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days
Well, problem is my friend that really got into this is such a fad person it's insane. Every week is a new thing for him. He almost spent thousands awhile back on turn tables and such, yeah his interest in that withered away the next week. |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days
Cookies are fungal growth that taste grainy, because they ejaculated rainbows extravagantly on xeogaming during preparations for rectal seepage felching while standing on fifty llamas flying over Score's bonus dishwasher. Score nasally protested Indonesian involvement anywhere should |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days
Just their goofy art style and designs, the graphics and monsters/stuff they come up with. Hard to explain I guess, lol. Just not a big fan. But their games can definitely be fun. |
Xeoman |
Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 143 days Last activity: 131 days
It even knows hentai characters. WTF |
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman |