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02-11-25 03:39 AM
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-07-13 09:59 PM, in Who's Sick? Link
I'm thinking my healthy diet is going a long ways too with everything. Can't even remember the last time I had a fever or was really sick. Used to be like a once or twice a year thing, but yeah it's been awhile now.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-12-13 12:10 AM, in It's October Link
It's always October. ^_~

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-14-13 01:13 PM, in Filipino Link
It's safe to say that it's been on and off awkward again, but that's to be expected I guess. One week we're having a really good time and more comfortable, even serious conversations here and there, another week it's like suddenly we're pushing each other away and probably getting mad at ourselves (maybe it's all in my head).

The only battle now is that I still want to keep that strong friendship, but yeah it's tough. Perhaps it's like others said and that maybe even she herself has seen me as a bit of a threat, and we both know at this point it's better this way, but yeah.

Another thing is that she is leaving for 2 weeks or something for vacation next week, and Tuesday is her last day I believe. Previously, we or just she would have probably gotten gifts for some people and probably myself, but I'm not sure what to expect this time around. A part of me wants to get her a simple card or something easy (I know she's never seen the Lion King and loves Disney, haha), but another part of me is like... I know I need to respect the space right now and don't want her to get the wrong idea, like I'm still holding out on her or something (trust me I'm not).

What would you guys do?

Chances are I think she probably won't be getting me or anyone else a gift this year. I've been mostly set on the idea that if she DOES get me something, I'll get her something in return. Otherwise, it might be best to leave it alone. But at the least hopefully sometime next week I can just talk a little and tell her I hope she has a good time, that stuff.

I wanted to compliment this newer sweatshirt she had on the other day, but thankfully never did haha. Again trust me I'm over it in that regard, but I'm just so dangerously nice and too caring (and selfish? haha) and just want the friendship to be consistent and good.

Now not to be creepy but I've looked a little into the Philippines on the dating sites I'm on and some others, and they always look back or send me the winks or whatever. On the other hand this is a rare thing when it comes to American/English women. So that's been a bit of a weird experiment. Not to say I'm zoning in on other countries specifically nor do I even have the time/money/stable income to do something like move across the planet for awhile, but yeah. This is the boiling point I'm starting to slowly hit, why limit myself distance? lol. If only it were so easy... haha. I guess for now maybe I could just try to focus more on bigger cities and places around (OUTSIDE) Kansas, since you guys have heard enough times by now this shit is just never going to happen here.

Hopeless romantic as always.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-14-13 03:31 PM, in So anyone get a new console? Link
Wii U right here baby.

My roommate barely even touches his PS4 now.

Killer Instinct on the Xbone is amazing though, my friend got that.

But yeah, I think the Wii U is clearly the winner these holidays. Got the New Super Mario Bros bundle, Zelda Wind Waker, Super Mario 3D World, and Deus Ex. I'm impressed with how good the gamepad feels and works, way better than motion stuff I'd say.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-14-13 03:32 PM, in Currently playing? Link
What I beat this year:

1. Bare Knuckle III (Genesis)
2. Megaman 5* (PS2)
3. Final Fight 2 (SNES)
4. Final Fight 3 (SNES)
5. Bloody Roar (PSX)
6. Bloody Roar 2 (PSX)
7. Megaman 6* (PS2)
8. Nier (PS3)
9. Final Fight Double Impact (Guy)
10. Devil May Cry HD (PS3)
11. Dead Space 3 (360)
12. Devil May Cry 2 HD (PS3)
13. Dead Space* (360)
14. Dead Space 2 (360)
15. Bioshock Infinite (360)
16. Doom 3* BFG Edition + RoE + Lost Mission (360)
17. Lost Odyssey (360)
18. FEAR 2* (360)
19. Sonic CD* (PS3)
20. Resident Evil 4* HD (PS3)
21. The Darkness II (360)
22. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (360)
23. Skyrim (360)
24. Metal Gear Solid 2* HD (PS3)
25. Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD (PS3)
26. Metal Gear Solid 3* HD (PS3)
27. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
28. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3)
29. Zone of the Enders HD (PS3)
30. Devil May Cry 3 HD (PS3)
31. Devil May Cry 3 HD [PLATINUM] (PS3)
32. Onimusha Warlords (PS2)
33. Asura's Wrath (PS3)
34. Ratchet & Clank HD (PS3)
35. Sly Cooper HD (PS3)
36. Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny* (PS2)
37. Devil May Cry 4* (PS3)
38. Vanquish (PS3)
39. Onimusha 3: Demon Siege* (PS2)
40. Ratchet & Clank Going Commando HD (PS3)
41. Resident Evil 5* Gold (PS3)
42. Silent Hill (PSX)
43. God Hand (PS2)
44. Resident Evil Revelations (PS3)
45. Silent Hill 2 (PS2)
46. inFamous (PS3)
47. Silent Hill 3 (PS2)
48. Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
49. Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal HD (PS3)
50. Killzone (PS3)

* = replay


1. Genji Dawn of the Samurai (PS2)
2. Onimusha Dawn of Dreams

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-15-13 12:20 AM, in New to the board? Introduce yourself here! Link
We're that powerful.

Nice to meet you.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-17-13 09:09 AM, in So anyone get a new console? Link
3D World beat... wait, it keeps going? haha. This game is incredible.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-17-13 09:10 AM, in Who's Sick? Link
I'm on an anti-fungal and this is beyond words. Been nauseous everyday for over a week now.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-21-13 07:51 AM, in Holiday plans? Link
Looks pretty awesome. How's the temp there?

Sadly I have no idea what's going to happen. For starters my whole family did finally get super sick with some stomach bug and now I think I'm feeling pretty feverish myself, I still haven't even gotten gifts haha great. Also with a few deaths in the family over the years, they were ones that held really big chunks of our family together and the grandma we see the most is leaving for Chicago to have Christmas this time out there with my uncle and them. So I think this year it'll literally just be my immediate family and that's it.

In a way I'm kind of seeing it as a break though. Always had like 2-4 Christmas' growing up (but hey that was awesome as a kid getting lots of gifts haha). But yeah, going to be a bit more low key this year.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 10:39 AM, in Trying to ask this girl out - hard mode Link
Okay I think somewhere at some point I mentioned I've seen this cute girl at one of my local pharmacies over the last few months. I caught her name tag eventually and found her on FB, turns out we have a lot of similar interests and her crowd looks like people I would have been friends with in school so that's cool too.

I sent her a FB message about a month ago to try and get things started. Never heard back.

What's tough is that this is insanely hard to dig up any kind of information on her whatsoever, even the few friends she has on FB are just as low key. She has one picture up and then baked cookies in which one friend even joked "Oh wow we thought you died!", so obviously she's barely on FB. Her mom is on there but you can't see anything. It's almost like I'm wondering if she doesn't even have a phone/computer, lol.

So finally it keeps popping back up in my mind over the weeks and Thursday I was pumped about it, finally decided I was just going to go up there in person and ask her out.

Now this is the thing, she works at the Walmart pharmacy which is like a big walk in closet. It is very claustrophobic and her and I will have a big audience which can be embarrassing on both ends I'm sure. But I had seen her step out before to help a customer, so I figured I would try to do the same.

I get up there and walk around a bit not seeing her for awhile, so I did some shopping and came back. By the time she got there the steam rolled off a little, haha I'll admit it. They didn't seem busy at all and I even saw the pharmacist walking around out of the pharmacy helping someone very casually. I know they do order entry and things like that, maybe that's what she was doing on the computers. So finally I approached her and asked if she could help me (pointing out away from the pharmacy), so she stepped out... and I fumbled a little but I don't think it was terribly awkward. I asked if she got my FB message, introduced myself, said it's awesome she likes metal, but it was like the moment she found out I didn't really help she had to get back to work.

Now this is where it gets weirder because she is very Asian (accent and all, Korean I think) and from what I've seen knowing some people like this, she might just be THAT diligent about work. Her and other people I know who can be like this don't have a single second to spare for break no matter what it is. And anything else aside regardless, I know she's on the clock and that's understandable, but still. Was like a minute tops, if even.

So I don't know if I was mad, sad, disappointed, or wanted to laugh at how weird it went down. But yeah, when I did mention metal she did stop for a second like she hesitated to talk more, but went back into the pharmacy. And naturally I went away and didn't go up to the window to say anything else. Overall I think she didn't seem rude about anything and was sincere, but just truly had to get back to work ASAP. So I didn't get around to asking her out in person which sucks.

So I sent her another message when I got home (this was on Friday) but still haven't heard back. She at least knows I've got messages out there, but again it's like... I think she was honest about not having seen the first one instead of not being interested, but I seriously wonder if she can even get around to seeing these.

Prior to this week I sent one of my sisters friends a message to jokingly bug this girl to check her FB, which was maybe a bad move but I'm not sure. But that shows a few connections I guess, I know one of her coworkers and my sister went to school with this chick I'm trying to ask out.

SO yeah, seriously what the hell can I do from here? I care too much and am failing to be patient right now haha, but I know I need to give it a little time. Still... it's mindblowing how cool she seems like she could potentially be and how many similar interests we share, I have confirmed that she is single and want to get in there before others... I dunno. She is very attractive so there's that. But there's also the question if she's even interested or looking right now herself. At the least I think we'd be good friend material... but I am also completely tired of meeting women that are taken or ending up in the friend zone so I want to be point blank about this.

My only idea now is to be diligent myself and maybe try to approach her again some other weekend (might be weird timing with the holidays) and then try to be point blank about it. But now she's seen my face and I probably can't do the "hey I need help over here lol" move again, so I don't know if it'd be awful to ask her out through the window when a lot of others would be around to listen in. Maybe just go up there and ask if there's a good time to catch her or if we can quickly chat sometime when she's free (suggesting as in maybe on a break or at work somehow).

The location she is in couldn't have been any worse. She does work at some cafe too, but I have no idea what her schedules are like and I'm certainly not trying to fall into stalker territory here.

So is it me or is this weird as balls? I understand that in most cases if you do not hear back that's more than likely a no. But this case is different. I have no idea what to think or where to go from here. At least I'm getting balls again and did do this, but yeah. Being stubborn, I just want a clear answer! She is like dream material, bullet point by bullet point what I love. But there's also the fear that maybe she's expected to stay within the same ethnicity, I don't know. But her tastes in music and list of friends makes me think otherwise and she's probably more open minded than that, not to mention our generation is more open about these things (I think). *scratches head*

(Last edited by Xeo on 12-22-13 10:53 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 11:42 AM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link
Originally posted by Sorcha Rohan
I had a random question. What would happen if Spiderman came across a box of Uncle Ben's Rice?


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 11:43 AM, in Who's Sick? Link
Alright yeah the wave is going over us now. Everyone at work is getting sick, I hear my whole family's home had some stomach bug, and I was in bed all day with a fever yesterday. Feeling a bit better today though...

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 11:45 AM, in JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Link

Are you ready?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 11:46 AM, in Currently watching? Link
Was Psycho-Pass any good?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 11:47 AM, in Post A Random Fact About Yourself Link
I own over 400 games I believe.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 11:48 AM, in Last Movie You Saw? Thoughts? Link
Rewatched Jurassic Park on Blu-Ray the other day. Still probably my favorite movie up there with Star Wars OT.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 11:48 AM, in Oreo Commercial Campaign Link
But but but... what are they made out of?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 06:51 PM, in Trying to ask this girl out - hard mode Link
I felt bad/lost Friday/Saturday about it all, but talking to my dad of all people was a really good idea today. He had a lot of good points and ideas. And I never even though that, maybe she didn't want to talk/stop working because she thought she'd get in trouble? Who knows.

So yeah I was freaking out there, but really... nothing bad nor good totally happened. But we talked and maybe she knows I exist now, something beyond a customer face. "that guy who talked to me" haha, so maybe it's a start.

My dad is basically suggesting I play the admirer game a bit. I probably do need a prescription refill in 1-2 weeks and this allows me to run up there twice, and I've been seeing her a lot when I go up there now so the chances of bumping into her are good and I think I'll even walk away if I don't see her and just try another time. So next time I will try to strike up a little more casual conversation at the window, see if I can make her laugh.

He said I should try to do something more than once a month, but I'm not sure? Have to find that balance between persistent and stalker. This is also once again where "Pharmacy" the location, makes this harder.

I regret sending her a second FB message, but yeah I don't even know if she'll see that one either so oh well haha.

His ideas were...
- Give her a letter that kind of briefly tells her about myself and that I'm interested
- Send her small gifts (I guess he baked some girl cookies once haha)
- Ask if I could buy her Subway on her break/when she gets off sometime (it's in the Walmart)

I thought maybe these things would be cheesy, but now it's like who cares... and we all know I'm sensitive so I can be sweet and probably do these things haha. I just wonder if this day and age things are differently, but this case seems like it'll be old school without technology. Which I'd prefer a more traditional setup anyways, so yeah. Just obviously not my field of expertise, haha.

Assuming this rolls over into February and Valentines, that'll be the ultimate excuse to send something.

Now... the ultimate test is waiting. My god I'm such a hopeless romantic and this pressure is intense, lmao. It's a nice distraction from the friend at work and other life BS though.

(Last edited by Xeo on 12-22-13 06:54 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 7 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 12-22-13 07:02 PM, in It's October Link
Full Package Deal

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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman

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